674 resultados para Psychological Economics
This article is a reflection on the social uncertainty caused by Influenza A and on the consequences that it can have on decision making in health promotion policies. We use concepts and metaphors of the Rational Choice Theory, among them, the “ingratitude effect” or the “distrust effect”, as we analyse how these can become obstacles for the efficiency of prevention policies. Then, we focus on the information asymmetry of the principal-agent relationship, and we propose measures to diminish the “moral risk” that they cause. We finish by advancing some proposals for designing lines and strategies of action in health promotion policies.
BACKGROUND Available screening tests for dementia are of limited usefulness because they are influenced by the patient's culture and educational level. The Eurotest, an instrument based on the knowledge and handling of money, was designed to overcome these limitations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the Eurotest in identifying dementia in customary clinical practice. METHODS A cross-sectional, multi-center, naturalistic phase II study was conducted. The Eurotest was administered to consecutive patients, older than 60 years, in general neurology clinics. The patients' condition was classified as dementia or no dementia according to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. We calculated sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp) and area under the ROC curves (aROC) with 95% confidence intervals. The influence of social and educational factors on scores was evaluated with multiple linear regression analysis, and the influence of these factors on diagnostic accuracy was evaluated with logistic regression. RESULTS Sixteen neurologists recruited a total of 516 participants: 101 with dementia, 380 without dementia, and 35 who were excluded. Of the 481 participants who took the Eurotest, 38.7% were totally or functionally illiterate and 45.5% had received no formal education. Mean time needed to administer the test was 8.2+/-2.0 minutes. The best cut-off point was 20/21, with Sn = 0.91 (0.84-0.96), Sp = 0.82 (0.77-0.85), and aROC = 0.93 (0.91-0.95). Neither the scores on the Eurotest nor its diagnostic accuracy were influenced by social or educational factors. CONCLUSION This naturalistic and pragmatic study shows that the Eurotest is a rapid, simple and useful screening instrument, which is free from educational influences, and has appropriate internal and external validity.
A Comprehensive Plan is a medium-term planning instrument. Its development alone does not guarantee the achievement of the goals laid out in it, but by defining the goals, establishing priorities and setting out courses of action and concrete activities it will allow for an overall vision of the objectives being aimed towards and the tasks that will need to be carried out. The first Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2003-2007 (I PISMA, Plan Integral de Salud Mental de Andalucía) was developed using this approach. Nine courses of action were covered in this Plan, which over its duration lead to noticeable progress in various fields.The assessment of the I PISMA and the experience gained from its development have channelled into this second Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2008-2012 (II PISMA). The main principles for this second Plan are quality improvements, equality and efficiency of health services, aimed at public awareness of mental health in the Andalusian population, prevention of the illnesses and improvements to the care of patients and their families.
Altruistic kidney donation challenges ethical principles, questions the anthropological meaning of donation and is associated with important psychological aspects. Obtaining free and informed consent is essential and requires a depth evaluation by a psychologist or a psychiatrist in order to identify the motivations which stimulate the desire of donation. By means of a psychodynamic understanding of a clinical case, we illustrate the complexity of the evaluation of consent and discuss the psychological issues associated with altruistic kidney donation.
Artículos destacados: Mito: El Sistema Sanitario Público es insostenible. Optimización de los tratamientos con antimicrobianos. Impacto de la crisis actual en la salud y en los sistemas sanitarios
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias)
Work-related stress of the oncology clinician is not only due to heavy clinical and administrative duties, but also arises when breaking bad news. However, there is important interindividual variation in stress levels during patient encounters, mainly due to the significance the situation represents for the oncologist. A reflection on his own development, his professional identity, and ways of dealing with the patient's suffering can reduce his levels of stress and distress and prevent burnout and other psychiatric disturbances. This chapter summarizes the psychological challenges the oncology clinician is facing when he announces the diagnosis of cancer, deals with the deception of relapse, discusses the transition to palliative care, copes with progression of the disease and uncertainty, and cares for the dying who is facing the unknown. Ways of refiecting on and dealing with these situations from a psychological and communicational perspective are described and illustrated by case vignettes.