359 resultados para Rayleigh


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Numerical modelling was performed to study the dynamics of multilayer detachment folding and salt tectonics. In the case of multilayer detachment folding, analytically derived diagrams show several folding modes, half of which are applicable to crustal scale folding. 3D numerical simulations are in agreement with 2D predictions, yet fold interactions result in complex fold patterns. Pre-existing salt diapirs change folding patterns as they localize the initial deformation. If diapir spacing is much smaller than the dominant folding wavelength, diapirs appear in fold synclines or limbs.rnNumerical models of 3D down-building diapirism show that sedimentation rate controls whether diapirs will form and influences the overall patterns of diapirism. Numerical codes were used to retrodeform modelled salt diapirs. Reverse modelling can retrieve the initial geometries of a 2D Rayleigh-Taylor instability with non-linear rheologies. Although intermediate geometries of down-built diapirs are retrieved, forward and reverse modelling solutions deviate. rnFinally, the dynamics of fold-and-thrusts belts formed over a tilted viscous detachment is studied and it is demonstrated that mechanical stratigraphy has an impact on the deformation style, switching from thrust- to folding-dominated. The basal angle of the detachment controls the deformation sequence of the fold-and-thrust belt and results are consistent with critical wedge theory.rn


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In questo lavoro di tesi si intende fornire un'analisi in chiave quantomeccanica di una serie di caratteristiche della molecola di idrogeno ionizzata. Il fatto che l'equazione di Schrödinger per l'elettrone sia nel caso di H2+ risolvibile in maniera esatta rende questo sistema fisico un prezioso banco di prova per qualsiasi metodo di approssimazione. Il lavoro svolto in questa trattazione consisterà proprio nella risoluzione dell'equazione d'onda per l'elettrone nel suo stato fondamentale, dapprima in maniera esatta poi mediante LCAO, e successivamente nell'analisi dei risultati ottenuti, che verranno dapprima discussi e interpretati in chiave fisica, e infine messi a confronto per la verifica della bontà dell'approssimazione. Il metodo approssimato fornirà approssimazioni relative anche al primo stato elettronico eccitato; anche questo verrà ampiamente discusso, e ci si soffermerà in particolare sulla caratterizzazione di orbitali di "legame" e di "antilegame", e sul loro rapporto con la stabilità dello ione molecolare.


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Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di applicare un metodo lineare per l'inversione delle curve di dispersione delle onde superficiali di Rayleigh da rumore sismico, al fine di descrivere con maggior definizione la struttura della crosta terrestre in corrispondenza dell'Italia settentrionale e confrontarlo con il modello di riferimento. Si è fatto uso del processo di cross-correlazione applicato al rumore sismico per ricostruire la Funzione di Green per ogni coppia di stazioni. Sono state considerate circa 100 stazioni, tutte nel Nord-Italia. I segnali ottenuti sono costituiti principalmente da onde di superficie, in particolare onde di Rayleigh, le quali dominano i segnali in ampiezza. Per periodi compresi tra 1s e 50s, per ogni raggio tra coppie di stazioni, è stata misurata la velcoità di gruppo tramite l'utilizzo del software EGFAnalysisTimeFreq per Matlab. Le curve di dispersione così ottenute sono state utilizzate come dato per la risoluzione del problema inverso, al fine di ottenere mappe2D della velocità di gruppo che è fortemente dipendente dalle caratteristiche del mezzo. Infine queste ultime sono state confrontate con mappe di un modello esistente per la regione (Molinari et al. [22]).


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Random access (RA) protocols are normally used in a satellite networks for initial terminal access and are particularly effective since no coordination is required. On the other hand, contention resolution diversity slotted Aloha (CRDSA), irregular repetition slotted Aloha (IRSA) and coded slotted Aloha (CSA) has shown to be more efficient than classic RA schemes as slotted Aloha, and can be exploited also when short packets transmissions are done over a shared medium. In particular, they relies on burst repetition and on successive interference cancellation (SIC) applied at the receiver. The SIC process can be well described using a bipartite graph representation and exploiting tools used for analyze iterative decoding. The scope of my Master Thesis has been to described the performance of such RA protocols when the Rayleigh fading is taken into account. In this context, each user has the ability to correctly decode a packet also in presence of collision and when SIC is considered this may result in multi-packet reception. Analysis of the SIC procedure under Rayleigh fading has been analytically derived for the asymptotic case (infinite frame length), helping the analysis of both throughput and packet loss rates. An upper bound of the achievable performance has been analytically obtained. It can be show that in particular channel conditions the throughput of the system can be greater than one packets per slot which is the theoretical limit of the Collision Channel case.


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A field study of thermal circulation over very gentle slope is described for a specific day characterised by weak synoptic conditions. The emphasis was on morning and evening transitions, but measurements cover the entire day; therefore a brief analysis is performed to represent the general thermal circulation pattern. Both transition periods are characterised by complex dynamic behaviours. During evening transition, the upslope flow has got through a stagnation condition characterised by wind velocity U<0:5 m=s. Only when the stagnating air has become negative buoyant, the flow is allowed to pour downslope like a slab. Some features of front formation has been found during the transition development, such as delay time of downslope flow start up along the slope, and the presence of positive turbulent kinetic energy at the onset of the motion. Eventually the observed evening transition has followed a mixed mechanisms, with features from different models. Therefore the Rayleigh number seems not to be a good criterion by which parametrise evening transition itself. Morning transition is characterised by destruction of nocturnal temperature inversion and the onset of upslope flow. Inversion destruction can be described in terms of CBL growth at surface and inversion decent from the top of the layer. KH has found to be a good indicator of inversion breakup, if used as parameter to study the inversion breakup in terms of temperature reversal. After the inversion breakup, buoyancy and mechanical productions supply the flow with the necessary energy to start the upslope wind. More quantitative analysis are provided by the study of stability parameters and turbulent kinetic energy budgets. Gradient Richardson number has been used in this terms, finding that a mixed SBL-CBL behaviour dominates the most of the observed layers. Tke budget has shown high turbulent behaviour during morning transition while the evening transition has developed entirely in laminar condition, apart from short intermittent turbulent events.


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Il presente lavoro si prefigge come scopo la validazione e successiva taratura dei modelli di cavitazione di Merkle e Kunz, basati sulla modellazione del trasferimento di massa, implementati nel software OpenFOAM. Lo studio riguarda la fluidodinamica computazionale. L'operazione di taratura e condotta dall'utente variando i parametri liberi dei vari modelli, con lo scopo di avvicinare il risultato computazionale a quello sperimentale.


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We measured δ17O and δ18O in two Antarctic ice cores at EPICA Dome C (EDC) and TALDICE (TD), respectively and computed 17O-excess with respect to VSMOW. The comparison of our 17O-excess data with the previous record obtained at Vostok (Landais et al., 2008) revealed differences up to 35 ppm in 17O-excess mean level and evolution for the three sites. Our data showed that the large increase depicted at Vostok (20 ppm) during the last deglaciation, is a regional and not a general pattern in the temporal distribution of 17O-excess in East Antarctica. The EDC data display an increase of 13 ppm, whereas the TD data show no significant variation from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the Early Holocene (EH). Lagrangian moisture source diagnostic revealed very different source regions for Vostok and EDC compared to TD. These findings combined with the results of a sensitivity analysis, using a Rayleigh-type isotopic model, suggest that relative humidity (RH) at the oceanic source region (OSR) are a determining factor for the spatial differences of 17O-excess in East Antarctica. However, 17O-excess in remote sites of continental Antarctica (e.g. Vostok) may be highly sensitive to local effects. Hence, we consider 17O-excess in coastal East Antarctic ice cores (TD) to be more reliable as a proxy for RH at the OSR.


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We measured δ17O and δ18O in two Antarctic ice cores at EPICA Dome C (EDC) and TALDICE (TD), respectively, and computed 17O-excess with respect to VSMOW. The comparison of our 17O-excess data with the previous record obtained at Vostok (Landais et al., 2008a) revealed differences up to 35 ppm in 17O-excess mean level and evolution for the three sites. Our data show that the large increase depicted at Vostok (20 ppm) during the last deglaciation is a regional and not a general pattern in the temporal distribution of 17O-excess in East Antarctica. The EDC data display an increase of 12 ppm, whereas the TD data show no significant variation from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the Early Holocene (EH). A Lagrangian moisture source diagnostic revealed very different source regions for Vostok and EDC compared to TD. These findings combined with the results of a sensitivity analysis, using a Rayleigh-type isotopic model, suggest that normalized relative humidity (RHn) at the oceanic source region (OSR) is a determining factor for the spatial differences of 17O-excess in East Antarctica. However, 17O-excess in remote sites of continental Antarctica (e.g. Vostok) may be highly sensitive to local effects. Hence, we consider 17O-excess in coastal East Antarctic ice cores (TD) to be more reliable as a proxy for RHn at the OSR.


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The relative abundance of the heavy water isotopologue HDO provides a deeper insight into the atmospheric hydrological cycle. The SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) allows for global retrievals of the ratio HDO/H2O in the 2.3 micron wavelength range. However, the spectroscopy of water lines in this region remains a large source of uncertainty for these retrievals. We therefore evaluate and improve the water spectroscopy in the range 4174–4300 cm−1 and test if this reduces systematic uncertainties in the SCIAMACHY retrievals of HDO/H2O. We use a laboratory spectrum of water vapour to fit line intensity, air broadening and wavelength shift parameters. The improved spectroscopy is tested on a series of ground-based high resolution FTS spectra as well as on SCIAMACHY retrievals of H2O and the ratio HDO/H2O. We find that the improved spectroscopy leads to lower residuals in the FTS spectra compared to HITRAN 2008 and Jenouvrier et al. (2007) spectroscopy, and the retrievals become more robust against changes in the retrieval window. For both the FTS and SCIAMACHY measurements, the retrieved total H2O columns decrease by 2–4% and we find a negative shift of the HDO/H2O ratio, which for SCIAMACHY is partly compensated by changes in the retrieval setup and calibration software. The updated SCIAMACHY HDO/H2O product shows somewhat steeper latitudinal and temporal gradients and a steeper Rayleigh distillation curve, strengthening previous conclusions that current isotope-enabled general circulation models underestimate the variability in the near-surface HDO/H2O ratio.


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Squeeze film damping effects naturally occur if structures are subjected to loading situations such that a very thin film of fluid is trapped within structural joints, interfaces, etc. An accurate estimate of squeeze film effects is important to predict the performance of dynamic structures. Starting from linear Reynolds equation which governs the fluid behavior coupled with structure domain which is modeled by Kirchhoff plate equation, the effects of nondimensional parameters on the damped natural frequencies are presented using boundary characteristic orthogonal functions. For this purpose, the nondimensional coupled partial differential equations are obtained using Rayleigh-Ritz method and the weak formulation, are solved using polynomial and sinusoidal boundary characteristic orthogonal functions for structure and fluid domain respectively. In order to implement present approach to the complex geometries, a two dimensional isoparametric coupled finite element is developed based on Reissner-Mindlin plate theory and linearized Reynolds equation. The coupling between fluid and structure is handled by considering the pressure forces and structural surface velocities on the boundaries. The effects of the driving parameters on the frequency response functions are investigated. As the next logical step, an analytical method for solution of squeeze film damping based upon Green’s function to the nonlinear Reynolds equation considering elastic plate is studied. This allows calculating modal damping and stiffness force rapidly for various boundary conditions. The nonlinear Reynolds equation is divided into multiple linear non-homogeneous Helmholtz equations, which then can be solvable using the presented approach. Approximate mode shapes of a rectangular elastic plate are used, enabling calculation of damping ratio and frequency shift as well as complex resistant pressure. Moreover, the theoretical results are correlated and compared with experimental results both in the literature and in-house experimental procedures including comparison against viscoelastic dampers.


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We consider the question of optimal shapes, e.g., those causing minimal extinction among all shapes of equal volume. Guided by the isoperimetric property of a sphere, relevant in the geometrical optics limit of scattering by large particles, we examine an analogous question in the low frequency (electrostatics) approximation, seeking to disentangle electric and geometric contributions. To that end, we survey the literature on shape functionals and focus on ellipsoids, giving a simple proof of spherical optimality for the coated ellipsoidal particle. Monotonic increase with asphericity in the low frequency regime for orientation-averaged induced dipole moments and scattering cross-sections is also shown. Additional physical insight is obtained from the Rayleigh-Gans (transparent) limit and eccentricity expansions. We propose connecting low and high frequency regime in a single minimum principle valid for all size parameters, provided that reasonable size distributions of randomly oriented aspherical particles wash out the resonances for intermediate size parameters. This proposal is further supported by the sum rule for integrated extinction.


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Thermal convection in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets has been dismissed on the grounds that radio-echo stratigraphy is undisturbed for long distances. However, the undisturbed stratigraphy lies, for the most part, above the density inversion in polar ice sheets and therefore does not disprove convection. An echo-free zone is widespread below the density inversion, yet nobody has cited this as a strong indication that convection is indeed present at d�pth. A generalized Rayleigh criterion for thermal convection in e1astic-viscoplastic polycrystalline solids heated from below is developed and applied to ice-sheet convection. An infinite Rayleigh number at the onset of primary creep decreases with time and becomes constant when secondary creep dominates, suggesting that any thermal buoyancy stress can initiate convection but convection cannot be sustained below a buoyancy stress of about 3 kPa. An analysis of the temperature profile down the Byrd Station core hole suggests that about 1000 m of ice below the density inversion will sustain convection. Creep along the Byrd Station strain network, radar sounding in East Antarctica, and seismic sounding in West Antarctica are examined for evidence of convective creep superimposed on advective creep. It is concluded that the evidence for convection is there, if we look for it with the intention offinding it.


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For a three-dimensional vertically-oriented fault zone, we consider the coupled effects of fluid flow, heat transfer and reactive mass transport, to investigate the patterns of fluid flow, temperature distribution, mineral alteration and chemically induced porosity changes. We show, analytically and numerically, that finger-like convection patterns can arise in a vertically-oriented fault zone. The onset and patterns of convective fluid flow are controlled by the Rayleigh number which is a function of the thermal properties of the fluid and the rock, the vertical temperature gradient, and the height and the permeability of the fault zone. Vigorous fluid flow causes low temperature gradients over a large region of the fault zone. In such a case, flow across lithological interfaces becomes the most important mechanism for the formation of sharp chemical reaction fronts. The degree of rock buffering, the extent and intensity of alteration, the alteration mineralogy and in some cases the formation of ore deposits are controlled by the magnitude of the flow velocity across these compositional interfaces in the rock. This indicates that alteration patterns along compositional boundaries in the rock may provide some insights into the convection pattern. The advective mass and heat exchanges between the fault zone and the wallrock depend on the permeability contrast between the fault zone and the wallrock. A high permeability contrast promotes focussed convective flow within the fault zone and diffusive exchange of heat and chemical reactants between the fault zone and the wallrock. However, a more gradual permeability change may lead to a regional-scale convective flow system where the flow pattern in the fault affects large-scale fluid flow, mass transport and chemical alteration in the wallrocks


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In order to reconstruct the temperature of the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) site, new measurements of δ15N have been performed covering the time period from the beginning of the Holocene to Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) event 8. Together with previously measured and mostly published δ15N data, we present for the first time a NGRIP temperature reconstruction for the whole last glacial period from 10 to 120 kyr b2k (thousand years before 2000 AD) including every DO event based on δ15N isotope measurements combined with a firn densification and heat diffusion model. The detected temperature rises at the onset of DO events range from 5 °C (DO 25) up to 16.5 °C (DO 11) with an uncertainty of ±3 °C. To bring measured and modelled data into agreement, we had to reduce the accumulation rate given by the NGRIP ss09sea06bm timescale in some periods by 30 to 35%, especially during the last glacial maximum. A comparison between reconstructed temperature and δ18Oice data confirms that the isotopic composition of the stadial was strongly influenced by seasonality. We evidence an anticorrelation between the variations of the δ18Oice sensitivity to temperature (referred to as α) and obliquity in agreement with a simple Rayleigh distillation model. Finally, we suggest that α might be influenced by the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet volume.


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Within the context of exoplanetary atmospheres, we present a comprehensive linear analysis of forced, damped, magnetized shallow water systems, exploring the effects of dimensionality, geometry (Cartesian, pseudo-spherical, and spherical), rotation, magnetic tension, and hydrodynamic and magnetic sources of friction. Across a broad range of conditions, we find that the key governing equation for atmospheres and quantum harmonic oscillators are identical, even when forcing (stellar irradiation), sources of friction (molecular viscosity, Rayleigh drag, and magnetic drag), and magnetic tension are included. The global atmospheric structure is largely controlled by a single key parameter that involves the Rossby and Prandtl numbers. This near-universality breaks down when either molecular viscosity or magnetic drag acts non-uniformly across latitude or a poloidal magnetic field is present, suggesting that these effects will introduce qualitative changes to the familiar chevron-shaped feature witnessed in simulations of atmospheric circulation. We also find that hydrodynamic and magnetic sources of friction have dissimilar phase signatures and affect the flow in fundamentally different ways, implying that using Rayleigh drag to mimic magnetic drag is inaccurate. We exhaustively lay down the theoretical formalism (dispersion relations, governing equations, and time-dependent wave solutions) for a broad suite of models. In all situations, we derive the steady state of an atmosphere, which is relevant to interpreting infrared phase and eclipse maps of exoplanetary atmospheres. We elucidate a pinching effect that confines the atmospheric structure to be near the equator. Our suite of analytical models may be used to develop decisively physical intuition and as a reference point for three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of atmospheric circulation.