953 resultados para Primary energy source
Among the copper sulphides, chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), covellite (CuS) and chalcocite (Cu2S) are the most important source of minerals for copper mining industry. The acknowledge of behaviour of these sulphides related with bacterial leaching process are essential for optimization procedures. Despite of its importance, covellite has not deserved much interest of researchers regarding this matter. In this work it was studied the oxidation of covellite by the chemolithotrophic bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans by using electrochemical techniques, such as open circuit potentials with the time and cyclic voltammetry. The experiments were carried out in acid medium (pH 1.8), containing or not Fe2+ as additional energy source, and in different periods of incubation; chemical controls were run in parallel. The results showed that a sulphur layer is formed spontaneously due the acid attack, covering the sulphide in the initial phase of incubation, blocking the sulphide oxidation. However, the bacterium was capable to oxidize this sulphur layer. In the presence of Fe2+ as supplemental energy source, the corrosion process was facilitated, because ocurred an indirect oxidation of covellite by Fe3+, which was produced by T. ferrooxidans oxidation of the Fe2+ added in the medium.
This research was developed by considering that the solid waste produced in the process of pig iron production represents the loss of raw materials and the increase in environmental problem. The charcoal based mini blast-furnace off gases dust named CHARCOK was collected from SIDERPA ¾ Siderúrgica Paulino Ltda, located in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The Charcok was characterized and classified according to ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) standard. The results showed that the Charcok should be classified as Class I Wastes ¾ "Hazard Wastes" because of its high concentration of phenols (54.5mg C6H5OH/kg). The Charcok had high concentration of iron and charcoal which can be used as energy source.
Methane, the main constituent of natural gas (> 85%), is employed in large scale as an energy source (thermoelectric power plants, automobiles, etc). However, significant quantities of this gas contribute to the greenhouse effect. The catalytic combustion of methane can minimize these emissions. Palladium is one of the metals that shows the highest activity, depending on the different active forms of the metal. In this article, we focus on the influence of particle size and pretreatment on the catalytic performance of palladium in the methane combustion reaction.
This paper analyses the international inequalities in CO2 emissions intensity for the period 1971- 2009 and assesses explanatory factors. Multiplicative, group and additive methodologies of inequality decomposition are employed. The first allows us to clarify the separated role of the carbonisation index and the energy intensity in the pattern observed for inequalities in CO2 intensities; the second allows us to understand the role of regional groups; and the third allows us to investigate the role of different fossil energy sources (coal, oil and gas). The results show that, first, the reduction in global emissions intensity has coincided with a significant reduction in international inequality. Second, the bulk of this inequality and its reduction are attributed to differences between the groups of countries considered. Third, coal is the main energy source explaining these inequalities, although the growth in the relative contribution of gas is also remarkable. Fourth, the bulk of inequalities between countries and its decline are explained by differences in energy intensities, although there are significant differences in the patterns demonstrated by different groups of countries.
Energia on olennainen osa nykyaikaisen sellutehtaan prosesseja, joissa kuluu suuria määriä lämpöä ja sähköä. Pyrittäessä entistä kustannustehokkaampaan liiketoimintaan nousee energiatehokkuus usein mielenkiinnon kohteeksi. Pitkälle viety sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotanto yhdistettynä korkeaan biopolttoaineiden osuuteen energian tuotannossa luovat pohjan tälle pyrkimykselle. Sekundäärilämpöä syntyy prosessien sivutuotteena ja sen mahdollisimman suuri hyödyntäminen on yksi keino päästä kohti parempaa energiatehokkuutta. Joissain tapauksissa sillä voidaan korvata jopa primäärienergian käyttöä ja mahdollisesti pienentää ostopolttoaineiden tarvetta. Diplomityössä tutkitaan sellutehtaan sekundäärilämpöjärjestelmän toimintaa, ohjausta ja energiankulutusta. Sekundäärilämpöjärjestelmästä muodostetaan taseet talvitilanteessa ja samalla etsitään mahdollisia uusia talteenotettavia sekundäärilämpövirtoja tai vastaavasti käyttökohteita. Lisäksi päivitetään sekundäärilämpöjärjestelmän raportoinnin ja ohjauksen työkaluja nykytilannetta vastaavaksi. Työn aikana kiinnitetään myös huomiota järjestelmän toimintaan muutostilanteissa, joissa kaikkia vesijakeita ei välttämättä ole saatavilla prosessin tarvitsemia määriä.
Photocatalytic materials can minimize atmospheric pollution by decomposing certain organic and inorganic pollutants using sunlight as an energy source. In this paper, the development of a methodology to measure the photocatalytic potential of mortar containing TiO2 nanoparticles is reported. The results indicate that up to 40% of NOx can be degraded by Portland cement mortar containing 30-50% of TiO2, which validates the method developed for evaluating the photocatalytic potential of materials.
An interesting practical experiment about the preparation of dye–sensitized solar cells (DSSC) using natural dyes were carried out by the undergraduate students in the chemistry course at UNICAMP . Natural dyes were extracted from blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), jabuticabas (Myrciaria cauliflora), raw and cooked beets (Beta vulgaris L.), and annattos (Bixa orellana L.), which were used to sensitize TiO2 films that composed the photoanode in the DSSC. A polymer electrolyte containing an iodide/triiodide redox couple was used in lieu of the use of liquid solutions to prevent any leakage in the devices. A maximum solar-to-electric energy conversion of 0.26 ± 0.02% was obtained for the solar cell prepared with annatto extracts. This experiment was an effective way to illustrate to the undergraduate students how to apply some of the chemical concepts that they learned during their chemistry course to produce electric energy from a clean and renewable energy source. Teachers could also exploit the basics of the electronic transitions in inorganic and organic compounds (e.g., metal-to-ligand charge transfer and ϖ-ϖ* transitions), thermodynamics (e.g., Gibbs free energy), acid–base reactions in the oxide solid surface and electrolyte, and band theory (i.e., the importance of the Fermi level energy).
Tässä työssä arvioidaan kotitalouksien energiansäästöpotentiaalia valaistuksen osalta Suomessa. Euroopan Unioni on ratifioinut päästövähennystavoitteen 20 % koskien kaikkia primäärienergiantuotantomuotoja. Päästövähennystavoite on tarkoitus toteuttaa vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Tässä kandidaatintyössä arvioidaan saavutettavissa olevaa energiansäästöpotentiaalia Suomessa kotitalouksissa laitesähkön osalta. Energiansäästöpotentiaalin arviointi perustuu hehkulampun korvaamismahdollisuuksien vertailuun. Valaistuksessa voidaan saavuttaa jopa 75 % sähkönsäästö, kun korvataan yksi 60 W hehkulamppu vastaavan valomäärän tuottavalla energiansäästölampulla. Kokonaisuudessa kotitalouksien valaistuksessa on tehostamispotentiaalia noin 60 %. Valaistuksen tehostamisella saavutetaan noin 1,5 TWh säästö Suomen kokonaissähkökulutuksessa. Saavutettavat säästöt voivat olla jopa suuremmatkin, jos käytetään lisäksi älykästä valonohjausta. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että tehostamispotentiaalia on merkittävästi ja tehostaminen on yksittäiselle kotitaloudelle taloudellisesti kannattavaa. Energiansäästöpotentiaalin toteuttamisen vaikutuksia kansantalouteen ei ole arvioitu.
With the occurrence of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal we found new sources of energy that have played a critical role in the progress of our modern society. Coal is very ample compared to the other two fossil fuels. Global coal reserves at the end of 2005 were estimated at 847,5 billion tones. Along with the major energy sources, coal is the most fast growing fuel on a global basis, it provides 26% of primary energy needs and remains essential to the economies of many developed and developing countries. Coal-fired power generation accounts for 41% of the world‘s total electricity production and in some countries, such as South Africa, Poland, China, Australia, Kazakhstan and India is on very high level. Still, coal utilization represents challenges related to high emissions of air pollutants such as sulphur and nitrogen dioxides, particulate matter, mercury and carbon dioxide. In relation to these a number of technologies have been developed and are in marketable use, with further potential developments towards ―Near Zero Emission‖ coal plants. In present work, coals mined in Russia and countries of Former Soviet Union were reviewed. Distribution of coal reserves on the territory of Russia and the potential for power generation from coal-fired plants across Russia was shown. Physical and chemical properties of coals produced were listed and examined, as main factor influencing on design of the combustion facility and incineration process performance. The ash-related problems in coal-fired boilers were described. The analysis of coal ash of Russia and countries of Former Soviet Union were prepared. Feasible combustion technologies also were reviewed.
Concerns about condition of the environment and rising fossil fuel prices have accelerated the research of finding new cheap and environmental friendly energy source. Fuel cells are one of the most promising green technologies, especially in the field of distributed energy generation, backup power systems, transportation and mobile power generation. In this bachelor’s thesis use of fuel cells is studied, especially from the DC-DC converter point of view. This bachelor’s thesis concentrates on study of two different DC-DC converters. The aim of this thesis is to study design and steering methods for proposed converters. The ultimate aim of this thesis is to determine which one of proposed converters is most suitable for fuel cell applications.
Finlands industri har av tradition varit starkt energikrävande. Träförädlingsindustrin, som fick sin egentliga start i medlet på 1800-talet, använde stora mängder energi liksom metallförädlingsföretagen i ett senare skede. Krigstiden med sin energiransonering visade handgripligen för allmänheten liksom för specialisterna att en tillräcklig tillgång till energi är ett livsvillkor för vår industri och därmed för vårt land. Efterkrigstiden kännetecknades av en allt snabbare utbyggnad av den på vatten- och ångkraft baserade elkraftskapaciteten, en utbyggnad som den inhemska verkstadsindustrin i stor utsträckning deltog i. Men redan på 1950-talet var vattenkraften till stor del utbyggd, varför den privata såväl som den statliga sektorns intresse allt mera inriktade sig på den speciellt i USA favoriserade atomenergin. Efter fördjupade studier i kärnfysik och kärnteknik vid the International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering i USA deltog författaren av dessa rader intensivt (först som Ahlströmanställd och senare som VD för Finnatom) i den utvecklingsverksamhet inom det kärntekniska området som inte bara elproducenterna utan även verkstadsindustrin i vårt land genomförde. Det var därför naturligt för mig att som objekt för min doktorsavhandling välja introduktionen av kärnkraften i Finland med speciell fokus på den inhemska verkstadsindustrins roll. Jag ställde följande forskningsfrågor: a. När och hur skedde introduktionen av kärnkraften i Finland? b. Vilka var orsakerna till och resultatet av denna introduktion? c. Vilken var den inhemska verkstadsindustrins roll? Ett grundligt studium av litteraturen inklusive mötesprotokoll och tidningsreferat samt personligen genomförda intervjuer med ett trettiotal av de verkliga aktörerna i den långa och komplicerade introduktionsprocessen ledde till en teori, vars riktighet jag anser mig ha kunnat bevisa. Den inhemska verkstadsindustrins roll var synnerligen central. Dess representanter lyckades, bl.a. refererande till erfarenheterna från utbyggnaden av vatten- och ångkraften liksom till byggandet av den underkritiska milan YXP samt forskningsreaktorn TRIGA, övertyga beslutsfattarna om att den besatt nödig kompetens för att kompensera den kompetensbrist som kunde iakttas inom vissa områden hos den sovjetiska kärnkraftverksleverantören. De inhemska leveranserna påverkade även driftsresultatet, speciellt i fallet Lovisa, i positiv riktning. Introduktionsprocessen, som omfattade tiden från slutet av 1950-talet till början på 1980-talet, beskrevs, noterande bl.a. J. W. Creswells anvisningar, i detalj i avhandlingen. Introduktionen fick som resultat konkurrenskraftig elkraft, impuls till start av nya företag, exempelvis Nokia Elektronik, liksom en klar höjning av den tekniska nivån hos vår industri, inkluderande kärnteknisk tillverkning i stor skala. Katastrofen i Tjernobyl i slutet av april 1986 innebar emellertid att utvecklingen tog en paus på ett par decennier. Erfarenheterna från introduktionsfasen kan förhoppningsvis utnyttjas till fullo nu, när utbyggnaden av kärnkraften återupptagits i vårt land.
Huoli ympäristön tilasta ja fossiilisten polttoaineiden hinnan nousu ovat vauhdittaneet tutkimusta uusien energialähteiden löytämiseksi. Polttokennot ovat yksi lupaavimmista tekniikoista etenkin hajautetun energiantuotannon, varavoimalaitosten sekä liikennevälineiden alueella. Polttokenno on tehonlähteenä kuitenkin hyvin epäideaalinen, ja se asettaa tehoelektroniikalle lukuisia erityisvaatimuksia. Polttokennon kytkeminen sähköverkkoon on tavallisesti toteutettu käyttämällä galvaanisesti erottavaa DC/DC hakkuria sekä vaihtosuuntaajaa sarjassa. Polttokennon kulumisen estämiseksi tehoelektroniikalta vaaditaan tarkkaa polttokennon lähtövirran hallintaa. Perinteisesti virran hallinta on toteutettu säätämällä hakkurin tulovirtaa PI (Proportional and Integral) tai PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative) -säätimellä. Hakkurin epälineaarisuudesta johtuen tällainen ratkaisu ei välttämättä toimi kaukana linearisointipisteestä. Lisäksi perinteiset säätimet ovat herkkiä mallinnusvirheille. Tässä diplomityössä on esitetty polttokennon jännitettä nostavan hakkurin tilayhtälökeskiarvoistusmenetelmään perustuva malli, sekä malliin perustuva diskreettiaikainen integroiva liukuvan moodin säätö. Esitetty säätö on luonteeltaan epälineaarinen ja se soveltuu epälineaaristen ja heikosti tunnettujen järjestelmien säätämiseen.
One of the targets of the climate and energy package of the European Union is to increase the energy efficiency in order to achieve a 20 percent reduction in primary energy use compared with the projected level by 2020. The energy efficiency can be improved for example by increasing the rotational speed of large electrical drives, because this enables the elimination of gearboxes leading to a compact design with lower losses. The rotational speeds of traditional bearings, such as roller bearings, are limited by mechanical friction. Active magnetic bearings (AMBs), on the other hand, allow very high rotational speeds. Consequently, their use in large medium- and high-speed machines has rapidly increased. An active magnetic bearing rotor system is an inherently unstable, nonlinear multiple-input, multiple-output system. Model-based controller design of AMBs requires an accurate system model. Finite element modeling (FEM) together with the experimental modal analysis provides a very accurate model for the rotor, and a linearized model of the magneticactuators has proven to work well in normal conditions. However, the overall system may suffer from unmodeled dynamics, such as dynamics of foundation or shrink fits. This dynamics can be modeled by system identification. System identification can also be used for on-line diagnostics. In this study, broadband excitation signals are adopted to the identification of an active magnetic bearing rotor system. The broadband excitation enables faster frequency response function measurements when compared with the widely used stepped sine and swept sine excitations. Different broadband excitations are reviewed, and the random phase multisine excitation is chosen for further study. The measurement times using the multisine excitation and the stepped sine excitation are compared. An excitation signal design with an analysis of the harmonics produced by the nonlinear system is presented. The suitability of different frequency response function estimators for an AMB rotor system are also compared. Additionally, analytical modeling of an AMB rotor system, obtaining a parametric model from the nonparametric frequency response functions, and model updating are discussed in brief, as they are key elements in the modeling for a control design. Theoretical methods are tested with a laboratory test rig. The results conclude that an appropriately designed random phase multisine excitation is suitable for the identification of AMB rotor systems.
Among the alternatives to meet the increasing of world demand for energy, the use of biomass as energy source is one of the most promising as it contributes to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Gasification is a technological process of biomass energy production of a gaseous biofuel. The fuel gas has a low calorific value that can be used in Diesel engine in dual mode for power generation in isolated communities. This study aimed to evaluate the reduction in the consumption of oil Diesel an engine generator, using gas from gasification of wood. The engine generator brand used was a BRANCO, with direct injection power of 7.36 kW (10 HP) coupled to an electric generator 5.5 kW. Diesel oil mixed with intake air was injected, as the oil was injected via an injector of the engine (dual mode). The fuel gas was produced in a downdraft gasifier. The engine generator was put on load system from 0.5 kW to 3.5 kW through a set of electrical resistances. Diesel oil consumption was measured with a precision scale. It was concluded that the engine converted to dual mode when using the gas for the gasification of wood decreased Diesel consumption by up to 57%.
Rheological behavior of Chlorella sp. e Scenedesmus sp. cultures in different biomass concentrations
Studies involving the use of microalgae are increasingly intensifying for the potential they present to produce biofuels, because they are a renewable energy source that does not compete directly with food production, and because they enable the obtaining of a fuel with less environmental impact when compared to fossil fuel. In this context, the use of microalgae is directly associated to its capacity to be produced on a large scale and to be extracted from the culture medium. Rheological studies are important for obtaining the information needed in the elaboration of projects and equipment that will be used in various operations existing in systems of production and extraction of algal biomass. In the evaluation of different levels of dry biomass concentration, studies have been conducted of the rheological behavior of cultures of Chlorella sp. BR001 and Scenedesmus sp. BR003. The Power Law model adjusted well to the data of shear stress as a function of strain rate. In all concentrations the cultures showed non-Newtonian behavior. It was observed to Scenedesmus sp. BR003 little effect of biomass concentration on the apparent viscosity and shear stress.