627 resultados para RAC-LACTIDE
The biodegradation of polycaprolactone (PCL), polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolide (PGA) and their copolymers, poly (lactide-co-glycolide) and poly (D, L-lactide-co-caprolactone) (PLCL) was investigated. The influence of different solvents on the degradation of these polymers at 37 degrees C in the presence of two different lipases namely Novozym 435 and the free lipase of porcine pancreas was investigated. The rate coefficients for the polymer degradation and enzyme deactivation were determined using continuous distribution kinetics. Among the homopolymers, the degradation of PGA was nearly an order of magnitude lower than that for PCL and PLA. The overall rate coefficients of the copolymers were higher than their respective homopolymers. Thus, PLCL degraded faster than either PCL or PLA. The degradation was highly dependent on the viscosity of the solvent used with the highest degradation observed in acetone. The degradation of the polymers in acetone was nearly twice that observed in dimethyl sulfoxide indicating that the degradation decreases with increase in the solvent viscosity. The degradation of the polymers in water-solvent mixtures indicated an optimal water content of 2.5 wt% of water.
The biodegradation of polycaprolactone (PCL), polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolide (PGA) and their copolymers, poly (lactide-co-glycolide) and poly (D, L-lactide-co-caprolactone) (PLCL) was investigated. The influence of different solvents on the degradation of these polymers at 37 degrees C in the presence of two different lipases namely Novozym 435 and the free lipase of porcine pancreas was investigated. The rate coefficients for the polymer degradation and enzyme deactivation were determined using continuous distribution kinetics. Among the homopolymers, the degradation of PGA was nearly an order of magnitude lower than that for PCL and PLA. The overall rate coefficients of the copolymers were higher than their respective homopolymers. Thus, PLCL degraded faster than either PCL or PLA. The degradation was highly dependent on the viscosity of the solvent used with the highest degradation observed in acetone. The degradation of the polymers in acetone was nearly twice that observed in dimethyl sulfoxide indicating that the degradation decreases with increase in the solvent viscosity. The degradation of the polymers in water-solvent mixtures indicated an optimal water content of 2.5 wt% of water.
The oscillatory behaviour of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convective instability (R-M-B instability) regarding two combinations of two-layer fluid systems has been investigated theoretically and numerically. For the two-layer system of Silicone oil (10cSt) over Fluorinert (FC70), both linear instability analysis and 2D numerical simulation show that the instability of the system depends strongly on the depth ratio Hr = H1/H2 of the two-layer liquid. The oscillatory regime at the onset of R-M-B convection enlarges with reducing Γ = Ra/Ma values. In the two-layer system of Silicone oil (2cSt) over water, it loses its stability and onsets to steady convection at first, then the steady convection bifurcates to oscillatory convection with increasing Rayleigh number Ra. This behaviour was found through numerical simulation above the onset of steady convection in the case of r = 2.9, ε=(Ra-Ruc)/Rac = 1.0, and Hr = 0.5. Our findings are different from the previous study of the Rayleigh-Benard instability and show the strong effects of the thermocapillary force at the interface on the time-dependent oscillations at or after the onset of convection. We propose a secondary oscillatory instability mechanism to explain the experimental observation of Degen et al. [Phys. Rev. E, 57 (1998), 6647-6659].
(263 page document)
Este trabajo trata de dar a conocer la problemática que surge en los centros de salud de atención primaria por un aumento de la demanda indemorable o urgente. Identifica cuales son algunos de los factores que influyen en el aumento de las demandas y explora en las diferentes experiencias que se han puesto en marcha para atajarlo. Incide principalmente en el triaje que realiza enfermería y los resultados que se han obtenido. Finalmente pretende poner en valor la labor que las enfermeras hacen en los centros que han implantado este tipo de consultas. El trabajo se marca como objetivo general describir y analizar la gestión de la consulta de demanda indemorable o urgente en los centros de atención primaria, por el personal de enfermería mediante la consulta de enfermería de alta resolución (CEAR) . Su objetivo específico es resaltar la oportunidad que surge para los profesionales de enfermería en desarrollar el triaje en atención primaria, demostrando la capacidad para resolver de una manera autónoma y finalista las demandas por patologías agudas leves. La metodología llevada a cabo para la realización del trabajo ha sido realizar una búsqueda bibliográfica empleando como herramientas Dialnet, Google Scholar y la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud utilizando como palabras clave triaje en enfermería, triaje en atención primaria, RAC o sistema TAP entre otros.
El objetivo de este proyecto es estudiar la señalización del receptor P2X7 en respuesta a ATP en macrófagos J774A.1 y en células CHO K1. Para ello, se subclonó el gen que codifica para la proteína P2X7 en el vector PMT2 HA AA. Este plásmido fue transfectado a células CHO K1, J774.A1 y HEK 293T para distintas pruebas como la movilización de calcio intracelular para comprobar si ambos tipos celulares muestran la misma señal, y además se miró la expresión de este receptor y si su activación mediada por ATP se traduce en la activación de proteínas de la familia Rho. Se ha visto que las J774A.1 expresan funcionalmente el receptor P2X7, mientras que las CHO K1 muestran una respuesta funcional diferente que no se corresponde con la clásica señalización del P2X7 asociado a la apertura del canal y posterior poro. Además, al expresar el receptor en celúlas HEK 293T, se ha visto de una manera indirecta, midiendo la fosforilación de PAK, que la ruta de rac se regula de forma positiva cuando se activa el receptor P2X7 en macrófagos.
The synthesis of a sterically tailored ligand array (M)_2((C_5H_2-2-Si(CH_3)_3-4-C(CH_3)_3)S_2i(CH_3)_2]("M_2Bp") (M = Li, 16; K, 19) is described. Transmetallation of Li_2Bp with YCl_3(THF)_3 affords exclusively the C_2 symmetric product rac-[BpY(µ_2-Cl)_2Li(THF)_2], 20. A X-ray crystal structure of 20 has been determined; triclinic, P1, a= 13.110 (8), b = 17.163 (15), c = 20.623 (14) Å, α = 104.02 (7), β = 99.38 (5), γ = 100.24 (6)° , Z = 4, R = 0.056. Transmetallation of K_2Bp with YCl_3(THF)_3 affords the halide free complex rac-BpYCl, 23. The corresponding rac-BpLaCl, 28, is prepared in an anlogous manner. In all cases the achiral meso isomer is not obtained since only for the racemic isomers are the unfavorable steric interactions between the Si(CH3)_3 groups in the narrow portion of the [Cp-M'-Cp] wedge avoided. Alkylation of 20 or 23 with LiCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2 affords rac-BpYCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2, 26 in good yield. Alkylation of 28 with LiCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2 affords rac-BpLaCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2 29. Hydrogenation of 26 cleanly affords the bridging hydride species [BpY(µ_2-H)]_2, 27, as the homochiral (R,R) and (S,S) dimeric pairs. 26 is an efficient initiator for the polymerization of ethylene to high molecular weight linear polyethylene. 27 catalyzes the polymerization of propylene (25% v/v in methylcyclohexane) and neat samples of 1-butene, 1-pentene, 1-hexene to moderately high molecular weight polymers: polypropylene (M_n = 4,200, PDI 2.32, T_m 157 °C); poly-1-butene (M_n = 8,500, PDI 3.44, T_m 105 °C); poly-1-pentene (M_n = 20,000, PDI 1.99, T_m 73 °C); poly-1-hexene (M_n = 24,000, PDI 1.75, T_m < 25 °C). ^(13)C NMR spectra at the pentad analysis level indicates that the degree of isotacticity is 99% mmmm for all polymer samples. 27 is the first single component iso-specific α-olefin polymerization catalyst. The presumed origins of the high isospecificity are presented.
Two major topics are covered: the first chapter is focused on the development of post-metallocene complexes for propylene polymerization. The second and third chapters investigate the consequences of diisobutylaluminum hydride (HAliBu2) additives in zirconocene based polymerization systems.
The synthesis, structure, and solution behavior of early metal complexes with a new tridentate LX2 type ligand, bis(thiophenolate)pyridine ((SNS) = (2-C6H4S)2-2,6-C5H3N) are investigated. SNS complexes of Ti, Zr, and Ta having dialkylamido coligands were synthesized and structurally characterized. The zirconium complex, (SNS)Zr(NMe2)2, displays C2 symmetry in the solid state. Solid-state structures of tantalum complexes (SNS)Ta(NMe2)3 and (SNS)TaCl(NEt2)2 also display pronounced C2 twisting of the SNS ligand. 1D and 2D NMR experiments show that (SNS)Ta(NMe2)3 is fluxional with rotation about the Ta N(amide) bonds occurring on the NMR timescale. The fluxional behavior of (SNS)TaCl(NEt2)2 in solution was also studied by variable temperature 1H NMR. Observation of separate signals for the diastereotopic protons of the methylene unit of the diethylamide indicates that the complex remains locked on the NMR timescale in one diastereomeric conformation at temperatures below -50 °C.
Reduction of Zr(IV) metallocenium cations with sodium amalgam (NaHg) produces EPR signals assignable to Zr(III) metallocene complexes. Thus, chloro-bridged heterobinuclear ansa-zirconocenium cation [((SBI))Zr(μ-Cl)2AlMe2]+B(C6F5)4¯ (SBI = rac-dimethylsilylbis(1-indenyl)), gives rise to an EPR signal assignable to the complex (SBI)ZrIII(μ-Cl)2AlMe2, while (SBI)ZrIII-Me and (SBI)ZrIII(-H)2AliBu2 are formed by reduction of [(SBI)Zr(μ-Me)2AlMe2]+B(C6F5)4¯ and [(SBI)Zr(μ-H)3(AliBu2)2]+B(C6F5)4¯, respectively. These products are also formed, along with (SBI)ZrIII-iBu and [(SBI)ZrIII]+ AlR4¯ when (SBI)ZrMe2 reacts with HAliBu2, eliminating isobutane en route to the Zr(III) complex. Studies concerning the interconversion reactions between these and other (SBI)Zr(III) complexes and reaction mechanisms involved in their formation are also reported.
The addition of HAliBu2 to precatalyst [(SBI)Zr(µ-H)3(AliBu2)2]+ significantly slows the polymerization of propylene and changes the kinetics of polymerization from 1st to 2nd order with respect to propylene. This is likely due to competitive inhibition by HAliBu2. When the same reaction is investigated using [(nBuCp)2Zr(μ-H)3(AliBu2)2]+, hydroalumination between propylene and HAliBu2 is observed instead of propylene polymerization.
Polilaktida oinarri duten inplante polimeriko biodegradagarrien diseinu, fabrikazio eta propietateak
[EU]3D inprimaketa gaur egun, biomedikuntzaren garapenerako aukera ezberdinak ematen dituen teknologia iraultzaile gisa aurkezten da; bai medikuntza arloan formazio eta ikerkuntzarako erreminta gisa, baita dispositibo berrien diseinu eta fabrikaziorako. Bere abantailarik aipagarriena prototipaketa azkarra da. Gainera, teknologia honek barne egitura eta forma ezberdineko objektuak fabrikatzea ahalbidetzen du koste lehiakor batean. Lan honen helburua 3D inprimagailuen bidezko prototipoen fabrikazioan zentratzen da, horretarako lehengai bezala polimero biodegradagarri eta biobateragarria erabiliz. Horrez gain, metodo tradizionalarekin konparatuz teknologia honek izan ditzakeen abantailak ere aztertu nahi dira, ez bakarrik alde ekonomikoari edo denborari begira, baita fabrikatutako objektuen propietateei begira ere. Dena dela, horrekin hasi aurretik ezaugarritze fisiko eta termikoa burutu beharko zaie lehengaiei, 3D inprimagailuaren parametroen aukeraketa egokia egiteko eta parametro horien eta amaierako produktuaren kalitate, egitura eta propietateen artean erlazio egokia ezartzeko. Lan hau aurrera eramateko poli(L-laktida)-rekin (PLLA) egingo da lan, bai ehun ingeniaritzan baita hezurren apurketen finkapenerako dispositiboetan oso erabilia izan den polimeroa.
[EU]Polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarrien erabilera medikuntza arloan aurrerapauso handia suposatu du. Inplanteen arloan (torlojuak, iltzeak, plakak, eta abar…) eta ehun ingeniaritzan garrantzia handia dute. Hala ere, polimero hauen inplanteek desabantaila nabaria aurkezten dute ohiko material metalikoekin alderatuz: erradiopazitate eza. Ikerketa lan honetan karga erradiopako baten adizioak polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarri baten giza gorputzaren baldintzetan (pH=7,2 eta 37ºC) burututako in vitro degradazioan duen eragina aztertu da, %70 poli(L-laktida) (PLLA) eta %30 bario sulfato (BaSO4) sistemaren degradazioa, hain zuzen ere. Aztertutako karga erradiopakoak PLLAren degradazioan eragin handirik ez duela ondorioztatu da, beraz, sistema bideragarria dela.
240 p. + anexos
G蛋白参与了哺乳动物内多种细胞信号途径,但其在植物花粉萌发和花粉管发育过程中的细胞学定位、生化特性及功能研究比较滞后,有关这方面的研究报道较少。在显花植物授粉受精过程中,具顶端极性生长特性的花粉管是雄性生殖单位的载体,也是研究细胞生长分子调控机理的理想体系。与被子植物相比,裸子植物具有生长周期长,花粉管生长缓慢、易分叉等特点,具有不同于被子植物花粉发育的独特发育模式。对于裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管生长的调控机理,目前尚不十分清楚。本文以松类植物中比较有代表性的裸子植物青杆(Piceawillsonii)和白皮松(Pinus bungeana)花粉为试材,应用免疫分析和间接免疫荧光显微镜技术,结合药理学实验和FTIR手段,研究了异三聚体G蛋白和小G蛋白在花粉管细胞中的定位、生化特性及其在花粉管发育中的调控作用。结果如下: 应用Western Blotting技术和来自于抗哺乳动物中不同序列G蛋白O【亚基抗体,我们在白皮松花粉管中检测到一条分子量为40 kDa左右的蛋白。去污剂处理显示,该蛋白与质膜偶联。间接免疫荧光显微镜实验发现,在花粉管发育的整个时期,代表Ga蛋白的荧光均一的分布在整个质膜区域,尤其在尖端皮层区域荧光最亮,显示此处该蛋白浓度最高。无论是在正常发育的花粉管抑或是发生弯曲或扭曲生长的花粉管,均呈现同样的分布模式。随着花粉管发育,Ga蛋白表达量发生变化。在花粉管发育中期,Ga蛋白表达量比较高;随着花粉管离体培养时间的延长,Ga蛋白表达量下降。另外,在花粉刚刚萌发时,Ga蛋白表达量也比较低。 对白皮松花粉萌发进行的药理学实验显示,G蛋白调节剂 CTX和PTX对白皮松花粉管的影响呈现双阶段效应。当添加的药剂浓度小于400 ng mL-I时,无论CTX还是PTX均抑制了花粉萌发和花粉管生长,且花粉管容易破裂;而当二者浓度分别升至500 ng mL-I时,同对照相比,花粉管生长明显受到促进。这一结果不支持Ma等人在百合花粉中的研究结果。进一步应用FTIR技术分析发现,当用浓度为400 ng mL-I CTX或PTX处理花粉管时,花粉管细胞壁酚类物质增加,而纤维素、半纤维素、木聚糖等物质下降,这可能是导致此浓度处理下花粉管易破裂的原因。这些结果显示了G蛋白a亚基参与了白皮松花粉管生长,CTX和PTX可能通过下游对其敏感的功能蛋白而非Ga本身,影响着花粉管生长并调控着花粉管壁的建成。 利用来源于烟草的抗NtRacl抗体和拟南芥的抗ROPs抗体,应用WeternBlotting技术,我们在青杆花粉管中检测到分子量为23kDa的多肽。间接免疫荧光显微镜实验显示,在花粉萌发18和24小时后,Rac蛋白主要定位于花粉管尖端质膜区域,时而会延伸到顶端两侧区域,但从尖端到基部存在浓度梯度,这种分布模式多在花粉管发育的后期观察到。Rac蛋白在青杆花粉管不同发育时期的分布模式变化可能和花粉管的生长状态有关,在花粉管发育早期和中期,正是花粉管旺盛生长期,Rac蛋白的尖端定位保证了花粉管的极性生长。对Rac蛋白在花粉管的分布进行的连续切片扫描发现,Rac蛋白不但分布在质膜上,并与质膜偶联,而且在胞质中亦有分布。通过对一系列正常发育(即极性生长的花粉管)和畸形发育的花粉管进行观察发现,Rac蛋白主要分布在旺盛生长的花粉管尖端质膜或离顶端20 Vm处,在分叉的生长缓慢的分枝端分布较少。而在那些发生分叉生长的花粉管中,处于次要位置的基本停止生长的分枝端几乎没有Rac蛋白存在。在顶端发生膨大的花粉管中,Rac蛋白均匀分布在花粉管整个质膜上,丧失浓度梯度,失去极性生长。这些结果显示了Rac蛋白参与了青杆花粉管生长。 应用抗NtRacl抗体进行的间接免疫荧光显微镜定位实验,我们在正在生长的花粉管的管核中观察到明亮的荧光,显示了有Rac蛋白的存在。当精细胞在花粉粒中未移动到花粉管中时,几乎没有观察到荧光信号。随着花粉管发育,两个精细胞的位置发生变化,当其中一个较大的精细胞移动到花粉管中时,观察到明亮的荧光信号,这些结果显示了Rac蛋白可能参与了管核或精细胞在花粉管内的移动。
Biodegradable polymers can be applied to a variety of implants for controlled and local drug delivery. The aim of this study is to develop a biodegradable and nanoporous polymeric platform for a wide spectrum of drug-eluting implants with special focus on stent-coating applications. It was synthesized by poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA 65:35, PLGA 75:25) and polycaprolactone (PCL) in a multilayer configuration by means of a spin-coating technique. The antiplatelet drug dipyridamole was loaded into the surface nanopores of the platform. Surface characterization was made by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Platelet adhesion and drug-release kinetic studies were then carried out. The study revealed that the multilayer films are highly nanoporous, whereas the single layers of PLGA are atomically smooth and spherulites are formed in PCL. Their nanoporosity (pore diameter, depth, density, surface roughness) can be tailored by tuning the growth parameters (eg, spinning speed, polymer concentration), essential for drug-delivery performance. The origin of pore formation may be attributed to the phase separation of polymer blends via the spinodal decomposition mechanism. SE studies revealed the structural characteristics, film thickness, and optical properties even of the single layers in the triple-layer construct, providing substantial information for drug loading and complement AFM findings. Platelet adhesion studies showed that the dipyridamole-loaded coatings inhibit platelet aggregation that is a prerequisite for clotting. Finally, the films exhibited sustained release profiles of dipyridamole over 70 days. These results indicate that the current multilayer phase therapeutic approach constitutes an effective drug-delivery platform for drug-eluting implants and especially for cardiovascular stent applications.
We present the development of a drug-loaded triple-layer platform consisting of thin film biodegradable polymers, in a properly designed form for the desired gradual degradation. Poly(dl-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA (65:35), PLGA (75:25)) and polycaprolactone (PCL) were grown by spin coating technique, to synthesize the platforms with the order PCL/PLGA (75:25)/PLGA (65:35) that determine their degradation rates. The outer PLGA (65:35) layer was loaded with dipyridamole, an antiplatelet drug. Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) in the Vis-far UV range was used to determine the nanostructure, as well as the content of the incorporated drug in the as-grown platforms. In situ and real-time SE measurements were carried out using a liquid cell for the dynamic evaluation of the fibrinogen and albumin protein adsorption processes. Atomic force microscopy studies justified the SE results concerning the nanopores formation in the polymeric platforms, and the dominant adsorption mechanisms of the proteins, which were defined by the drug incorporation in the platforms. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. 合成了三齿水杨醛稀土配合物,发现配体中含有柔性取代基易生成均配物,而刚性较强的配体生成单烷基配合物。考察了单体浓度、聚合时间等因素对配合物催化丙交酯聚合活性的影响。 2. 以含二苯基膦苯胺的β-二酮单亚胺三齿配体合成了双配体单烷基稀土配合物,空间位阻比较大,因而引发丙交酯聚合的速度比较快。 3. 合成了含甲氧基侧基的芳氧胺四齿双烷基配合物,并合成了芳氧胺与茂(茚)混配的稀土单烷基配合物。首次将它们用于丙交酯的聚合,实验结果发现,双烷基配合物中的双烷基是作为双活性中心起作用的。 4. 合成了含双吡咯烷的稀土烷基配合物,将之应用于丙交酯的聚合,发现位阻大的配合物催化聚合可控性好。并应用双吡咯烷配合物进行了丙交酯和己内酯的共聚合研究。