956 resultados para Real time systems


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The future convergence of voice, video and data applications on the Internet requires that next generation technology provides bandwidth and delay guarantees. Current technology trends are moving towards scalable aggregate-based systems where applications are grouped together and guarantees are provided at the aggregate level only. This solution alone is not enough for interactive video applications with sub-second delay bounds. This paper introduces a novel packet marking scheme that controls the end-to-end delay of an individual flow as it traverses a network enabled to supply aggregate- granularity Quality of Service (QoS). IPv6 Hop-by-Hop extension header fields are used to track the packet delay encountered at each network node and autonomous decisions are made on the best queuing strategy to employ. The results of network simulations are presented and it is shown that when the proposed mechanism is employed the requested delay bound is met with a 20% reduction in resource reservation and no packet loss in the network.


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Modern Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication systems place huge demands on embedded processing resources in terms of throughput, latency and resource utilization. State-of-the-art MIMO detector algorithms, such as Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoding (FSD), rely on efficient channel preprocessing involving numerous calculations of the pseudo-inverse of the channel matrix by QR Decomposition (QRD) and ordering. These highly complicated operations can quickly become the critical prerequisite for real-time MIMO detection, exaggerated as the number of antennas in a MIMO detector increases. This paper describes a sorted QR decomposition (SQRD) algorithm extended for FSD, which significantly reduces the complexity and latency
of this preprocessing step and increases the throughput of MIMO detection. It merges the calculations of the QRD and ordering operations to avoid multiple iterations of QRD. Specifically, it shows that SQRD reduces the computational complexity by over 60-70% when compared to conventional
MIMO preprocessing algorithms. In 4x4 to 7x7 MIMO cases, the approach suffers merely 0.16-0.2 dB reduction in Bit Error Rate (BER) performance.


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A surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based inhibition assay method using a polyclonal anti-mouse IgM arrayed Cryptosporidium sensor chip was developed for the real-time detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. The Cryptosporidium sensor chip was fabricated by subsequent immobilization of streptavidin and polyclonal anti-mouse IgM (secondary antibody) onto heterogeneous self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The assay consisted of the immunoreaction step between monoclonal anti-C. parvum oocyst (primary antibody) and oocysts, followed by the binding step of the unbound primary antibody onto the secondary antibody surface. It enhanced not only the immunoreaction yield of the oocysts by batch reaction but also the accessibility of analytes to the chip surface by antibody–antibody interaction. Furthermore, the use of optimum concentration of the primary antibody maximized its binding response on the chip. An inversely linear calibration curve for the oocyst concentration versus SPR signal was obtained in the range of 1×106–1×102 oocysts ml-1. The oocyst detection was also successfully achieved in natural water systems. These results indicate that the SPR-based inhibition assay using the Cryptosporidium sensor chip has high application potential for the real-time analysis of C. parvum oocyst in laboratory and field water monitoring.


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The ability to rapidly detect circulating small RNAs, in particular microRNAs (miRNAs), would further increase their already established potential as biomarkers in a range of conditions. One rate-limiting factor is the time taken to perform quantitative real time PCR amplification. We therefore evaluated the ability of a novel thermal cycler to perform this step in less than 10 minutes. Quantitative PCR was performed on an xxpress® thermal cycler (BJS Biotechnologies, Perivale, UK), which employs a resistive heating system and forced air cooling to achieve thermal ramp rates of 10 °C/s, and a conventional peltier-controlled LightCycler 480 system (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) ramping at 4.8 °C/s. The threshold cycle (Ct) for detection of 18S rDNA from a standard genomic DNA sample was significantly more variable across the block (F-test, p=2.4x10-25) for the xxpress (20.01±0.47SD) than the LightCycler (19.87±0.04SD). RNA was extracted from human plasma, reverse transcribed and a panel of miRNAs amplified and detected using SYBR green (Kapa Biosystems, Wilmington, Ma, USA). The sensitivity of both systems was broadly comparable and both detected a panel of miRNAs reliably and indicated similar relative abundances. The xxpress thermal cycler facilitates rapid qPCR detection of small RNAs and brings point-of care diagnostics based upon circulating miRNAs a step closer to reality.


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This paper presents a novel real-time power-device temperature estimation method that monitors the power MOSFET's junction temperature shift arising from thermal aging effects and incorporates the updated electrothermal models of power modules into digital controllers. Currently, the real-time estimator is emerging as an important tool for active control of device junction temperature as well as online health monitoring for power electronic systems, but its thermal model fails to address the device's ongoing degradation. Because of a mismatch of coefficients of thermal expansion between layers of power devices, repetitive thermal cycling will cause cracks, voids, and even delamination within the device components, particularly in the solder and thermal grease layers. Consequently, the thermal resistance of power devices will increase, making it possible to use thermal resistance (and junction temperature) as key indicators for condition monitoring and control purposes. In this paper, the predicted device temperature via threshold voltage measurements is compared with the real-time estimated ones, and the difference is attributed to the aging of the device. The thermal models in digital controllers are frequently updated to correct the shift caused by thermal aging effects. Experimental results on three power MOSFETs confirm that the proposed methodologies are effective to incorporate the thermal aging effects in the power-device temperature estimator with good accuracy. The developed adaptive technologies can be applied to other power devices such as IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs, and have significant economic implications. 


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This paper presents a novel hand-held instrument capable of real-time in situ detection and identification of heavy metals. The proposed system provides the facilities found in a traditional lab-based instrument in a hand held a design. In contrast to existing commercial systems, it can stand alone without the need of an associated computer. The electrochemical instrument uses anodic stripping voltammetry which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The sensors comprise disposable screen-printed (solid working) electrodes rather than the more common hanging mercury drop electrodes. The system is reliable, easy to use, safe, avoids expensive and time-consuming procedures and may be used in a variety of situations to help in the fields of environmental assessment and control.


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Game-theoretic security resource allocation problems have generated significant interest in the area of designing and developing security systems. These approaches traditionally utilize the Stackelberg game model for security resource scheduling in order to improve the protection of critical assets. The basic assumption in Stackelberg games is that a defender will act first, then an attacker will choose their best response after observing the defender’s strategy commitment (e.g., protecting a specific asset). Thus, it requires an attacker’s full or partial observation of a defender’s strategy. This assumption is unrealistic in real-time threat recognition and prevention. In this paper, we propose a new solution concept (i.e., a method to predict how a game will be played) for deriving the defender’s optimal strategy based on the principle of acceptable costs of minimax regret. Moreover, we demonstrate the advantages of this solution concept by analyzing its properties.


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Pre-processing (PP) of received symbol vector and channel matrices is an essential pre-requisite operation for Sphere Decoder (SD)-based detection of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) wireless systems. PP is a highly complex operation, but relative to the total SD workload it represents a relatively small fraction of the overall computational cost of detecting an OFDM MIMO frame in standards such as 802.11n. Despite this, real-time PP architectures are highly inefficient, dominating the resource cost of real-time SD architectures. This paper resolves this issue. By reorganising the ordering and QR decomposition sub operations of PP, we describe a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based PP architecture for the Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD) applied to 4 × 4 802.11n MIMO which reduces resource cost by 50% as compared to state-of-the-art solutions whilst maintaining real-time performance.


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We present a quantum simulation method that follows the dynamics of out-of-equilibrium many-body systems of electrons and oscillators in real time. Its cost is linear in the number of oscillators and it can probe time scales from attoseconds to hundreds of picoseconds. Contrary to Ehrenfest dynamics, it can thermalize starting from a variety of initial conditions, including electronic population inversion. While an electronic temperature can be defined in terms of a nonequilibrium entropy, a Fermi-Dirac distribution in general emerges only after thermalization. These results can be used to construct a kinetic model of electron-phonon equilibration based on the explicit quantum dynamics.


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This paper proposes a method for the detection and classification of multiple events in an electrical power system in real-time, namely; islanding, high frequency events (loss of load) and low frequency events (loss of generation). This method is based on principal component analysis of frequency measurements and employs a moving window approach to combat the time-varying nature of power systems, thereby increasing overall situational awareness of the power system. Numerical case studies using both real data, collected from the UK power system, and simulated case studies, constructed using DigSilent PowerFactory, for islanding events, as well as both loss of load and generation dip events, are used to demonstrate the reliability of the proposed method.


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NanoStreams explores the design, implementation,and system software stack of micro-servers aimed at processingdata in-situ and in real time. These micro-servers can serve theemerging Edge computing ecosystem, namely the provisioningof advanced computational, storage, and networking capabilitynear data sources to achieve both low latency event processingand high throughput analytical processing, before consideringoff-loading some of this processing to high-capacity datacentres.NanoStreams explores a scale-out micro-server architecture thatcan achieve equivalent QoS to that of conventional rack-mountedservers for high-capacity datacentres, but with dramaticallyreduced form factors and power consumption. To this end,NanoStreams introduces novel solutions in programmable & con-figurable hardware accelerators, as well as the system softwarestack used to access, share, and program those accelerators.Our NanoStreams micro-server prototype has demonstrated 5.5×higher energy-efficiency than a standard Xeon Server. Simulationsof the microserver’s memory system extended to leveragehybrid DDR/NVM main memory indicated 5× higher energyefficiencythan a conventional DDR-based system. 


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Os Sistemas Embarcados Distribuídos (SEDs) estão, hoje em dia, muito difundidos em vastas áreas, desde a automação industrial, a automóveis, aviões, até à distribuição de energia e protecção do meio ambiente. Estes sistemas são, essencialmente, caracterizados pela integração distribuída de aplicações embarcadas, autónomas mas cooperantes, explorando potenciais vantagens em termos de modularidade, facilidade de manutenção, custos de instalação, tolerância a falhas, entre outros. Contudo, o ambiente operacional onde se inserem estes tipos de sistemas pode impor restrições temporais rigorosas, exigindo que o sistema de comunicação subjacente consiga transmitir mensagens com garantias temporais. Contudo, os SEDs apresentam uma crescente complexidade, uma vez que integram subsistemas cada vez mais heterogéneos, quer ao nível do tráfego gerado, quer dos seus requisitos temporais. Em particular, estes subsistemas operam de forma esporádica, isto é, suportam mudanças operacionais de acordo com estímulos exteriores. Estes subsistemas também se reconfiguram dinamicamente de acordo com a actualização dos seus requisitos e, ainda, têm lidar com um número variável de solicitações de outros subsistemas. Assim sendo, o nível de utilização de recursos pode variar e, desta forma, as políticas de alocação estática tornam-se muito ineficientes. Consequentemente, é necessário um sistema de comunicação capaz de suportar com eficácia reconfigurações e adaptações dinâmicas. A tecnologia Ethernet comutada tem vindo a emergir como uma solução sólida para fornecer comunicações de tempo-real no âmbito dos SEDs, como comprovado pelo número de protocolos de tempo-real que foram desenvolvidos na última década. No entanto, nenhum dos protocolos existentes reúne as características necessárias para fornecer uma eficiente utilização da largura de banda e, simultaneamente, para respeitar os requisitos impostos pelos SEDs. Nomeadamente, a capacidade para controlar e policiar tráfego de forma robusta, conjugada com suporte à reconfiguração e adaptação dinâmica, não comprometendo as garantias de tempo-real. Esta dissertação defende a tese de que, pelo melhoramento dos comutadores Ethernet para disponibilizarem mecanismos de reconfiguração e isolamento de tráfego, é possível suportar aplicações de tempo-real críticas, que são adaptáveis ao ambiente onde estão inseridas.Em particular, é mostrado que as técnicas de projecto, baseadas em componentes e apoiadas no escalonamento hierárquico de servidores de tráfego, podem ser integradas nos comutadores Ethernet para alcançar as propriedades desejadas. Como suporte, é fornecida, também, uma solução para instanciar uma hierarquia reconfigurável de servidores de tráfego dentro do comutador, bem como a análise adequada ao modelo de escalonamento. Esta última fornece um limite superior para o tempo de resposta que os pacotes podem sofrer dentro dos servidores de tráfego, com base unicamente no conhecimento de um dado servidor e na hierarquia actual, isto é, sem o conhecimento das especifidades do tráfego dentro dos outros servidores. Finalmente, no âmbito do projecto HaRTES foi construído um protótipo do comutador Ethernet, o qual é baseado no paradigma “Flexible Time-Triggered”, que permite uma junção flexível de uma fase síncrona para o tráfego controlado pelo comutador e uma fase assíncrona que implementa a estrutura hierárquica de servidores referidos anteriormente. Além disso, as várias experiências práticas realizadas permitiram validar as propriedades desejadas e, consequentemente, a tese que fundamenta esta dissertação.


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Wireless communication technologies have become widely adopted, appearing in heterogeneous applications ranging from tracking victims, responders and equipments in disaster scenarios to machine health monitoring in networked manufacturing systems. Very often, applications demand a strictly bounded timing response, which, in distributed systems, is generally highly dependent on the performance of the underlying communication technology. These systems are said to have real-time timeliness requirements since data communication must be conducted within predefined temporal bounds, whose unfulfillment may compromise the correct behavior of the system and cause economic losses or endanger human lives. The potential adoption of wireless technologies for an increasingly broad range of application scenarios has made the operational requirements more complex and heterogeneous than before for wired technologies. On par with this trend, there is an increasing demand for the provision of cost-effective distributed systems with improved deployment, maintenance and adaptation features. These systems tend to require operational flexibility, which can only be ensured if the underlying communication technology provides both time and event triggered data transmission services while supporting on-line, on-the-fly parameter modification. Generally, wireless enabled applications have deployment requirements that can only be addressed through the use of batteries and/or energy harvesting mechanisms for power supply. These applications usually have stringent autonomy requirements and demand a small form factor, which hinders the use of large batteries. As the communication support may represent a significant part of the energy requirements of a station, the use of power-hungry technologies is not adequate. Hence, in such applications, low-range technologies have been widely adopted. In fact, although low range technologies provide smaller data rates, they spend just a fraction of the energy of their higher-power counterparts. The timeliness requirements of data communications, in general, can be met by ensuring the availability of the medium for any station initiating a transmission. In controlled (close) environments this can be guaranteed, as there is a strict regulation of which stations are installed in the area and for which purpose. Nevertheless, in open environments, this is hard to control because no a priori abstract knowledge is available of which stations and technologies may contend for the medium at any given instant. Hence, the support of wireless real-time communications in unmanaged scenarios is a highly challenging task. Wireless low-power technologies have been the focus of a large research effort, for example, in the Wireless Sensor Network domain. Although bringing extended autonomy to battery powered stations, such technologies are known to be negatively influenced by similar technologies contending for the medium and, especially, by technologies using higher power transmissions over the same frequency bands. A frequency band that is becoming increasingly crowded with competing technologies is the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical band, encompassing, for example, Bluetooth and ZigBee, two lowpower communication standards which are the base of several real-time protocols. Although these technologies employ mechanisms to improve their coexistence, they are still vulnerable to transmissions from uncoordinated stations with similar technologies or to higher power technologies such as Wi- Fi, which hinders the support of wireless dependable real-time communications in open environments. The Wireless Flexible Time-Triggered Protocol (WFTT) is a master/multi-slave protocol that builds on the flexibility and timeliness provided by the FTT paradigm and on the deterministic medium capture and maintenance provided by the bandjacking technique. This dissertation presents the WFTT protocol and argues that it allows supporting wireless real-time communication services with high dependability requirements in open environments where multiple contention-based technologies may dispute the medium access. Besides, it claims that it is feasible to provide flexible and timely wireless communications at the same time in open environments. The WFTT protocol was inspired on the FTT paradigm, from which higher layer services such as, for example, admission control has been ported. After realizing that bandjacking was an effective technique to ensure the medium access and maintenance in open environments crowded with contention-based communication technologies, it was recognized that the mechanism could be used to devise a wireless medium access protocol that could bring the features offered by the FTT paradigm to the wireless domain. The performance of the WFTT protocol is reported in this dissertation with a description of the implemented devices, the test-bed and a discussion of the obtained results.


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The number of software applications available on the Internet for distributing video streams in real time over P2P networks has grown quickly in the last two years. Typical this kind of distribution is made by television channel broadcasters which try to make their content globally available, using viewer's resources to support a large scale distribution of video without incurring in incremental costs. However, the lack of adaptation in video quality, combined with the lack of a standard protocol for this kind of multimedia distribution has driven content providers to basically ignore it as a solution for video delivery over the Internet. While the scalable extension of the H. 264 encoding (H.264/SVC) can be used to support terminal and network heterogeneity, it is not clear how it can be integrated in a P2P overlay to form a large scale and real time distribution. In this paper, we start by defining a solution that combines the most popular P2P file-sharing protocol, the BitTorrent, with the H. 264/SVC encoding for a real-time video content delivery. Using this solution we then evaluate the effect of several parameters in the quality received by peers.