925 resultados para Research support systems
The purpose of this study is to understand better the support systems available to freshmen students at the University of Connecticut and how those support systems impact their connection to the university. The study involves two questionnaires, one distributed at the beginning of their first semester and a second follow-up questionnaire at the end of that same semester. Two main research questions are the focus of this study. The first question is whether freshmen who make friends on campus feel more connected than freshmen who report having fewer friends. The second question concerns whether freshmen who feel more connected to the university report stronger feelings of support than freshmen who do not feel connected to the university. This study has found that support at the university level needs to be more focused on individual students because freshmen who make friends at the university report experiencing greater levels of support. Parents, faculty, and counselors need to reexamine the way in which they provide support in order to reach those students who are not connecting with friends. The First Year Experience Program could better serve freshmen students by focusing on the relationship between students, instructor, and mentor to build friendships within the FYE class, which will foster friendships and support.
Differential access to health care services has been observed among various groups in the United States. Minorities and low-income groups have been especially notable in their decreased access to regular providers of care. This is believed by many to account for some of the higher rates of morbidity and mortality and shorter life expectancies of these groups.^ This research delineated the factors associated with health care access for a particular subset of a minority group, the Mexican American elderly in Texas. Hospital admission and evidence of a regular source of medical care and dental care were chosen as the indicators of access to health care.^ This study analyzed survey interview data from the Texas Study on Aging, 1976. The 597 Mexican American elderly included in this study were representative of the non-institutionalized Mexican American elderly in Texas aged 55 or older.^ The results indicate that hospital admission is not a question of discretion and that common barriers to access, such as income, health insurance, and distance to the nearest facility, are not important in determining hospital admission. Mexican American elderly who need to be hospitalized, as indicated by self-perception of health and disability days, will be hospitalized.^ The results also indicate that having a regular source of medical care is influenced by many factors, some mutable and some immutable. The well-established and immutable factors of age, sex, and need were confirmed. However, the mutable factors such as area of residence and income were also found to have a significant influence. Mexican American elderly living in urban areas had significantly less access to a regular source of medical care as did those who were near the poverty level (as opposed to those who were well below the poverty level). In general, persons claiming a regular source of medical care were more likely to be women, persons who had many health needs, were near the poverty level, lived in urban areas, and had extensive social support systems.^ Persons claiming a regular source of dental care tended to be more advantaged. They had more education, a more extensive informal social support network, higher income, and were generally younger and in better health. They were also more likely to have private health insurance. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^
El presente no es un proyecto de investigación, sino de gestión y desarrollo de herramientas para la toma de decisiones. Su objetivo es colaborar dentro del marco de la "Red Nacional de Ordenamiento y Desarrollo Territorial" (Poder Ejecutivo Nacional, 2004) propuesta por el Gobierno Nacional, con los gobiernos provinciales y otros organismos en la planificación del uso de los recursos del territorio, procurando un manejo sostenible de los mismos, a fin de reducir en forma progresiva los desequilibrios espaciales, contribuyendo a elevar la calidad de vida de todos los habitantes del país. En las últimas décadas, ante la existencia de una creciente presión antrópica sobre el medio natural y, paralelamente, un mayor grado de conocimiento de las causas y efectos de los diferentes riesgos, éstos han comenzado a tener mayor influencia en la determinación de políticas y prioridades para inversiones o emprendimientos económicos en general y en la fijación de pautas de ocupación del territorio. La planificación aparece como una herramienta adecuada para orientar y organizar el desarrollo equitativo y sustentable de un territorio y la población que lo ocupa. El Ordenamiento Territorial (OT) significa disponer, con orden, la ocupación y usos del territorio según la mayor o menor aptitud de sus diferentes elementos constitutivos. Este proyecto se considera estratégico para el Programa Nacional Ecoregiones del INTA (PNECO), ya que encara los problemas territoriales desde un punto de vista global (aspectos económicos, sociales, productivos, culturales y ambientales), tradicionalmente tratados de forma sectorial, plantea directivas a mediano y largo plazo (escenarios) y guía la planificación regional y local. El enfoque central del OT es la visión participativa, acordando intereses contrapuestos (trade-offs1) y sinérgicos, transformando amenazas en oportunidades. Es este punto central el que permitirá vincular el PNECO con todos sus Proyecto Específicos (PE), considerando el marco de políticas públicas vinculadas al medio ambiente y la producción en cada ecoregión del país, asociado al Programa Nacional de Territorios del INTA
When we look at the history of electricity and electromagnetism in Spain we discover that the most important Spanish researchers are generally out of the official institutions or stable research groups until the 20th century [1] [2]. In the 20th century most of the scientific research is done in stable research institutions and universities and the most important electromagnetism research centres in Spain are located in the Faculty of Physics of the most important universities, the National Scientific Research Council (CSIC) and the School for Telecommunication Engineering created in 1923. But the greatest impulse of research in the antenna and radiowave propagation field is done after 1960 reaching the first national URSI conference in 1980. After that year, the relation between groups and the number of research groups is continuously growing and the relation to industry is also increasing. When Spain joins the European research organizations (COST, ERC...) and the European Union in 1985 the research support experience a fast growing and the participation in the European research structures. In the antenna design field, there exist some specializations although most of the groups have dome specific projects in almost all the antenna analysis and design fields. Here, we have selected the most important and characteristic area related to each of the research groups and institutions. The easiest way to classify the research work in antennas is the selection between antenna analysis, design and measurement. After that the selected frequency bands technology, the type of antennas and the related circuits can be a good criterion to describe the variety of research work and specialization between groups.
Ponencia invitada sobre asignacion y gestion de losts en el curso de verano de la UPM Research in Decisión Support Systems for future Air Traffic Management
Ponencia invitada sobre gestion de trafico aereo en el curso de verano de la UPM Research in Decision Support Systems for future Air Traffic Management
Consolidation of a wsn and minimax method to rapidly neutralise intruders in strategic installations
Due to the sensitive international situation caused by still-recent terrorist attacks, there is a common need to protect the safety of large spaces such as government buildings, airports and power stations. To address this problem, developments in several research fields, such as video and cognitive audio, decision support systems, human interface, computer architecture, communications networks and communications security, should be integrated with the goal of achieving advanced security systems capable of checking all of the specified requirements and spanning the gap that presently exists in the current market. This paper describes the implementation of a decision system for crisis management in infrastructural building security. Specifically, it describes the implementation of a decision system in the management of building intrusions. The positions of the unidentified persons are reported with the help of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The goal is to achieve an intelligent system capable of making the best decision in real time in order to quickly neutralise one or more intruders who threaten strategic installations. It is assumed that the intruders’ behaviour is inferred through sequences of sensors’ activations and their fusion. This article presents a general approach to selecting the optimum operation from the available neutralisation strategies based on a Minimax algorithm. The distances among different scenario elements will be used to measure the risk of the scene, so a path planning technique will be integrated in order to attain a good performance. Different actions to be executed over the elements of the scene such as moving a guard, blocking a door or turning on an alarm will be used to neutralise the crisis. This set of actions executed to stop the crisis is known as the neutralisation strategy. Finally, the system has been tested in simulations of real situations, and the results have been evaluated according to the final state of the intruders. In 86.5% of the cases, the system achieved the capture of the intruders, and in 59.25% of the cases, they were intercepted before they reached their objective.
This work introduces a web-based learning environment to facilitate learning in Project Management. The proposed web-based support system integrates methodological procedures and information systems, allowing to promote learning among geographically-dispersed students. Thus, students who are enrolled in different universities at different locations and attend their own project management courses, share a virtual experience in executing and managing projects. Specific support systems were used or developed to automatically collect information about student activities, making it possible to monitor the progress made on learning and assess learning performance as established in the defined rubric.
Knowledge modeling tools are software tools that follow a modeling approach to help developers in building a knowledge-based system. The purpose of this article is to show the advantages of using this type of tools in the development of complex knowledge-based decision support systems. In order to do so, the article describes the development of a system called SAIDA in the domain of hydrology with the help of the KSM modeling tool. SAIDA operates on real-time receiving data recorded by sensors (rainfall, water levels, flows, etc.). It follows a multi-agent architecture to interpret the data, predict the future behavior and recommend control actions. The system includes an advanced knowledge based architecture with multiple symbolic representation. KSM was especially useful to design and implement the complex knowledge based architecture in an efficient way.
Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones han propiciado avances en el contexto de la salud tanto en la gestión efectiva de información socio‐sanitaria de forma electrónica, como en la provisión de servicios de e‐salud y telemedicina. Los antecedentes de investigación publicados en esta área corroboran este hecho presentando las mejoras experimentadas en la atención de la población y en la provisión de servicios sanitarios. La atención temprana, cuyos principios científicos se fundamentan en los campos de la pediatría, neurología, psicología, psiquiatría, pedagogía, fisiatría y lingüística, entre otros, tiene como finalidad ofrecer a los niños con déficit o con riesgo de padecerlos un conjunto de acciones optimizadoras y compensadoras, que faciliten su adecuada maduración en todos los ámbitos y que les permita alcanzar el máximo nivel de desarrollo personal y de integración social. La detección de posibles alteraciones en el desarrollo infantil es un aspecto clave de la atención temprana en la medida en que puede posibilitar la puesta en marcha de diversos mecanismos de actuación disponibles en las entidades implicadas, valiosos para la calidad de vida de la persona. Cuanto antes se realice la detección, existen mayores garantías de prevenir patologías añadidas, lograr mejoras funcionales y posibilitar un ajuste más adaptativo entre el niño y su entorno. El objetivo de la investigación presentada en esta tesis doctoral es analizar, diseñar, verificar y validar un sistema de información abierto, basado en conocimiento, que facilite efectivamente a los profesionales que trabajan con la población infantil entre 0 y 6 años la detección precoz de posibles trastornos del lenguaje. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, la Ingeniería del Conocimiento ofrece un marco conceptual sólido que permite desarrollar y validar Sistemas de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones distribuidos y escalables, capaces de ayudar al pediatra de Atención Primaria y al educador infantil en la detección precoz de posibles trastornos del lenguaje en niños. La evaluación del sistema se ha realizado de forma incremental mediante el diseño y validación de pruebas de campo experimentales consistentes en la evaluación de niños en dos escenarios distintos: la escuela infantil y el centro de atención temprana. Los experimentos realizados en poblaciones distintas con alrededor de 344 niños durante 2 años, han permitido contrastar la buena adecuación del sistema propuesto a las necesidades de detección de los profesionales que trabajan con niños entre 0 y 6 años. La tesis resultante ha permitido caracterizar el uso del sistema en entornos reales, conocer la aceptación entre los usuarios y su impacto en la provisión de un servicio de atención temprana como el descrito para el correcto seguimiento del desarrollo del lenguaje en los niños, además de proponer un nuevo modelo de atención y evaluación cooperativa que permita incrementar el conocimiento experimental existente al respecto. ABSTRACT The Information and Communication Technology have led to advances in the context of health both in the effective management of socio‐health information electronically, and in the provision of e‐health and telemedicine. The history of research published in this area confirm this fact by presenting the improvements in the care of the population and the provision of health services. Early attention, whose scientific principles are based on the fields of pediatrics, neurology, psychology, psychiatry, pedagogy, physical medicine and linguistics, among others, aims to provide children with deficits or risk of suffering a set of enhancer actions, which facilitate adequate maturation in all areas and allow them to achieve the highest level of personal development and social integration. The detection of possible changes in child development is a key aspect of early intervention to the extent that it can enable the implementation of different mechanisms of action available to the entities involved, valuable to the quality of life of the person. The earlier the detection is made, there are more guarantees added to prevent diseases, achieving functional improvements and enable a more adaptive fit between the child and his environment. The aim of the research presented is to analyze, design, verify and validate an open information system, based on knowledge, which effectively provide professionals working with the child population between 0 and 6 years, in processes of early detection of language disorders. From the methodological point of view, Knowledge Engineering provides a solid conceptual framework to develop and validate a distributed and scalable decision support systems aim to assist pediatricians and language therapists at early identification and referral of language disorder in childhood. The system evaluation was performed incrementally with the design and validation of consistent experimental field tests in the assessment of children in two different scenarios: the nursery and early intervention center. Experiments in different populations with about 344 children over 2 years, allowed to testing the adequacy of the proposed good detection needs of professionals working with children between 0 and 6 years old system. The resulting thesis has allowed to formalizing the system at real environments and to identifying the acceptance by users as well as its impact on the provision of an early intervention service, such as the one described for the proper monitoring of language development in children. In addition, it proposes a new model of care and cooperative evaluation that lets to increase the existing experimental knowledge about it.
The study area is La Colacha sub-basins from Arroyos Menores basins, natural areas at West and South of Río Cuarto in Province of Córdoba of Argentina, fertile with loess soils and monsoon temperate climate, but with soil erosions including regressive gullies that degrade them progressively. Cultivated gently since some hundred sixty years, coordinated action planning became necessary to conserve lands while keeping good agro-production. The authors had improved data on soils and on hydrology for the study area, evaluated systems of soil uses and actions to be recommended and applied Decision Support Systems (DSS) tools for that, and were conducted to use discrete multi-criteria models (MCDM) for the more global views about soil conservation and hydraulic management actions and about main types of use of soils. For that they used weighted PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, and AHP methods with a system of criteria grouped as environmental, economic and social, and criteria from their data on effects of criteria. The alternatives resulting offer indication for planning depending somehow on sub basins and on selections of weights, but actions for conservation of soils and water management measures are recommended to conserve the basins conditions, actually sensibly degrading, mainly keeping actual uses of the lands.
La tesis que se presenta tiene como propósito la construcción automática de ontologías a partir de textos, enmarcándose en el área denominada Ontology Learning. Esta disciplina tiene como objetivo automatizar la elaboración de modelos de dominio a partir de fuentes información estructurada o no estructurada, y tuvo su origen con el comienzo del milenio, a raíz del crecimiento exponencial del volumen de información accesible en Internet. Debido a que la mayoría de información se presenta en la web en forma de texto, el aprendizaje automático de ontologías se ha centrado en el análisis de este tipo de fuente, nutriéndose a lo largo de los años de técnicas muy diversas provenientes de áreas como la Recuperación de Información, Extracción de Información, Sumarización y, en general, de áreas relacionadas con el procesamiento del lenguaje natural. La principal contribución de esta tesis consiste en que, a diferencia de la mayoría de las técnicas actuales, el método que se propone no analiza la estructura sintáctica superficial del lenguaje, sino que estudia su nivel semántico profundo. Su objetivo, por tanto, es tratar de deducir el modelo del dominio a partir de la forma con la que se articulan los significados de las oraciones en lenguaje natural. Debido a que el nivel semántico profundo es independiente de la lengua, el método permitirá operar en escenarios multilingües, en los que es necesario combinar información proveniente de textos en diferentes idiomas. Para acceder a este nivel del lenguaje, el método utiliza el modelo de las interlinguas. Estos formalismos, provenientes del área de la traducción automática, permiten representar el significado de las oraciones de forma independiente de la lengua. Se utilizará en concreto UNL (Universal Networking Language), considerado como la única interlingua de propósito general que está normalizada. La aproximación utilizada en esta tesis supone la continuación de trabajos previos realizados tanto por su autor como por el equipo de investigación del que forma parte, en los que se estudió cómo utilizar el modelo de las interlinguas en las áreas de extracción y recuperación de información multilingüe. Básicamente, el procedimiento definido en el método trata de identificar, en la representación UNL de los textos, ciertas regularidades que permiten deducir las piezas de la ontología del dominio. Debido a que UNL es un formalismo basado en redes semánticas, estas regularidades se presentan en forma de grafos, generalizándose en estructuras denominadas patrones lingüísticos. Por otra parte, UNL aún conserva ciertos mecanismos de cohesión del discurso procedentes de los lenguajes naturales, como el fenómeno de la anáfora. Con el fin de aumentar la efectividad en la comprensión de las expresiones, el método provee, como otra contribución relevante, la definición de un algoritmo para la resolución de la anáfora pronominal circunscrita al modelo de la interlingua, limitada al caso de pronombres personales de tercera persona cuando su antecedente es un nombre propio. El método propuesto se sustenta en la definición de un marco formal, que ha debido elaborarse adaptando ciertas definiciones provenientes de la teoría de grafos e incorporando otras nuevas, con el objetivo de ubicar las nociones de expresión UNL, patrón lingüístico y las operaciones de encaje de patrones, que son la base de los procesos del método. Tanto el marco formal como todos los procesos que define el método se han implementado con el fin de realizar la experimentación, aplicándose sobre un artículo de la colección EOLSS “Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems” de la UNESCO. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is the automatic construction of ontologies from texts. This thesis is set within the area of Ontology Learning. This discipline aims to automatize domain models from structured or unstructured information sources, and had its origin with the beginning of the millennium, as a result of the exponential growth in the volume of information accessible on the Internet. Since most information is presented on the web in the form of text, the automatic ontology learning is focused on the analysis of this type of source, nourished over the years by very different techniques from areas such as Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, Summarization and, in general, by areas related to natural language processing. The main contribution of this thesis consists of, in contrast with the majority of current techniques, the fact that the method proposed does not analyze the syntactic surface structure of the language, but explores his deep semantic level. Its objective, therefore, is trying to infer the domain model from the way the meanings of the sentences are articulated in natural language. Since the deep semantic level does not depend on the language, the method will allow to operate in multilingual scenarios, where it is necessary to combine information from texts in different languages. To access to this level of the language, the method uses the interlingua model. These formalisms, coming from the area of machine translation, allow to represent the meaning of the sentences independently of the language. In this particular case, UNL (Universal Networking Language) will be used, which considered to be the only interlingua of general purpose that is standardized. The approach used in this thesis corresponds to the continuation of previous works carried out both by the author of this thesis and by the research group of which he is part, in which it is studied how to use the interlingua model in the areas of multilingual information extraction and retrieval. Basically, the procedure defined in the method tries to identify certain regularities at the UNL representation of texts that allow the deduction of the parts of the ontology of the domain. Since UNL is a formalism based on semantic networks, these regularities are presented in the form of graphs, generalizing in structures called linguistic patterns. On the other hand, UNL still preserves certain mechanisms of discourse cohesion from natural languages, such as the phenomenon of the anaphora. In order to increase the effectiveness in the understanding of expressions, the method provides, as another significant contribution, the definition of an algorithm for the resolution of pronominal anaphora limited to the model of the interlingua, in the case of third person personal pronouns when its antecedent is a proper noun. The proposed method is based on the definition of a formal framework, adapting some definitions from Graph Theory and incorporating new ones, in order to locate the notions of UNL expression and linguistic pattern, as well as the operations of pattern matching, which are the basis of the method processes. Both the formal framework and all the processes that define the method have been implemented in order to carry out the experimentation, applying on an article of the "Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems" of the UNESCO-EOLSS collection.
Las enfermedades no transmisibles provocan cada ano 38 millones de fallecimientos en el mundo. Entre ellas, tan solo cuatro enfermedades son responsables del 82% de estas muertes: las enfermedades cardiovasculares, las enfermedades crónicas respiratorias, la diabetes, y el cáncer. Se prevé que estas cifras aumenten en los próximos anos, ya que las tendencias indican que en el año 2030 las muertes por esta causa ascenderán a 53 millones de personas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) considera importante buscar soluciones para afrontar esta situación y ha solicitado a los gobiernos del mundo la implementación de intervenciones para mejorar los hábitos de vida de las personas y reducir así el riesgo de desarrollo de enfermedades no trasmisibles. Cada año se producen 32 millones de infartos de miocardio y derrames celebrales, de los cuales 12.5 son mortales. En el mundo entre el 40% y 75% de la víctimas de un infarto de miocardio mueren antes de su ingreso en el hospital. En los casos que sobreviven, la adopción de un estilo de vida saludable puede evitar infartos sucesivo, y supone un ahorro potencial de 6 billones de euros al año. La rehabilitación cardiaca es un programa individualizado que aplica un método multidisciplinar para ayudar al paciente a recuperar su condición física, a gestionar la enfermedad cardiovascular y sus comorbilidades, a adoptar hábitos de vida saludables, y a promover su salud mental. La rehabilitación cardiaca requiere la total involucración y motivación del paciente, solo de esta manera se podrán promover hábitos saludables y mejorar la gestión y prevención de su enfermedad. Aunque la participación en los programas de rehabilitación cardiaca es baja, hoy en día existen programas de rehabilitación cardiaca que el paciente puede realizar en su casa. Estos suponen una solución prometedora para aumentar la participación. La rehabilitación cardiaca se considera una intervención integral donde los modelos de psicología de la salud son aplicados para promover un cambio en el estilo de vida de las personas así como para ayudarles a afrontar su propia enfermedad. Existen métodos para implementar cambios de hábitos y de aptitud, y también se considera muy relevante promover no solo el bienestar físico sino también el mental. Existen tecnologías que promueven los cambios de comportamientos en los seres humanos. En concreto, las tecnologías persuasivas y los sistemas de apoyo al cambio de comportamientos modelan las características, las estrategias y los métodos de diseño para promover cambios usando la tecnología. Pero estos modelos tienen algunas limitaciones: todavía no se ha definido que rol tienen las emociones en el cambio de comportamientos y como traducir los métodos de la psicología de la salud en la tecnología. Esta tesis se centra en tres elementos que tienen un rol clave en los cambios de hábitos y actitud: el estado físico, el estado mental, y la tecnología. -Estado de salud: un estado de salud critico puede modificar la actitud del ser humano respecto al cambio. A la vez un buen estado de salud hace que la necesidad del cambio sea menos percibida. -Estado emocional: la actitud tiene un componente afectivo. Los estados emocionales negativos pueden reducir la habilidad de una persona para adoptar nuevos comportamientos. La salud mental es la situación ideal donde los individuos tienen predisposición a los cambios. La tecnología puede ayudar a las personas a adoptar nuevos hábitos, así como a mantener una salud física y mental. Este trabajo de investigación se centra en el diseño de tecnologías para la mejora del estado físico y emocional de las personas. Se ha propuesto un marco de diseño llamado “Well.Be.Sign”. El marco se basa en tres aspectos: El marco teórico: representa los elementos que se tienen que definir para diseñar tecnologías para promover el bienestar de las personas. -El diagrama de influencia: presenta las fuerzas de ‘persuasión’ en el contexto de la salud. El rol de las tecnologías persuasivas ha sido contextualizado en una dimensión donde otros elementos influencian el usuario. El proceso de diseño: describe el proceso de diseño utilizando una metodología iterativa e incremental que aplica una combinación de métodos de diseño existentes (Diseño Orientado a Objetivos, Diseño de Sistemas Persuasivos) así como elementos originales de este trabajo de investigación. Los métodos se han aplicados para diseñar un sistema que ofrezca un programa de tele-rehabilitación cardiaca. Inicialmente se ha diseñado un prototipo de acuerdo con las necesidades del usuario. En segundo lugar, el prototipo se ha extendido especificando la intervención requerida para al programa de rehabilitación cardiaca. Finalmente el sistema se ha desarrollado y validado en un ensayo clínico con grupo control, donde se observaron las variaciones del estado cardiovascular, el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, la percepción de la enfermedad, la persistencia de hábitos saludables, y la aceptabilidad del sistema. Los resultados muestran que el grupo de intervención tiene una superior capacidad cardiovascular, mejor conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, y más percepción de control de la enfermedad. Asimismo, en algunos casos se ha registrado persistencia de los hábitos de ejercicios 6 meses después del uso del sistema. Otros dos estudios se han presentado para demonstrar la relevancia del estado emocional del usuario en el diseño de aplicaciones para la promoción del bienestar. En personas con una grave enfermedad crónica como la insuficiencia cardiaca, donde se ha presentado las conexiones entre estado de salud y estado emocional. En el estudio se ensena la relaciones que tienen los síntomas y las emociones negativas y como un estado negativo emocional puede empeorar la condición física del paciente. -Personas con trastornos del humor: el estudio muestra como las emociones pueden tener un impacto en la percepción de la tecnología por parte del usuario. ABSTRACT Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) cause the death of 38 million people every year. Four major NCDs are responsible for 82% of these deaths: cardio vascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer. These pandemic numbers are projected to raise to 53 million deaths in 2030, and for this reason the assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) considers communicable diseases as an urgent need to be addressed. It is also a trend to advocate the adoption of mobile technology to deliver health services and to promote healthy behaviours among citizens, but adopting healthS promoting lifestyle is still a difficult task facing human tendencies. Within this context, there is a promising opportunity: persuasive technologies. These technologies are intentionally designed to change a person’s attitudes or behaviours; when applied in this context, than can be used to change health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. Each year there are 32 million heart attacks and strokes globally, of which about 12.5 million are fatal. Worldwide between 40 and 75% of all heart-attack victims die before reaching hospital. Avoiding a second heart attack by improving adherence to lifestyle and medication regimens has a cost saving potential of around €6 billion per year. In most of the cases the cardiovascular event has been provoked by unhealthy lifestyle. Furthermore, after an MI event the patient's decision to adopt or not healthier behaviour will influence the progress of the disease. Cardio-rehabilitation is an individualized program that follows a multidisciplinary approach to support the user to recover from the Myocardial Infarction, manage the Cardio Vascular Disease and the comorbidities, adopt healthy habits, and cope with any emotional distress. Cardio- rehabilitation requires patient participation and willingness to perform behavioral modifications and change the attitude toward the management and prevention of the disease. Participation in the Cardio Rehabilitation program is not high; the home-based rehabilitation program is a promising solution to increase participation. Nowadays cardio rehabilitation is considered a comprehensive intervention in which models of health psychology are applied to promote the behaviour change of the individuals. Relevant methods that have been successfully applied to foster healthy habits include the Health Belief Model and the Trans Theoretical Model. Studies also demonstrate the importance to promote not only the physical but also the mental well being of the individuals. The idea of also promoting behaviour change using technologies has been defined by the literature as persuasive technologies or behaviour change support systems, in which the features, the strategies and the design method have been modelled to foster the behaviour change using technology. Limitations have been found in this model: there is still research to be done on the role of the emotions and how psychological health intervention can be translated into computer methods. This research focuses on three elements that could foster behaviour change in individuals: the physical and emotional status of the person, and the technology. Every component can influence the user's attitude and behaviour in the following ways: ' Physical status: bad physical status could change human attitude toward the necessity to adopt health behaviours; at the same time, good health status reduces the need to adopt healthy habits. ' Emotional status: the attitude has an affective component, negative emotional state can reduce the ability of a person to adopt new behaviours, and mental well being is the ideal situation in which individuals have a predisposition to adopt healthy behaviours. ' Technology: it can help users to adopt new behaviours and can also be support to promote physical and emotional status. Following this approach the idea driven in this research is that technology that is designed to improve the physical status and the emotional status of the individual could better foster behaviour change. According to this principle, the Well.Be.Sign framework has been proposed. The framework is based on three views: ' The theoretical framework: it represents the patterns that have to be defined to design the technologies to promote well being. ' The influence diagram: it shows the persuasive forces in the context of health care. The role of the persuasive technologies is contextualized in a wider universe where other factors and persuasive forces influence a patient. ' The design process: it shows the process of design using an iterative, incremental methodology that applies a combination of existing methodologies (Goal Directed Design and Persuasive System Design) and others that are original to this research. The methods have been applied to design a system to deliver cardio rehabilitation at home: first a prototype has been defined according to the user’s needs, then it has been extended with the specific intervention required for the cardio–rehabilitation, finally the system has been developed and validated in a controlled clinical study in which the cardiovascular fitness, the level of knowledge, the perception of the illness, the persistence of healthy habits and the system acceptance (only the intervention group) were measured. The results show that the intervention group increased cardiovascular capacity, knowledge, feeling of control of illness and perceived benefits of exercise at the end of the study. After six months of the study, a followSup of the exercise habits was performed. Some individuals of the intervention group continued to be engaged in the running exercise sessions promoted in the designed system. Two other cases have been presented to demonstrate the foundations of the Well.Be.Sign’s approach to promote both physical and emotional status: ' People affected by Heart Failure, in which a bidirectional connection between health status and emotions has been discussed with patients. Two correlations were demonstrated: the relationship between symptoms and negative emotional response, and that negative emotional status is correlated with worsening of chronic conditions. ' People with mood disorders: the study shows that emotions could also impact how the user perceives the technology.
This paper considers the appropriate role for government in the support of scientific and technological progress in health care; the information the federal government needs to make well-informed decisions about its role; and the ways that federal policy toward research and development should respond to scientific advances, technology trends, and changes in the political and social environment. The principal justification for government support of research rests upon economic characteristics that lead private markets to provide inappropriate levels of research support or to supply inappropriate quantities of the products that result from research. The federal government has two basic tools for dealing with these problems: direct subsidies for research and strengthened property rights that can increase the revenues that companies receive for the products that result from research. In the coming years, the delivery system for health care will continue to undergo dramatic changes, new research opportunities will emerge at a rapid pace, and the pressure to limit discretionary federal spending will intensify. These forces make it increasingly important to improve the measurement of the costs and benefits of research and to recognize the tradeoffs among alternative policies for promoting innovation in health care.
Cloud Agile Manufacturing is a new paradigm proposed in this article. The main objective of Cloud Agile Manufacturing is to offer industrial production systems as a service. Thus users can access any functionality available in the cloud of manufacturing (process design, production, management, business integration, factories virtualization, etc.) without knowledge — or at least without having to be experts — in managing the required resources. The proposal takes advantage of many of the benefits that can offer technologies and models like: Business Process Management (BPM), Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Ontologies. To develop the proposal has been taken as a starting point the Semantic Industrial Machinery as a Service (SIMaaS) proposed in previous work. This proposal facilitates the effective integration of industrial machinery in a computing environment, offering it as a network service. The work also includes an analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of the proposal.