955 resultados para Rodents.


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Recovery of Trypanosoma forattinii from natural infected Oryzomys capito velutinus from Trinidad, is reported. Negative results were obtained with attempts to infect experimentally, several laboratories animals, silvatyc rodents of the same ecological area and several species of triatomids bugs. Positive results were obtained only by using O. capito velutinus born in laboratory.


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INTRODUCTION: A descriptive, entomological and seroepidemiological study on Chagas disease was conducted in a place of recent occupation on the outskirts of Cochabamba, Bolivia: Avaroa/Primer de Mayo (population:3,000), where the socio-economic level is low and no control measures have been made available. METHODS: The immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was used for IgG and IgM anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in filter paper bloodspot eluates from 128 subjects (73 females, 55 males) selected by systematic sampling. Concerning each subject age, gender, birthplace, occupation, duration of residence and building materials used in their houses were recorded. Vectors were captured both in domestic and peridomestic environments. RESULTS: Seropositive, 12.5% (16/128): females, 15.1% (11/73); males, 9.1% (5/55). Average time of residence: 6.1 years for the whole population sample and 7.4 years for the seropositive subjects. Most houses had adobe walls (76.7% , n= 30), galvanized iron rooves (86.7%) and earthen floors (53.4%) 80% of the walls had crevices. One hundred forty seven specimens of Triatoma infestans were captured, of which 104 (70.7%) were domestic, and 1 peridomestic Triatoma sordida. Precipitin host identification: birds, 67.5%; humans, 27.8%; rodents, 11.9%; dogs, 8.7%; cats, 1.6%. House infestation and density indices were 53.3 and 493.0 respectively. We found 21 (14.3%) specimens of T. infestans infected with trypanosomes, 18 (85.7%) of which in domestic environments. DISCUSSION: The elements for the vector transmission of Chagas disease are present in Avaroa/Primer de Mayo and the ancient custom of keeping guinea pigs indoors adds to the risk of human infection. In neighboring Cochabamba, due to substandard quality control, contaminated blood transfusions are not infrequent, which further aggravates the spread of Chagas disease. Prompt action to check the transmission of this infection, involving additionally the congenital and transfusional modes of acquisition, is required.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.


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Pesticide exposure during brain development could represent an important risk factor for the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Previous studies investigated the effect of permethrin (PERM) administered at 34 mg/kg, a dose close to the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) from post natal day (PND) 6 to PND 21 in rats. Despite the PERM dose did not elicited overt signs of toxicity (i.e. normal body weight gain curve), it was able to induce striatal neurodegeneration (dopamine and Nurr1 reduction, and lipid peroxidation increase). The present study was designed to characterize the cognitive deficits in the current animal model. When during late adulthood PERM treated rats were tested for spatial working memory performances in a T-maze-rewarded alternation task they took longer to choose for the correct arm in comparison to age matched controls. No differences between groups were found in anxiety-like state, locomotor activity, feeding behavior and spatial orientation task. Our findings showing a selective effect of PERM treatment on the T-maze task point to an involvement of frontal cortico-striatal circuitry rather than to a role for the hippocampus. The predominant disturbances concern the dopamine (DA) depletion in the striatum and, the serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NE) unbalance together with a hypometabolic state in the medial prefrontal cortex area. In the hippocampus, an increase of NE and a decrease of DA were observed in PERM treated rats as compared to controls. The concentration of the most representative marker for pyrethroid exposure (3-phenoxybenzoic acid) measured in the urine of rodents 12 h after the last treatment was 41.50 µ/L and it was completely eliminated after 96 h.


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This study on middle Miocene mammalian faunas from Tagus'basin deals particularly with some small mammals hitherto undescribed from Portugal, including a new Glirid (Paraglirulus scalabicensis nov. sp.); it allows an accurate datation by biostratigraphical standards, Megacricetodon crusafonti, Fahlbuschia darocensis, Cricetodon jotae being characteristic of mammalian MN6 unit, thus their age is nearly that of Sansan and Manchones (however the presence of Peridyromys hamadryas and Lagopsis verus do suggest, amidst this biozone, a somewhat later age than Sansan's); it contributes with indirect correlation data with marine formations, as underlying oyster-bearing beds most probably are in correspondance to the apogee of the same transgression that deposed near Lisbon ”schlier" facies from VI-a division (Serravalian, Blow's zones 10-13, Globorotalia meyeri zone); the diversity of mammalian assemblages is surely related to an environement with varied biotopes, whose characterisation becomes easier if account is taken of the preceding papers on mollusks (G. Truc) and Cyprinid fishes (J. Gaudant), and also according to some unpublished paleobotanical data (J. Pais). A table with a synthesis of all paleontological data so far known is presented.


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Some outcrops in the western part of Leiria's diapir yielded continental fossils in five points near Amor village (mammals, other vertebrata, and gastropoda). This is most significant as it is the first locality where miocene age could undoubtedly been ascribed to formations northwards the Iberian Central Chain and Nazare's accident. Mammalian fauna comprises 18 taxa. A new cricetid species, Fahlbuschia freudenthali n. sp. is described. This fauna allows to date fossil-bearing units from Upper Orleanian, MN5 mammal zone, that may be correlated to Upper Langhian marine stage. As the fauna is quite varied, it is possible to recognize the main characters of environment and of climatic conditions. It may probably be assumed that at the time the climate was of mediterranean type, generally warmer than today.


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Anti-HAV was detected by enzyme - immunoassay in sera collected from 6 (18,75%) of 32 Didelphis marsupialis trapped in the Amazon region. No anti-HAV were found in the sera from 136 other wild animals, including small rodents, reptiles and other marsupials.


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α3/4-Fucosyltransferases (α3/4-FUTs) are glycosyltransferases (GTs) that catalyze the transfer of fucose in an α3/4-linkage onto the N-acetylglucosamine residue from acceptors containing the type II or type I (Galβ4/3GlcNAc, respectively) structures, thus synthesizing the fucosylated Lewis (Le) carbohydrate determinants. Fucosyltransferase IX (FUT9), the most recently identified member of the family, presents the higher divergence from the other FUTs and its sequence is the only highly conserved among species. FUT9 synthesizes the Lewisx (Lex) epitope (Galβ4(Fucα3)GlcNAc). Recent evidence has suggested that it is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of Lex in the mouse brain. Lex expression has been described in glycoproteins, proteoglycans and glycolipids from the central nervous system (CNS) of diverse species, including rodents and humans.


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For the first time, small mammals were found at the earliest marine level in the northeastern part of the lower Tagus basin, to the NE of Lisbon. At this new locality, at the 10 kilometer of the Lisbon-Oporto A1-IP1 highway,conglomerates yielded, along with marine fossils, more or less abraded teeth and bones from insectivores,lagomorphs, rodents and small artiodactyls (sec Tableau 1). Age may he ascribed to the lower Miocene, MN 2b Neogene mammal unit (about 22 My), but an early MN 3 age cannot be entirely excluded. That corresponds to latest Aquitanian (or less probably earliest Burdigalian) (sec Tableau 2). This is the first hitherto found locality with small mammals of this age as far as Portugal is concerned, as well as the oldest locality so far known in the Tagus basin. Km 10 is somewhat older than the localities of Universidade Católica and Avenida do Uruguay in Lisbon (ANTUNES & MEIN, 1986). Hence we can rather accurately date the age of the first marine transgression in the northeastern part of the lower Tagus basin. This shows that in this region there are no marine equivalents of the "Venus ribeiroi beds" (Aquitanian,Division 1 of the Lisbon Miocene series). Correlation between this unit and the uppermost levels of the essentially paleogene "Complexo de Benfica" may be possible. Fossils at km 10 point out to shallow, coastal, highenergy marine environments. Sedimentological features are compatible with this model. Dry land and swamps with brackish (or ev en fresh) waters were present nearby. From those areas came remains of mammals, crocodylians, as well as oysters and charophytes that were later transported to the sea. Sea was warmer than the extant Atlantic at the same latitudes, even if conditions were not strictly tropical then. These conditions surely influenced climate in the nearby regions. Ecological data concerning mammalian faunas distinctly point out to nearby forest-rich environments, much more so than for Universidade Católica and Avenida do Uruguay localities, from where drier, even steppe environment forms largely prevail.


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Similarly to other organisms, Vertebrates changed during the Cenozoic Era. Mammals are the only ones to change quickly; their well mineralised bones and teeth are often fossilised. They are highly diverse and even isolated teeth can be identified. They are thus a good tool for establishing a biochronological framewoork. Among Mammals, Rodents with a short lifetime evolve more quickly than the large Mammals. In Europe, the first elaborated zonation was investigated by the Regional Committee on Neogene Stratigraphy and issued as the MN Zonation (Mammals Neogene) by Mein, 1976. During the following years, progress in knowledge lead to new charts. The latest one resulted from collective work (de Bruijn et al., 1992). Bîochronology gives relative data; if we desire to have numerical age estimates, we must correlate these results with radiometrie data, marine biostratigraphîcal units or the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale. For Europe, these results are summarised by Steininger et al. (1989-1996) and Steininger (1999). After some recents developments on MN Zonation, here is discussed the succession of Neogene small mammals Portuguese localities. Fortunately these localities are in majority inbedded in marine context. Their assigment to MN Zones is proposed and correlations with the spanish Aragonian Scale (Daams el al., 1999) are also suggested. In fact, some differences appear between Portugal and Aragonian assemblages, probably for ecological reasons. Therefore, the MN zonation is always useful for short and long distance biochronological correlations.


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The life cycle of Lagochilascaris minor was studied using material collected from human lesion and applying the experimental model: rodents (mice, hamsters), and carnivorae (cats, dogs). In mice given infective eggs, orally, hatch of the third stage larvae was noted in the gut wall, with migration to liver, lungs, skeletal musculature and subcutaneous tissue becoming, soon after, encysted. In cats infected with skinned carcasses of mice (60 to 235 days of infection) it was observed: hatch of third stage larvae from the nodules (cysts) in the stomach, migration through the oesophagus, pharynx, trachea, related tissues (rhino-oropharynx), and cervical lymphonodes developing to the mature stage in any of these sites on days 9-20 post inoculation (P.I.). There was no parasite development up to the mature stage in cats inoculated orally with infective eggs, which indicates that the life cycle of this parasite includes an obligatory intermediate host. In one of the cats (fed carcass of infected mice) necropsied on day 43 P.I., it was observed the occurence of the self-infective cycle of L. minor in the lung tissues and in the cervical region which was characterized by the finding of eggs in different stages of development, third stage larvae and mature worms. It's believed that some component of the carnivorae gastrointestinal tracts may preclude the development of third stage larvae from L. minor eggs what explains the interruption of the life cycle in animals fed infective eggs. It's also pointed out the role of the intermediate host in the first stages of the life cycle of this helminth.


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Plague caused by Yersinia pestis, has persisted in Brazil in several natural foci spread throughout rural areas in the States of Ceara, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Alagoas, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. Nationwide surveillance of plague in Brazil based on serological testing started in 1983. We now present an update report of the examinations carried out in our laboratory from 1983 to 1992. The passive hemagglutination test for antibodies against fraction 1A antigen of Y. pestis and the passive hemagglutination inhibition control were employed for testing a total of 220,769 sera. Samples analyzed included 2,856 sera from clinically diagnosed plague cases or suspects, 49,848 sera from rodents of 24 species and 2 species of small wild carnivores (marsupials), 122,890 sera from dogs, and 45,175 sera from cats. Specific antibodies were found in 92 (3.22%) human sera; 143 (0.29%) sera from rodents of 8 species and from the two species of marsupials, 1,105 (0.90%) sera from dogs and 290 (0.64%) sera from cats. The presence of significant levels of specific anti-F1A antibodies among rodents and wild or domestic carnivores (dogs and cats) indicates that all the Brazilian plague foci remain active in spite of the absence of human cases in some of them.


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Wild rodents have been described as the most important hosts for Angiostrongylus costaricensis in Central America and southern Brazil. Sinantropic rodents apparently do not play a significant role as natural hosts. A search for natural infection failed to document worms in 14 mice captured in the house of a patient with diagnosis of abdominal angiostrongylosis and experimental infection of a "wild" Mus musculus strain and groups of albino Swiss mice were carried out. Mortality was not significantly different and varied from 42% to 80% for Swiss mice and from 26% to 80% for "wild" mice. The high mortality of a "wild" M. musculus infected with A. costaricensis was very similar to what is observed with most laboratory mice strains. These data may be taken as indications that M. musculus is not a well adapted host for A. costaricensis, although susceptibility was apparently higher with "wild" populations of M. musculus as compared to Swiss strain.


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In order to determine Trypanosoma cruzi infection among mammals in Yucatan, Mexico, 372 animals, both wild and synanthropic including carnivores, marsupials and rodents were studied. Serological studies by indirect haemagglutination (IHA) were carried out to detect antibodies to T. cruzi and a parasitological study was also performed (blood smear and histopathology). Of all the animals tested 18.54% were serologically positive, with a significantly higher frequency among the wild ones (33.33%) compared to the synanthropic ones (17.79%). To determine T. cruzi in positive animals, blood was inoculated into a white mouse (webster type) to prove myocardium colonization. The serological and parasitological positivity of these animals, as well as their behavior in the environment, taken together with the socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the population, suggest that in Yucatan, Mexico, Canis familiaris, Didelphis marsupialis and Rattus rattus act as a link with the wild cycle.