955 resultados para Progettazione verifica riduttore aereonautico
Progettazione del telaio di una macchina automatica formatrice per brik. Per giungere a tale risultato è stato fondamentale risalire alla definizione delle leggi di moto e dei sistemi a camme generanti il movimento delle parti, per poter calcolare correttamente i carichi in gioco sollecitanti la struttura.
L'elaborato si propone di costituire una guida per la verifica e i test di volo su satelliti o lanciatori, prendendo come riferimento la normativa europea ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardization). È riportata la procedura di test, in particolare la fase di test in volo, con particolare attenzione alla pianificazione e allo svolgimento, fino a giungere alla fase di verifica dei risultati. I principali sensori utilizzati per effettuare le misurazioni sono descritti soffermandosi anche sulla telemetria, attraverso la quale è possibile ottenere informazioni dettagliate a terra sullo stato del satellite ed inviare comandi attraverso un telecomando. Al termine informazioni sulla modalità di redazione di un test report.
The needs of customers to improve machinery in recent years have driven tractor manufacturers to reduce product life and development costs. The most significant efforts have concentrated on the attempt to decrease the costs of the experimental testing sector. The validation of the tractor prototypes are presently performed with a replication of a particularly unfavourable condition a defined number of times. These laboratory tests do not always faithfully reproduce the real use of the tractor. Therefore, field tests are also carried out to evaluate the prototype during real use, but it is difficult to perform such tests for a period of time long enough to reproduce tractor life usage. In this context, accelerated tests have been introduced in the automotive sector, producing a certain damage to the structure in a reduced amount of time. The goal of this paper is to define a methodology for the realization of accelerated structural tests on a tractor, through the reproduction of real customer tractor usage. A market analysis was performed on a 80 kW power tractor and a series of measures were then taken to simulate the real use of the tractor. Subsequently, the rainflow matrixes of the signals were extrapolated and used to estimate the tractor loadings for 10 years of tractor life. Finally these loadings were reproduced on testing grounds with special road pavements. The results obtained highlight the possibility of reproducing field loadings during road driving on proving grounds (PGs), but the use of two field operations is also necessary. The global acceleration factor obtained in this first step of the methodology is equal to three.