999 resultados para Princípios - PSF
Este trabalho busca os pontos de intersecção entre a Revolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação e a Economia Solidária, que propuseram um cenário novo à produção cultural, utilizando como foco de estudo uma iniciativa de produção cultural em rede colaborativa e autogerida: o Circuito Fora do Eixo. Partindo da influência mútua, a análise demonstra como o paradigma informacional potencializou os princípios solidários, com mudanças que ocorreram no âmbito do trabalho e da produção material, assim como transformações que se estabeleceram nas relações sociais e na subjetividade. E como os princípios solidários intervieram no paradigma informacional, possibilitando a produção de tecnologias abertas
This article conducted an analysis of Portal Brazil, specifically in the areas of “Education” and “Economy and Employment”, by according to the principles of e-engagement defined by the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD). For understanding of this work, were elucidated concepts such as public communication - trajectory, principles and relations -, digital democracy, e-government and engagement and civic participation. Through this analysis was realized the importance of public communication in the processes of opinion formation and stimulus to citizen participation, as well as the performance of the internet as a facilitator instrument in the processes of relationship between State and Society
Com o fenômeno da Revolução Verde a partir da década de 1950, o campo brasileiro sofreu grandes modificações como o incentivo a mecanização pesada e o investimento em insumos agrícolas, como fertilizantes e agrotóxicos. O processo de transformação politica e adoção do liberalismo pelo governo ditatorial incentivaram ainda mais a agricultura baseada no modelo da Revolução Verde e também fez ocasionou grandes transformações na educação. Com a redemocratização, tanto a educação como o campo, passaram a ser discutidos intensamente, no governo e nos movimentos sociais. A partir da Constituição Brasileira de 1988, foi elaborada a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDBEN 9394/96) e seu artigo 28 dispõe sobre a educação do campo. Porém, somente em 2002, as escolas do campo passaram a ter uma legislação especifica, reconhecendo as particularidades da educação para camponeses. Em 2008, o Governo do Estado de São Paulo lançou a Proposta Curricular com o objetivo de organizar o sistema educacional e, com isso, todas as escolas da rede estadual seguem o mesmo currículo e material didático. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar os conteúdos do material didático destinado ao 6° ano do Ensino Fundamental da disciplina de Ciências e avaliar se esses conteúdos atendem a perspectiva da educação do campo em uma comunidade no interior de São Paulo e elaborar uma proposta de material didático complementar, embasado nos princípios da agroecologia. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa, realizada junto ao Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST, em que se constatou que o material do governo não apresenta nenhuma especificidade ou adequação para os estudantes e escolas do campo e apresenta um material que pode contribuir para a formação desses estudantes
Não disponível
Currently, Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds worldwide. In order to keep that milk and meat were introduced reproductive biotechnologies such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization. In certain situations the technique may have undesired effect, for example, the production of calve calves due to the very large increase in the gestation period when performed in vitro fertilization. To avoid this problem we perform the induction of labor in order to prevent the product is longer the womb. This induction can also be made in case of diseases that compromise the life of the mother, twin pregnancy an abnormal size calf. The administration of short acting steroids, prostaglandins, association of short acting steroids and prostaglandins and association of short acting steroids, prostaglandins and long-acting corticosteroids are some of the possibilities of induction
The success obtained by the Toyota Company in implementing the Toyota Production System was a global case of study that generated different new approaches, such as Lean Thinking. This approach was already successfully applied to various sectors, breeding methodologies as Lean Service, Lean Office or Lean IT. In this paper, the main concepts of Lean Thinking were applied in an information flow through an action research, more specifically in the sending and return of mailing process from a bank. The objectives were to create changes that led to the decrease of the mail returning indexes and ultimately to cost reduction and waste elimination. For this purpose the actual situation was mapped, and after data collection and analysis, a future proposed state was generated for the information flow. Alongside, indicators were conceived for managing process control and a set of implemented and proposed improvements were delivered. The applied Lean Thinking concepts were considered efficient for the application, and the proposed objectives were achieved
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Nowadays, being prepared for competition is a basic demand for companies to survive and expand their businesses, requiring more and more productivity enhancements and costs reductions without interfering in the products quality. Thus, it is very important to have a solid management system adapted to each specific market and industrial sector. With that, many companies invest in studies to optimize its processes aiming to increase production. This work has the goal to present a deployment plan to Lean Manufacturing principles on a small fast food enterprise. The methodology consisted on a bibliographic research followed by an observation of the daily reality and problems found in loco. The study showed that the Lean principles can be a competitive advantage when applying the plan on new processes and enable changes on old methods already implemented by the organization. Besides that, contribute to a productivity enhancement and consequently the employee's motivation
This paper aims at offering an overview of the different functionalist approaches in all their programmes, by verifying which functionalist premises would be relevant in each case. This may be a way to elucidate the differentiated approach of certain themes and of certain objects of analysis, and especially, to contribute to a better account of certain relations between each proposal and others realms of knowledge.
Introduction: The aim was to confirm that PSF (probability of stone formation) changed appropriately following medical therapy on recurrent stone formers.Materials and Methods: Data were collected on 26 Brazilian stone-formers. A baseline 24-hour urine collection was performed prior to treatment. Details of the medical treatment initiated for stone-disease were recorded. A PSF calculation was performed on the 24 hour urine sample using the 7 urinary parameters required: voided volume, oxalate, calcium, urate, pH, citrate and magnesium. A repeat 24-hour urine sample was performed for PSF calculation after treatment. Comparison was made between the PSF scores before and during treatment.Results: At baseline, 20 of the 26 patients (77%) had a high PSF score (> 0.5). Of the 26 patients, 17 (65%) showed an overall reduction in their PSF profiles with a medical treatment regimen. Eleven patients (42%) changed from a high risk (PSF > 0.5) to a low risk (PSF < 0.5) and 6 patients reduced their risk score but did not change risk category. Six (23%) patients remained in a high risk category (> 0.5) during both assessments.Conclusions: The PSF score reduced following medical treatment in the majority of patients in this cohort.
A educação cristã na atualidade tem gerado novas vertentes e abordagens de ensino, entre elas a Educação por Princípios. Com origem nos Estados Unidos, essa abordagem chegou ao Brasil em 1988, e já possui um número considerável de escolas que aderem a essa perspectiva, porém, ainda não é conhecida no contexto educativo. A partir deste pressuposto, o seguinte trabalho tem como objetivo ampliar a compreensão da Educação Cristã por Princípios, seu histórico, sua filosofia, seus métodos de ensino e a aplicabilidade dos princípios no currículo escolar. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. Concluiu-se que alguns dos pontos da abordagem apresentada dificilmente poderiam ser inseridos na escola regular, por esta ser laica. Entretanto, os sete princípios básicos que caracterizam a Educação por Princípios trariam grandes contribuições, principalmente por resgatar valores de convivência social
Pós-graduação em Física - IGCE
This work presents a brief historical about the use of ionizing radiations in Veterinary Medicine, instructing the physical beginnings and techniques wrapped in the realization of the proceedings of radiotherapy in animals, illustrating some treated cases, highlighting the difficulties and pointing to the perspectives and importance of the acting of the medical physics in this kind of therapeutic still little used in the national scenery.