869 resultados para Relevance Feature Extraction


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In this study, we introduce an original distance definition for graphs, called the Markov-inverse-F measure (MiF). This measure enables the integration of classical graph theory indices with new knowledge pertaining to structural feature extraction from semantic networks. MiF improves the conventional Jaccard and/or Simpson indices, and reconciles both the geodesic information (random walk) and co-occurrence adjustment (degree balance and distribution). We measure the effectiveness of graph-based coefficients through the application of linguistic graph information for a neural activity recorded during conceptual processing in the human brain. Specifically, the MiF distance is computed between each of the nouns used in a previous neural experiment and each of the in-between words in a subgraph derived from the Edinburgh Word Association Thesaurus of English. From the MiF-based information matrix, a machine learning model can accurately obtain a scalar parameter that specifies the degree to which each voxel in (the MRI image of) the brain is activated by each word or each principal component of the intermediate semantic features. Furthermore, correlating the voxel information with the MiF-based principal components, a new computational neurolinguistics model with a network connectivity paradigm is created. This allows two dimensions of context space to be incorporated with both semantic and neural distributional representations.


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In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to face recognition which simultaneously tackles three combined challenges: 1) uneven illumination; 2) partial occlusion; and 3) limited training data. The new approach performs lighting normalization, occlusion de-emphasis and finally face recognition, based on finding the largest matching area (LMA) at each point on the face, as opposed to traditional fixed-size local area-based approaches. Robustness is achieved with novel approaches for feature extraction, LMA-based face image comparison and unseen data modeling. On the extended YaleB and AR face databases for face identification, our method using only a single training image per person, outperforms other methods using a single training image, and matches or exceeds methods which require multiple training images. On the labeled faces in the wild face verification database, our method outperforms comparable unsupervised methods. We also show that the new method performs competitively even when the training images are corrupted.


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Este trabalho focou-se no estudo de técnicas de sub-espaço tendo em vista as aplicações seguintes: eliminação de ruído em séries temporais e extracção de características para problemas de classificação supervisionada. Foram estudadas as vertentes lineares e não-lineares das referidas técnicas tendo como ponto de partida os algoritmos SSA e KPCA. No trabalho apresentam-se propostas para optimizar os algoritmos, bem como uma descrição dos mesmos numa abordagem diferente daquela que é feita na literatura. Em qualquer das vertentes, linear ou não-linear, os métodos são apresentados utilizando uma formulação algébrica consistente. O modelo de subespaço é obtido calculando a decomposição em valores e vectores próprios das matrizes de kernel ou de correlação/covariância calculadas com um conjunto de dados multidimensional. A complexidade das técnicas não lineares de subespaço é discutida, nomeadamente, o problema da pre-imagem e a decomposição em valores e vectores próprios de matrizes de dimensão elevada. Diferentes algoritmos de préimagem são apresentados bem como propostas alternativas para a sua optimização. A decomposição em vectores próprios da matriz de kernel baseada em aproximações low-rank da matriz conduz a um algoritmo mais eficiente- o Greedy KPCA. Os algoritmos são aplicados a sinais artificiais de modo a estudar a influência dos vários parâmetros na sua performance. Para além disso, a exploração destas técnicas é extendida à eliminação de artefactos em séries temporais biomédicas univariáveis, nomeadamente, sinais EEG.


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Dependence clusters are (maximal) collections of mutually dependent source code entities according to some dependence relation. Their presence in software complicates many maintenance activities including testing, refactoring, and feature extraction. Despite several studies finding them common in production code, their formation, identification, and overall structure are not well understood, partly because of challenges in approximating true dependences between program entities. Previous research has considered two approximate dependence relations: a fine-grained statement-level relation using control and data dependences from a program’s System Dependence Graph and a coarser relation based on function-level controlflow reachability. In principal, the first is more expensive and more precise than the second. Using a collection of twenty programs, we present an empirical investigation of the clusters identified by these two approaches. In support of the analysis, we consider hybrid cluster types that works at the coarser function-level but is based on the higher-precision statement-level dependences. The three types of clusters are compared based on their slice sets using two clustering metrics. We also perform extensive analysis of the programs to identify linchpin functions – functions primarily responsible for holding a cluster together. Results include evidence that the less expensive, coarser approaches can often be used as e�ective proxies for the more expensive, finer-grained approaches. Finally, the linchpin analysis shows that linchpin functions can be e�ectively and automatically identified.


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Models of visual perception are based on image representations in cortical area V1 and higher areas which contain many cell layers for feature extraction. Basic simple, complex and end-stopped cells provide input for line, edge and keypoint detection. In this paper we present an improved method for multi-scale line/edge detection based on simple and complex cells. We illustrate the line/edge representation for object reconstruction, and we present models for multi-scale face (object) segregation and recognition that can be embedded into feedforward dorsal and ventral data streams (the “what” and “where” subsystems) with feedback streams from higher areas for obtaining translation, rotation and scale invariance.


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Empirical studies concerning face recognition suggest that faces may be stored in memory by a few canonical representations. Models of visual perception are based on image representations in cortical area V1 and beyond, which contain many cell layers for feature extraction. Simple, complex and end-stopped cells provide input for line, edge and keypoint detection. Detected events provide a rich, multi-scale object representation, and this representation can be stored in memory in order to identify objects. In this paper, the above context is applied to face recognition. The multi-scale line/edge representation is explored in conjunction with keypoint-based saliency maps for Focus-of-Attention. Recognition rates of up to 96% were achieved by combining frontal and 3/4 views, and recognition was quite robust against partial occlusions.


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Computer vision for realtime applications requires tremendous computational power because all images must be processed from the first to the last pixel. Ac tive vision by probing specific objects on the basis of already acquired context may lead to a significant reduction of processing. This idea is based on a few concepts from our visual cortex (Rensink, Visual Cogn. 7, 17-42, 2000): (1) our physical surround can be seen as memory, i.e. there is no need to construct detailed and complete maps, (2) the bandwidth of the what and where systems is limited, i.e. only one object can be probed at any time, and (3) bottom-up, low-level feature extraction is complemented by top-down hypothesis testing, i.e. there is a rapid convergence of activities in dendritic/axonal connections.


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Empirical studies concerning face recognition suggest that faces may be stored in memory by a few canonical representations. Models of visual perception are based on image representations in cortical area V1 and beyond, which contain many cell layers for feature extraction. Simple, complex and end-stopped cells provide input for line, edge and keypoint detection. Detected events provide a rich, multi-scale object representation, and this representation can be stored in memory in order to identify objects. In this paper, the above context is applied to face recognition. The multi-scale line/edge representation is explored in conjunction with keypoint-based saliency maps for Focus-of-Attention. Recognition rates of up to 96% were achieved by combining frontal and 3/4 views, and recognition was quite robust against partial occlusions.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Eletrónica e Telecomunicações


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IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Networks and Applications (CPSNA'15), Hong Kong, China.


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Nesta dissertação é apresentado um estudo dos sistemas de processamento automático de imagem em contexto de um problema relacionado com a individualização de neurónios em imagens da nematoda C. elegans durante estudos relacionados com a doença de Parkinson. Apresenta-se uma breve introdução à anatomia do verme, uma introdução à doença de Parkinson e uso do C. elegans em estudos relacionados e também é feita a análise de artigos em contexto de processamento de imagem para contextualizar a situação atual de soluções para o problema de extração de características e regiões específicas. Neste projeto é desenvolvida uma pipeline com o auxilio do software CellProfiler para procurar uma resposta para o problema em questão.


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Remote sensing techniques involving hyperspectral imagery have applications in a number of sciences that study some aspects of the surface of the planet. The analysis of hyperspectral images is complex because of the large amount of information involved and the noise within that data. Investigating images with regard to identify minerals, rocks, vegetation and other materials is an application of hyperspectral remote sensing in the earth sciences. This thesis evaluates the performance of two classification and clustering techniques on hyperspectral images for mineral identification. Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) are applied as classification and clustering techniques, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to prepare the data to be analyzed. The purpose of using PCA is to reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed by identifying the most important components within the data. A well-studied dataset from Cuprite, Nevada and a dataset of more complex data from Baffin Island were used to assess the performance of these techniques. The main goal of this research study is to evaluate the advantage of training a classifier based on a small amount of data compared to an unsupervised method. Determining the effect of feature extraction on the accuracy of the clustering and classification method is another goal of this research. This thesis concludes that using PCA increases the learning accuracy, and especially so in classification. SVM classifies Cuprite data with a high precision and the SOM challenges SVM on datasets with high level of noise (like Baffin Island).


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Il est avant-tout question, dans ce mémoire, de la modélisation du timbre grâce à des algorithmes d'apprentissage machine. Plus précisément, nous avons essayé de construire un espace de timbre en extrayant des caractéristiques du son à l'aide de machines de Boltzmann convolutionnelles profondes. Nous présentons d'abord un survol de l'apprentissage machine, avec emphase sur les machines de Boltzmann convolutionelles ainsi que les modèles dont elles sont dérivées. Nous présentons aussi un aperçu de la littérature concernant les espaces de timbre, et mettons en évidence quelque-unes de leurs limitations, dont le nombre limité de sons utilisés pour les construire. Pour pallier à ce problème, nous avons mis en place un outil nous permettant de générer des sons à volonté. Le système utilise à sa base des plug-ins qu'on peut combiner et dont on peut changer les paramètres pour créer une gamme virtuellement infinie de sons. Nous l'utilisons pour créer une gigantesque base de donnée de timbres générés aléatoirement constituée de vrais instruments et d'instruments synthétiques. Nous entrainons ensuite les machines de Boltzmann convolutionnelles profondes de façon non-supervisée sur ces timbres, et utilisons l'espace des caractéristiques produites comme espace de timbre. L'espace de timbre ainsi obtenu est meilleur qu'un espace semblable construit à l'aide de MFCC. Il est meilleur dans le sens où la distance entre deux timbres dans cet espace est plus semblable à celle perçue par un humain. Cependant, nous sommes encore loin d'atteindre les mêmes capacités qu'un humain. Nous proposons d'ailleurs quelques pistes d'amélioration pour s'en approcher.


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This paper describes a method for analyzing scoliosis trunk deformities using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Our hypothesis is that ICA can capture the scoliosis deformities visible on the trunk. Unlike Principal Component Analysis (PCA), ICA gives local shape variation and assumes that the data distribution is not normal. 3D torso images of 56 subjects including 28 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and 28 healthy subjects are analyzed using ICA. First, we remark that the independent components capture the local scoliosis deformities as the shoulder variation, the scapula asymmetry and the waist deformation. Second, we note that the different scoliosis curve types are characterized by different combinations of specific independent components.


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In this thesis, the applications of the recurrence quantification analysis in metal cutting operation in a lathe, with specific objective to detect tool wear and chatter, are presented.This study is based on the discovery that process dynamics in a lathe is low dimensional chaotic. It implies that the machine dynamics is controllable using principles of chaos theory. This understanding is to revolutionize the feature extraction methodologies used in condition monitoring systems as conventional linear methods or models are incapable of capturing the critical and strange behaviors associated with the metal cutting process.As sensor based approaches provide an automated and cost effective way to monitor and control, an efficient feature extraction methodology based on nonlinear time series analysis is much more demanding. The task here is more complex when the information has to be deduced solely from sensor signals since traditional methods do not address the issue of how to treat noise present in real-world processes and its non-stationarity. In an effort to get over these two issues to the maximum possible, this thesis adopts the recurrence quantification analysis methodology in the study since this feature extraction technique is found to be robust against noise and stationarity in the signals.The work consists of two different sets of experiments in a lathe; set-I and set-2. The experiment, set-I, study the influence of tool wear on the RQA variables whereas the set-2 is carried out to identify the sensitive RQA variables to machine tool chatter followed by its validation in actual cutting. To obtain the bounds of the spectrum of the significant RQA variable values, in set-i, a fresh tool and a worn tool are used for cutting. The first part of the set-2 experiments uses a stepped shaft in order to create chatter at a known location. And the second part uses a conical section having a uniform taper along the axis for creating chatter to onset at some distance from the smaller end by gradually increasing the depth of cut while keeping the spindle speed and feed rate constant.The study concludes by revealing the dependence of certain RQA variables; percent determinism, percent recurrence and entropy, to tool wear and chatter unambiguously. The performances of the results establish this methodology to be viable for detection of tool wear and chatter in metal cutting operation in a lathe. The key reason is that the dynamics of the system under study have been nonlinear and the recurrence quantification analysis can characterize them adequately.This work establishes that principles and practice of machining can be considerably benefited and advanced from using nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory.