237 resultados para RCE photodetector
In this paper, we describe how the pathfinder algorithm converts relatedness ratings of concept pairs to concept maps; we also present how this algorithm has been used to develop the Concept Maps for Learning website (www.conceptmapsforlearning.com) based on the principles of effective formative assessment. The pathfinder networks, one of the network representation tools, claim to help more students memorize and recall the relations between concepts than spatial representation tools (such as Multi- Dimensional Scaling). Therefore, the pathfinder networks have been used in various studies on knowledge structures, including identifying students’ misconceptions. To accomplish this, each student’s knowledge map and the expert knowledge map are compared via the pathfinder software, and the differences between these maps are highlighted. After misconceptions are identified, the pathfinder software fails to provide any feedback on these misconceptions. To overcome this weakness, we have been developing a mobile-based concept mapping tool providing visual, textual and remedial feedback (ex. videos, website links and applets) on the concept relations. This information is then placed on the expert concept map, but not on the student’s concept map. Additionally, students are asked to note what they understand from given feedback, and given the opportunity to revise their knowledge maps after receiving various types of feedback.
Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans le domaine de la dosimétrie à scintillation en radiothérapie, plus précisément en curiethérapie à haut débit de dose (HDR). Lors de ce type de traitement, la dose est délivrée localement, ce qui implique de hauts gradients de dose autour de la source. Le but de ce travail est d’obtenir un détecteur mesurant la dose en 2 points distincts et optimisé pour la mesure de dose en curiethérapie HDR. Pour ce faire, le projet de recherche est séparé en deux études : la caractérisation spectrale du détecteur à 2-points et la caractérisation du système de photodétecteur menant à la mesure de la dose. D’abord, la chaine optique d’un détecteur à scintillation à 2-points est caractérisée à l’aide d’un spectromètre afin de déterminer les composantes scintillantes optimales. Cette étude permet de construire quelques détecteurs à partir des composantes choisies pour ensuite les tester avec le système de photodétecteur multi-point. Le système de photodétecteur est aussi caractérisé de façon à évaluer les limites de sensibilité pour le détecteur 2-points choisi précédemment. L’objectif final est de pouvoir mesurer le débit de dose avec précision et justesse aux deux points de mesure du détecteur multi-point lors d’un traitement de curiethérapie HDR.
Cette thèse a pour sujet le développement d’un détecteur à fibre scintillante plastique pour la dosimétrie des faisceaux de photons de basses énergies. L’objectif principal du projet consiste à concevoir et caractériser cet instrument en vue de mesurer la dose de radiation reçue au cours des examens d’imagerie diagnostique et interventionnelle. La première section est consacrée à la conception de six différents systèmes et à l’évaluation de leur performance lorsqu’ils sont exposés à des rayonnements de hautes et basses énergies. Tous les systèmes évalués présentaient un écart type relatif (RSD) de moins de 5 % lorsqu’ils étaient exposés à des débits de dose de plus de 3 mGy/s. Cette approche systématique a permis de déterminer que le tube photomultiplicateur répondait le mieux aux conditions d’exposition propres à la radiologie. Ce dernier présentait une RSD de moins de 1 % lorsque le débit de dose était inférieur à 0.10 mGy/s. L’étude des résultats permis également de suggérer quelques recommandations dans le choix d’un système en fonction de l’application recherchée. La seconde partie concerne l’application de ce détecteur à la radiologie interventionnelle en procédant à des mesures de dose à la surface d’un fantôme anthropomorphique. Ainsi, plusieurs situations cliniques ont été reproduites afin d’observer la précision et la fiabilité du détecteur. Ce dernier conserva une RSD inférieure à 2 % lorsque le débit de dose était supérieur à 3 mGy/min et d’environ 10 % au débit le plus faible (0.25 mGy/min). Les mesures sur fantôme montrèrent une différence de moins de 4 % entre les mesures du détecteur et celles d’une chambre d’ionisation lors du déplacement de la table ou du bras de l’appareil de fluoroscopie. Par ailleurs, cette différence est demeurée sous les 2 % lors des mesures de débit de dose en profondeur. Le dernier sujet de cette thèse porta sur les fondements physiques de la scintillation dans les scintillateurs plastiques. Les différents facteurs influençant l’émission lumineuse ont été analysés afin d’identifier leur contribution respective. Ainsi, la réponse du détecteur augmente de près d’un facteur 4 entre un faisceau de 20 kVp et 250 kVp. De ce signal, la contribution de la fluorescence produite dans la fibre claire était inférieure à 0.5 % lorsque les fibres étaient exposées sur 10 cm par des faisceaux de 20 à 250 kVp. Le phénomène d’extinction de la fluorescence par ionisation a également été étudié. Ainsi, l’atténuation du signal variait en fonction de l’énergie du faisceau et atteignit environ 20 % pour un faisceau de 20 kVp. En conclusion, cette étude suggère que les détecteurs à fibres scintillantes peuvent mesurer avec précision la dose de radiation reçue en imagerie diagnostique et interventionnelle, mais une calibration rigoureuse s’avère essentielle.
A procura pelo padrão estético na Medicina Dentária tem crescido a cada ano, em função da necessidade da população em estar de acordo com os padrões estéticos da sociedade, que ditam dentes brancos, bem contornados e alinhados. O branqueamento para dentes não vitais é um procedimento utilizado há muito tempo e possui vantagens indiscutíveis, como o baixo custo, técnica conservadora e segurança. Porém, há muito tempo que se discute a relação do branqueamento interno com o aparecimento da reabsorção cervical externa. Muitos estudos foram realizados apresentando não só resultados diferentes, mas também pontos de vista diferentes envolvendo assuntos tais como o agente branqueador a ser escolhido e suas concentrações, qual deles possui melhor desempenho e qual o mais seguro. Por isso, essa revisão de literatura teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento de tais estudos através de pesquisa na qual foram identificados artigos sobre o tema, publicados em português e inglês e indexados no banco de dados B-on, PubMed, SciELO, MEDLINE e LILACS e discutir à luz dos conhecimentos científicos a relação de tal procedimento com o aparecimento da reabsorção cervical externa e quais medidas que podem ser tomadas pelo profissional para minimizar este risco. Diante do exposto, foi verificado que a Reabsorção Cervical Externa é um dos principais efeitos adversos do branqueamento interno, porém, há medidas que devem ser adoptadas pelo profissional para impedir ou minimizar este risco, como a utilização do tampão cervical, a não utilização do condicionamento ácido prévio ao branqueamento e não utilização de fontes de calor. Além disso, se torna muito importante que haja um acompanhamento do caso após o tratamento concluído, pois uma vez que haja o aparecimento da RCE, esta deve ser tratada o mais rápido possível.
Esta dissertação investiga a localização em espaços interiores através da comunicação por luz visível para robôs móveis, com base nos LEDs fixos nos edifícios, dando particular atenção à simulação e desenho do sensor, com vista ao desenvolvimento de um sensor de localização. Explica-se o crescimento da tecnologia LED e da constante necessidade de localização do homem em espaços interiores. Apresentado algumas características do LED e dos foto-detetores existentes. Com uma breve referencia a algumas das comunicações por luz visível de baixo débito possíveis de implementar. O desenvolvimento do protótipo do sensor inicia-se, principalmente, pela simulação de alguns dispositivos essenciais e das suas caraterísticas, como o emissor LED no controlo do ^angulo de meia potência (HPA) e a altura a que se encontra, e no recetor foto-díodo e a sua restrição de campo de visão (FOV). Simula-se o sensor pretendido com o número de foto-díodos necessários otimizando o espaço físico disponível e fazendo não só um refinamento no FOV mas também na distribuição espacial dos foto-díodos com funções predefinidas para a redução de incertezas de decisão de localização do robô. Estes resultados permitiram a construção física do sensor, desde o suporte para os foto-díodos, tendo em conta todas as medidas durante as simulações, e terminando com o desenvolvimento dos sensores e a sua integração completa. O tratamento de dados da leitura dos sinais recebidos do sensor são tratados por um microcontrolador, permitindo calcular parâmetros fundamentais no cálculo da posição. No final, os resultados teóricos bem como os práticos obtidos ao longo do desenvolvimento e possíveis propostas para trabalhos futuros que beneficiam desta investigação
Numerous applications within the mid- and long-wavelength infrared are driving the search for efficient and cost effective detection technologies in this regime. Theoretical calculations have predicted high performance for InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice structures, which rely on mature growth of III-V semiconductors and offer many levels of freedom in design due to band structure engineering. This work focuses on the fabrication and characterization of type-II superlattice infrared detectors. Standard UV-based photolithography was used combined with chemical wet or dry etching techniques in order to fabricate antinomy-based type-II superlattice infrared detectors. Subsequently, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and radiometric techniques were applied for optical characterization in order to obtain a detector's spectrum and response, as well as the overall detectivity in combination with electrical characterization. Temperature dependent electrical characterization was used to extract information about the limiting dark current processes. This work resulted in the first demonstration of an InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice infrared photodetector grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. A peak detectivity of 1.6x10^9 Jones at 78 K was achieved for this device with a 11 micrometer zero cutoff wavelength. Furthermore the interband tunneling detector designed for the mid-wavelength infrared regime was studied. Similar results to those previously published were obtained.
The thesis aims to exploit properties of thin films for applications such as spintronics, UV detection and gas sensing. Nanoscale thin films devices have myriad advantages and compatibility with Si-based integrated circuits processes. Two distinct classes of material systems are investigated, namely ferromagnetic thin films and semiconductor oxides. To aid the designing of devices, the surface properties of the thin films were investigated by using electron and photon characterization techniques including Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). These are complemented by nanometer resolved local proximal probes such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM), electric force microscopy (EFM), and scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the interplay between stoichiometry, morphology, chemical states, crystallization, magnetism, optical transparency, and electronic properties. Specifically, I studied the effect of annealing on the surface stoichiometry of the CoFeB/Cu system by in-situ AES and discovered that magnetic nanoparticles with controllable areal density can be produced. This is a good alternative for producing nanoparticles using a maskless process. Additionally, I studied the behavior of magnetic domain walls of the low coercivity alloy CoFeB patterned nanowires. MFM measurement with the in-plane magnetic field showed that, compared to their permalloy counterparts, CoFeB nanowires require a much smaller magnetization switching field , making them promising for low-power-consumption domain wall motion based devices. With oxides, I studied CuO nanoparticles on SnO2 based UV photodetectors (PDs), and discovered that they promote the responsivity by facilitating charge transfer with the formed nanoheterojunctions. I also demonstrated UV PDs with spectrally tunable photoresponse with the bandgap engineered ZnMgO. The bandgap of the alloyed ZnMgO thin films was tailored by varying the Mg contents and AES was demonstrated as a surface scientific approach to assess the alloying of ZnMgO. With gas sensors, I discovered the rf-sputtered anatase-TiO2 thin films for a selective and sensitive NO2 detection at room temperature, under UV illumination. The implementation of UV enhances the responsivity, response and recovery rate of the TiO2 sensor towards NO2 significantly. Evident from the high resolution XPS and AFM studies, the surface contamination and morphology of the thin films degrade the gas sensing response. I also demonstrated that surface additive metal nanoparticles on thin films can improve the response and the selectivity of oxide based sensors. I employed nanometer-scale scanning probe microscopy to study a novel gas senor scheme consisting of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires with functionalizing oxides layer. The results suggested that AFM together with EFM is capable of discriminating low-conductive materials at the nanoscale, providing a nondestructive method to quantitatively relate sensing response to the surface morphology.
Aim: To evaluate, in vitro, the effect of brushing with a Ricinus communis -based experimental toothpaste on color stability and surface roughness of artificial teeth. Methods: Ninety artificial teeth (maxillary central incisors) in different shades, light and dark (NatusDent Triple Pressing, Dentbras) were used. Initial color (Spectrophotometer Easyshade, VITA) and surface roughness (Rugosimeter Surfcorder SE 1700, Kosakalab) readouts were performed. After baseline measurements, samples were assigned to 10 groups (n=9) according to the artificial tooth shade and type of toothpaste used during the mechanical brushing test (Pepsodent, MAVTEC): Sorriso Dentes Brancos – SDB, Colgate Luminous White - CLW (Colgate-Palmolive), Close up White Now - CWN (Unilever), Trihydral - THL (Perland Pharmacos) and Ricinus communis - RCE (Experimental). After 29,200 cycles of brushing, corresponding to 2 years of brushing by a healthy individual, new color and roughness readouts of the specimens were performed. Data (before and after the tests) were statistically analyzed (2-way repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey, p<0.05). Results: RCE toothpaste produced the greatest color stability for dark tooth shade and the second best color stability for light tooth shade. For surface roughness alteration, there was no difference (p>0.05) for any tested toothpaste regardless of tooth shade. Conclusions: The experimental Ricinus communis toothpaste did not cause color and surface roughness alteration in the artificial teeth, and it may be considered a suitable option for denture cleaning.
Résumé : Les performances de détecteurs à scintillation, composés d’un cristal scintillateur couplé à un photodétecteur, dépendent de façon critique de l’efficacité de la collecte et de l’extraction des photons de scintillation du cristal vers le capteur. Dans les systèmes d’imagerie hautement pixellisés (e.g. TEP, TDM), les scintillateurs doivent être arrangés en matrices compactes avec des facteurs de forme défavorables pour le transport des photons, au détriment des performances du détecteur. Le but du projet est d’optimiser les performances de ces détecteurs pixels par l'identification des sources de pertes de lumière liées aux caractéristiques spectrales, spatiales et angulaires des photons de scintillation incidents sur les faces des scintillateurs. De telles informations acquises par simulation Monte Carlo permettent une pondération adéquate pour l'évaluation de gains atteignables par des méthodes de structuration du scintillateur visant à une extraction de lumière améliorée vers le photodétecteur. Un plan factoriel a permis d'évaluer la magnitude de paramètres affectant la collecte de lumière, notamment l'absorption des matériaux adhésifs assurant l'intégrité matricielle des cristaux ainsi que la performance optique de réflecteurs, tous deux ayant un impact considérable sur le rendement lumineux. D'ailleurs, un réflecteur abondamment utilisé en raison de ses performances optiques exceptionnelles a été caractérisé dans des conditions davantage réalistes par rapport à une immersion dans l'air, où sa réflectivité est toujours rapportée. Une importante perte de réflectivité lorsqu'il est inséré au sein de matrices de scintillateurs a été mise en évidence par simulations puis confirmée expérimentalement. Ceci explique donc les hauts taux de diaphonie observés en plus d'ouvrir la voie à des méthodes d'assemblage en matrices limitant ou tirant profit, selon les applications, de cette transparence insoupçonnée.
The current approach to data analysis for the Laser Interferometry Space Antenna (LISA) depends on the time delay interferometry observables (TDI) which have to be generated before any weak signal detection can be performed. These are linear combinations of the raw data with appropriate time shifts that lead to the cancellation of the laser frequency noises. This is possible because of the multiple occurrences of the same noises in the different raw data. Originally, these observables were manually generated starting with LISA as a simple stationary array and then adjusted to incorporate the antenna's motions. However, none of the observables survived the flexing of the arms in that they did not lead to cancellation with the same structure. The principal component approach is another way of handling these noises that was presented by Romano and Woan which simplified the data analysis by removing the need to create them before the analysis. This method also depends on the multiple occurrences of the same noises but, instead of using them for cancellation, it takes advantage of the correlations that they produce between the different readings. These correlations can be expressed in a noise (data) covariance matrix which occurs in the Bayesian likelihood function when the noises are assumed be Gaussian. Romano and Woan showed that performing an eigendecomposition of this matrix produced two distinct sets of eigenvalues that can be distinguished by the absence of laser frequency noise from one set. The transformation of the raw data using the corresponding eigenvectors also produced data that was free from the laser frequency noises. This result led to the idea that the principal components may actually be time delay interferometry observables since they produced the same outcome, that is, data that are free from laser frequency noise. The aims here were (i) to investigate the connection between the principal components and these observables, (ii) to prove that the data analysis using them is equivalent to that using the traditional observables and (ii) to determine how this method adapts to real LISA especially the flexing of the antenna. For testing the connection between the principal components and the TDI observables a 10x 10 covariance matrix containing integer values was used in order to obtain an algebraic solution for the eigendecomposition. The matrix was generated using fixed unequal arm lengths and stationary noises with equal variances for each noise type. Results confirm that all four Sagnac observables can be generated from the eigenvectors of the principal components. The observables obtained from this method however, are tied to the length of the data and are not general expressions like the traditional observables, for example, the Sagnac observables for two different time stamps were generated from different sets of eigenvectors. It was also possible to generate the frequency domain optimal AET observables from the principal components obtained from the power spectral density matrix. These results indicate that this method is another way of producing the observables therefore analysis using principal components should give the same results as that using the traditional observables. This was proven by fact that the same relative likelihoods (within 0.3%) were obtained from the Bayesian estimates of the signal amplitude of a simple sinusoidal gravitational wave using the principal components and the optimal AET observables. This method fails if the eigenvalues that are free from laser frequency noises are not generated. These are obtained from the covariance matrix and the properties of LISA that are required for its computation are the phase-locking, arm lengths and noise variances. Preliminary results of the effects of these properties on the principal components indicate that only the absence of phase-locking prevented their production. The flexing of the antenna results in time varying arm lengths which will appear in the covariance matrix and, from our toy model investigations, this did not prevent the occurrence of the principal components. The difficulty with flexing, and also non-stationary noises, is that the Toeplitz structure of the matrix will be destroyed which will affect any computation methods that take advantage of this structure. In terms of separating the two sets of data for the analysis, this was not necessary because the laser frequency noises are very large compared to the photodetector noises which resulted in a significant reduction in the data containing them after the matrix inversion. In the frequency domain the power spectral density matrices were block diagonals which simplified the computation of the eigenvalues by allowing them to be done separately for each block. The results in general showed a lack of principal components in the absence of phase-locking except for the zero bin. The major difference with the power spectral density matrix is that the time varying arm lengths and non-stationarity do not show up because of the summation in the Fourier transform.
Este estudio de caso pretende explicar los efectos del actual del régimen de propiedad intelectual de obtenciones en la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria de México. A pesar de algunos esfuerzos hechos por parte del Estado Mexicano por defender y apoyar el modo de producción familiar a pequeña escala, los efectos de este régimen y de la liberalización del comercio han llevado a que se desarrolle más el modo de producción agrícola industrial al cual suelen acceder principalmente los medianos y grandes productores agrícolas, afectando la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria de México.
O aumento da concentração de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) tem sido apontado como o principal agente das mudanças climáticas. O carbono é o principal GEE de origem antrópica. A redução das emissões de GEE para a atmosfera pode ser alcançada pela adoção de medidas mitigadoras, tais como o uso de biodiesel, em substituição aos combustíveis fósseis. Neste trabalho foram elaborados cenários de mitigação do uso de biodiesel produzido a partir do cultivo de oleaginosas por agricultores familiares do semiárido em substituição ao diesel mineral no setor de transporte rodoviário no Brasil. Os resultados apontam para o potencial de produção total de cerca de 0,9 a 2 bilhões de litros biodiesel em 2015, a partir do fornecimento de matéria -prima pelos agricultores familiares do semiárido, o que corresponde a uma redução de emissões de CO2 de até 7% no setor de transporte rodoviário. Na possibilidade de geração de créditos de carbono (Reduções Certificadas de Emissões - RCE) as emissões evitadas do uso desse biodiesel em substituição do diesel mineral, poderiam gerar entre 103 a 4.835 RCE ao ano, dependendo do cenário e do ano considerado. No caso da venda desses créditos a renda bruta equivale a cerca de U$5 a U$18,00 por metro cúbico (1000 litros) de biodiesel produzido, dependendo do cenário analisado e considerando o valor de venda de créditos de carbono igual a U$ 10,00/tCO2.