343 resultados para Rebellion


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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La presente tesi si concentra sul romanzo popolare irlandese scritto da donne, nel periodo compreso tra il 1798 e il 1921. Quattro sono le autrici prese in considerazione: Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna, Sydney Owenson (meglio conosciuta come Lady Morgan), Edith Somerville e Katharine Tynan, le cui vite e opere coprono un periodo storico fondamentale per l’uscita dell’Irlanda dal dominio coloniale britannico e la formazione della nazione irlandese nel sud del paese. L’interesse principale è quello di analizzare il modo in cui nei loro testi prende forma la nazione, e in particolare attraverso quali immagini e riferimenti religiosi. Il senso è quello, dunque, di rileggere tali testi prestando maggiore attenzione alla religione, uno dei principali collanti tra autrici e pubblico: all’epoca in cui l’Irlanda stava acquisendo i confini che oggi ancora mantiene, esisteva un terreno d’incontro tra discorso politico e letterario, quello della nazione, e tale terreno veniva attraversato anche dal messaggio religioso. Il fine ultimo è quello di dimostrare che la letteratura popolare non è “seconda” ad altre quanto a valori che è in grado di trasmettere e a messaggi che è in grado di veicolare: trascurarla significa non capire i meccanismi attraverso i quali una società si sviluppa e si modifica.


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La tesi tematizza come proprio oggetto di indagine i percorsi di partecipazione politica e civica dei giovani nei contesti di transizione alla vita adulta, concentrandosi sull’influenza delle relazioni tra generazioni su tali espressioni di coinvolgimento. L’approfondimento empirico consiste in una ricerca qualitativa condotta presso il quartiere Navile di Bologna nel 2012. Basandosi sull’approccio metodologico della grounded theory, essa ha coinvolto un campione di giovani e un campione di adulti per loro significativi attraverso interviste semistrutturate. Dall’analisi emerge una rilevante disaffezione giovanile nei confronti della politica che, tuttavia, non traduce in un rifiuto del coinvolgimento, ma in una “partecipazione con riserva” espressa attraverso atteggiamenti tutt’altro che passivi nei confronti della politica formale - basati sulla logica della riforma, della resistenza o della ribellione - e mediante un forte investimento in attività partecipative non convenzionali (associazionismo e coinvolgimento). A fare da sfondo all’interesse partecipativo dei giovani si colloca una lettura negativa della propria condizione presente ed un conseguente conflitto intergenerazionale piuttosto manifesto, che si riflette sulle stesse modalità di attivazione. La politica, nelle sue espressioni più strettamente formali, viene interpretata come un ‘territorio adulto’, gestito secondo logiche che lasciano poco spazio ai giovani i quali, per tale ragione, scelgono di attivarsi secondo modalità alternative in cui il confronto con l’altro, quando presente, avviene prevalentemente tra pari o su basi avvertite come più paritarie. Il distanziamento dei giovani dalla politica formale riflette quindi una parallela presa di distanza dagli adulti, i quali risultano smarriti nello svolgimento delle loro funzioni di modello e di riconoscimento. La loro ambivalenza rispetto ai giovani - ossia il continuo oscillare tra il profondo pessimismo e il cieco ottimismo, tra la guida direttiva e la deresponsabilizzazione - si traduce in un riconoscimento parziale delle reali potenzialità ed esigenze dei giovani come cittadini ed adulti emergenti.


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In meiner Dissertation beschäftigte ich mich mit unterschiedlichen Verteidungsstrategien, derenrnEffektivität und Evolution, der Ameisenart Temnothorax longispinosus (“Sklaven”), gegenüberrneinem sozialen Parasiten - der nahverwandten, sklavenhaltenden Art Protomognathusrnamericanus (“Sklavenhalter”). Wir entdeckten eine neue Kategorie der Verteidigungsstrategie,rnwelche es dem Wirten ermöglicht, flexibel auf die nicht vorhersagbaren Angriffe des Parasitenrnzu reagieren. Darüber hinaus erforschten wir, wie die Wirte ihre kollektive Verteidigung an einernVielzahl unterschiedlicher Angreifer anpassen können. Wir konnten feststellen, dass Wirte in derrnLage sind ihre kollektive Verteidigung dem Grad der Bedrohung anzupassen. Dies weist daraufrnhin, dass Selektion die Verteidigung gegen unterschiedliche Typen von Angreifern voneinanderrnunabhängig beeinflussen könnte. In einer dritten Studie belegten wir experimentell, dass diernParasiten die Evolution der Kolonieaggressivität der Wirtsart direkt beeinflussen. Die letztenrnbeiden Publikationen beschäftigten sich mit Sklavenrebellion, einer rätselhaftenrnVerteidigungsstrategie, da noch unklar ist, wie eine Eigenschaft von nicht reproduzierendenrnIndividuen vererbt werden kann. In einer Metaanalyse konnten wir die weite Verbreitung undrnhohe Variabilität dieser Eigenschaft dokumentieren, und fanden Hinweise, dassrnVerwandtenselektion eine mögliche Erklärung für die Evolution dieses Merkmals darstellenrnkönnte.


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The Nghe-Tinh Soviets of 1930-1931, a rebellion against colonial authority in north-central and central colonial Vietnam, has received extensive analysis by a variety of commentators and scholars, both Vietnamese and not. Most scholars, Vietnam and internationally, settled on some view of immiseration combined with the presence of pro-communist organizers as the motive forces for the rebellion, but a few have favored questions of political dissatisfaction and local empowerment as underlying motivations for revolt. Until recently, examining the rebellion on a gross scale in order to test either theory has proven difficult, with a surfeit of information but no easy way to process it in order to underwrite large-scale analyses. Del Testa is using a historical GIS (geographical information system) analysis, which blends statistics with digitized maps, in order to display correlations between factors, such as wealth, religion, and so on of those who rebelled in order to reexamine the Nghe-Tinh Soviets movement on a grand scale. His presentation will illustrate some initial findings as well as the techniques used.


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Many things have been said about literature after postmodernism, but one point there seems to be some agreement on is that it does not turn its back radically on its postmodernist forerunner, but rather generally continues to heed and value their insights. There seems to be something strikingly non-oedipal about the recent aesthetic shift. It is a project of reconstruction that remains deeply rooted in postmodernist tenets. Such an essentially non-oedipal attitude, I would argue, is central to the nature of the reconstructive shift. This, however, also raises questions about the wider cultural context from which such an aesthetic stance arises. If postmodernism was nurtured by the revolutionary spirits of the late 1960s, reconstruction faces a different world with different strategies. Instead of the postmodernist urge to subvert, expose and undermine, reconstruction yearns towards tentative and fragile intersubjective understanding, towards responsibility and community. Instead of revolt and rebellion it explores reconciliation and compromise. One instance in which this becomes visible in reconstructive narratives is the recurring figure of the lost father. Missing father figures abound in recent novels by authors like Mark Z. Danielewski, Dave Eggers, Yann Mantel, David Mitchell etc. It almost seems like a younger generation is yearning for the fathers which postmodernism has struggled hard to do away with. My paper will focus on one particularly striking example to explore the implications of this development: Daniel Wallace’s novel Big Fish and Tim Burton’s well-known film adaptation of the same. In their negotiation of fact and fiction, of doubt and belief, of freedom and responsibility, all of which converge in a father-son relationship, they serve well to illustrate central characteristics and concerns of recent attempts to leave postmodernism behind.


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The purpose of this thesis will be to examine how two acts of rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I influenced Shakespeare's writing of Richard II and Henry V, as well as the performance and publication of these plays. The treasonous plots and execution of Mary, Queen of Scots in the 1580s, as well as the failed Essex Rebellion of 1601, resulted in a sensitivity towards any writings that seemed to support a coup d'état. Shakespeare, being a well-informed and fairly well-connected playwright, wrote passages in the afore mentioned plays that clearly reflect the political turmoil of the times. Thus, his plays were censored both on stage and in print until after the death of Elizabeth in 1603.


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I. D. D. [d.i. wahrscheinl. Johann David Donnhäuser]


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Lost to follow up (LTFU) in the care and treatment of HIV/AIDS represents a particularly problematic aspect when evaluating the success of treatment programs. Identifying modifiable factors that lead to LTFU would be important if we are to design effective retention interventions. The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges faced by children seeking care and treatment at a large HIV Clinic in Botswana. In order to identify those factors, we used mixed methods from different sources of information available at the Baylor Clinic. The first method involved a case-control study through which we interviewed a select representation of children 1-18 years who, at some point in time, have attended clinic at Baylor Clinic in Gaborone, Botswana. We document this in detail using the first journal article. We defined LTFU as patients who had not attended clinic for more than 6 months at the onset of the study; the comparison group was recruited from among those who have attended clinic at any point in the 6 months leading to the start of study. Factors were compared between the cases and controls. The second methodology involved conducting in-depth interviews with health providers to elicit their opinions and experiences dealing with patients at the at the Baylor clinic in general and the LTFU patients in particular. We document this methodology and its findings in the second journal article. ^ We found that most patients that are LTFU failed to engage with the clinic. Most of the LTFU made only one visit to the clinic (47.66%) as compared to less than 1% in the control group (P<0.01, 2-tailed Fisher's exact test). Among the interviewed patients, psychosocial factors such as stigma, religious beliefs, child rebellion and disclosure of HIV status concerns were characteristic of the LTFU population, but psychosocial issues were not cited among the comparison group. We also found that these psychosocial aspects of the patients point towards a bigger problem of mental health that needs to be addressed. Socioeconomic factors such as lack of transport, school-related activities and forgetting check-up dates were cited predominantly by the controls than cases. ^ From these findings, there is need to target interventions towards engaging pediatric patients at their initial clinic visit. Such interventions would focus on psychosocial support, as well as involving faith-based organizations in planning joint responses.^


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En el presente artículo pretendemos indagar sobre las diversas maneras en que fue mencionado e interpretado el episodio de protesta mediante corte de rutas acontecido en noviembre de 2000 en el norte de la provincia de Salta, en el marco de un extenso proceso de luchas que comienzan a mediados de la década de 1990. El estudio se basa en las representaciones que fueron divulgadas por dos medios masivos de información (Clarín y El Tribuno). Reconstruiremos, mediante la lectura crítica de las noticias, las caracterizaciones sobre los protagonistas de la protesta, quiénes fueron sus emisores, los momentos en que fueron realizadas, etc. En tal sentido, el objetivo será elucidar el modo en que enfrentamientos físicos y simbólicos, lejos de estar divorciados, se condicionan mutuamente.


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La crisis orgánica y la rebelión popular marcaron el final del modelo neoliberal y la génesis del modelo «productivo con inclusión social». El bloque dominante se propuso: 1. Recomponer el poder del Estado. 2. Recuperar el crecimiento económico para garantizar la acumulación capitalista. 3. Dirimir la disputa por la hegemonía entre sectores del bloque dominante y asegurar el control del bloque subalterno. Se realizaron concesiones a los sectores populares sin atenuar la concentración y extranjerización económicas, ni la depredación de recursos naturales no renovables. No existe una real redistribución de la propiedad de la riqueza, sino una distribución de los ingresos entre sectores asalariados.


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Durante el siglo XX el estudio de los tres grandes levantamientos de esclavos de fines de la República Romana ha girado en torno al debate suscitado por la definición de su carácter, "revolucionario" o "reformista", con lo cual se ha trasladado el imaginario contemporáneo de revolución al mundo antiguo. La historiografía occidental ha mostrado un llamativo consenso: los esclavos no tenían la intención de abolir la esclavitud, sus levantamientos carecieron de un fin revolucionario, por consiguiente fueron simplemente "rebeliones". El presente trabajo se propone repensar la temática de las insurrecciones serviles sicilianas narradas por Diodoro, tomando distancia del tradicional énfasis dicotómico (revolución-rebelión) y centrándose en una problemática que en líneas generales ha sido omitida o poco considerada por la historiografía, esto es, la participación y apoyo de sectores libres empobrecidos en las revueltas serviles. Demostraremos dicha participación; definiremos quiénes fueron estos "libres pobres"; apoyaremos la línea historiográfica que postula la existencia de una colaboración entre esclavos rebeldes y libres pobres en las revueltas, haciendo hincapié en la asamblea que se congrega en el teatro de Enna al comienzo de la primera insurrección; y sugeriremos pensar la acción de los esclavos rebeldes en las revueltas conforme al concepto de bandidos sociales


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El presente trabajo propone una lectura de la primera novela de Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá -La renuncia del héroe Baltasar- a partir del concepto de los comienzos teorizado por Edward Said, en tanto es posible advertir en ella una condensación de sentidos que el autor retoma, explora y continúa en su obra posterior. Por otra parte la novela aborda también, desde la ficción, los orígenes de la nacionalidad puertorriqueña mediante metáforas eróticas que dan cuenta de las relaciones de tensión entre blancos, mulatos y negros en la sociedad colonial puertorriqueña del siglo XVIII. En los conflictos derivados del esclavismo convergen espacios tales como el palenque, revueltas de esclavos, acciones características del cimarronaje como las fugas, es decir, diferentes imágenes que vinculan estrechamente esta obra en particular y textos posteriores del autor con una dimensión mayor, que excede los límites nacionales de Puerto Rico para abarcar la historia antillana.