360 resultados para REFLEXION


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O presente artigo pretende realizar um breve balanço bibliográfico em tomo de algumas categorias do pensamento de Tocqueville, Stuart Mill e Bentham para confrontá-las com o pensamento de Marx e realizar, assim, uma reflexão sobre a política em cada um deles.


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A razão e o pensamento nela baseado marcam a tradição filosófica ocidental. A filosofia, por sua vez, surge fazendo face à perplexidade diante de questões fundamentais sobre o ser, o existir, o agir. Hoje, o horrível é solicitação importante. A s expressões do Mal, a figura do mal absoluto ou radical impõem-se novamente à reflexão. Retomam-se as possibilidades da tradição filosófica sobre o tema.


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This research aims at analyzing the researchers with major insertion and impact within the GT7 ENANCIB community, through an analysis study of citation and co-citation from 2003 to 2010. We propose to highlight the researchers cited in a greater number of papers, as well as the number of citations received. Also, to describe the co-citation network intending to analyze the interlocution network built by the writers towards the cited ones and calculate the indicators of density and centrality of the network. As for the theoretical-methodological basis, we used the Domain Analysis (D.A.), seen as the reflexion of a discourse community. Among the 11 approaches about D.A, the bibliometric studies stand out. Data from the 124 researches presented in the period of this study showed 1446 cited researches for a total of 2307 citations. From the total number of cited researchers in a greater number of papers, 33 were considered authors of major impact and visibility, being cited in at least 8 papers, thus getting at least 8 citations. The software Ucinet was used to map and visualize the net of interlocution established by the citing papers. As for the results, we could notice that, from the total of 33 researchers, 23 are Brazilian, 20 take part in Post-Graduation Programs and 11 are granted CNPq scholarships of productivity. Furthermore, we highlighted the most cited themes and analyzed the relationship involving the number of citations according to the number of papers in which the researcher was cited and the number of researches cited from each researcher. Regarding the network structure, we could observe that the authors form a single component, indicating that the group of researchers co-cited reveals proximity and theoretical, conceptual and methodological articulations. We concluded that the citing community adopts ordinary theoretical schools; moreover, we might characterize the core of the known researchers as a foundation for the knowledge of the GT7 theme.


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The process of knowledge representation as well as its procedures or tools and its products are not neutral in terms of values; instead they imply moral values. In this context, bias in representation related to prejudice and discrimination, to gender issues, to dicotomic categorization in classification systems or in thesauri and to lack of cultural warrant may arise. Concerning the problem of bias in indexing languages, starting from the initial theoretical reflexions of Brey (1999), Berman (1993), Olson (1998; 2002), Lopez-Huertas Perez & Torres Ramirez (2005), Guimaraes (2006), Hjorland (2008) and Milani et al. (2009), the proposal is to present a preliminary categorization aiming at facilitating the identification of bias concerning feminine issues in indexing languages, to offer a contribution to the theoretical universe of the specific questions of knowledge organization and to present a theme to be discussed by educators and professionals in the areas of cataloging, classification and indexing. If in a society which intends to be politically correct, social attitudes towards stigmatized citizens should be modified, then, the universe of indexing languages, taken as tools of knowledge representation, is a fertile field to sow this reflexion.


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This paper concentrates on the analysis of how the typical voices of History are manifested, which is achieved by the aesthetics of the contemporary Portuguese narrative, as it aims at the same time the reflexion and the reformulation of the Lusitanian cultural imaginary in the course of O retorno, a novel by Dulce Maria Cardoso. The hypothesis that arises is that the trajectory of Rui’s individual experience, as wells as the other’s characters “retornados” looking for identity, is parallel to the proposed revision of the Portuguese nation collective cultural imaginary in the decolonization context, after the 25th April Revolution. It is its objective to investigate how the historical processes concerned to the concepts of exile and uprooting, displacement and belonging (BAUMAN, 2005) are fictionalized in the novel, seen as motes for Rui’s pursuit for identity and for the revision of the Portuguese Destiny theme


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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This work is about the extension project “Plastic Research Centre”, developed at Unesp (Bauru/São Paulo/Brasil) by the author along with the students of Artistic Education (Plastic Arts). Aiming to encourage the students on supports and alternative techniques, the Audiovisual and Visual Arts Study Group - GRAVA was created as a place for reflexion and creation. The group has been seeking a personal language, improving it as the means to communicate its interpretation of the world are investigated, being it in the urban space or in cultural and virtual centres. By extending the university knowledge to the local community, it is intended to motivate the student’s research along with the professoriate and promote the creation process and artistic works focusing the group’s view on the context it is inserted.


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The aim of present work is the interpretation of a Coca Cola soft drink advertising image that is shown on a billboard in the city of Presidente Prudente, in São Paulo state. The billboard shows a scene of the video titled Happiness Factory which was presented on television in 2008. Decoding this kind of image, which is integrated to the theoretical and methodical option, favors the visual perception of shapes and their meanings as a reading of the image and the inclusion of the studies of phenomenology of cultural geography to the social reality could reveal some other dimensions, such as the symbolic, the imaginary, the aesthetic ones.This fact will contribute to widen the social trait of Geography and it represents our object of study.The reading will be done after some reflexion on the function of an external advertisement, that is, within the urban context of Presidente Prudente when refering to billboard being studied. It will also be discussed the importance of becoming a critical reader when interpreting advertising messages presented by the communication means in general.


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The implantation procedure of the multiprogramming for TV Cultura, a station under the responsibility of the Fundação Padre Anchieta,from the regulation of digital television in Brazil, through the Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Terrestre (SBTVD-T), involves the creation and implantation of multiprogramming channels of the station, the Univesp TV and the Multicultura channels, which are functioning through means of a special authorization in scientific and experimental character. Analyzed from the Communication Politics Economy point of view, this research contributes to the reflexion about the multiprogramming which may create alternatives to new options in this country programming and content.


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Programa de Doctorado: Fuentes, Métodos e Historiografía para la Investigación en el Mundo Atlántico


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Überkritisches Kohlendioxid (CO2) ist für die Polymerisation von besonderem Interesse. Die Dispersionspolymerisation von N-Vinylpyrrolidon (VP) wurde mit Polystyrol-Polydimethylsiloxan Diblockcopolymeren (PS-b-PDMS) in diesem Medium durchgeführt. Hierfür wurde ein neues Hochdrucklabor eingerichtet, eine Sichtzelle und eine neuartige Lichtstreuzelle konstruiert. Für die Durchführung von Lichtstreuexperimenten wurde der Brechungs-index von CO2 bis zu hohen Dichten an einer Reflexionsapparatur bestimmt. Mittels dynamischen Lichtstreumessungen an Polydimethylsiloxan (PDMS) in überkritischem CO2 wurden unter den untersuchten Bedingungen ein Radius bestimmt, wie er für ungestörte Knäueldimensionen erwartet wurde. Das PS-b-PDMS wurde mittels anionischer Polymerisation mit verschiedenen Blocklängen und sehr engen Molekulargewichtsverteilungen synthetisiert. Das Phasenverhalten von PS-b-PDMS wurde in überkritischem CO2 visuell und in einer VP/CO2-Mischung mittels Turbidimetrie untersucht. Das Monomer wirkt als Co-Solvens für den PDMS-Block des Stabilisators. Bei einer Konzentration von ca. 1 Gew.-% PS-b-PDMS (pro Monomer) in CO2 bei 38 MPa und 80°C wurden sphärische ca. 1µm große PVP-Partikeln synthetisiert. PS-b-PDMS ist unter diesen Bedingungen ein geeigneter Stabilisator für die Polymerisation von VP in überkritischem CO2. Bei Konzentrationen von mehr als ca. 5 Gew.-% PS-b-PDMS wurden agglomerierte Partikeln beobachtet. Die Kinetik der Partikelentstehung wurde turbidimetrisch untersucht. Bereits in der frühen Phase der Polymerisation wurde eine anwachsende Partikelgröße gefunden.