998 resultados para Remoção de fosfatos
Utilização de microemulsões como agentes modificadores de superfícies para remoção de íons metálicos
The heavy metals are used in many industrial processes and when discharged to the environment can cause harmful effects to human, plants and animals. The adsorption technology has been used as an effective methodology to remove metallic ions. The search for new adsorbents motivated the development of this research, accomplished with the purpose of removing Cr (III) from aqueous solutions. Diatomite, chitosan, Filtrol 24TM and active carbon were used as adsorbents. To modify the adsorbent surface was used a bicontinuous microemulsion composed by water (25%), kerosene (25%), saponified coconut oil (10%) and as co-surfactant isoamyl or butyl alcohols (40%). With the objective of developing the best operational conditions the research started with the surfactant synthesis and after that the pseudo-ternary diagrams were plotted. It was decided to use the system composed with isoamyl alcohol as co-surfactant due its smallest solubility in water. The methodology to impregnate the microemulsion on the adsorbents was developed and to prepare each sample was used 10 g of adsorbent and 20 mL of microemulsion. The effect of drying time and temperature was evaluated and the best results were obtained with T = 65 ºC and t = 48 h. After evaluating the efficiency of the tested adsorbents it was decided to use chitosan and diatomite. The influence of the agitation speed, granule size, heavy metal synthetic solution concentration, pH, contact time between adsorbent and metal solution, presence or not of NaCl and others metallic ions in the solution (copper and nickel) were evaluated. The adsorption isotherms were obtained and Freundlich and Langmuir models were tested. The last one correlated better the data. With the purpose to evaluate if using a surfactant solution would supply similar results, the adsorbent surface was modified with this solution. It was verified that the adsorbent impregnated with a microemulsion was more effective than the one with a surfactant solution, showing that the organic phase (kerosene) was important in the heavy metal removal process. It was studied the desorption process and verified that the concentrated minerals acids removed the chromium from the adsorbent surface better than others tested solutions. The treatment showed to be effective, being obtained an increase of approximately 10% in the chitosan s adsorption capacity (132 mg of Cr3+ / g adsorbent), that was already quite efficient, and for diatomite, that was not capable to remove the metal without the microemulsion treatment, it was obtained a capacity of 10 mg of Cr3+ / g adsorbent, checking the applied treatment effectiveness
Effluent color resulting from textile dyeing processes has been one of the biggest environmental problems faced by the textile industry. In particular, reactive dyes are highly resistant to conventional wastewater treatment methods. New technologies have been contemplated, some of which have been applied in industrial treatment plants, but color removal has not been efficiently attained. Since microemulsion systems provide good results in heavy metals and proteins extraction processes, their use in dyes extraction has been suggested and investigated. In this work, a real textile wastewater from an exhaustion dyebath has been treated, which contains the following reactive dyes: Procion Yellow H-E4R (CI Reactive Yellow 84), Procion Blue H-ERD (CI Reactive Blue 160) and Procion Red H-E3B (CI Reactive Red 120), in addition to auxiliary compounds normally found in dyeing processes with reactive dyes. The dyes Remazol Blue RR and Remazol Turquoise Blue G (Reactive Blue 21) have also been examined in view of the presence of heavy metals in these molecules. The microemulsion system comprised dodecyl ammonium chloride (as a cationic surfactant), water or wastewater as aqueous phase, kerosene as oil phase, and one of the following alcohols as cosurfactant: isoamyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol and n-octyl alcohol. The pseudo-ternary diagrams were constructed in order to define Winsor s equilibrium regions. The influence of parameters such as pH, C/S (cosurfactant/surfactant) ratio, distribution coefficient, initial dye concentration, salinity, temperature, phases relative amounts, loading capacity of the microemulsion phase and dye reextraction rate has also been investigated. An experimental planning (Scheffé Net) was used to optimize the extraction process. The removal of color and metals reached levels as high as 99%
The diesel combustion form sulfur oxides that can be discharged into the atmosphere as particulates and primary pollutants, SO2and SO3, causing great damage to the environment and to human health. These products can be transformed into acids in the combustion chamber, causing damage to the engines. The worldwide concern with a clean and healthy environment has led to more restrictive laws and regulations regulating the emission levels of pollutants in the air, establishing sulfur levels increasingly low on fuels. The conventional methods for sulfur removal from diesel are expensive and do not produce a zero-level sulfur fuel. This work aims to develop new methods of removing sulfur from commercial diesel using surfactants and microemulsion systems. Its main purpose is to create new technologies and add economic viability to the process. First, a preliminary study using as extracting agent a Winsor I microemulsion system with dodecyl ammonium chloride (DDACl) and nonyl phenol ethoxylated (RNX95) as surfactant was performed to choose the surfactant. The RNX95 was chosen to be used as surfactant in microemulsioned systems for adsorbent surface modification and as an extracting agent in liquid-liquid extraction. Vermiculite was evaluated as adsorbent. The microemulsion systems applied for vermiculite surface modification were composed by RNX95 (surfactant), n-butanol (cosurfactant), n-hexane (oil phase), and different aqueous phases, including: distilled water (aqueous phase),20ppm CaCl2solution, and 1500ppm CaCl2solution. Batch and column adsorption tests were carried out to estimate the ability of vermiculite to adsorb sulfur from diesel. It was used in the experiments a commercial diesel fuel with 1,233ppm initial sulfur concentration. The batch experiments were performed according to a factorial design (23). Two experimental sets were accomplished: the first one applying 1:2 vermiculite to diesel ratio and the second one using 1:5 vermiculite to diesel ratio. It was evaluated the effects of temperature (25°C and 60°C), concentration of CaCl2in the aqueous phase (20ppm and 1500ppm), and vermiculite granule size (65 and 100 mesh). The experimental response was the ability of vermiculite to adsorb sulfur. The best results for both 1:5 and 1:2 ratios were obtained using 60°C, 1500ppm CaCl2solution, and 65 mesh. The best adsorption capacities for 1:5 ratio and for 1:2 ratio were 4.24 mg sulfur/g adsorbent and 2.87 mg sulfur/g adsorbent, respectively. It was verified that the most significant factor was the concentration of the CaCl2 solution. Liquid-liquid extraction experiments were performed in two and six steps using the same surfactant to diesel ratio. It was obtained 46.8% sulfur removal in two-step experiment and 73.15% in six-step one. An alternative study, for comparison purposes, was made using bentonite and diatomite asadsorbents. The batch experiments were done using microemulsion systems with the same aqueous phases evaluated in vermiculite study and also 20ppm and 1500 ppm BaCl2 solutions. For bentonite, the best adsorption capacity was 7.53mg sulfur/g adsorbent with distilled water as aqueous phase of the microemulsion system and for diatomite the best result was 17.04 mg sulfur/g adsorbent using a 20ppm CaCl2solution. The accomplishment of this study allowed us to conclude that, among the alternatives tested, the adsorption process using adsorbents modified by microemulsion systems was considered the best process for sulfur removal from diesel fuel. The optimization and scale upof the process constitutes a viable alternative to achieve the needs of the market
The technology of anaerobic reactors for sanitary wastewater treatment has been extensively developed in Brazil, and today it is practically consolidated. They present several advantages, such as low construction and operating costs, and low sludge production, the anaerobic reactors are an attractive alternative to minimize problematic lack of basic sanitation in urban areas, and also of the rural areas. The anaerobic filters have been widely used in Brazil. It produces an effluent with low concentration of organic matter and solids suspended, besides conserving the nutrients, therefore, it is good for use in irrigation, but the practice must be associated with knowledge of the pathogens presence. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of anaerobic filters in removal faecal coliforms and helminth eggs, and to verify if the effluent can be used for agricultural purposes, according to the World Organization of Health (WHO, 1989). The protocol used to enumerate helminths eggs was the modified Bailenger method, (Ayres and Mara, 1996) recommended by WHO for evaluation of raw effluent and treated effluent. The membrane filtration method was utilized to determine the concentrations of faecal coliforms. Three different systems of sewer treatment composed by anaerobic filters were analyzed. The results, in a general analysis, showed that all the researched systems reached a larger removal than 93% to helminth eggs, resulting in an effluent with smaller average than 1 egg/L. One of these systems, Sistema RN, reached a larger removal than 99%, confirming the good performance of the anaerobic filters in removal helminths eggs. Even with low concentrations of eggs in the influent, the filters were capable to remove this parameter efficiently. About faecal coliforms, it was observed for all the researched systems an effluent with 106 CFU/100mL. The high concentrations to faecal coliforms in the effluent just allow reuse for restricted irrigation, in agreement with the guidelines of WHO. Although the researched systems have not removed faecal coliforms efficiently, the results indicated a good efficiency of the anaerobic filters in removal helminth eggs
The groundwater quality has been compromised as a result of the intensification of human activities over the years. Groundwater contamination by nitrate is one of the effects of this degradation, a socio-environmental problem that affects many regions of the world and particular the city of Natal (RN). Developing techniques for nitrate removal in water is intended to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound, and those that involve biological processes have produced economic and environmental advantages. This study proposes a technology for biological removal of nitrate in water supply for humans, using the endocarp s coconut as a carbon source and bacteria support. The experiments were performed in pilot scale anoxic, testing different areas of the substrate surface. Results showed high rates nitrate removal during the monitoring period, noting the occurrence of denitrification after the beginning of system operation. The best performance was achieved in the treatment system containing substrate surface area increased, indicating that the decrease in the endocarp size contributed to increased bacterial activity, improving the ability to remove nitrate. About the quality analyzed aspects of water, it was found that the proposed technology has the potential water use for human consumption
The improper disposal of nitrogen in receiving water courses causes problems such as toxicity to living beings through the consumption of oxygen to meet the nitrogen demand, eutrophication and nitrate contamination of aquifers. For this reason it is often necessary to be carried out complementary treatment of wastewater to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound in the wastewater. The objective of this study is to evaluate the biological removal of nitrogen compounds using submerged aerated and anoxic filters as post-treatment of an anaerobic system, with low cost and innovative technology, which in previous studies has shown high removal efficiency of organic matter and great potential biological nitrogen compounds removal. The simple design with perforated hoses for air distribution and filling with plastic parts proved to be very efficient in relation to organic matter removal and nitrification. The system presented, in the best stage, efficiency in converting ammonia to nitrate by 71%, and produced a final effluent concentration below 10 mg / L of NH3-N. In addition, carbon concentration was removed by 77%, producing final effluent with 24 mg/L COD. However, denitrification in anoxic filter was not effective even with the addition of an external carbon source. There was a reduction of up to 56% of nitrogen caused by the process of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). The high voids space presented by this type of support material coupled with direct aeration of the sludge, allows the respiration of biomass retained between the endogenous phase, increased cell retention time and sludge retention capacity, producing a final effluent with turbidity less than 5 UT and total suspended solids around 5.0 mg/L
Stabilization pond is the main technology used for treatment wastewater, in northeast Brazil, due to lower cost of deployment, operation and maintenance compared to other technologies. Most systems of stabilization ponds has been in operation for some time, on average 10 years of operation, receiving high organic loads and do not have good removal efficiencies of the main parameters for which have been designed. Therefore it is necessary to work to quantify the efficiency of current systems. This study evaluated the biodegradability of organic matter in raw sewage, the removal of organic matter in reactors and determination of the kinetic constant removal of organic matter (k), both in reactors and in raw sewage, based on the analysis made in the laboratory and through mathematical methods proposed in the literature, in nine systems stabilization ponds, located in Rio Grande do Norte. In relation the degradation kinetics in stabilization ponds, it was observed that many papers published in the literature were obtained in pilot-scale systems, which often, due to the action of external factors such as wind and temperature, these can t be considered as a reference in the analysis of the kinetic constant K, so the need for more research into systems of scale. This study had three distinct phases and simultaneous, routine monitoring, study of the daily cycle and the determination of kinetic constant of degradation of organic matter (K). The monitoring showed that the removal efficiencies of organic matter on most systems were lower than suggested by the literature, the best efficiencies of around 76% (BOD) and 72% (COD) and the worst of the order of 48% (BOD) and 55% (COD). The calculation of K in raw sewage (Ke) was within the range of variation expected in the literature (0.35 to 0.60 days-1). Already for the results obtained for K in the reactors (Kr), there were well below the values recommended in the literature (0.25 to 0.40 d-1 for complete mix and from 0.13 to 0.17 d-1 for flow dispersed), in line with the overloads that organic systems are subject
This research evaluated the microalgae removal produced in a stabilization pond system using biofilters as post-treatment, besides characterizing the effluents of stabilization ponds and filters in relation to concentrations of algal biomass (chlorophyll a and suspended solids), organic matter (BOD and COD), total phosphorus, orthophosphate, pH and dissolved oxygen, and tried to correlate physicochemical parameters with chlorophyll "a". It was held at the Ponta Negra ETE which is constituted by three stabilization ponds, with a primary facultative pond and two of maturation. For the algae removal were used two submerged bio-filters: the filter FPF (Facultative Pond Filter), fed with facultative pond effluent; and the filter MPF (Maturation Pond Filter), fed with second maturation pond effluent. The filling material of both filters was predominantly gravel no. 2, although it contains portions of gravel no. 1 and no. 3. The filters operating conditions were bad, they were nearly 10 years without maintenance, without cleaning or removal of sludge since the time of its construction, and part of the filling material may be obstruct. Despite poor operating conditions were obtained satisfactory results, in level of posttreatment. Removal efficiencies in relation to BOD and COD were 7 and 25% in FPF and 9 and 19% and in MPF, respectively. In relation to TSS efficiencies in MPF and FPF were 37 and 20%, respectively. As for the chlorophyll "a" removal, the FPF efficiency was 44% and the MPF was 40%. There was 50% of consumption of dissolved oxygen, on average, within the filters. Two profiles were performed in the filters, and it was possible to conclude that variations throughout the day were not statistically significant, and that, regardless of the time of collection, they would have the same representation comparing to the time of data collection (7 am) and the daily average, although individual variations throughout the day have been shown to be significant. Another important observation is that the correlations between Chlorophyll a and TSS were bigger and more significant in the effluent of the filters than in the effluent of the ponds
Waste stabilization ponds are the main technology in use for domestic sewage treatment in Rio Grande do Norte State (RN), northeast Brazil. The are around 80 systems, constructed mainly by municipal city halls, being series comprised by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds the most used configuration. Due to problems related with the production and destination of sludge and generation of bad odors, the designers have avoided the use of anaerobic lagoons. The majority of systems are rarely monitored to verify their efficiencies and to get new project parameters for future designing. This work has as purpose to make a diagnosis of efficiency of three series of waste stabilization pond series (WSPS) of Jardim Lola 1, Jardim Lola 2 and Beira Rio, located in the North Zone of the city of the Natal/RN, treating domestic raw sewage, on the removal of organic matter and thermotolerant coliform, comparing the operational conditions of the systems this inside of the bands foreseen in the project, through parameters BOD5, QOD, thermotolerant coliforms, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, ammoniac nitrogen, total and suspended solids. The work was carried through in the WSPS, all constituted by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds. Socioeconomic characteristics of population are predominantly low and all the plants are very near of the contributing basins. The series were monitored from of May the November of 2002, totalizing 20 collections of grab samples of raw sewage and ponds effluents between 8:00 and 9:50 h. The main aspect to be detached by the results was the great concentration of organic matter (BOD and COD) and microorganisms the raw sewage which were around two times more concentrated than those values foreseen one in project. Considering all series the highest removals of organic matter were observed in system Beira Rio (84 and 78% of BOD and COD, respectively), which presented high hydraulic detention time (TDH = 89 days). On the other hand, Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 presented a much lower values of HDT (36 days and 18 days respectively) and their removals of BOD and COD were the same (76% and 60%, respectively). The Beira Rio WSPS, was the most efficient verified in relation to solids and ammonia, proving the great influence of the operational variables such as HDT and applied surface organic loadings on the performance of pond series. Although the treatment plants have reached efficiencies of thermotolerant coliforms around 99,999%, the concentrations in the final effluent can be considered very high for launching in aquatic bodies, particularly those produced by Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 series
GPS active networks are more and more used in geodetic surveying and scientific experiments, as water vapor monitoring in the atmosphere and lithosphere plate movement. Among the methods of GPS positioning, Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has provided very good results. A characteristic of PPP is related to the modeling and/or estimation of the errors involved in this method. The accuracy obtained for the coordinates can reach few millimeters. Seasonal effects can affect such accuracy if they are not consistent treated during the data processing. Coordinates time series analyses have been realized using Fourier or Harmonics spectral analyses, wavelets, least squares estimation among others. An approach is presented in this paper aiming to investigate the seasonal effects included in the stations coordinates time series. Experiments were carried out using data from stations Manaus (NAUS) and Fortaleza (BRFT) which belong to the Brazilian Continuous GPS Network (RBMC). The coordinates of these stations were estimated daily using PPP and were analyzed through wavelets for identification of the periods of the seasonal effects (annual and semi-annual) in each time series. These effects were removed by means of a filtering process applied in the series via the least squares adjustment (LSQ) of a periodic function. The results showed that the combination of these two mathematical tools, wavelets and LSQ, is an interesting and efficient technique for removal of seasonal effects in time series.
O presente trabalho objetivou a avaliação da remoção de matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada, bem como a determinação do fluxo crítico, em biorreator de membranas, com zona pré-anóxica, tratando águas residuárias industriais da produção de aminoácidos. O reator foi operado sob carga orgânica volumétrica de 1,91 kg.DQO.m-3.d-1 e 0,18 kg.NTK.m-3.d-1; a recirculação do reator aeróbio para o reator anóxico foi de quatro vezes a vazão afluente. O reator apresentou médias de remoção de DQO, NTK e NT de 97, 98 e 92%, respectivamente. O sistema de ultrafiltração foi testado em vários fluxos entre 25 e 37 L.m-2.h-1 e determinou-se o fluxo crítico de 28 L.m-2.h-1 quando operado com 11,4 g.L-1 de SST e 35 dias de tempo de retenção celular. Os resultados mostraram que houve viabilidade técnica no uso de biorreator de membranas para remoção de matéria orgânica de águas residuárias industriais da produção de aminoácidos.
O filtro ecológico representa uma promissora tecnologia de tratamento, em razão desta não necessitar da aplicação de produtos químicos, além de sua constatada eficiência. Nele, estabelece-se entre os seres vivos a relação de cadeia alimentar. Inicialmente uma matriz aquosa foi acrescida de quatro fármacos (diclofenaco, naproxeno, ibuprofeno e paracetamol) e posteriormente analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para avaliar a remoção desses compostos pelo filtro ecológico seguido pelo filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado. Parâmetros, entre eles turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, cor aparente e cor verdadeira, foram mensurados para verificar a eficiência dos filtros. Houve remoção de 97,43% do diclofenaco, 85,03% do ibuprofeno: 94,11% do naproxeno e 84,07% do paracetamol.
The organic matter. (OM) removal efficiency in the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) forms for domestic wastewater and semi-intensive fish culture effluents by using three phase aerobic fluidized bed reactors with circulation in concentric tubes was studied. Three different ratios between external and internal areas by different internal diameter configurations (100, 125 and 150mm) to the same external diameter of 250mm were used; sand for filters and granulated activated carbon were used as supporting media. The reactors were tested for three hydraulic retention times: 11.5min to the R100, and 3h for the R125 and R150 reactors. The results demonstrated that this kind of reactors had good performance in the BOD and COD removal for different concentrations of waste waters. BOD mean removal efficiencies obtained were: 47% at the R100 reactor, 57% and 93% of raw and filtered BOD respectively at R125, 48 and 89% of raw and filtered BOD at R150. The COD mean calculated removal efficiencies were: 75% at the R100 reactor, 56 and 86% of raw and filtered COD at R125, and 54 and 86% of raw and filtered COD at R150. In the case of domestic wastewater it is necessary to provide a solids removal system at the reactor outflow in order to increase the removal of suspended OM from the final effluent.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi monitorar o desempenho de remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal no tratamento das águas residuárias da produção intensiva de tilápia nilótica em sistema com recirculação de água. O sistema foi constituído por um sedimentador convencional e um reator aeróbio de leito fluidizado trifásico com circulação, operados com tempos de detenção hidráulica de 176.4 e 11.9 minutos respectivamente. O meio suporte utilizado no reator foi o carvão ativado granular com densidade aparente de 1.64 g/cm3 e tamanho efetivo de 0.34 mm; a concentração do meio suporte no reator foi mantida constante em 80 g/L. A eficiência média de remoção do nitrogênio amoniacal total foi de 41.2%. O sistema avaliado é uma alternativa efetiva para o reuso da água em sistemas de recirculação para aqüicultura. Embora a variabilidade das concentrações do nitrogênio amoniacal afluente cujo valor médio foi de 0.136 mg/L, o efluente do reator conservou as características de qualidade da água estáveis, com concentrações médias de nitrogênio amoniacal de 0.079 mg/L e do oxigênio dissolvido de 6.70 mg/L, recomendáveis para a criação dos peixes e nas faixas de valores permitidos pela legislação Brasileira (Resolução CONAMA No. 357 de março 5 de 2005) para lançamento de efluentes finais nos corpos de água receptores.
This study evaluates the inclusion of quaternary ammonium salt, bromide hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium (HDTMA-Br) on sodium bentonite to evaluate their performance on the adsorption of phenol present in produced water. It was observed an increase in d001 samples modified with HDTMA-Br by diffraction of X-rays, showing the intercalation of quaternary ammonium cations in the interlamellar layers of clay. Through the adsorption isotherms could be abserver adsorption behavior of sodium bentonite and organophilic bentonite produced in three different concentrations of HDTMA-Br for adsorption of phenol, which is the main phenolic compound found in the product water. Different concentrations of synthetic solutions of phenol were placed in contact with these adsorbents under the same conditions of agitation and temperature. The adsorbent showed adsorptive favorable, especially the clay modified with the highest concentration of HDTMA-Br, 150% CEC of clay, BEN30-14, with higher amounts of phenol adsorbed per gram of adsorbent (mg.g-1)