931 resultados para Reticulação polimérica interfacial


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Hollow capsules can be prepared in a single stage by the interfacial complexation of methylcellulose (MC) with poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) or tannic acid (TA) via hydrogen bonding in aqueous solutions. The formation of capsules is observed when viscous solution of methylcellulose is added drop-wise to diluted solutions of polyacids under acidic conditions. The optimal parameters such as polymer concentration and solution pH for the formation of these capsules were established in this work. It was found that tannic acid forms capsules in a broader range of concentrations and pHs compared to poly(acrylic acid). The TA/MC capsules exhibited better stability compared to PAA/MC in response to increase in pH: the dissolution of TA/MC capsules observed at pH > 9.5; whereas PAA/MC capsules dissolved at pH > 3.8. The interfacial complexation can be considered as a potential single stage alternative to the formation of capsules using multistage layer-by-layer deposition method.


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This paper deals with the effect of silica fume and styrene-butadiene latex (SBR) on the microstructure of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between Portland cement paste and aggregates (basalt). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDX) was used to determine the ITZ thickness. In the plain concrete a marked ITZ around the aggregate particles (55 mu m) was observed, while in concretes with silica fume or latex SBR the ITZ was less pronounced (35-40 mu m). However, better results were observed in concretes with silica fume and latex SBR (20-25 mu m). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present work we describe the investigation of interfacial and superficial processes on tetraruthenated zinc porphyrin (ZnTRP) films immobilized on gold electrode surface. In situ and real time measurements employing electrochemical surface plasmon resonance (ESPR)and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) have given new insights into the electrochemical oxidation of ferrocyanide and phenolic compounds (acetaminophen, dopamine, and catechol) on ZnTRP modified electrodes. The decrease of diode like behavior in the presence of such phenolic species in contrast with ferrocyanide was clearly assigned to the inclusion of those species in the porphyrin film, creating new conduction pathways connecting the gold electrode surface with the film/solution interface. In fact, there are evidences that they can intercalate in the film (catechol > dopamine > acetaminophen), whereas ferrocyanide is completely excluded. Accordingly, the molecular size may play a fundamental role in such a process. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This work deals with the structural and vibrational characterization of PANI nanofibers prepared through interfacial polymerization using different concentrations of HCl aqueous solution. The results were compared to those obtained by PANI prepared through the conventional route. X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering techniques showed that high concentrations of HCl solutions used in the preparation of the PANI nanofibers reduce their crystallinity. The increase of regions with granular morphology was also observed in the scanning electron microscopy images. The changes in the resonance Raman spectra from 200 to 500 cm(-1), FTIR spectra, and the EPR data of the PANI nanofibers reveal an increase in the torsion angles of C-ring-N-C-ring segments owing the formation of bipolarons in the PANI backbone higher than the PANI samples prepared by conventional route.


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Nanosecond laser flash photolysis has been used to investigate injection and back electron transfer from the complex [(Ru-(bpy)(2)(4,4`-(PO(3)H(2))(2)bpy)](2+) surface-bound to TiO(2) (TiO(2)-Ru(II)). The measurements were conducted under conditions appropriate for water oxidation catalysis by known single-site water oxidation catalysts. Systematic variations in average lifetimes for back electron transfer, - were observed with changes in pH, surface coverage, incident excitation intensity, and applied bias. The results were qualitatively consistent with a model involving rate-limiting thermal activation of injected electrons from trap sites to the conduction band or shallow trap sites followed by site-to-site hopping and interfacial electron transfer, TiO(2)(e(-))-Ru(3+) -> TiO(2)-Ru(2+). The appearance of pH-dependent decreases in the efficiency of formation of TiO(2)-Ru(3+) and in incident-photon-to-current efficiencies with the added reductive scavenger hydroquinone point to pH-dependent back electron transfer processes on both the sub-nanosecond and millisecond-microsecond time scales, which could be significant in limiting long-term storage of multiple redox equivalents.


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Poli(butadieno) foi reticulado, em solução, com 4,4'-(4,4'-difenilmetileno)-bis-1 ,2,4-triazolina- 3, 5 - diona (BPMTD). Para monitoramento da reação foi medida a absorbância de uma transição n -> pi * do sistema 1,2,4-triazolina-3,5-diona. Segundo os estudos realizados, para baixas conversões a reação segue um esquema cinético de pseudo-primeira ordem e o processo não é controlado pela difusão, pois independe da viscosidade inicial do sistema. Para altas conversões, o processo torna-se dependente do peso molecular e da concentração do polímero inicial, devido à ocorrência de uma difusão impedida a nível de segmentos de cadeia. Estudos preliminares da reação de reticulação da borracha butílica com a BPMTD mostraram que, como o número de ligações duplas por cadeia polimérica é menor neste caso, ocorre formação de um menor número de ligações intramoleculares e a quantidade de BPMTD necessária para que ocorra gelificação é muito menor do que no caso do poli(butadieno).


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No presente trabalho foi realizado um estudo da modificação química do polietileno linear de baixa densidade (PELBD) com anidrido maleico (MA) e metacrilato de glicidila (GMA), que, posteriormente, foram utilizados como agentes de compatibilização interfacial em blendas de PELBD com poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET). As funcionalizações foram realizadas em câmara de mistura e extrusora reativa, através de reações radicalares em estado fundido, utilizando peróxido de dicumila (DCP) como iniciador. Nos estudos de funcionalização do PELBD com MA foram utilizados planejamentos fatoriais com objetivo de otimizar o índice de incorporação do monômero, estabelecendo-se assim, as melhores condições de reação em câmara de mistura. As reações de modificação produziram extensão ou reticulação do polímero, verificando ser adequada a utilização de baixa velocidade de rotação e tempo reacional de 10 minutos. Foi observado um limite máximo de incorporação de MA às cadeias de polietileno Na funcionalização do PELBD com GMA obteve-se maiores teores de incorporação do que quando foi utilizado MA. Com MA a conversão média da reação foi de 25% enquanto os valores obtidos para GMA alcançaram 59%, sendo que neste caso pode ter ocorrido a homopolimerização . O uso do estireno como monômero auxiliar aumentou a incorporação do monômero (MA ou GMA) à cadeia de PELBD, reduzindo as reações de degradação. Os polímeros modificados com MA (PE-MA) ou GMA (PE-GMA) foram utilizados como compatibilizantes em blendas de PELBD/PET, na proporção de 5 e 10 %. Para um estudo comparativo, as blendas foram preparadas variando-se a concentração de PET e os teores de incorporação do PE-MA e do PE-GMA. As blendas foram caracterizadas por calorimetria diferencial de varredura, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e análise das propriedades mecânicas e dinâmico mecânicas. Verificou-se que a utilização dos agentes compatibilizantes reduziu significativamente o tamanho e a distribuição das partículas da fase dispersa de PET na matriz de PELBD. Os resultados indicaram que o PE-MA mostrou melhor efeito compatibilizante nos sistemas estudados.


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Neste trabalho foi realizada a preparação de compósitos tendo como base o uso de poli(etileno-co-acetato de vinila) (EVA) a 18 mol% de acetato de vinila, com cinco tipos diferentes de carga (carbonato de cálcio, sílica, xisto retortado, xisto calcinado e argila sódica), sendo elas usadas naturalmente, funcionalizadas com silano ou tratadas termicamente. As misturas foram processadas durante 15 minutos em câmara de mistura a 160ºC com velocidade dos rotores de 50rpm. Foi verificado que o processamento do EVA não acarretou processos de degradação ou reticulação do polímero. Propriedades mecânicas, calorimetria diferencial de varredura e análises morfológicas foram realizadas para avaliar o efeito da adição de diferentes cargas em distintas concentrações. Os compósitos EVA-18/argila sódica silanizada e EVA-18/xisto calcinado silanizado foram os sistemas que apresentaram os melhores resultados em relação às propriedades mecânicas quando comparado com a matriz polimérica e as demais cargas ensaiadas. O silano teve um papel fundamental na melhoria das propriedades mecânicas. Com apenas 1% (m/m) de argila sódica silanizada obteve-se um aumento de 13% na tensão no ponto de ruptura. Ambos são melhores que o EVA-18/carbonato de cálcio e o EVA-18/sílica comumente utilizados na indústria. Baseando-se nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que tanto a argila sódica silanizada quanto o xisto calcinado silanizado são alternativas econômicas e eficientes a serem aplicadas como uma possibilidade de escolha de carga para melhorar as propriedades mecânicas do EVA.


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O desenvolvimento de novos materiais a partir de fontes naturais renováveis tem crescido muito, não somente devido às questões relacionadas aos problemas ambientais, mas também pelo fato desses materiais poderem apresentar propriedades diferenciadas daqueles de origem petroquímica. Os óleos vegetais, formados por triglicerídeos de ácidos graxos, fornecem uma excelente plataforma para síntese de materiais poliméricos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo da preparação e da relação estrutura-propriedade de poliuretanas (PUs) obtidas a partir de polióis de óleo de soja. A influência da funcionalidade do poliol de óleo de soja (índice de OH mgKOH/g), da estrutura química do diisocianato (cadeia rígida -diisocianato de tolileno-TDI e 4,4-diisocianato de difenilmetano-MDI ou flexível -1,6-diisocianato de hexametileno-HDI) - e das condições reacionais (tempo e temperatura) foram investigadas. As poliuretanas foram caracterizadas através de análises dinâmico-mecânicas (DMTA) e termogravimétricas (TGA), testes de inchamento, dureza e densidade. Poliuretanas obtidas a partir de polióis de óleo de soja com funcionalidade de 1,9 a 3,2, resultaram em materiais termofixos com diferentes densidades de reticulação e temperaturas de transição vítrea. As poliuretanas preparadas com isocianatos aromáticos MDI e TDI apresentaram maior Tg que o polímero obtido com o isocianato de cadeia flexível (HDI). Neste trabalho, também foram obtidos compósitos de poliuretanas preparadas a partir de polióis de óleo de soja e TDI com cargas naturais. Utilizou-se o xisto retortado, em diferentes porcentagens mássicas, e a cinza de casca de arroz com porcentagem mássica de 10%. As propriedades desses compósitos foram avaliadas através de ensaios de tensão-deformação e testes de dureza. Análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura foi utilizada para observar a interação polímero/carga. O compósito preparado com 10% de cinza de casca de arroz apresentou uma melhor interação com a matriz polimérica quando comparado ao xisto retortado.


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Among the options for plastics modification more convenient, both from a technical-scientific and economic, is the development of polymer blends by processing in the molten state. This work was divide into two stages, with the aim to study the phase morphology of binary blend PMMA / PET blend and this compatibilized by the addition of the poly(methyl methacrylate-co-glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethyl acrylate) copolymer (MMA-GMA-EA). In the first stage is analyzed the morphology of the blend at a preliminary stage where we used the bottle-grade PET in a Haake torque rheometer and the effect of compatibilizer in this blend was evaluated. In the second stage the blend was processed using the recycled PET in a single screw extruder and subsequently injection molding in the shape of specimens for mechanical tests. In both stages we used a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to observe the morphologies of the samples and an image analyzer to characterize them. In the second stage, as well as analysis by TEM, tensile test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) was performed to correlate the morphology with the mechanical properties. The samples used in morphological analyzes were sliced by cryo-ultramicrotomy technique for the analysis by TEM and the analysis by SEM and AFM, we used the flat face of the block after cut cryogenic. It was found that the size of the dispersed phase decreased with the addition of MMA-GMA-EA in blends prepared in a Haake. In the tensile test, the values of maximum tensile strength and modulus of elasticity is maintained in a range between the value of pure PMMA the pure PET, while the elongation at break was influenced by the composition by weight of the PMMA mixture. The coupling agent corroborated the results presented in the blend PMMA / PETrec / MMA-GMA-EA (80/15/5 %w/w), obtained by TEM, AFM and SEM. It was concluded that the techniques used had a good morphologic correlation, and can be confirmed for final analysis of the morphological characteristics of the blends PMMA / PET


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The use of raw materials from renewable sources for production of materials has been the subject of several studies and researches, because of its potential to substitute petrochemical-based materials. The addition of natural fibers to polymers represents an alternative in the partial or total replacement of glass fibers in composites. In this work, carnauba leaf fibers were used in the production of biodegradable composites with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) matrix. To improve the interfacial properties fiber / matrix were studied four chemical treatments to the fibers..The effect of the different chemical treatments on the morphological, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, tensile and flexural tests, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of tensile tests indicated an increase in tensile strength of the composites after the chemical treatment of the fibers, with best results for the hydrogen peroxide treated fibers, even though the tensile strength of fibers was slightly reduced. This suggests a better interaction fiber/matrix which was also observed by SEM fractographs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was reduced for all composites compared to the pure polymer which can be attributed to the absorption of solvents, moisture and other low molecular weight molecules by the fibers


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Polymer matrix composites offer advantages for many applications due their combination of properties, which includes low density, high specific strength and modulus of elasticity and corrosion resistance. However, the application of non-destructive techniques using magnetic sensors for the evaluation these materials is not possible since the materials are non-magnetizable. Ferrites are materials with excellent magnetic properties, chemical stability and corrosion resistance. Due to these properties, these materials are promising for the development of polymer composites with magnetic properties. In this work, glass fiber / epoxy circular plates were produced with 10 wt% of cobalt or barium ferrite particles. The cobalt ferrite was synthesized by the Pechini method. The commercial barium ferrite was subjected to a milling process to study the effect of particle size on the magnetic properties of the material. The characterization of the ferrites was carried out by x-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Circular notches of 1, 5 and 10 mm diameter were introduced in the composite plates using a drill bit for the non-destructive evaluation by the technique of magnetic flux leakage (MFL). The results indicated that the magnetic signals measured in plates with barium ferrite without milling and cobalt ferrite showed good correlation with the presence of notches. The milling process for 12 h and 20 h did not contribute to improve the identification of smaller size notches (1 mm). However, the smaller particle size produced smoother magnetic curves, with fewer discontinuities and improved signal-to-noise ratio. In summary, the results suggest that the proposed approach has great potential for the detection of damage in polymer composites structures


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Studies indicate that a variation in the degree of crystallinity of the components of a polymer blend influences the mechanical properties. This variation can be obtained by subjecting the blend to heat treatments that lead to changes in the spherulitic structure. The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of different heat treatments on the variation of the degree of crystallinity and to establish a relationship between this variation and the mechanical behavior of poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(ethylene terephthalate) recycled (PMMA / PETrec) with and without the use of compatibilizer agent poly(methyl methacrylate-al-glycidyl methacrylate-al-ethyl acrylate) (MMAGMA- EA). All compositions were subjected to two heat treatments. T1 heat treatment the samples were treated at 130 ° C for 30 minutes and cooled in air. In T2, the samples were treated at 230 ° C for 5 minutes and cooled to approximately -10 ° C. The variation of the degree of crystallinity was determined by the proportional relationship between crystallinity and density, with the density measured by pycnometry. The mechanical behavior was verified by tensile tests with and without the presence of notches and pre-cracks, and by method of fracture toughness in plane strain (KIC). We used the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze the fracture surface of the samples. The compositions subjected to heat treatment T1, in general, showed an increase in the degree of crystallinity in tensile strength and a tendency to decrease in toughness, while compositions undergoing treatment T2 showed that the opposite behavior. Therefore, this work showed that heat treatment can give a polymer blend further diversity of its properties, this being caused by changes in the crystal structure


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The development of new materials to fill the demand of technological advances is a challenge for many researchers around the world. Strategies such as making blends and composites are promising alternatives to produce materials with different properties from those found in conventional polymers. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of adding the copolymer poly(ethylene methyl acrylate) (EMA) and cotton linter fibers (LB) on the properties of recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PETrec) by the development of PETrec/EMA blend and PETrec/EMA/LB blend composite. In order to improve the properties of these materials were added as compatibilizers: Ethylene - methyl acrylate - glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer (EMA-GMA) and maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene (PE-g-MA). The samples were produced using a single screw extruder and then injection molded. The obtained materials were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), melt flow index (MFI) mensurements, torque rheometry, pycnometry to determinate the density, tensile testing and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The rheological results showed that the addition of the EMA copolymer increased the viscosity of the blend and LB reduces the viscosity of the blend composite. SEM analysis of the binary blend showed poor interfacial adhesion between the PETrec matrix and the EMA dispersed phase, as well as the blend composite of PETrec/EMA/LB also observed low adhesion with the LB fiber. The tensile tests showed that the increase of EMA percentage decreased the tensile strength and the Young s modulus, also lower EMA percentage samples had increased the elongation at break. The blend composite showed an increase in the tensile strength and in the Young`s modulus, and a decrease in the elongation at break. The blend formulations with lower EMA percentages showed better mechanical properties that agree with the particle size analysis which showed that these formulations presented a smaller diameter of the dispersed phase. The blend composite mechanical tests showed that this material is stronger and stiffer than the blend PETrec/EMA, whose properties have been reduced due to the presence of EMA rubbery phase. The use of EMA-GMA was effective in reducing the particle size of the EMA dispersed phase in the PETrec/EMA blend and PE-g-MA showed evidences of reaction with LB and physical mixture with the EMA


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This work aimed to develop a suitable magnetic system for administration by the oral route. In addition to that, it was intended to review the current uses of magnetic systems and the safety related to magnetic field exposure. Methods: Coprecipitation and emulsification/crosslinking were carried out in order to synthesize magnetite particles and to coat them, respectively. Results: According to literature review, it was found that magnetic particles present several properties such as magnetophoresis in magnetic field gradient, production of a surrounding magnetic field, and heat generation in alternated magnetic field. When the human organism is exposed to magnetic fields, several interaction mechanisms come into play. However, biological tissues present low magnetic susceptibility. As a result, the effects are not so remarkable. Concerning the development of a magnetic system for oral route, uncoated magnetite particles did undergo significant dissolution at gastric pH. On the other hand, such process was inhibited in the xylan-coated particles. Conclusions: Due to their different properties, magnetic systems have been widely used in biosciences. However, the consequent increased human exposure to magnetic fields has been considered relatively safe. Concerning the experimental work, it was developed a polymer-coated magnetic system. It may be very promising for administration by the oral route for therapy and diagnostic applications as dissolution at gastric pH hardly took place