924 resultados para Purpose principle
The main objective of the present study is to have a detailed investigation on the gelation properties, morphology and optical properties of small π-conjugated oligomers. For this purpose we have chosen oligo(p-phenylenevinylene)s (OPVs), a class of molecules which have received considerable attention due to their unique optical and electronic properties. Though a large number of reports are available in the literature on the self-assembly properties of tailor made OPVs, none of them pertain to the design of nanostructures based on organogels. In view of this, we aimed at the creation of functional chromophoric assemblies of π-conjugated OPVs through the formation of organogels, with the objective of crafting nanoscopic assemblies of different size and shape thereby modulating their optical and electronic properties.In order to fulfill the above objectives, the design and synthesis of a variety of OPVs with appropriate structural variations were planned. The design principle involves the derivatization of OPVs with weak H-bonding hydroxymethyl end groups and with long aliphatic hydrocarbon side chains. The noncovalent interactions in these molecules were expected to lead the formation of supramolecular assembly and gels in hydrocarbon solvents. In such an event, detailed study of gelation and extensive analysis of the morphology of the gel structures were planned using advanced microscopic techniques. Since OPVs are strongly fluorescent molecules, gelation is expected to perturb the optical properties. Therefore, detailed study on the gelation induced optical properties as a way to probe the nature and stability of the selfassembly was planned. Apart from this, the potential use of the modulation of the optical properties for the purpose of light harvesting was aimed. The approach to this problem was to entrap an appropriate energy trap to the OPV gel matrix which may lead to the efficient energy transfer from the OPV gel based donor to the entrapped acceptor. The final question that we wanted to address in this investigation was the creation of helical nanostructures through proper modification of the OPV backbone With chiral handles.The present thesis is a detailed and systematic approach to the realization of the above objectives which are presented in different chapters of the thesis.
Page 1. Webhosting and Networking G. Santhosh Kumar, Dept. of Computer Science Cochin University of Science and Technology Page 2. Agenda What is a Network? Elements of a Network Hardware Software Ethernet Technology World Wide Web Setting up a Network Conclusion Page 3. What is a Network? An interconnected system of things or people Purpose of a Network? Resource Sharing Communication LANs have become the most popular form of Computer Networks Page 4. Principle of Locality of Reference Temporal Locality of Reference ...
Die Arbeit behandelt den Vorschlag für eine EU-Verordnung KOM/2000/7/final, 2000/0212(COD) des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates von der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften als Grundlage einer Marktöffnungsverordnung und welche Veränderungen sich dadurch in Deutschland einstellen werden. Ausschreibungen von Verkehrsleistungen werden zunehmen. Die Ausschreibungsarten werden sich in ländlichen Regionen von denen in Verkehrszentren unterscheiden. In der Region werden sich Bedarfslösungen stärker durchsetzen. Kürzungen von Verkehrsleistungen werden hier stärker ausfallen als in den Zentren und damit zu einem kleineren Leistungsvolumen führen. Aufgrund des geringen Leistungsumfangs gibt es weniger Interessenten. Bei Standardausschreibungen werden deshalb auch häufig die Varianten der beschränkten oder die freihändige Vergabe gewählt. Funktionale Ausschreibungen haben nur eine untergeordnete Bedeutung. In den Verkehrszentren sind die Lose größer und damit für viele Anbieter interessant. Die Verkehrszusatzleistungen sind zudem komplexer. Standardausschreibungen in öffentlicher Vergabeart werden sich hier vermutlich als Norm durchsetzen. Die VOL/A wird sicherlich ihre Bedeutung und ihren dafür notwendigen Regelungsumfang in Deutschland als deutsches oder als europäisches Recht behalten. Ob der empfehlende Charakter der DIN EN 13816 Norm „ÖPNV: Definition, Festlegung von Leistungszielen und Messung der Servicequalität“ erhalten werden kann und nicht als Steuerungselement zur Standardisierung im ÖPNV beitragen wird, ist dabei zu bezweifeln. Durch diese Wettbewerbspflicht wird der Aufgabenträger zum Besteller von Verkehrsleistungen. Damit geht die Verkehrsplanung in die Verantwortung des Aufgabenträgers über und gerät stärker in den Einflussbereich der Politik. Die strategisch abstrakte und die konkrete Verkehrsplanung wachsen für den Normfall der Standardausschreibung zusammen. Die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Netzintegration und eine Standardisierung des ÖPNV Angebots und der ÖPNV Qualität entsteht. Es entwickelt sich dadurch aber auch die Gefahr der Abhängigkeit des Nahverkehrsangebots von der derzeitigen Haushaltslage oder der Interessenlage der Politik. Kontinuität in Angebot und Qualität werden zu erklärten Planungszielen. Der Verkehrsplaner auf der Bestellerseite muss die Planung in Ausschreibungsunterlagen umsetzen. Dies erfordert erweiterte Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Betriebswirtschaft, Logistik, Jura, Informatik und Führungskompetenzen. Ausbildende Institutionen müssen darauf bereits im Vorfeld der Umsetzung reagieren. Durch die zeitliche Verzögerung der Umsetzung der Planung durch die Ausschreibungsschritte sind in der Verkehrsplanung längere Planungsvorlaufzeiten einzukalkulieren. Vorausschauender zu planen, wird dabei wichtiger. Auch eventuelle Fehler in der Planung sind nicht mehr so einfach zu korrigieren. Durch den gestiegenen Einsatz von Technologien in den Fahrzeugen besteht für den Verkehrsplaner dafür häufiger die Möglichkeit, Planungsänderungen auf ihre Wirksamkeit im Hinblick auf Attraktivität für den Fahrgast anhand von den ermittelten Fahrgastzahlen zu kontrollieren. Dasselbe gilt auch für Marketing- und Vertriebsmaßnahmen, wie für die Tarifpolitik. Die Zahlen stehen nicht nur für diese Rückkopplung zur Verfügung, sondern dienen auch als Planungsgrundlage für zukünftige Maßnahmen. Dem Planer stehen konkretere Zahlen für die Planung zur Verfügung. Ein Aspekt, der aufgrund der Sanktionsmaßnahmen bei Ausschreibungen an Bedeutung gewinnen wird, ist die Möglichkeit, Qualität von Verkehrsleistungen möglichst objektiv beurteilen zu können. Praxisrelevante Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrsplanung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs ergeben sich hauptsächlich durch die gestiegene Komplexität in der Planung selbst und den dadurch unverzichtbaren gewordenen Einsatz von Computerunterstützung. Die Umsetzung in Ausschreibungsunterlagen der Planung und die Kontrolle stellen neue Elemente im Aufgabenbereich des Verkehrsplaners dar und erfordern damit breiter ausgelegte Kernkompetenzen. Es werden mehr Verkehrsplaner mit breiterer Ausbildung benötigt werden. Diese Arbeit hat aufgezeigt, dass sich mit der Integration des Ausschreibungsgedankens in den Ablauf der Verkehrsplanung eine sprunghafte Entwicklung in der Planungstätigkeit ergeben wird. Aufgrund der in Zukunft steigenden Qualität und Quantität der Planungsgrundlagen und der ebenfalls gestiegenen Ansprüche an die Bewertungsparameter ergeben sich Veränderungen und neue Anforderungen auf diesem Gebiet, die in erster Linie für die Hochschulen und andere ausbildende Einrichtungen, aber auch für die Verkehrsplanung unterstützende Industrie.
The basic idea behind improving local food security consists of two paths; first, accessibility (price, stock) and second, availability (quantity and biodiversity); both are perquisites to the provision of nutrients and a continuous food supply with locally available resources. The objectives of this thesis are to investigate if indigenous knowledge still plays an important role in traditional farming in the Minangkabau`s culture, thus supporting local food security. If the indigenous knowledge still plays a role in food culture in the Minangkabau`s culture which is linked to the matrilineal role and leads to a sound nutrition. Further, it should be tested if marantau influences traditional farming and food culture in Minangkabau`s, and if the local government plays a role in changing of traditional farming systems and food culture. Furthermore this thesis wants to prove if education and gender are playing a role in changing traditional farming system and food culture, and if the mass media affects traditional farming systems and food culture for the Minangkabau. The study was completed at four locations in West Sumatera; Nagari Ulakan (NU) (coastal area), Nagari Aia Batumbuak (NAB) (hilly area), Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo (NPLM) (lake area), Nagari Pandai Sikek (NPS) (hilly area). The rainfall ranged from 1400- 4800 mm annually with fertile soils. Data was collected by using PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) to investigate indigenous knowledge (IK) and its interactions, which is also combining with in depth-interview, life history, a survey using semi-structured-questionnaire, pictures, mapping, and expert interview. The data was collected from June - September 2009 and June 2010. The materials are; map of area, list of names, questionnaires, voices recorder, note book, and digital camera. The sampling method was snowball sampling which resulted in the qualitative and quantitative data taken. For qualitative data, ethnography and life history was used. For quantitative, a statistical survey with a semi-structured questionnaire was used. 50 respondents per each site participated voluntarily. Data was analyzed by performing MAXQDA 10, and F4 audio analysis software (created and developed by Philip-University Marburg). The data is clustered based on causality. The results show that; the role of IK on TFS (traditional farming system) shown on NPLM which has higher food crop biodiversity in comparison to the other three places even though it has relatively similar temperature and rainfall. This high food crop biodiversity is due to the awareness of local people who realized that they lived in unfavourable climate and topography; therefore they are more prepared for any changes that may occur. Carbohydrate intake is 100 % through rice even though they are growing different staple crops. Whereas most of the people said in the interviews that not eating rice is like not really eating for them. In addition to that, mothers still play an important role in kitchen activities. But when the agriculture income is low, mothers have to decide whether to change the meals or to feel insecure about their food supply. Marantau yields positive impact through the remittances it provides to invest on the farm. On the other hand, it results in fewer workers for agriculture, and therefore a negative impact on the transfer of IK. The investigation showed that the local government has a PTS (Padi Tanam Sabatang) programme which still does not guarantee that the farmers are getting sufficient revenue from their land. The low agricultural income leads to situation of potential food insecurity. It is evident that education is equal among men and women, but in some cases women tend to leave school earlier because of arranged marriages or the distances of school from their homes. Men predominantly work in agriculture and fishing, while women work in the kitchen. In NAB, even though women work on farmland they earn less then men. Weaving (NPS) and kitchen activity is recognized as women’s work, which also supports the household income. Mass media is not yielding any changes in TFS and food culture in these days. The traditional farming system has changed because of intensive agricultural extension which has introduced new methods of agriculture for the last three decades (since the 1980’s). There is no evidence that they want to change any of their food habits because of the mass media despite the lapau activity which allows them to get more food choices, instead preparing traditional meal at home. The recommendations of this thesis are: 1) The empowerment of farmers. It is regarding the self sufficient supply of manure, cooperative seed, and sustainable farm management. Farmers should know – where are they in their state of knowledge – so they can use their local wisdom and still collaborate with new sources of knowledge. Farmers should learn the prognosis of supply and demand next prior to harvest. There is a need for farm management guidelines; that can be adopted from both their local wisdom and modern knowledge. 2) Increase of non-agricultural income Increasing the non-agricultural income is strongly recommended. The remittances can be invested on non-agricultural jobs. 3) The empowerment of the mother. The mother plays an important role in farm to fork activities; the mother can be an initiator and promoter of cultivating spices in the backyard. Improvement of nutritional knowledge through information and informal public education can be done through arisan ibu-ibu and lapau activity. The challenges to apply these recommendations are: 1) The gap between institutions and organizations of local governments. There is more than one institution involved in food security policy. 2) Training and facilities for field extension agriculture (FEA) is needed because the rapid change of interaction between local government and farmer’s dependent on this agency.
The ongoing growth of the World Wide Web, catalyzed by the increasing possibility of ubiquitous access via a variety of devices, continues to strengthen its role as our prevalent information and commmunication medium. However, although tools like search engines facilitate retrieval, the task of finally making sense of Web content is still often left to human interpretation. The vision of supporting both humans and machines in such knowledge-based activities led to the development of different systems which allow to structure Web resources by metadata annotations. Interestingly, two major approaches which gained a considerable amount of attention are addressing the problem from nearly opposite directions: On the one hand, the idea of the Semantic Web suggests to formalize the knowledge within a particular domain by means of the "top-down" approach of defining ontologies. On the other hand, Social Annotation Systems as part of the so-called Web 2.0 movement implement a "bottom-up" style of categorization using arbitrary keywords. Experience as well as research in the characteristics of both systems has shown that their strengths and weaknesses seem to be inverse: While Social Annotation suffers from problems like, e. g., ambiguity or lack or precision, ontologies were especially designed to eliminate those. On the contrary, the latter suffer from a knowledge acquisition bottleneck, which is successfully overcome by the large user populations of Social Annotation Systems. Instead of being regarded as competing paradigms, the obvious potential synergies from a combination of both motivated approaches to "bridge the gap" between them. These were fostered by the evidence of emergent semantics, i. e., the self-organized evolution of implicit conceptual structures, within Social Annotation data. While several techniques to exploit the emergent patterns were proposed, a systematic analysis - especially regarding paradigms from the field of ontology learning - is still largely missing. This also includes a deeper understanding of the circumstances which affect the evolution processes. This work aims to address this gap by providing an in-depth study of methods and influencing factors to capture emergent semantics from Social Annotation Systems. We focus hereby on the acquisition of lexical semantics from the underlying networks of keywords, users and resources. Structured along different ontology learning tasks, we use a methodology of semantic grounding to characterize and evaluate the semantic relations captured by different methods. In all cases, our studies are based on datasets from several Social Annotation Systems. Specifically, we first analyze semantic relatedness among keywords, and identify measures which detect different notions of relatedness. These constitute the input of concept learning algorithms, which focus then on the discovery of synonymous and ambiguous keywords. Hereby, we assess the usefulness of various clustering techniques. As a prerequisite to induce hierarchical relationships, our next step is to study measures which quantify the level of generality of a particular keyword. We find that comparatively simple measures can approximate the generality information encoded in reference taxonomies. These insights are used to inform the final task, namely the creation of concept hierarchies. For this purpose, generality-based algorithms exhibit advantages compared to clustering approaches. In order to complement the identification of suitable methods to capture semantic structures, we analyze as a next step several factors which influence their emergence. Empirical evidence is provided that the amount of available data plays a crucial role for determining keyword meanings. From a different perspective, we examine pragmatic aspects by considering different annotation patterns among users. Based on a broad distinction between "categorizers" and "describers", we find that the latter produce more accurate results. This suggests a causal link between pragmatic and semantic aspects of keyword annotation. As a special kind of usage pattern, we then have a look at system abuse and spam. While observing a mixed picture, we suggest that an individual decision should be taken instead of disregarding spammers as a matter of principle. Finally, we discuss a set of applications which operationalize the results of our studies for enhancing both Social Annotation and semantic systems. These comprise on the one hand tools which foster the emergence of semantics, and on the one hand applications which exploit the socially induced relations to improve, e. g., searching, browsing, or user profiling facilities. In summary, the contributions of this work highlight viable methods and crucial aspects for designing enhanced knowledge-based services of a Social Semantic Web.
The ongoing depletion of the coastal aquifer in the Gaza strip due to groundwater overexploitation has led to the process of seawater intrusion, which is continually becoming a serious problem in Gaza, as the seawater has further invaded into many sections along the coastal shoreline. As a first step to get a hold on the problem, the artificial neural network (ANN)-model has been applied as a new approach and an attractive tool to study and predict groundwater levels without applying physically based hydrologic parameters, and also for the purpose to improve the understanding of complex groundwater systems and which is able to show the effects of hydrologic, meteorological and anthropogenic impacts on the groundwater conditions. Prediction of the future behaviour of the seawater intrusion process in the Gaza aquifer is thus of crucial importance to safeguard the already scarce groundwater resources in the region. In this study the coupled three-dimensional groundwater flow and density-dependent solute transport model SEAWAT, as implemented in Visual MODFLOW, is applied to the Gaza coastal aquifer system to simulate the location and the dynamics of the saltwater–freshwater interface in the aquifer in the time period 2000-2010. A very good agreement between simulated and observed TDS salinities with a correlation coefficient of 0.902 and 0.883 for both steady-state and transient calibration is obtained. After successful calibration of the solute transport model, simulation of future management scenarios for the Gaza aquifer have been carried out, in order to get a more comprehensive view of the effects of the artificial recharge planned in the Gaza strip for some time on forestall, or even to remedy, the presently existing adverse aquifer conditions, namely, low groundwater heads and high salinity by the end of the target simulation period, year 2040. To that avail, numerous management scenarios schemes are examined to maintain the ground water system and to control the salinity distributions within the target period 2011-2040. In the first, pessimistic scenario, it is assumed that pumping from the aquifer continues to increase in the near future to meet the rising water demand, and that there is not further recharge to the aquifer than what is provided by natural precipitation. The second, optimistic scenario assumes that treated surficial wastewater can be used as a source of additional artificial recharge to the aquifer which, in principle, should not only lead to an increased sustainable yield of the latter, but could, in the best of all cases, revert even some of the adverse present-day conditions in the aquifer, i.e., seawater intrusion. This scenario has been done with three different cases which differ by the locations and the extensions of the injection-fields for the treated wastewater. The results obtained with the first (do-nothing) scenario indicate that there will be ongoing negative impacts on the aquifer, such as a higher propensity for strong seawater intrusion into the Gaza aquifer. This scenario illustrates that, compared with 2010 situation of the baseline model, at the end of simulation period, year 2040, the amount of saltwater intrusion into the coastal aquifer will be increased by about 35 %, whereas the salinity will be increased by 34 %. In contrast, all three cases of the second (artificial recharge) scenario group can partly revert the present seawater intrusion. From the water budget point of view, compared with the first (do nothing) scenario, for year 2040, the water added to the aquifer by artificial recharge will reduces the amount of water entering the aquifer by seawater intrusion by 81, 77and 72 %, for the three recharge cases, respectively. Meanwhile, the salinity in the Gaza aquifer will be decreased by 15, 32 and 26% for the three cases, respectively.
The main objective of this thesis was to determine the potential impact of heat stress (HS) on physiological traits of lactating cows and semen quality of bulls kept in a temperate climate. The thesis is comprised of three studies. An innovative statistical modeling aspect common to all three studies was the application of random regression methodology (RRM) to study the phenotypic and genetic trajectory of traits in dependency of a continuous temperature humidity index (THI). In the first study, semen quality and quantity traits of 562 Holstein sires kept on an AI station in northwestern Germany were analyzed in the course of THI calculated from data obtained from the nearest weather station. Heat stress was identified based on a decline in semen quality and quantity parameters. The identified general HS threshold (THI = 60) and the thermoneutal zone (THI in the range from 50 to 60) for semen production were lower than detected in studies conducted in tropical and subtropical climates. Even though adult bulls were characterized by higher semen productivity compared to younger bulls, they responded with a stronger semen production loss during harsh environments. Heritabilities (low to moderate range) and additive genetic variances of semen characteristics varied with different levels of THI. Also, based on genetic correlations genotype, by environment interactions were detected. Taken together, these findings suggest the application of specific selection strategies for specific climate conditions. In the second study, the effect of the continuous environmental descriptor THI as measured inside the barns on rectal temperatures (RT), skin temperatures (ST), vaginal temperatures (VT), respiration rates (RR), and pulse rate (PR) of lactating Holstein Friesian (HF) and dual-purpose German black pied cattle (DSN) was analyzed. Increasing HS from THI 65 (threshold) to THI 86 (maximal THI) resulted in an increase of RT by 0.6 °C (DSN) and 1 °C (HF), ST by 3.5 °C (HF) and 8 °C (DSN), VT by 0.3 °C (DSN), and RR by 47 breaths / minute (DSN), and decreased PR by 7 beats / minute (DSN). The undesired effects of rising THI on physiological traits were most pronounced for cows with high levels of milk yield and milk constituents, cows in early days in milk and later parities, and during summer seasons in the year 2014. In the third study of this dissertation, the genetic components of the cow’s physiological responses to HS were investigated. Heat stress was deduced from indoor THI measurements, and physiological traits were recorded on native DSN cows and their genetically upgraded crosses with Holstein Friesian sires in two experimental herds from pasture-based production systems reflecting a harsh environment of the northern part of Germany. Although heritabilities were in a low range (from 0.018 to 0.072), alterations of heritabilities, repeatabilities, and genetic components in the course of THI justify the implementation of genetic evaluations including heat stress components. However, low repeatabilities indicate the necessity of using repeated records for measuring physiological traits in German cattle. Moderate EBV correlations between different trait combinations indicate the potential of selection for one trait to simultaneously improve the other physiological attributes. In conclusion, bulls of AI centers and lactating cows suffer from HS during more extreme weather conditions also in the temperate climate of Northern Germany. Monitoring physiological traits during warm and humid conditions could provide precious information for detection of appropriate times for implementation of cooling systems and changes in feeding and management strategies. Subsequently, the inclusion of these physiological traits with THI specific breeding values into overall breeding goals could contribute to improving cattle adaptability by selecting the optimal animal for extreme hot and humid conditions. Furthermore, the recording of meteorological data in close distance to the cow and visualizing the surface body temperature by infrared thermography techniques might be helpful for recognizing heat tolerance and adaptability in cattle.
During the past few years, there has been much discussion of a shift from rule-based systems to principle-based systems for natural language processing. This paper outlines the major computational advantages of principle-based parsing, its differences from the usual rule-based approach, and surveys several existing principle-based parsing systems used for handling languages as diverse as Warlpiri, English, and Spanish, as well as language translation.
Machine translation has been a particularly difficult problem in the area of Natural Language Processing for over two decades. Early approaches to translation failed since interaction effects of complex phenomena in part made translation appear to be unmanageable. Later approaches to the problem have succeeded (although only bilingually), but are based on many language-specific rules of a context-free nature. This report presents an alternative approach to natural language translation that relies on principle-based descriptions of grammar rather than rule-oriented descriptions. The model that has been constructed is based on abstract principles as developed by Chomsky (1981) and several other researchers working within the "Government and Binding" (GB) framework. Thus, the grammar is viewed as a modular system of principles rather than a large set of ad hoc language-specific rules.
This thesis addresses the problem of categorizing natural objects. To provide a criteria for categorization we propose that the purpose of a categorization is to support the inference of unobserved properties of objects from the observed properties. Because no such set of categories can be constructed in an arbitrary world, we present the Principle of Natural Modes as a claim about the structure of the world. We first define an evaluation function that measures how well a set of categories supports the inference goals of the observer. Entropy measures for property uncertainty and category uncertainty are combined through a free parameter that reflects the goals of the observer. Natural categorizations are shown to be those that are stable with respect to this free parameter. The evaluation function is tested in the domain of leaves and is found to be sensitive to the structure of the natural categories corresponding to the different species. We next develop a categorization paradigm that utilizes the categorization evaluation function in recovering natural categories. A statistical hypothesis generation algorithm is presented that is shown to be an effective categorization procedure. Examples drawn from several natural domains are presented, including data known to be a difficult test case for numerical categorization techniques. We next extend the categorization paradigm such that multiple levels of natural categories are recovered; by means of recursively invoking the categorization procedure both the genera and species are recovered in a population of anaerobic bacteria. Finally, a method is presented for evaluating the utility of features in recovering natural categories. This method also provides a mechanism for determining which features are constrained by the different processes present in a multiple modal world.
General-purpose computing devices allow us to (1) customize computation after fabrication and (2) conserve area by reusing expensive active circuitry for different functions in time. We define RP-space, a restricted domain of the general-purpose architectural space focussed on reconfigurable computing architectures. Two dominant features differentiate reconfigurable from special-purpose architectures and account for most of the area overhead associated with RP devices: (1) instructions which tell the device how to behave, and (2) flexible interconnect which supports task dependent dataflow between operations. We can characterize RP-space by the allocation and structure of these resources and compare the efficiencies of architectural points across broad application characteristics. Conventional FPGAs fall at one extreme end of this space and their efficiency ranges over two orders of magnitude across the space of application characteristics. Understanding RP-space and its consequences allows us to pick the best architecture for a task and to search for more robust design points in the space. Our DPGA, a fine- grained computing device which adds small, on-chip instruction memories to FPGAs is one such design point. For typical logic applications and finite- state machines, a DPGA can implement tasks in one-third the area of a traditional FPGA. TSFPGA, a variant of the DPGA which focuses on heavily time-switched interconnect, achieves circuit densities close to the DPGA, while reducing typical physical mapping times from hours to seconds. Rigid, fabrication-time organization of instruction resources significantly narrows the range of efficiency for conventional architectures. To avoid this performance brittleness, we developed MATRIX, the first architecture to defer the binding of instruction resources until run-time, allowing the application to organize resources according to its needs. Our focus MATRIX design point is based on an array of 8-bit ALU and register-file building blocks interconnected via a byte-wide network. With today's silicon, a single chip MATRIX array can deliver over 10 Gop/s (8-bit ops). On sample image processing tasks, we show that MATRIX yields 10-20x the computational density of conventional processors. Understanding the cost structure of RP-space helps us identify these intermediate architectural points and may provide useful insight more broadly in guiding our continual search for robust and efficient general-purpose computing structures.
In any discipline, where uncertainty and variability are present, it is important to have principles which are accepted as inviolate and which should therefore drive statistical modelling, statistical analysis of data and any inferences from such an analysis. Despite the fact that two such principles have existed over the last two decades and from these a sensible, meaningful methodology has been developed for the statistical analysis of compositional data, the application of inappropriate and/or meaningless methods persists in many areas of application. This paper identifies at least ten common fallacies and confusions in compositional data analysis with illustrative examples and provides readers with necessary, and hopefully sufficient, arguments to persuade the culprits why and how they should amend their ways
Cormatec Ltda., es una empresa colombiana, dedicada a la comercialización de maquinaria, equipos y artículos para la industria del procesamiento de alimentos, hoteles, restaurantes, carnicerías, frigoríficos y empresas similares. En los últimos años, la empresa ha presentado importantes problemas de disminución de ventas, debido en principio a la fuerte competencia que existe en el sector. Por tal motivo, el presente plan de mercadeo y logístico, busca diagnosticar las causas del bajo rendimiento presentado en la organización en los últimos periodos y proponer soluciones que maximicen las utilidades de la empresa.
Esta tesis producto del trabajo de investigación se planteo sobre las bases de un derecho administrativo interno creado para resolver los problemas suscitados al interior del Estado en consonancia con los postulados constitucionales, teniendo en cuenta el artículo 4° en que se establece la supremacía de la Constitución y los artículo 9°, 93, 94 y 224 al 227 que ordenan el desarrollo del derecho de integración en el marco de los países Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, por lo que surge la imperiosa necesidad de armonizar el derecho de la integración con el ordenamiento jurídico nacional y en especial con el derecho administrativo quien deberá recepcionar el mencionado ordenamiento supraestatal, alterando las tradicionales concepciones de las fuentes de este derecho interno. Por lo tanto, desde la perspectiva del derecho administrativo comprendido como un derecho legislado que regula las relaciones entre el Estado y los particulares en el que prevalece el “principio de legalidad” de los actos administrativos, se puede intuir que constituye un problema jurídico los impactos derivados de los tratados de integración, donde nos preguntamos sí las categorías de fuentes actuales del derecho administrativo son las adecuadas para abordar la recepción de estas disposiciones Por lo que al explorara las incidencias en el derecho administrativo con ocasión de la recepción del derecho de integración con particular énfasis en la Comunidad Andina, identificamos que uno de los rasgos más distintivos del ordenamiento jurídico andino, como el de otros esquemas de integración, proviene del discutido concepto de supranacionalidad. Dentro de la teoría jurídica contemporánea la comprensión de este término trae una novísima concepción que al mismo tiempo es respetuosa de la soberanía interna de los Estados miembros, la cual permite el surgimiento del nuevo ente común donde es posible la distribución de competencias en la reglamentación de ciertos ámbitos entre autoridades multilaterales y nacionales, conservando su propia autonomía. Este concepto ha permitido que en el ordenamiento comunitario andino, a semejanza de lo que acontece en el derecho interno de los Estados, exista un sistema de control de las normas jurídicas garantizado por una jurisdicción contenciosa-administrativa ejercida a través del Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina. Lo que en definitiva incide en el derecho administrativo interno al encontramos frente a ordenamientos independientes, como lo son los del derecho de integración, en los que se producen, aplican y ejecutan normas según las reglas de juego adoptadas para ese efecto por los Estados miembros, que dependerán del marco del proceso de integración y su armonización con las normas internas. Es por ello, que en el resultado final de esta tesis se constata la aparición de nuevas fuentes de legalidad, donde ya no sólo se contemplará la ley y la jurisprudencia, ésta última posicionada con el devenir del tiempo debido a su pertinencia, como lo podemos contrastar con la expedición del Nuevo Código de Procedimiento Contencioso Administrativo (L. 1437/11) que aún no ha entrado en vigencia, en donde se resalta la importancia del Precedente Judicial a partir de las sentencias de unificación del Consejo de Estado. Pero más allá, de este nuevo reconocimiento legislativo, el sistema de fuentes establecido se verá alterado en su jerarquía con el derecho que nace con ocasión de los tratados de integración, lo que aún no se refleja en este nuevo Código, el cual no prevé la aplicación de las nuevas fuentes de legalidad.
An introduction for students intending to design and conduct a survey. This is the prelude to a practical group activity.