961 resultados para R-proteins


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In the study, we investigate whether the expressions of heat shock protein (hsp)60 (a potential autoantigen) and the stress-inducible form of cytoprotector hsp70 are correlated with the development of atherosclerotic lesions in the aortic tree of apolipoprotein E–deficient (apoE-/-) mice. The apoE-/- mouse model is advantageous because the stress-inducible form of hsp70 is not constitutively expressed in mice, unlike primates; hence, tissues under stress can be clearly defined. Both mammalian hsps were detected newly expressed (before mononuclear cell infiltration) on aortic valves and endothelia at lesion-prone sites of 3-week-old apoE-/- mice. In 8- and 20-week-old mice, they were strongly and heterogeneously expressed in early to advanced fibrofatty plaques, with levels correlating with lesion severity. Expression was markedly downregulated in advanced collagenous, acellular, calcified plaques of 40- and 69-week-old mice and was absent in control aortas of normocholesterolemic wild-type (apoE+/+) mice. Western blot analysis of tissue homogenates confirmed the temporal expression of the hsps. Double immunostaining revealed that both hsps were expressed by lesional endothelial cells, macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and CD3+ T lymphocytes. This study provides evidence that hsp60 and hsp70 are temporally expressed on all major cell types in lesion-prone sites during atherogenesis, suggesting that few cells escape the toxic environment of the atherosclerotic plaque.


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The evolutionary distribution of chloroplast and mitochondrial division proteins has been investigated, gleaning new insights to the evolution of organelle division: specifically the use and features of FtsZ and dynamin-like proteins. Additional novel proteins that are potentially involved in mitochondrial division have been identified in Dictyostelium discoideum.


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Plasmodium falciparum causes the virulent form of malaria and disease manifestations are linked to growth inside infected erythrocytes. To survive and evade host responses the parasite remodels the erythrocyte by exporting several hundred effector proteins beyond the surrounding parasitophorous vacuole membrane. A feature of exported proteins is a pentameric motif (RxLxE/Q/D) that is a substrate for an unknown protease. Here we show that the protein responsible for cleavage of this motif is plasmepsin V (PMV), an aspartic acid protease located in the endoplasmic reticulum. PMV cleavage reveals the export signal (xE/Q/D) at the amino terminus of cargo proteins. Expression of an identical mature protein with xQ at the N terminus generated by signal peptidase was not exported, demonstrating that PMV activity is essential and linked with other key export events. Identification of the protease responsible for export into erythrocytes provides a novel target for therapeutic intervention against this devastating disease.


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Disulfide bonds formed by the oxidation of cysteine residues in proteins are the major form of intra- and inter-molecular covalent linkages in the polypeptide chain. To better understand the conformational energetics of this linkage, we have used the MP2(full)/6-31G(d) method to generate a full potential energy surface (PES) for the torsion of the model compound diethyl disulfide (DEDS) around its three critical dihedral angles (χ2, χ3, χ2′). The use of ten degree increments for each of the parameters resulted in a continuous, fine-grained surface. This allowed us to accurately predict the relative stabilities of disulfide bonds in high resolution structures from the Protein Data Bank. The MP2(full) surface showed significant qualitative differences from the PES calculated using the Amber force field. In particular, a different ordering was seen for the relative energies of the local minima. Thus, Amber energies are not reliable for comparison of the relative stabilities of disulfide bonds. Surprisingly, the surface did not show a minimum associated with χ2 − 60°, χ390, χ2′ − 60°. This is due to steric interference between Hα atoms. Despite this, significant populations of disulfides were found to adopt this conformation. In most cases this conformation is associated with an unusual secondary structure motif, the cross-strand disulfide. The relative instability of cross-strand disulfides is of great interest, as they have the potential to act as functional switches in redox processes.


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A postembedding method has been developed for localizing water soluble allergens in rye-grass pollen. This uses dry fixation in glutaraldehyde vapour, followed by 2,2-dimethoxypropane, prior to a 100% ethanol series leading into embedment in LR Gold. This has allowed the attachment of specific monoclonal antibodies to the allergen, which are themselves probed with specific immunogold labels to the antibodies. Wall and cytoplasmic sites have been identified, representing an improvement of fixation and localization of allergens over previous studies employing polyclonal, broad spectrum antibodies.

Rye-grass allergens are labelled in mature pollen grains in the exine (tectum, nexine and central chamber), and in the electron opaque areas of the cytoplasm, especially mitochondria. The allergens are absent from the intine, polysaccharide (P) particles, amyloplasts, Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum. IgE antibodies derived from humans allergic to rye-grass pollen, bind to similar sites in the cytoplasm but only to the outer surface of the pollen grain wall. This method now provides a valuable tool for further developmental studies on the pollen grains, in order to establish the site/s of synthesis of the allergens.


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Many plants contain ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) with N-glycosidase activity, which depurinate large ribosomal RNA and arrest protein synthesis. RIPs so far tested inhibit replication of mRNA as well as DNA viruses and these proteins, isolated from plants, are found to be effective against a broad range of viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV). Most of the research work related to RIPs has been focused on antiviral activity against HIV; however, the exact mechanism of antiviral activity is still not clear. The mechanism of antiviral activity was thought to follow inactivation of the host cell ribosome, leading to inhibition of viral protein translation and host cell death. Enzymatic activity of RIPs is not limited to depurination of the large rRNA, in addition they can depurinate viral DNA as well as RNA. Recently, Phase I/II clinical trials have demonstrated the potential use of RIPs for treating patients with HIV disease. The aim of this review is to focus on various RIPs from plants associated with anti-HIV activity.


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To survive within its host erythrocyte, Plasmodium falciparum must export hundreds of proteins across both its parasite plasma membrane and surrounding parasitophorous vacuole membrane, most of which are likely to use a protein complex known as PTEX (Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins). PTEX is a putative protein trafficking machinery responsible for the export of hundreds of proteins across the parasitophorous vacuole membrane and into the human host cell. Five proteins are known to comprise the PTEX complex, and in this study, three of the major stoichiometric components are investigated including HSP101 (a AAA+ ATPase), a protein of no known function termed PTEX150, and the apparent membrane component EXP2. We show that these proteins are synthesized in the preceding schizont stage (PTEX150 and HSP101) or even earlier in the life cycle (EXP2), and before invasion these components reside within the dense granules of invasive merozoites. From these apical organelles, the protein complex is released into the host cell where it resides with little turnover in the parasitophorous vacuole membrane for most of the remainder of the following cell cycle. At this membrane, PTEX is arranged in a stable macromolecular complex of >1230 kDa that includes an ∼600-kDa apparently homo-oligomeric complex of EXP2 that can be separated from the remainder of the PTEX complex using non-ionic detergents. Two different biochemical methods undertaken here suggest that PTEX components associate as EXP2-PTEX150-HSP101, with EXP2 associating with the vacuolar membrane. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that EXP2 oligomerizes and potentially forms the putative membrane-spanning pore to which the remainder of the PTEX complex is attached.


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HIV-1 infection impairs a number of macrophage effector functions, thereby contributing to development of opportunistic infections and the pathogenesis of AIDS. FcγR-mediated phagocytosis by human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) is inhibited by HIV-1 infection in vitro, and the underlying mechanism was investigated in this study. Inhibition of phagocytosis directly correlated with the multiplicity of HIV-1 infection. Expression of surface FcγRs was unaffected by HIV-1 infection, suggesting that inhibition of phagocytosis occurred during or after receptor binding. HIV-1 infection of MDM markedly inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of the cellular proteins, which occurs following engagement of FcγRs, suggesting a defect downstream of initial receptor activation. FcγR-mediated phagocytosis in HIV-infected MDM was associated with inhibition of phosphorylation of tyrosine kinases from two different families, Hck and Syk, defective formation of Syk complexes with other tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, and inhibition of paxillin activation. Down-modulation of protein expression but not mRNA of the γ signaling subunit of FcγR (a docking site for Syk) was observed in HIV-infected MDM. Infection of MDM with a construct of HIV-1 in which nef was replaced with the gene for the γ signaling subunit augmented FcγR-mediated phagocytosis, suggesting that down-modulation of γ-chain protein expression in HIV-infected MDM caused the defective FcγR-mediated signaling and impairment of phagocytosis. This study is the first to demonstrate a specific alteration in phagocytosis signal transduction pathway, which provides a mechanism for the observed impaired FcγR-mediated phagocytosis in HIV-infected macrophages and contributes to the understanding of how HIV-1 impairs cell-mediated immunity leading to HIV-1 disease progression.