772 resultados para Reactive permeable barriers


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During the development of Arabidopsis and other land plants, diffusion barriers are formed in the apoplast of specialized tissues within a variety of plant organs. While the cuticle of the epidermis is the primary diffusion barrier in the shoot, the Casparian strips and suberin lamellae of the endodermis and the periderm represent the diffusion barriers in the root. Different classes of molecules contribute to the formation of extracellular diffusion barriers in an organ- and tissue-specific manner. Cutin and wax are the major components of the cuticle, lignin forms the early Casparian strip, and suberin is deposited in the stage II endodermis and the periderm. The current status of our understanding of the relationships between the chemical structure, ultrastructure and physiological functions of plant diffusion barriers is discussed. Specific aspects of the synthesis of diffusion barrier components and protocols that can be used for the assessment of barrier function and important barrier properties are also presented.


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The plant cuticle composed of cutin, a lipid-derived polyester, and cuticular waxes covers the aerial portions of plants and constitutes a hydrophobic extracellular matrix layer that protects plants against environmental stresses. The botrytis-resistant 1 (bre1) mutant of Arabidopsis reveals that a permeable cuticle does not facilitate the entry of fungal pathogens in general, but surprisingly causes an arrest of invasion by Botrytis. BRE1 was identified to be long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase2 (LACS2) that has previously been shown to be involved in cuticle development and was here found to be essential for cutin biosynthesis. bre1/lacs2 has a five-fold reduction in dicarboxylic acids, the typical monomers of Arabidopsis cutin. Comparison of bre1/lacs2 with the mutants lacerata and hothead revealed that an increased permeability of the cuticle facilitates perception of putative elicitors in potato dextrose broth, leading to the presence of antifungal compound(s) at the surface of Arabidopsis plants that confer resistance to Botrytis and Sclerotinia. Arabidopsis plants with a permeable cuticle have thus an altered perception of their environment and change their physiology accordingly.


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Superantigens are defined by their ability to stimulate a large fraction of T cells via interaction with the T cell receptor (TCR) V beta domain. Endogenous superantigens, classically termed minor lymphocyte-stimulating (Mls) antigens, were recently identified as products of open reading frames (ORF) in integrated proviral copies of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). We have described an infectious MMTV homologue of the classical endogenous superantigen Mls-1a (Mtv-7). The ORF molecules of both the endogenous Mtv-7 and the infectious MMTV(SW) interact with T cells expressing the TCR V beta 6, 7, 8.1, and 9 domains. Furthermore, the COOH termini of their ORF molecules, thought to confer TCR specificity, are very similar. Since successful transport of MMTV from the site of infection in the gut to the mammary gland depends on a functional immune system, we were interested in determining the early events after and requirements for MMTV infection. We show that MMTV(SW) infection induces a massive response of V beta 6+ CDC4+ T cells, which interact with the viral ORF. Concomitantly, we observed a B cell response and differentiation that depends on both the presence and stimulation of the superantigen-reactive T cells. Furthermore, we show that B cells are the main target of the initial MMTV infection as judged by the presence of the reverse-transcribed viral genome and ORF transcripts. Thus, we suggest that MMTV infection of B cells leads to ORF-mediated B-T cell interaction, which maintains and possibly amplifies viral infection.


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Aquest treball gira entorn la qüestió de l’ús que es fa de la literatura com a medi per a l’ensenyament de l’anglès com a segona llengua. En primer lloc, dibuixa el marc de la situació actual on hi ha una clara separació entre llengua i literatura com a assignatures diferenciades i fa un repàs de les diferents metodologies que al llarg de la historia han utilitzat la literatura com a eina d’aprenentatge de la llengua. Segonament, el treball explica el desenvolupament i posada en pràctica d’una unitat didàctica completa per a alumnes de segon de batxillerat, que te la literatura con a punt de sortida. El treball mira de concloure com la utilització de la literatura exerceix un poder de motivació clau en els alumnes i aporta un context que dona sentit i riquesa a l’ensenyament de la llengua. Per últim, el treball fa un recull de les opinions de professors d’anglès de Catalunya al respecte d’aquest tema, a través d’un qüestionari que 66 professors associats a l’APAC (Associació de Professors d’Anglès de Catalunya) van respondre de manera desinteressada.


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BACKGROUND: Reactive electroencephalography (EEG) background during therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is related to favorable prognosis after cardiac arrest (CA), but its predictive value is not 100 %. The aim of this study was to investigate outcome predictors after a first reactive EEG recorded during TH after CA. METHODS: We studied a cohort of consecutive comatose adults admitted between February 2008 and November 2012, after successful resuscitation from CA, selecting patients with reactive EEG during TH. Outcome was assessed at three months, and categorized as survivors and non-survivors (no patient was in vegetative state). Demographics, clinical variables, EEG features, serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and procalcitonin, were compared using uni- and multivariable analyses. RESULTS: A total of 290 patients were treated with TH after cardiac arrest; 146 had an EEG during TH, which proved reactive in 90 of them; 77 (86 %) survived and 13 (14 %) died (without recovery from coma). The group of non-survivors had a higher occurrence of discontinuous EEG (p = 0.006; multivariate analysis p = 0.026), and a higher serum NSE peak (p = 0.021; multivariate analysis p = 0.014); conversely, demographics, and other clinical variables including serum procalcitonin did not differ. CONCLUSIONS: A discontinuous EEG and high serum NSE are associated with mortality after CA in patients with poor outcome despite a reactive hypothermic EEG. This suggests more severe cerebral damage, but not to higher extent of systemic disease.


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We prospectively compared the diagnostic value of C-reactive protein (CRP) and white blood cell counts for detection of neonatal septicaemia. Sensitivity and specifity in receiver operating characteristics, and positive and negative predictive value of CRP and white blood cell count were compared in 195 critically ill preterm and term newborns clinically suspected of infection. Blood cultures were positive in 33 cases. During the first 3 days after birth CRP elevation (sensitivity 75%, specifity 86%), leukopenia (67%/90%), neutropenia (78%/80%) and immature to total neutrophil count (I/T) ratio (78%/73%) were good diagnostic parameters, as opposed to band forms with absolute count (84%/66%) or percentage (79%/71%), thrombocytopenia (65%/57%) and toxic granulations (44%/94%). Beyond 3 days of age elevated CRP (88%/87%) was the best parameter. Increased total (84%/66%) or percentage band count (79%/71%) were also useful. Leukocytosis (74%/56%), increased neutrophils (67%/65%), I/T ratio (79%/47%), thrombocytopenia (65%/57%) and toxic granulations had a low specifity. The positive predictive value of CRP was 32% before and 37% after 3 days of age, that of leukopenia was 37% in the first 3 days. CONCLUSION: During the first 3 days of life CRP, leukopenia and neutropenia were comparably good tests while after 3 days of life CRP was the best single test in early detection of neonatal septicaemia. Serial CRP estimations confirm the diagnosis, monitor the course of infection and the efficacy of antibiotic treatment.


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Primary tumor growth induces host tissue responses that are believed to support and promote tumor progression. Identification of the molecular characteristics of the tumor microenvironment and elucidation of its crosstalk with tumor cells may therefore be crucial for improving our understanding of the processes implicated in cancer progression, identifying potential therapeutic targets, and uncovering stromal gene expression signatures that may predict clinical outcome. A key issue to resolve, therefore, is whether the stromal response to tumor growth is largely a generic phenomenon, irrespective of the tumor type or whether the response reflects tumor-specific properties. To address similarity or distinction of stromal gene expression changes during cancer progression, oligonucleotide-based Affymetrix microarray technology was used to compare the transcriptomes of laser-microdissected stromal cells derived from invasive human breast and prostate carcinoma. Invasive breast and prostate cancer-associated stroma was observed to display distinct transcriptomes, with a limited number of shared genes. Interestingly, both breast and prostate tumor-specific dysregulated stromal genes were observed to cluster breast and prostate cancer patients, respectively, into two distinct groups with statistically different clinical outcomes. By contrast, a gene signature that was common to the reactive stroma of both tumor types did not have survival predictive value. Univariate Cox analysis identified genes whose expression level was most strongly associated with patient survival. Taken together, these observations suggest that the tumor microenvironment displays distinct features according to the tumor type that provides survival-predictive value.


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Retinoblastoma is the most common pediatric intraocular neoplasm. While retinoblastoma development requires the inactivation of both alleles of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene (RB1) in the developing retina, additional genomic changes are involved in tumor progression, which progressively lead to resistance of tumor cells to death. Therapeutics acting at very downstream levels of death signaling pathways should therefore be interesting in killing retinoblastoma cells. The BH3-only proteins promote apoptosis by modulating the interaction between the pro- and antiapoptotic members of the BCL2 protein family, and this effect can be recapitulated by the BH3 domains. This report analyzes the effect of various BH3 peptides, corresponding to different BH3-only proteins, on two retinoblastoma cell lines, Y79 and WERI-Rb, as well as on the photoreceptor cell line 661W. The BH3 peptide BIRO1, derived from the BCL2L11 death domain, was very effective in promoting Y79 and WERI-Rb cell death without affecting the 661W photoreceptor cells. This cell death was efficient even in absence of BAX and was shown to be caspase independent. While ROS production or AIF release was not detected from mitochondria of treated cells, BIRO1 initiated mitochondria fragmentation in a short period of time following treatment. IMPLICATIONS: The BIRO1 peptide is highly effective at killing retinoblastoma cells and has potential as a peptidomimetic.


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Résumé Il est actuellement reconnu que l'endothélium vasculaire joue un rôle primordial dans la genèse des maladies cardiovasculaires, notamment l'artériosclérose. Dès lors, il est important de pouvoir investiguer la fonction endothéliale en clinique. Pour ce faire, il est particulièrement simple d'examiner la microcirculation cutanée, car celle-ci est très simplement accessible, de manière non-invasive, par fluxmétrie laser-Doppler. Pratiquement, on mesure l'augmentation du flux sanguin dermique en réponse à des stimuli connus pour agir via l'endothélium vasculaire. Les stimuli endothélium-dépendants les plus courants sont l'interruption temporaire du flux sanguin qui est suivie d'une hyperémie réactive, et l'administration transcutanée d'acétylcholine (Ach) par iontophorèse. La iontophorèse consiste à obtenir le transfert d' une substance ionisée, telle l'Ach, par l'application d'un courant électrique de polarité appropriée. L'objectif du présent travail était de déterminer le rôle des prostaglandines dans ces réponse vasodilatatrices dépendante de l'endothélium, rôle actuellement peu clair. 23 jeunes hommes volontaires non fumeurs et en bonne santé habituelle ont été examinés lors de deux visites séparées par 1 à 3 semaines. Lors de chaque visite, l'hyperémie réactive et la réponse vasodilatatrice à l'Ach ont été déterminées dans la peau de l'avant bras après administration soit d'un placebo, soit d'un inhibiteur de la cyclooxygénase (COX, enzyme qui contrôle la synthèse des prostaglandines). Chez certains sujets, l'inhibiteur était de l'acétylsalicylate de lysine (900 mg par voie intraveineuse). Chez d'autres sujets, il s'agissait d'indométhacine. (75 mg par voie orale). Comme la stimulation nociceptive liée au courant iontophorétique peut influencer la réponse à l'Ach, celle-ci a été déterminée en présence et en l'absence d'anesthésie de surface (crème de lidocaine). La réponse à l'Ach a été obtenue pour 4 doses différentes de cet agent (exprimées sous la forme de la densité de charge iontophorétique appliquée : 0.28, 1.4, 7, et 14 millicoulombs par cm2 de peau exposée). Le flux sanguin dermique était mesuré par imagerie laser-Doppler, une variante de la fluxmétrie laser-Doppler classique permettant l'exploration d'une surface de peau de taille arbitraire. Quelle que soit la condition testée, nous n'avons jamais observé la moindre influence de l'inhibition de la COX sur l'hyperémie réactive, ni sur la réponse à l'Ach. Cette dernière était augmentée significativement par l'anesthésie cutanée, que les sujets aient reçu ou non de l'acétylsalicylate de lysine ou de l'indométhacine . Par exemple, la réponses moyenne (±SD) à la plus haute dose d'Ach (testée sur 6 sujets, et exprimée en unités de perfusion, comme il est d'usage en fluxmétrie laser-Doppler ) était la suivante : en l'absence d'anesthésie : acétylsalicylate de lysine 339 ± 105, placebo 344 ± 68 ; avec l'anesthésie : acétylsalicylate de lysine 453 ± 76 , placebo 452 ± 65 (p * 0.001 pour les effets de l'anesthésie). En conclusion, nos résultats infirment une contribution des prostaglandines à l'hyperémie réactive ou à la vasodilatation induite par l'acétylcholine dans la microcirculation cutanée. Dans ce lit vasculaire, l'anesthésie locale accroît la vasodilatation induite par l'acétylcholine par un mécanisme indépendant des prostaglandines.


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Scientific data from family medicine are relevant for the majority of the population. They are therefore essential from an ethical and public health perspective. We need to promote quality research in family medicine despite methodological, financial and logistic barriers. To highlight the strengths and weaknesses of research in family medicine in the French-speaking part of Switzerland we asked practitioners from this region to share their experience, critics and needs in relation to research. This article summarizes their contribution in light of the international literature.


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While it was thought that most of cerebral creatine is of peripheral origin, AGAT and GAMT are well expressed in CNS where brain cells synthesize creatine. While the creatine transporter SLC6A8 is expressed by microcapillary endothelial cells (MCEC) at blood-brain barrier (BBB), it is absent from their surrounding astrocytes. This raised the concept that BBB has a limited permeability for peripheral creatine, and that the brain supplies a part of its creatine by endogenous synthesis. This review brings together the latest data on creatine and guanidinoacetate transport through BBB and blood-CSF barrier (BCSFB) with the clinical evidence of AGAT-, GAMT- and SLC6A8-deficient patients, in order to delineate a clearer view on the roles of BBB and BCSFB in the transport of creatine and guanidinoacetate between periphery and CNS, and on brain synthesis and transport of creatine. It shows that in physiological conditions, creatine is taken up by CNS from periphery through SLC6A8 at BBB, but in limited amounts, and that CNS also needs its own creatine synthesis. No uptake of guanidinoacetate from periphery occurs at BBB except under GAMT deficiency, but a net exit of guanidinoacetate seems to occur from CSF to blood at BCSFB, predominantly through the taurine transporter TauT.


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Background: Metabolic flux profiling based on the analysis of distribution of stable isotope tracer in metabolites is an important method widely used in cancer research to understand the regulation of cell metabolism and elaborate new therapeutic strategies. Recently, we developed software Isodyn, which extends the methodology of kinetic modeling to the analysis of isotopic isomer distribution for the evaluation of cellular metabolic flux profile under relevant conditions. This tool can be applied to reveal the metabolic effect of proapoptotic drug edelfosine in leukemia Jurkat cell line, uncovering the mechanisms of induction of apoptosis in cancer cells. Results: The study of 13C distribution of Jukat cells exposed to low edelfosine concentration, which induces apoptosis in ¿5% of cells, revealed metabolic changes previous to the development of apoptotic program. Specifically, it was found that low dose of edelfosine stimulates the TCA cycle. These metabolic perturbations were coupled with an increase of nucleic acid synthesis de novo, which indicates acceleration of biosynthetic and reparative processes. The further increase of the TCA cycle fluxes, when higher doses of drug applied, eventually enhance reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and trigger apoptotic program. Conclusion: The application of Isodyn to the analysis of mechanism of edelfosine-induced apoptosis revealed primary drug-induced metabolic changes, which are important for the subsequent initiation of apoptotic program. Initiation of such metabolic changes could be exploited in anticancer therapy.