998 resultados para Radon,anidride carbonica,rilevatori al silicio,elettrete,camera a ionizzazione,radioattività
A eficiência do uso de uma alça metálica para a remoção de elementos parasitários flutuantes foi investigada. A quantidade de elementos removidos a cada alçada sucessiva foi confrontada com um modelo logarítmico, o qual indicou que cada alçada retirou cerca de 30% dos elementos parasitários flutuantes remanescentes. Estimou-se que as 5 primeiras alçadas retiraram um total de 83% dos elementos parasitários flutuantes, sendo este um procedimento adequado para o método sob investigação.
Measurements in civil engineering load tests usually require considerable time and complex procedures. Therefore, measurements are usually constrained by the number of sensors resulting in a restricted monitored area. Image processing analysis is an alternative way that enables the measurement of the complete area of interest with a simple and effective setup. In this article photo sequences taken during load displacement tests were captured by a digital camera and processed with image correlation algorithms. Three different image processing algorithms were used with real images taken from tests using specimens of PVC and Plexiglas. The data obtained from the image processing algorithms were also compared with the data from physical sensors. A complete displacement and strain map were obtained. Results show that the accuracy of the measurements obtained by photogrammetry is equivalent to that from the physical sensors but with much less equipment and fewer setup requirements. © 2015Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
Mg alloys are very susceptible to corrosion in physiological media. This behaviour limits its widespread use in biomedical applications as bioresorbable implants, but it can be controlled by applying protective coatings. On one hand, coatings must delay and control the degradation process of the bare alloy and, on the other hand, they must be functional and biocompatible. In this study a biocompatible polycaprolactone (PCL) coating was functionalised with nano hydroxyapatite (HA) particles for enhanced biocompatibility and with an antibiotic, cephalexin, for anti-bacterial purposes and applied on the AZ31 alloy. The chemical composition and the surface morphology of the coated samples, before and after the corrosion tests, were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and Raman. The results showed that the presence of additives induced the formation of agglomerates and defects in the coating that resulted in the formation of pores during immersion in Hanks' solution. The corrosion resistance of the coated samples was studied in Hank's solution by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results evidenced that all the coatings can provide corrosion protection of the bare alloy. However, in the presence of the additives, corrosion protection decreased. The wetting behaviour of the coating was evaluated by the static contact angle method and it was found that the presence of both hydroxyapatite and cephalexin increased the hydrophilic behaviour of the surface. The results showed that it is possible to tailor a composite coating that can store an antibiotic and nano hydroxyapatite particles, while allowing to control the in-vitro corrosion degradation of the bioresorbable Mg alloy AZ31. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Valor de los metodos directos e indirectos de diagnóstico en las micosis sitémicas asociadas al SIDA
Durante 5 años se estudiaron 117 pacientes con micosis sistémicas asociadas al SIDA: 74 criptococosis, 39 histoplasmosis y 4 con ambas enfermedades. Para el diagnóstico analizamos los siguientes materiales: escarificaciones de lesiones cutáneas o mucosas, aspirados de médula ósea, secreciones bronquiales, biopsias de diversos órganos, líquido cefalorraquídeo, hemocultivos y sueros para determinaciones serológicas. Fueron estudiadas en total 203 muestras de pacientes con histoplasmosis, el 46.3% de las mismas acusó la presencia de H. capsulatum. Las escarificaciones cutáneas exhibieron la mayor sensibilidad (94.7%), seguidas por las biopsias (80%) y los mielocultivos (42.1%). La demostración de anticuerpos circulantes por medio de 3 pruebas serológicas y con de 2 antígenos específicos dio resultados positivos en el 45.4% de los pacientes. Se estudiaron en total 413 especímenes de pacientes con criptococosis, la confirmación diagnóstica fue posible en el 69% de las muestras. El mayor rendimiento se obtuvo con el LCR (89.5%), le seguieron en sensibilidad los hemocultivos (61.2%), las escarificaciones cutáneas (42.9%) y los urocultivos (41.7%). La búsqueda de antígeno en los fluidos orgánicos fue positiva en casi todos los casos. La revisión que presentamos permitirá una búsqueda más racional y rápida de los métodos de diagnóstico en las micosis asociadas al SIDA.
En este trabajo se establecen las condiciones optimas para la detección de anticuerpos IgM al glicolipido fenólico-I (GF-I) en muestras de sangre en papel de filtro utilizando el UltramicroELISA HANSEN y la tecnologia SUMA. Se estudiaron 300 donantes de sangre y 58 pacientes leprosos. Para estas dos poblaciones se compararon los resultados de muestras de sangre seca colectadas en papel de filtro SS-2992 con los de suero, y se obtuvo una correlación de 0.919 para donantes de sangre, 0.969 para pacientes y 0.954 para el total de las dos poblaciones. Se obtuvo una coincidencia de 98% en pacientes y 96% en donantes. En la población de pacientes la sensibilidad fue de 93% y la especificidad de 100% para las muestras de sangre seca evaluadas por el UMELISA HANSEN, con respecto a las muestras de suero analizadas por esta misma tecnica.
pp. 73-85
In the present study, the performance of Immunomagnetic Separation technique, coupled with Immunofluorescence (IMS-IFA), was compared with the FAUST et al. and Lutz parasitological techniques for the detection of Giardia lamblia cysts in human feces. One hundred and twenty-seven samples were evaluated by the three techniques at the same time showing a rate of cyst detection of 27.5% by IMS-IFA and 15.7% by both Faust et al. and Lutz techniques. Data analysis showed a higher sensitivity of IMS-IFA for the detection of G. lamblia cysts in comparison with the techniques of FAUST et al. and Lutz. The use of this methodology as a routine procedure enables the processing of many samples simultaneously, in order to increase recovery rate of G. lamblia cysts and reduce the time of sample storage.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arqueologia.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência Política e RelaçõesInternacionais.
Oceans - San Diego, 2013
Introduction: Visceral leishmaniasis is an endemic protozoan found in Brazil. It is characterized by fever, pallor, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and progressive weakness in the patient. It may lead to death if untreated. The drug of choice for treatment is meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime®). The aim of this study was to evaluate patients with visceral leishmaniasis according to criteria used for diagnosis, possible reactions to Glucantime® and blood pressure measured before and after treatment. Methods: 89 patients admitted to the Teaching Hospital Dr. Hélvio Auto (HEHA) in Maceió-AL, in the period from May 2006 to December 2009 were evaluated. Data were collected on age, sex, origin, method of diagnosis, adverse effects of drugs, duration of hospitalization, duration of treatment and dosage up to the onset of adverse effects. Results: There was a predominance of child male patients, aged between one and five years old, from the interior of the State of Alagoas. Parasitological diagnosis was made by bone marrow aspirate; three (3.37%) patients died, 12 (13.48%) had adverse reactions and treatment was changed to amphotericin B, and 74 (83.14%) were cured. Changes that led to replacing Glucantime® were persistent fever, jaundice, rash, bleeding and cyanosis. Conclusion: During the study, 89 patients hospitalized for VL were analyzed: 74 were healed, 12 were replaced by amphotericin B treatment and three died. Most of them were under five years old, male and came from the interior. The dosage and duration of treatment with Glucantime® were consistent with that advocated by the Ministry of Health. Persistence of fever, jaundice, rash, cyanosis and bleeding were the reactions that led the physician to modify treatment. No change was observed in blood pressure before and after treatment. This study demonstrated the work of a hospital, a reference in the treatment of leishmaniasis, which has many patients demanding its services in this area. It demonstrates that this disease is still important today, and needs to be addressed properly to prevent injury and death due to the disease.
A highly Al-resistant dissimilatory sulphatereducing bacteria community was isolated from sludge of the wetland of Urgeiriça mine (community W). This community showed excellent sulphate removal at the presence of Al3+. After 27 days of incubation, 73,86 and 81% of sulphate was removed in the presence of 0.48, 0.90 and 1.30 mM of Al3+, respectively. Moreover,Al3+ was simultaneously removed: 55,85 and 78% of metal was removed in the presence of 0.48, 0.90 and 1.30 mM of Al3+, respectively. The dissociation of aluminiumlactate soluble complexes due to lactate consumption by dissimilatory sulphate-reducing bacteria can be responsible for aluminum removal, which probably precipitates as insoluble aluminium hydroxide. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene showed that this community was mainly composed by bacteria closely related to Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. However, bacteria affiliated to Proteus and Ralstonia were also present in the community.
O mieloma múltiplo e a amiloidose de cadeias leves (AL) de imunoglobulina são doenças proliferativas plasmocitárias incuráveis que raramente coexistem. Cerca de 10 a 15% dos doentes com mieloma múltiplo desenvolvem amiloidose AL clinicamente sintomática, sendo a situação inversa muito rara (0,4%). Apresenta-se um caso não previamente diagnosticado de mieloma múltiplo não secretor, isto é, sem identificação de paraproteína na imunoelectroforese ou imunofixação sérica ou urinária, numa doente internada por icterícia pruriginosa e volumosa hepatomegália. A biópsia hepática confirmou o diagnóstico de amiloidose e o doseamento sérico das cadeias leves livres das imunoglobulinas revelou hiperprodução de cadeias leves kappa (k). Os autores abordam as particularidades clínicas e de investigação destas duas entidades em que o diagnóstico precoce e a terapêutica atempada influenciam o prognóstico.