993 resultados para Romanticismo alemán


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Después de las discusiones en Suiza sobre dinámica glaciar, algunos países europeos fueron explorados durante el siglo XIX para comprobar las hipótesis generadas en los Alpes. España fue el campo de trabajo de muchos científicos (J. Macpherson, A. Penck, II. Obermaier) que se interesaron por el límite sur de las glaciaciones cuaternarias. Consideramos al geólogo alemán Ilugo Obermaier como el introductor de la moderna glaciología en España enire 1914-17, seguido por otros científicos: II uguet del Villar, J. Carandell, L. Fernández Navarro y E. Ilernández Pacheco, quienes trabajaron en el Sistema Ibérico, Sistema Central y Sierra Nevada. Por tanto, este artículo no recoge la glaciología pirenaica, llevada también a cabo por geólogos franceses.


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Both the intermolecular interaction energies and the geometries for M ̄ thiophene, M ̄ pyrrole, M n+ ̄ thiophene, and M n+ ̄ pyrrole ͑with M = Li, Na, K, Ca, and Mg; and M n+ = Li+ , Na+ , K+ , Ca2+, and Mg2+͒ have been estimated using four commonly used density functional theory ͑DFT͒ methods: B3LYP, B3PW91, PBE, and MPW1PW91. Results have been compared to those provided by HF, MP2, and MP4 conventional ab initio methods. The PBE and MPW1PW91 are the only DFT methods able to provide a reasonable description of the M ̄ complexes. Regarding M n+ ̄ ␲ complexes, the four DFT methods have been proven to be adequate in the prediction of these electrostatically stabilized systems, even though they tend to overestimate the interaction energies.


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Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been used to study the structure of an intermediate thermal phase of poly(R-octadecyl ç,D-glutamate). This is a comblike poly(ç-peptide) able to adopt a biphasic structure that has been described as a layered arrangement of backbone helical rods immersed in a paraffinic pool of polymethylene side chains. Simulations were performed at two different temperatures (348 and 363 K), both of them above the melting point of the paraffinic phase, using the configurational bias MC algorithm. Results indicate that layers are constituted by a side-by-side packing of 17/5 helices. The organization of the interlayer paraffinic region is described in atomistic terms by examining the torsional angles and the end-to-end distances for the octadecyl side chains. Comparison with previously reported comblike poly(â-peptide)s revealed significant differences in the organization of the alkyl side chains.


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We propose a simple rheological model to describe the thixotropic behavior of paints, since the classical hysteresis area, which is usually used, is not enough to evaluate thixotropy. The model is based on the assumption that viscosity is a direct measure of the structural level of the paint. The model depends on two equations: the Cross-Carreau equation to describe the equilibrium viscosity and a second order kinetic equation to express the time dependence of viscosity. Two characteristic thixotropic times are differentiated: one for the net structure breakdown, which is defined as a power law function of shear rate, and an other for the net structure buildup, which is not dependent on the shear rate. The knowledge of both kinetic processes can be used to improve the quality and applicability of paints. Five representative commercial protective marine paints are tested. They are based on chlorinated rubber, acrylic, alkyd, vinyl, and epoxy resins. The temperature dependence of the rheological behavior is also studied with the temperature ranging from 5 ºC to 35 ºC. It is found that the paints exhibit both shear thinning and thixotropic behavior. The model fits satisfactorily the thixotropy of the studied paints. It is also able to predict the thixotropy dependence on temperature. Both viscosity and the degree of thixotropy increase as the temperature decreases.


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The modern generation of Cherenkov telescopes has revealed a new population of gamma-ray sources in the Galaxy. Some of them have been identified with previously known X-ray binary systems while other remain without clear counterparts a lower energies. Our initial goal here was reporting on extensive radio observations of the first extended and yet unidentified source, namely TeV J2032+4130. This object was originally detected by the HEGRA telescope in the direction of the Cygnus OB2 region and its nature has been a matter of debate during the latest years. The situation has become more complex with the Whipple and MILAGRO telescopes new TeV detections in the same field which could be consistent with the historic HEGRA source, although a different origin cannot be ruled out. Aims.We aim to pursue our radio exploration of the TeV J2032+4130 position that we initiated in a previous paper but taking now into account the latest results from new Whipple and MILAGRO TeV telescopes. The data presented here are an extended follow up of our previous work. Methods.Our investigation is mostly based on interferometric radio observations with the Giant Metre Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) close to Pune (India) and the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico (USA). We also conducted near infrared observations with the 3.5 m telescope and the OMEGA2000 camera at the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) in Almería (Spain). Results.We present deep radio maps centered on the TeV J2032+4130 position at different wavelengths. In particular, our 49 and 20 cm maps cover a field of view larger than half a degree that fully includes the Whipple position and the peak of MILAGRO emission. Our most important result here is a catalogue of 153 radio sources detected at 49 cm within the GMRT antennae primary beam with a full width half maximum (FWHM) of 43 arc-minute. Among them, peculiar sources inside the Whipple error ellipse are discussed in detail, including a likely double-double radio galaxy and a one-sided jet source of possible blazar nature. This last object adds another alternative counterpart possibility to be considered for both the HEGRA, Whipple and MILAGRO emission. Moreover, our multi-configuration VLA images reveal the non-thermal extended emission previously reported by us with improved angular resolution. Its non-thermal spectral index is also confirmed thanks to matching beam observations at the 20 and 6 cm wavelengths.


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Las navidades pasadas se presentó en las salas de cine El Cascanueces en 3D. Se trata de una adaptación libre del cuento de hadas de Navidad El Cascanueces y el rey de los ratones,2 creado por un escritor, músico, pintor, dramaturgo y jurista alemán llamado Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann3 (1776-1822). Hoffmann, gran admirador de Mozart, cambió su tercer nombre por el del músico austriaco y durante muchos años se ganó la vida como crítico musical,compositor y director de orquesta


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El conocimiento a representar en el presente trabajo es la planificación de una asignatura de la UOC. Dicha planificación se realizará desde una doble perspectiva. Se realizará una primera planificación estándar de la asignatura, realizada por el profesor responsable de la misma y en la que se incluyen todos los ítems y fechas claves. Una segunda planificación será realizada por el estudiante y partirá de esta primera, introduciendo las restricciones temporales personales del estudiante y sus limitaciones horarias.


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The creation of the European Higher Education Area has meant a number of significant changes to the educational structures of the university community. In particular, the new system of European credits has generated the need for innovation in the design of curricula and teaching methods. In this paper, we propose debating as a classroom tool that can help fulfill these objectives by promoting an active student role in learning. To demonstrate the potential of this tool, a classroom experiment was conducted in a bachelor’s degree course in Industrial Economics -Regulation and Competition-, involving a case study in competition policy and incorporating the techniques of a conventional debate -presentation of standpoints, turns, right to reply and summing up-. The experiment yielded gains in student attainment and positive assessments of the subject. In conclusion, the incorporation of debating activities helps students to acquire the skills, be they general or specific, required to graduate successfully in Economics.


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La finalidad de este dossier temático que se publica en el Boletín Americanista es dar a conocer algunos de los trabajos más relevantes sobre la historia de la empresa y de los empresarios en la Argentina tomando como corte temporal los siglos XIX y XX y, en concreto, la manera en que las empresas y los empresarios del país o radicados en él adecuaron sus prácticas al contexto de transformaciones económicas sufridas por el Cono Sur latinoamericano durante su integración al mercado internacional. Los inmigrantes, las redes sociales y las estrategias económicas son las claves de análisis abordadas en cada uno de los trabajos, los cuales tienen como finalidad mostrar la diversidad regional y temporal de las distintas experiencias empresariales argentinas estudiadas. Se incluyen los trabajos de: A. Reguera, 'Por el testamento habla la red. Estancias, bienes y vínculos en la trama empresarial de Juan Manuel de Rosas (Argentina, siglo XIX)'; L. Méndez, 'El león de la cordillera'. Primo Capraro y el desempeño empresario en la región del Nahuel Huapi, 1902-1932'; A. Mateu y H.Ocaña, 'Una mirada empresarial a la historia de la vitivinicultura mendocina (1881-1936)'; V. Palavecino, 'Comerciantes-empresarios en el medio rural argentino a comienzos del siglo XX. El estudio de caso de los Hnos. Vulcano y su Casa de Comercio 'El Progreso''; S. Fernández, 'Crecimiento urbano y desarrollo local. Empresas y municipio en el negocio de la energía eléctrica en Argentina (1888-1947): el caso de la ciudad de Rosario'; M. Rougier, 'Expansión y crisis de una empresa industrial argentina. Historia de la Fábrica de Vidrios y Opalinas Hurlingham, 1948-1994'. Dossier citado por: Evelyne Sanchez (2007), Las élites empresariales y la independencia económica de México. Estevan de Antuñano o las vicisitudes del fundador de la industria textil moderna (1792-1847). México, Plaza y Valdés, Fundación Miguel Alemán, BUAP.


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En aquest treball realitzarem una anàlisi contrastiva multilingüe de com s'expressa el moviment en un text en anglès i en la seva traducció al català, reforçant els resultats amb una comparació amb les corresponents traduccions al castellà, al francès i a l'alemany, per tal de comprovar si en el trajecte d'una llengua a l'altra es perd informació o no. Utilitzarem com a base la novel·la de John R. R. Tolkien, The hobbit or There and back again, i en concret el seu capítol sisè 'Fugir del foc i caure a les brases', ja que es tracta d'un text molt ric en escenes de moviment amb desplaçament.


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A short duration burst reminiscent of a soft gamma-ray repeater/anomalous X-ray pulsar behaviour was detected in the direction of LS I +61 303 by the Swift satellite. While the association with this well known gamma-ray binary is likely, a different origin cannot be excluded. Aims. We explore the error box of this unexpected flaring event and establish the radio, near-infrared and X-ray sources in our search for any peculiar alternative counterpart. Methods. We carried out a combined analysis of archive Very Large Array radio data of LS I +61 303 sensitive to both compact and extended emission. We also reanalysed previous near infrared observations with the 3.5 m telescope of the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán and X-ray observations with the Chandra satellite. Results. Our deep radio maps of the LS I +61 303 environment represent a significant advancement on previous work and 16 compact radio sources in the LS I +61 303 vicinity are detected. For some detections, we also identify near infrared and X-ray counterparts. Extended emission features in the field are also detected and confirmed. The possible connection of some of these sources with the observed flaring event is considered. Based on these data, we are unable to claim a clear association between the Swift-BAT flare and any of the sources reported here. However, this study represents the most sophisticated attempt to determine possible alternative counterparts other than LS I +61 303.


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[spa]El concepto de tiempo ha sido estudiado por Heidegger y Zambrano en dos sentidos muy diferentes. Si el filósofo alemán pensó que estaba relacionado con la cuestión del ser (problema principal de toda su investigación), Zambrano dijo que estaba ligado a la experiencia del sueño. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las coincidencias y divergencias entre estas dos aproximaciones y sus consecuencias teóricas, centrándose en algunas obras mayores (Sein und Zeit, El sueño creador y Los sueños y el tiempo), pero tomando también como referencia otros escritos de estos autores.


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El artículo busca mostrar la importancia que la teoría del pouvoir neutre de B. Constant/ tuvo en la interpretación que Carl Schmitt hace de las funciones del Reichspräsident, en los años veinte hasta el nazismo. Aun cuando Schmitt critica al romanticismo, del cual al autor de Adolphe es una figura clave, igualmente reconoce que Constant teorizó la institución constitucional más adecuada para enfrentar las situaciones críticas, cuando la constitución debe autodefenderse mediante poderes legales pero excepcionales.


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Die Weihnachtsfeier. Ein Gespräch di Friedrich Schleiermacher è uno degli esempi più interessanti di come, nel romanticismo, forma letteraria, contesto vitale e autobiografico, tesi filosofiche costituissero un complesso unitario e spesso di difficile interpretazione. Nel caso del dialogo schleiermacheriano sul Natale è possibile distinguere due livelli di lettura storiografica: uno, rivolto soprattutto al contesto, consente di identificare i riferimenti biografici e l'ambiente reale a cui allude l'autore; un secondo, strettamente legato al primo, ma non necessariamente riducibile ad esso, ha invece un valore, per così dire, "autointerpretativo". Alla luce di questo secondo livello di lettura, questa breve opera di Schleiermacher mostra di essere ben più di uno scritto occasionale per il Natale del 1806. Esso nasconde e rivela al contempo, nelle trame di un gioco di rimandi e allusioni biografiche, la volontà di rottura con il circolo romantico, a cui pure il dialogo è dedicato, e segna l'inizio per l'autore di una riflessione nuova e autonoma.