1000 resultados para Representações sociais


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O presente trabalho analisa as origens do modelo de Escola Pblica de Tempo Integral, a partir de uma abordagem histrica que compara dois modelos: o da Escola-parque e a proposta implantada em 2006, no Estado de So Paulo. Investiga a questo com base na Teoria das Representações Sociais de Moscovici com o intuito de desvelar as representações sociais de professores, para aprofundar a reflexo sobre a sua insero e preparao para a atuao neste modelo de escola. Prioriza, tambm, uma discusso sobre uma diviso que se percebe no contexto da Escola Pblica de Tempo Integral, que se refere a uma distino entre a proposta de atividades desenvolvidas sobre as atividades do currculo normal (consideradas mais importantes) e as atividades de extenso do currculo oficinas (consideradas menos importantes), cujas diferenas so geradas pela ausncia de preparao destes profissionais nos processos formativos do projeto.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de pedagogos docentes em faculdades isoladas, nos cursos de Pedagogia, a respeito de sua identidade profissional. A fundamentao terica do estudo baseou- se nos conceitos de Representao Social enunciados por Srge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet. Foram realizadas consideraes acerca dos caminhos percorridos pelos cursos de Pedagogia no pas e seus aspectos sociais, que deram origem s atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo tm sobre a profisso docente. Os dados foram coletados atravs de um questionrio semidiretivo e analisado com os recursos dos softwares ALCESTE, para anlise lexical, e EVOC, para evocao livre das palavras. Os resultados revelaram que a identidade do pedagogo compreendida como um processo de construo e reconstruo e apresenta-se como um diferencial, fruto de uma escolha profissional, e no de sacerdcio, anunciando que, embora exista um padro social estabelecido para o exerccio profissional, o pedagogo docente faz uso de sua professoralidade, na sua maneira de exercer a profisso. A contribuio pretendida por este estudo melhor compreender as representações de pedagogos docentes nos cursos de formao de professores a respeito de sua profisso, e seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexes sobre a formao em Pedagogia.


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Este estudo identifica as representações sociais das professoras da Educao Infantil e do 1 ano do Ensino Fundamental sobre a Educao Infantil. Embasado nas reflexes de Moscovici (1978) e Jodelet (2004), na perspectiva da Teoria das Representações Sociais, concentra a reflexo nos discursos dos sujeitos participantes. So representações sociais forjadas no grupo e que denotam a compreenso dos seus membros sobre a realidade. Os discursos apresentados pelas professoras foram analisados pelo software ALCESTE e pelo programa EVOC. O processamento dos dados possibilitou reconhecer o espao da Educao Infantil como um universo dinmico de conhecimento e construo. As representações sociais apresentadas pelas professoras no transcorrer desta pesquisa nos revelam um discurso formado historicamente pelo grupo e marcado fortemente por sua formao terica. Acompanhando o processo histrico, no qual a Educao Infantil foi gestada, verificamos algumas tendncias que marcam o discurso das professoras hoje. Ao comparar a fala destes sujeitos, verifica-se que seus referenciais tericos, sua trajetria educativa e o histrico social da Educao Infantil so fatores preponderantes para constituio de seu universo consensual e, consequentemente, das suas representações sociais. Os discursos das professoras confirmam que a histria, a vivncia no grupo e as teorias que embasaram sua formao contribuem para a constituio das representações sociais. Assim, as representações desvendam que as professoras pensam a Educao Infantil como o local propcio para o desenvolvimento integral da criana, entremeado por atividades ldico-pedaggicas, visando a formao do cidado e sua insero no universo escolar. A Educao Infantil est ancorada na ideia de desenvolvimento e as professoras objetivam tal representao na figura da rvore que cresce, da semente que germina, da escada que leva para fases superiores. Ao dialogar com os falatrios das professoras, compreendemos que as representações sociais esto presentes no seu cotidiano e compem sua prtica: falas e gestos do contedo ao seu mundo.(AU0


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Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar quais as representações sociais que os tutores tm, sobre a prpria atuao na educao a distncia, em cursos de Licenciatura. Com o propsito de analisar se o tutor se reconhece como docente e participante no processo de formao do aluno o estudo de campo teve como sujeitos tutores com formao acadmica em licenciaturas e que atuam em cursos do mesmo nvel nessa modalidade, em instituio particular de Ensino Superior da Grande So Paulo. Os caminhos percorridos para tal investigao justificam-se na trajetria formativa pessoal e nos espaos da experincia que se constroem no cotidiano dessa atividade. Um estudo sobre os modelos disponveis na modalidade a distncia no ensino superior do pas, um breve histrico sobre os aspectos da EAD no Brasil e uma explanao sobre o modelo no qual esses tutores atuam, alm de uma aproximao com as representações sociais da profisso docente, so abordagens presentes neste trabalho, que pretendeu contribuir para a educao aprofundando conhecimentos sobre o tutor responsvel pelo acompanhamento dos alunos nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, considerando as possibilidades de ampliao, de alcance e democratizao da educao no pas. Os Resultados demonstram que h uma tendncia de ser considerada, pelo tutor, uma atuao que se confunde com a essncia da profissionalidade docente, numa indicao de que necessria uma reflexo mais aprofundada sobre a funo e a atuao desses profissionais.(AU)


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de ser docente do professor enfermeiro que atua no Ensino Tcnico em enfermagem e cursou Ps-Graduao com nfase pedaggica, exigido pelo MEC a partir de janeiro de 2008. A fundamentao terica da pesquisa foi norteada pelo conceito de Representao Social enunciado por Srge Moscovici (1978) e mediado por Denise Jodelet (1984) e Mary Jane Spink (2004). Foram tecidas consideraes sobre o ensino de enfermagem dentro do quadro da educao brasileira, evidenciando a legalizao do ensino tcnico no contexto socioeconmico e poltico do pas que regulamentou o ensino tcnico de enfermagem. Tambm foram descritas as ltimas exigncias feitas pelo Ministrio da Educao e pelo Conselho Regional de Enfermagem sobre o exerccio da docncia no ensino tcnico. A coleta de dados foi possvel por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com 07 professores enfermeiros egressos do curso de Ps-Graduao com nfase pedaggica. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa centrada na anlise de contedo dando voz aos sujeitos da pesquisa. Os resultados revelaram que as representações sociais sobre o ser docente da populao-alvo foram ancoradas na perspectiva de transmitir os contedos curriculares e morais, porm, tentaram se afastar da idia do paradigma tradicional do professor que s transmite conhecimento. Os resultados tambm evidenciaram que o curso de Ps-Graduao com nfase pedaggica contribuiu com os professores enfermeiros da pesquisa para o processo de construo e reconstruo do ser docente. As representações sociais dos professores deste estudo revelaram, por ltimo, a satisfao em ser docente atrelada idia de felicidade em exercer as atividades docentes, o que no deixou de lado a forte presena da profisso de enfermeiro.


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The overall objective of this research is to identify and analyze social representations of (the) teachers(the) Ranciere the Initial Training Program for Teachers in Office in Early Childhood Education - PROINFANTIL - UFRN/MEC on the teaching work, seeking to identify their constituent elements and understand the dynamics of your organization. We assume that these teachers work fundamentally, in the institutions of Early Childhood Education, with knowledge of common sense and related cultural inherent to be/do professor in the design of education guardian/giving handouts to ensure the physical integrity of children, causing a rift between the caring and educating. From this general objective, we elected as specific objectives: identify the social, economic and cultural backgrounds of these (the) teachers (sa); identify what is teaching work for them (the) as well as identify which the psychosocial implications driven by RS on teaching work that point to tensions between the training and the exercise teacher as activity profissional.Como theoretical foundation we opted for Social Representations Theory of Moscovici (2003), Jodelet (2001); Specificities of the teaching Work in Early Childhood Education: Kramer (2002; 2006); OliveiraFormosinho (2007); Zilma de Oliveira (2007), Teacher Training: Ramalho, Nunez and Galthier (2003) and Tardif and Lessard (2008), content Analysis: Bardin (2004). As methodological procedure, we chose the Central Nucleus theory, developed by Jean Claude Abric (2000). Contributed to the scope of this objective the 171 teachers (the) that concluded the Proinfantil NBs to participate of TALP with justifications. The corpus arising from evocations around the words suggested by Carlos Chagas Foundation: give classrooms, teacher, pupil and added the word Child Education, were subjected to a treatment with the aid of the EVOC software (2000), identifying the central nucleus. The results indicate the words more evoked and significant: Planning, child care, educating, and play. Indicating that for these (the) teachers (the) the teaching work in Early Childhood Education must have a systematic pedagogical to educate children. These words correspond to the specificity of being/doing teaching in Early Childhood Education. However, the data shows that it is a job with different characteristics of the teaching work in other stages of education


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Spinal cord injury causes permanent disabling manifestations, affecting the anatomic integrity, bodily changes and functional limitations related to the disability state. It was aimed to analyze the social representation, stress level and experiences of fishermen victims of spinal cord injury caused by diving accident in the Northern beaches of Brazil. It is a descriptive - exploratory study with quantitative, qualitative and representational data developed i n fishermens villages in nine beaches of Northern shore/RN, between October 2013 to August 2014, after the approval of the Ethics Committee in Research of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, under the number 431.891/2013, CAAE 20818913.0.0000 .5537. The sample was composed by 44 fishermen with spinal cord injury, defined from inclusion and exclusion criteria of the participants. It was used as instrument to collect the data a semi structured interview. Quantitative data was analyzed by descrip tive statistics, showing the data through table, boxes and graphics by Microsoft Excel. Data from interviews were submitted to the software called Analyse Lexicale par Contexte dun Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) using the analysis of the Social R epresentation Theory and Center Core Theory. It is shown the outcomes of the research through four articles, following the normative recommendations of the journals. Participants of the study were all male, age mean 49,6 years, elementary school (68,2%), m arried (77,3%); paraplegia sequel (50,0%). Most of them showed stress (75,0%), almost in the exhaustion stage (33,3%), prevalent insomnia symptoms (95,5%) in the last hours; hypertension (97,7%) in the last week and sexual troubles (95,5%) in the last mont h). Decompressive illness caused spinal cord injury (57,1%), occurred prevalently in low summer (75,0%), northern shore (96,4%), having as main consequences the paresthesia and pain in the upper and lower limbs (67,9%), followed by death (25,0%). Interview analysis under the understanding of Social Representation of spinal cord injury allowed the appearance of seven categories: Treatment: limitation and expectative; Spinal Cord injury: before and after; Retirement: reality yet to come; Disability: dependenc y, incapacity, vulnerability; Overcoming and autonomy; Self feelings: physics losses and new start; Life and labor: impediments, plans and changes. The center core of the representation is found in the first category by the expectative and limitation on th e treatment, meanwhile the outskirt elements are in seventh and third categories. Physics limitation for fishing activities and retirement expectative is the most outstanding of the structure. Social representation concerning spinal cord injury is found in a transaction moment between before and after with the prevented fishing activity, coping of the situation with the potential remaining. The anchoring is established in the desire for changes related to the improvements of life and health conditions exper ienced day by day through faith. This study finishes pointing out the range of the objectives, which topic is relevant for public health of fishermen. It is suggested prevention measures, promotion and health recovery of fishermen, besides safe, healthy an d worthy conditions as a compromise of social and health politics.


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The reformist movements in the field of mental health have pointed battle flags, among which the prioritization of production of mental health care out of the asylum environment should be highlighted, aiming the reduction of psychiatric beds, greater control over the hospitalization, family co-participation and the rescue of the citizenship of the social players involved. With the progressive reduction of asylum beds, associated with a lot of structural problems in the health services, the occurrence of crises outside the hospital environment has been increasingly frequent, thus giving the family an important therapeutic role. In face of this scenario, there is an urgent need to understand the social construction of the care for psychiatric emergencies, identifying the meanings assigned by family members to their constituent aspects. This study seeks to answer the following research question: what are the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossor, Rio Grande do Norte? Therefore, the aim is to analyze the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossor, Rio Grande do Norte. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a mixed approach, making use of multimethods: for collection, the semi-structured interview and the Technique of Free Association of Words; for data analysis, the Thematic Analysis of Bardin and its steps was used, with the informational support of the softwares ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segments de Texte) and Iramuteq (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires); and the theoretical support of social representations. The study participants totaled 72, and they were selected from the following criteria: older than18 years, with degree of kinship with users suffering from some mental and behavioral disorder, and who have already witnessed a situation of crisis, rescued by the SAMU or other means and taken to the psychiatric hospital or general emergency room. Preliminary results point out: 1.Previous note of the research project with the aim to disseminate it in the scientific community and ensure the intellectual property of the work; 2.The contextual analysis of the care for emergencies in the study place. Reflection about the phenomenon provide a name to the care for the psychiatric emergencies, which is called immediate context; the technical and operational aspects that influence the care, as a specific/ general context; and mental health policies in Brazil are identified as metacontext; 3. The systematic review from randomized clinical trials in the databases PubMed, COCHRANE, LILACS, SciELO and SCIRUS, with the use of the descriptors: Physical restraint, Psychiatric emergency services, Restraint, Physical and Emergency Services, Psychiatric. Only one work met the search protocol criteria: a short-term essay that records limited results about the proportion of people who are in restraint and seclusion. It does not show statistically significant results in relation to indications, contraindications and risks of the use of physical restraint; 4. The social representations of the care for psychiatric emergencies. The study results point to the presence of five thematic categories: 1. feeling in the face of the crisis/care; 2. thoughts and perspectives about the crisis/care; 3. centrality of care in the medical- medication-hospitalization triad; 4. the thinking/acting in the face of the use of physical restraint and police force; 5. periodicity of crises. The central core of the representation is in the first category, whilst the peripheral elements are in the third and fifth categories. The contrast zone is in the second and fourth categories. The sadness is the most prominent element of the structure. The social representations about the care for psychiatric crises are at a time of transition between the hegemonic and reformist models, with the traditional aspects being predominant, but already showing peripheral and contrast elements that point to a possible change in the representational field.


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The attention to health issues in aging has increased and it becomes a challenge for public policies directed to the elderly. This study aimed at learning the social representations built by seniors about the service in the Family Health Unit. It is an exploratory study, funded by the Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici. It was held at the Health Unit of the Family Felipe Shrimp, located in the neighborhood Felipe Shrimp in the city of Natal / RN-Brazil. The participants were one hundred and two elderly / as, served by the Family Health Strategy. The data collection period was extended from July to September 2014. Data were collected through the Word Free Association Test and Interview semi-structured, and analyzed with the help of EVOC software. Interviews were conducted with 20 elderly and subjected to content analysis. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Research Onofre Lopes, in the opinion 704,323. It was possible to apprehend negative connotations regarding attendance, listing it as bad and disrespectful, and the limited hours of service, difficult to schedule appointments and tests and inadequate infrastructure, the most marked aspects. Seniors express satisfaction with the medical care, however, they understand that it is necessary that all services are properly integrated to a qualified service. The statements reveal that the service in the drive needs to implement new strategies host for users to participate more in educational and health promotion. It is noted, the need of integrated care, the host of qualified hearing in the health services that they address the elderly seeking care at the clinic of the family, so sticking to the principles of the Unified Health System.


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La presencia hodierna de la Sociologa en la educacin bsica brasilea es un elemento nuevo para los sujetos que a ella estn relacionados y, para el grupo investigado en este estudio, los licenciandos y licenciandas del curso de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), la situacin no es diferente. Con el intuito de comprender cmo los saberes aprehendidos durante la formacin inicial de profesores influencian el proceso de construccin de la identidad, se investig las representaciones sociales que eses sujetos construyen cerca de la identidad docente, intentando comprender cmo estos representan las profesoras y profesores de Sociologa. Por lo tanto, se hizo una comparacin entre los elementos que compusieron los ncleos centrales de las representaciones sociales de los licenciados ingresantes y de los licenciandos en prctica del referido curso, adems de un examen del plan de estudios de esa licenciatura. Se adopt la Teora de las Representaciones Sociales y el Abordaje Estructural como aporte terico y de la Tcnica de Asociacin Libre de Palabras como recurso metodolgico. Al llevar a cabo el anlisis de los datos obtenidos durante la investigacin, se hizo evidente que la memoria, mientras un conjunto de experiencias del sujeto, desarrolla un papel esencial en los procesos de construccin representacional e identificacin, pues la familiaridad con la asignatura de Sociologa en la Enseanza Mediana trajo nuevos e importantes elementos para la composicin del perfil de los actuales ingresantes en la licenciatura investigada. De este modo, al asociar representaciones sociales, identidades y formacin de profesores en la trade conceptual que condice esa investigacin y teniendo as experiencias anteriores de los sujetos como un enlace, el objetivo fue demostrar cmo eses elementos componen partes de procesos sociales anlogos e indisociables. Sin la acumulacin de experiencias memoriales no hay representacin, mucho menos identidad. Por el contrario, los datos muestran que las discusiones, erigidas por la reciente obligatoriedad de la Sociologa en la Enseanza Mediana, no encuentran eco en el cotidiano formativo de los licenciados permaneciendo alejado del currculo de la licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales de UFRN. Esa coyuntura se refleja en construcciones representacionales tanto de los licenciados ingresantes como de los estudiantes en prctica, asociados a una nocin intervencionista de la asignatura de Sociologa. Esta nocin se convierte nebulosa una definicin clara de la representacin de la identidad docente de profesora y de profesor de Sociologa para los licenciandos en formacin. La intensa relacin de esta representacin con la asignatura y no con el hacer pedaggico, con la presencia intervencionista de una probable transformacin y no con la compresin de las problemticas y juegos sociales demuestran que la identidad docente del profesor de Sociologa todava es un objeto que est siendo basado por eses sujetos, que est siendo ajustado a partir de otras representaciones existentes y que la formacin inicial de profesores necesita estar atenta a esas representaciones y adecuarse ms apropiadamente a la realidad de enseanza de Sociologa que subvierte a docencia de esta asignatura en Rio Grande do Norte.


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In contrast to Muslins traditions and costumes, the US government and society seems to invest in the media to forge discourses on Western way of life. In addition, it creates idealized images of the woman, the hero, the father, the family, and an everyday speech invoking repeated and widespread moral values, including justice and freedom, in opposition to the terror. In this research we analysed the TV series Homeland, using as theoretical support the Cultural Studies, particularly the concept of Social Representation by Denise Jodelet, the analytics tools created by Michel Foucault on power devices, and feminist studies by Teresa of Lauretis. Ive tried to see how forces in correlations operate, and how representations of womanhood, sexuality and nationality are built and reiterated in speeches, creating patterns of behaviour for men and women. Spreading images of the good man, the good wife, and the hero, the audio-visual product creates and produces the family, the society and the nation considered exemplar.


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A cannabis permanece como a substncia ilcita mais consumida no mundo. Defendida por uns e diabolizada por outros, constitui uma das substncias psicoactivas mais polmicas. Alguns autores destacaram j, a importncia do estudo das representações sociais das substncias psicoactivas. No entanto, desconhecem-se investigaes que abordem a representao social desta substncia num espao rural. So objectivos deste estudo: 1) conhecer as representações sociais da cannabis no que diz respeito substncia, ao consumidor e ao contexto da utilizao, 2) identificar as diferenas existentes entre utilizadores e no utilizadores desta substncia da amostra em estudo. Para concretizar estes objectivos, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo que recorreu a uma dupla abordagem etno-metodolgica e fenomenolgica. Foram realizadas 30 entrevistas a indivduos residentes nas duas maiores freguesias do concelho de Gis que, depois de transcritas, foram objecto de anlise de contedo. No espao rural considerado, a cannabis maioritariamente representada como uma droga, indutora de uma sensao de mal-estar e causadora de dependncia. Para os participantes o utilizador percebido como detentor de caractersticas de personalidade negativas, que o induzem ao consumo. Relativamente ao eixo espacial, o espao rural, e mais especificamente o concelho de Gis representado como local de consumo e de produo da cannabis herbcea. H uma distino clara entre a representao social dos participantes que no utilizam a substncia e os que utilizam. O ltimo grupo representa-a como uma droga leve, e mostra-se esclarecido sobre as possveis consequncias da sua utilizao. Neste grupo ainda evidente a valorizao da cannabis herbcea, em detrimento dos seus derivados. /


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Este trabalho pretende conhecer as representações sociais de Psiquiatras, Internos de Psiquiatria, Pedopsiquiatras e Psiclogos Clnicos sobre a doena mental em quatro dimenses: (1) conceptual conceitos de sade e doena mental, (2) explicativa causalidade da doena mental (3) interventiva modelos de interveno e objetivos da prtica clnica, e (4) contextual influncia do contexto na prtica clnica. um estudo qualitativo de carcter exploratrio, pontuado epistemologicamente pelo construcionismo social e teoricamente pelo quadro das representações sociais. Participaram 30 profissionais (13 Psiclogos, 10 Psiquiatras, 5 Internos de Psiquiatria e 2 Pedopsiquiatras) aos quais foi aplicada uma entrevista semi-estruturada que foi analisada quanto ao seu contedo (atravs do software NVivo 10). Da anlise dos resultados salienta-se que as representações dos profissionais quanto conceptualizao da doena mental so heterogneas. A sade mental equacionada como flexibilidade, adaptao, funcionalidade e bem-estar biopsicossocial do indivduo. A causalidade atribuda doena mental assenta no modelo interacionista biopsicossocial. Quanto interveno, os participantes utilizam estratgias e modelos de interveno eclticos, salientando-se como objetivos a promoo do bem-estar e diminuio do sofrimento, a promoo do funcionamento e autonomia e a cura. O contexto institucional surge como comprometedor da liberdade de atuao na prtica pblica e como facilitador da liberdade de atuao do clnico na prtica privada. Conclui-se que a anlise individual (disposicional) do comportamento patolgico privilegiada em detrimento da anlise contextual (situacional). Implicaes do presente estudo para o quadro terico das representações sociais da doena mental so consideradas. / The present aims to acknowledge the social representations about mental disease of Psychiatrists, Psychiatrist Interns, Child Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists. Four dimensions were considered: (1) conceptual - concepts about health and mental disease; (2) descriptive mental disease causes; (3) intervention models for clinical intervention and clinical procedures; and (4) context influence of the context in clinical procedures. A qualitative and exploratory study was developed based, epistemologically, on social constructionism and social representations. Through the course of the research 30 semi-structured interviews were conducted (13 psychologists, 10 psychiatrists, 5 Internal Psychiatry and 2 child psychiatrists) to which it was applied a semi-structured interview. A content analysis of the interviews was performed by NVivo 10. Results showed that the social representations of mental disease are heterogeneous. Mental health is conceptualized according to the flexibility, adaptation, functionality and the biopsychosocial well-being of the individual. The causality of mental disease is explained by the interactionist biopsychosocial model. Professionals mainly adopt eclectic intervention models and strategies in clinical practice. Participants refer that their goals are to promote the well-being, diminish the suffering and promote the functioning, the autonomy and cure. The public institutional framework compromises the flexibility in the clinical procedures. Private practices increases the procedural possibilities of the professionals. Concludes that the individual analysis (dispositional) of the pathological behavior is privileged in detriment of the contextual analysis (situational). Implications of this study to the theoretical framework of social representations of mental illness are considered.


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This work presents results, reflections, conclusions and considerations about the research entitled "Social representations of environmental education and objectivations in teaching practices in elementary school ". She intended to make known research whose objectives were to know the current environmental education framework (EA) developed by the teachers of the early years of elementary school of that city; identify their social representations about EA and the ways in which these representations are objectified in their teaching practices. Thus, the methodology is characterized by the qualitative approach; whose data collection instruments were the Free Evocation Questionnaire (QEV), the semi-structured interviews and documentary research. The QEV consists of free recall questions and essay questions, whose data is quantitative and qualitative. Data from this instrument were analyzed according to the procedures of the Structural Approach to Theory of Social Representations. In turn, the analysis of data obtained through the interview and reading the documents followed the guidelines of the Content Analysis method. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research was the Theory of Social Representations and critical approach to environmental education. Thus, the results obtained in the investigation allowed us to identify the social representations of EA of participants; confirm that such representations are being targeted in their pedagogical practices that are characterized as conservative. Also confirm that the teaching documents of the surveyed network are in line with the official documents on EA; the AE actions developed in the network are referenced in the teaching documents of the network and in the official documents of EA and the EA practices of survey participants teachers relate directly with their social representations on Environmental Education.


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As crianas so muito sensveis a qualquer mudana no meio familiar ou social. O modo como apreendem, vivenciam e exprimem emoes ou sentimentos, em interaco com o meio - pais, professores e colegas determina, em muito, o seu desenvolvimento, nomeadamente a nvel cognitivo, emocional e social. Nesta investigao averigumos as representações sociais dos sentimentos, em particular da alegria e da tristeza, entre crianas com 5 e 6 anos, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam Jardins de Infncia em Lisboa. Enquadrmos teoricamente a investigao na teoria das Representações Sociais (e.g. Moscovici,1976). Os dados foram recolhidos atravs de desenhos e por associao livre de palavras, a questes colocadas individualmente s crianas, e tratados atravs de AFO. Os resultados revelaram bastante acerca dos sentimentos das crianas, o que tambm nos estimula a reflectir sobre o modo mais cuidado para actuar com elas, contribuindo para o seu bem-estar psquico e social, e aprendizagem. ABSTRACT; Children are deeply sensitive to any change in the family or social environment. The way in which they perceive, experience, and express emotions or feelings when interacting with the environment - parents, teachers, and fellow students - largely determines their development namely on a cognitive, emotional and social level. This research examines the social representations of feelings, particularly of joy and sadness, among children aged 5 and 6 years old, of the both sexes, and attending Kindergartens in Lisbon. On a theoretical perspective, the empirical research is framed on the Social Representations theory (e.g., Moscovici,1976). The data was gathered using drawings and free association, from questions individually made to the children, and examined through FCA2. The results showed quite a lot about the feelings of the children, which also leads us to reflect on the most careful way to act with them, as to contribute to their psychic and social well being, as well as their learning