891 resultados para Produtos orgânicos, estilo de vida, qualidade de vida, saúde e comportamento ambiental
As empresas frequentemente negligenciam o fenmeno da resistncia dos consumidores, culminando em investimentos em vo que podem comprometer a sustentabilidade financeira da empresa. Em um mundo onde a novidade solicitada pelo mercado, as empresas impulsionadas por inovao devem perceber se os consumidores esto preparados para receber uma tecnologia disruptiva. Neste cenrio, a difuso tecnolgica tornou-se um tema importante de debate entre os pesquisadores. A resistncia dos consumidores, no entanto, tem sido negligenciada na literatura. Este estudo analisa as caractersticas de inovao percepcionveis que inibem a massa crtica de consumidores a adotar produtos tecnolgicos. Alm disso, este estudo complementa a literatura atual, fornecendo resultados empricos e testando a teoria existente. O projeto de pesquisa tem uma abordagem qualitativa de estudo de caso mltiplo, investigando as caractersticas mais relevantes de dois produtos tecnolgicos disruptivos que foram rejeitados pela maioria dos consumidores, versus outros dois produtos tecnolgicos disruptivos que foram positivamente reconhecidos. Os resultados mostram que a compatibilidade com o estilo de vida do cliente constitui o fator mais importante que levanta barreiras para a adoo.
O progressivo envelhecimento populacional tem suscitado cada vez mais uma maior preocupao e um particular interesse da sociedade. Para alm de melhorar a condio fsica e a robustez do idoso, a atividade fsica tem tambm a vantagem de servir como um bom complemento psicolgico, permitindo a fuga s depresses e incentivo ao convvio social. A adoo de um estilo de vida ativo considerada um importante componente para a melhoria da qualidade de vida e independncia funcional dos idosos. Existem diversas evidncias cientficas de que a atividade fsica pode ser usada no sentido de retardar, e at mesmo atenuar, o processo de declnio das funes orgnicas que so observadas com o envelhecimento. As mudanas decorrentes da terceira idade requerem tambm uma adaptao dos prprios idosos e a forma como cada um se adapta, constitui um fator determinante no seu processo de envelhecimento. Nos ltimos anos, temos assistido a um crescente nmero de estudos associados prtica de atividade fsica na terceira idade, o que revela uma forte aposta em promover esta temtica. Como sinal dessa tendncia, tivemos em 2012 o Ano Europeu do Envelhecimento Ativo e Solidariedade entre Geraes que, face tendncia de envelhecimento da populao da Europa procurou sensibilizar a sociedade europeia para o contributo prestado pelas pessoas mais velhas, bem como promover medidas que criassem mais e melhores oportunidades para que os cidados idosos se mantenham ativos. O presente estudo de natureza quantitativa e complementado por uma anlise comparativa pretendeu estudar as principais diferenas entre dois grupos de idosos de duas instituies com respostas sociais de Lar e Centro de Dia, no concelho de Machico e o impacto da prtica de atividade fsica para a sua qualidade de vida. Para tal, foram aplicados inquritos por questionrio a uma amostra aleatria de 40 idosos, de ambos os sexos com 65 ou mais anos, com capacidade de resposta e independentes/autnomos na realizao das suas atividades da vida diria. Comparativamente, observou-se que os idosos que praticavam atividade fsica estavam mais informados e/ou sensibilizados para as questes gerais sobre saúde fsica, embora de uma forma vaga, no tendo por vezes uma perceo adequada sobre a importncia e vantagens da atividade fsica. No grupo de sedentrios foi notrio um maior desconhecimento, principalmente nas questes colocadas sobre a atividade fsica versus campo emocional, de convvio e de bemestar. iv Em termos globais, constatou-se que existiam diferenas significativas na qualidade de vida dos idosos de ambos os grupos, nomeadamente a alterao do estilo e hbitos de vida da quase totalidade dos idosos do grupo com atividade fsica que passaram a faz-lo aquando da admisso nas instituies, sabendo que no tinham antecedentes desta prtica no seu dia-a-dia. Para alm disso, a forma como ocupavam o seu tempo tambm representou um elemento chave, uma vez que nenhum dos inquiridos que praticava atividade fsica no se ocupava com absolutamente nada, ao contrrio dos idosos sedentrios. Em termos de evoluo do estado de saúde em virtude da prtica de atividade fsica, muito poucos foram os casos que consideraram uma regresso no seu estado de saúde, diferindo do grupo de idosos sedentrios. Por fim, os problemas emocionais que influenciavam o desempenho das atividades dirias foram identificados em maior nmero pelos idosos sedentrios.
Despite the observation of an increase in life expectancy in individuals with Spinal cord injury (SCI), it is lower than that of the general population. Studies have shown that affected individuals have a sedentary lifestyle that reflects negatively on health and quality of life. Studies have demonstrated that HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, a high-density lipoprotein and important predictor of cardiovascular disease, are lower in this population exposing these people to a greater incidence of heart disease from atherosclerotic process In the general population, exercise increases HDL-C serum levels, but this phenomenon is not very clear in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). The present study examined the effect of both swimming and wheelchair basketball in the lipid profile of eleven men and seven women with SCI. The subjects included in regular exercise programs showed increases in HDL-C levels and decreases in CT/HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C ratios. We found better results mainly in men with lower levels of SCI and in those that sustained exercise intensities above 60% of the heart rate reserve. The duration of training sessions can be an essential factor in these results. The results suggest that both the exercise prescription and the personal characteristics of people with SCI influence changes in the lipid profile mediated through exercise. The elaboration of this work is an attempt to clarify uncertainties about health and the longevity of people with SCI generated in discussion of all members of the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, especially the physiotherapists, nutritionists, nurses and physicians that contributed considerably in all phases of the research
In The paradoxical happiness , Gilles Lipovetsky elects five major paradigmatic models that command the pleasure and happiness in our societies. Starting with the paradigmatic models of penia (where it is emphasized the existential dissatisfaction supplied by the consumption and where advertising has a special place, bombarding consumers and creating consumer needs, in addition to selling a lifestyle rather than the products themselves), and narcissus (model constructed on the basis of self-exaltation and abdication of the social and political) intends to examine the relationship between the consumption exercised by young people and the advertising displayed on social networking sites, focusing on the social media Facebook, observing the virtual fan pages of the following brands: Coca-Cola; Pepsi; BlackBerry, Nokia, Riachuelo and C&A and their relationships with their consumers
The present study aimed to understand how and to what extent the electronic forr, currently hegemonic in the music market in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, establishes and maintains relations of domination in the social contexts in which it is produced, transmitted and received. Based, in significant form-content, on the writings of the first generation of theorists of the so-called Frankfurt School (Critical Theory), particularly with Theodor W. Adorno, and systematically using the contributions of the Cultural Studies (from the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies of Birmingham) and of the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, this study aimed to perform, in the fertile intersection of these references, a critical possibility of interpretation of the electronic forr predominantly spread in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, aiming at a better apprehension of the so-called capital circuits/culture circuits , this study resulted from a qualitative investment of research, based on structured interviews with musicians, entrepreneurs of the sector and music consumers, as well as on the analysis of the themes contained in the official discography of the electronic forr band called Garota Safada (Shameless Girl). As a general empirical conclusion, it was possible to infer that far from the significant presence of domination or mere prevalence of oppositions, there is a relational pluralism of forms of domination and ways of resistances present in the production and consumption of electronic forr, regardless of gender, age, income, education or place of residence. However, the artifices of the cultural industry has been shown to be efficient: from large-scale businessmen to small producers enabled by the so-called open markets . The currentness of the concept of cultural industry is based on the idea that its products are offered systematically (the systematic insistence of everything to everyone) and on the notion that its production primarily meets the administrative criteria of control over the effects on the receiver (capacity of prescription of desires). Thus, the Adornian reflection on the pseudo-individualization leads to the inference that even in some of the most apparent ways of negotiation and/or refusal regarding the consumption of forr, certain behaviors of the cultural industry still prevail both in the very (re)interpretation of the forr and in the choice of other music genres also standardized, rationalized and massified. Therefore, despite the absence of cause-effect relation and the recognition of the popular capacity of re-elaboration and contestation of the media consumption, some world views prevailing in relation to the electronic forr establish or, at least, support some hegemonic ideologies, especially those concerning the life style, consumption and genre relations (fun by all means). Therefore, due the massification of certain songs, some ways of dissemination of values, beliefs and feelings are potentially experienced from the electronic forr. So, it is presumable that in the current advance of the process of semiformation (Halbbildung), the habitus of a part of the youth from the state of Rio Grande do Norte reinforces and is reinforced by the centrality of the trinomial fun, love and sex present in the songs, emphasized in some constructive practices of sense and in certain flows of social significance
The civil liability of the distribution and retail fuel stems from the fact business activity developed to be high risk and can be said as risk inherent or latent danger that has predictability and normality characterized by placing the consumer in a position of vulnerability, such as the environment, both public policies defined and constitutional protection. Consumer protection as a fundamental right and the environment as the primacy of social order aims the welfare and social justice, as inserted right to the third dimension, are guarded by the State when it creates operational standards through public policies and indirectly intervenes in the economic order. This intervention is due to consumer protection and the environment are economic order principles, founded on free initiative and free competition, ensuring everyone a dignified existence which underlies the irradiation of fundamental rights in private initiative, before the commercial evaluation, mass consumption, the emergence of new technologies that link consumers to the environment before the protection of life, health and safety and ensuring a better quality of life for present and future generations. To repair this damage and the right to information are provided as fundamental rights that put the person at the epicenter of the relations and collective interest stands out against individual interests that to be done need public-private partnership. In such a way that the used methodology was an analysis of documents correlating them with bibliographic sources whose goals are to recognize the civil responsibility as limit to subjective right, having to develop a social function where guilt and risk grow distant and the damage is configured as a consequence of inherent risk, requiring the State interventional postures in fulfilling its public policy; prevailing in these risky activities the solidarity of those involved in the chain of production and socialization of damage forward those are provided directly of products of hazardous nature that put in a position of vulnerability the environment and the consumer
This thesis treats of a avaliation of a laboral gimnastics program of a electrical energy enterprise from Rio Grande do Norte. The leading aim of this work is to analyse the laboral gimnastics program with emphasis on functional performing and personal changes of staff of different categories. The work shows two divisions: at first, it was carried out the bibliographic study approaching the concepts and historic about the ergonomy and the main focus of study, the laboral gimnastics , performing factors and lifestyle.The second time , it was carried out the field study where was used a questionnaire to a 160 staff population which participate of laboral gymnastics program; then the data were analysed through three statistics analyses: multivaried__ clusters, qui-quadrado and multiple linear regression. The results aim to the confirmation that the laboral gymnastics program developed two years ago on enterprise proposes to the white-collar and operational workers an improving on their functional performing and also, to the changes in some aspects of lifestyle, like the food, leisure and stress level. In conclusion, it was checked that the investiment in life quality programs offer benefits both to the staff and the enterprise which will account with good services and satisfaction of customer. Therefore, it was concluded that the laboral gymnastics while a ergonomic tool and a physical activity, it is an investiment which needs more and more to be strengthened and inserted by many segments of society
ABSTRACT Introduction: The cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is an important cause of neurological impairment. Few data about the factors associated with morbidity of cerebrovascular accident are found in Brazil. Objectives: Evaluate sociodemographic characteristics, sleep habits, cognitive and functional status of patients with cerebrovascular accident. Methods: The patients evaluated through questionnaire Step 1 to survey the sociodemographic characteristics and Modified Rankin Scale for functional assessment. The neurological degree was evaluated by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), the sleep Habits questionnaire for sleep and cognitive status by the Mini-Examination of the Mental State (MEMS). The data were analyzed using the chi-square test to determine differences in proportions of variables and linear regression analysis. Results: 305 patients were evaluated and the larger number of subjects was between 50 and 69 years (40%), most patients had no formal education (40.3%) and had ischemic type of cerebrovascular accident (72.5%). In the analysis of the functionality it was found that most patients had moderate impairment (55.1%). The results of the sleep habits showed that 63,6% of patients had one more person in the bedroom,12,3% complained about too much noise in the 11 room and 35% of too much light. From these patients 5,8% were smokers, 7,8% and 70,1% drank coffee drinkers, 28,6% had difficulty in initiate to sleep and woke up 37,6% in the middle of the night. Were showed complaints about nightmares (11%), feeling of suffocation (37,7%) and 35% felt very sleepy during the day. In addition, 95% were unemployed, 80,5% did not perform physical activities and 95,4% did not perform mental activities. The cognitive screening conducted a determined association of cognitive status with age and education level and neurological status. Conclusion: The study showed a high frequency of cases of cerebrovascular accident with functional dependence in a moderate degree, identified that many patients do not follow hygienic measures of sleep and found that the assessment of cognitive deficits must take into consideration the age, educational level and degree of neurological patients. We suggest the need for programs of assistance to victims of cerebrovascular accident patients, with a multidimensional approach including the rehabilitation team, the role of sleep medicine and Neuropsychology, so that patients have access to a more appropriate functional rehabilitation, develop a lifestyle that ensures a good sleep quality and are evaluated and rehabilitated with regard to cognitive impairment
The high blood pressure is a multifactorial chronic disease which possesses emotional and social features in the illness appearance and evolution and in the adherence to the treatment which involves a decision-making through patient so that he or she process the necessary changes on harmful living habits. Adhesion, traditionally, it is referred to the patient to answer to the doctor orientations or of other health professional, about the appearance to the appointment with a doctor, about the use of medicine or lifestyle changes and maintaining this adhesion is the main problem to be overcame. It is expected the adhesion will ever be a continual, stable and satisfactory action, disregarding the complexity of subjectivity processes which permeate the sicken. This research aimed to investigate the difficulties which the person with high blood pressure has to adhere to the treatment, from the signification processes which give sense to the actions dealing with the adhesion. The study was carried out with 48 users of assistance program to the high blood pressure patient from Hospital Universitrio from Natal RN, between 40-65 age. The answers were submitted to a double analysis process: 1) answer systematization in categories and codes and admission in statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science), for generation of descriptive statistics; 2) Sense and signification analysis which permeated the deepener statement and interpretatively. The greater difficulties found are present on low-salt and law-calorie diets, in the dealing with everyday feeling and stress, being these factors cited as direct motive to the high blood pressure, regardless of interviewee s sex. It is observed there is not adhesion, but adhering, as an experienced everyday process. This work contributes with its results, assessing the used strategies by program with the aim of increasing the adhesion rates
The study aims to evaluate the quality of the work processes of the teams from the Family Health Strategy regarding the comprehensive health care for children, in the view of users in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is a cross-sectional observational evaluative research with quantitative approach. The primary data are part of the External Review from the Program of Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ) in 2012. 190 women were interviewed. The inclusion criteria was the presence in the clinic at the time of the survey, have attended the service in the last 12 months and be a mother or companion of a child up to two years old. A research protocol was developed in the dimensions of Growth and Development, Breastfeeding and nutrition, and health problems and its variables. The results revealed that mothers / companions who responded to the questionnaire 71% were aged between 18 and 35 years, 92.1% were literate, 96.3% had a monthly income and 62.6% received financial assistance from the government. As for the children, 39.4% were aged between 13 to 24 months. In promotion and prevention actions for children, 64.2% had consultation up to the 7th day of life, 91.1% underwent the screening test, 95.3% had a health handbook, 98.9% had a vaccine, 17.9% breastfed or breastfeed from 6 to 24 months. As for link and continuity of care, 86.8% of the children were accompanied by the same professional staff and 59.5% left with next consultation scheduled. In acute situations 42.4% of the children went to the health unit and 64% of these were attended. It is concluded that the actions involving prevention and health promotion of children in RN, are evaluated positively by the service users and meet the requirements of MS, as well as link and continuity of care. The weakness in access and reception of users is evident, indicating the need to adapt the service to the demand of health and planning actions to welcome all who seeks basic health unit-UBS
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Analisar a associao de comportamentos saudveis com a qualidade de vida relacionada saúde em idosos. MTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional que envolveu 1.958 idosos residentes em quatro reas do estado de So Paulo, em 2001/2002. A qualidade de vida foi aferida com o uso do instrumento Medical Outcomes Study SF-36-Item Short Form Health Survey. As oito escalas e os dois componentes do instrumento constituram as variveis dependentes e as independentes foram atividade fsica, freqncia semanal de ingesto de bebida alcolica e hbito de fumar. Modelos de regresso linear mltipla foram usados para controlar o efeito de sexo, idade, escolaridade, trabalho, rea de residncia e nmero de doenas crnicas. RESULTADOS: Atividade fsica foi positivamente associada com as oito escalas do SF-36. As maiores associaes foram encontradas em aspectos fsicos ( = 11,9), capacidade funcional ( = 11,3) e no componente fsico. Idosos que ingeriam bebida alcolica pelo menos uma vez por semana apresentaram melhor qualidade de vida do que os que no ingeriam. Comparados com os que nunca fumaram, os fumantes tiveram pior qualidade de vida no componente mental ( = -2,4). CONCLUSES: Os resultados apresentam que praticar atividade fsica, consumir bebida alcolica moderadamente e no fumar so fatores positivamente associados a uma melhor qualidade de vida em idosos.
O envelhecimento um processo do desenvolvimento normal, envolvendo alteraes neurobiolgicas estruturais, funcionais e qumicas. Tambm incidem sobre o organismo fatores ambientais e socioculturais - como qualidade e estilo de vida, dieta, sedentarismo e exerccio - intimamente ligados ao envelhecimento sadio ou patolgico. Este estudo terico tem como objetivo ressaltar tpicos relevantes para o envelhecimento sadio e o envelhecimento doentio, fundamentados em resultados recentes da pesquisa em neurocincias. Conclui-se que o aumento da idade no significa necessariamente adoecer; com medidas preventivas pode-se manter o idoso em condies saudveis nos domnios fsico e cognitivo, mantendo a autonomia de vida por longo perodo. Contudo, na presena de disfunes, o diagnstico e a interveno precoces podem propiciar uma melhor qualidade de vida ao paciente e sua famlia.
Ps-graduao em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB