998 resultados para Price formation


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A regulatory protein, PpaA, involved in photosystem formation in the anoxygenic phototrophic proteobacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been identified and characterized in vivo. Based on the phenotypes of cells expressing the ppaA gene in extra copy and on the phenotype of the ppaA null mutant, it was concluded that PpaA activates photopigment production and puc operon expression under aerobic conditions. This is in contrast to the function of the PpaA homologue from Rhodobacter capsulatus, AerR, which acts as a repressor under aerobic conditions [Dong, C., Elsen, S., Swem, L. R. & Bauer, C. E. (2002). J Bacteriol 184, 2805-2814]. The expression of the ppaA gene increases several-fold in response to a decrease in oxygen tension, suggesting that the PpaA protein is active under conditions of low or no oxygen. However, no discernible phenotype of a ppaA null mutant was observed under anaerobic conditions tested thus far. The photosystem gene repressor PpsR mediates repression of ppaA gene expression under aerobic conditions. Sequence analysis of PpaA homologues from several anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria revealed a putative corrinoid-binding domain. It is suggested that PpaA binds a corrinoid cofactor and the availability or structure of this cofactor affects PpaA activity.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a ubiquitous human pathogen and the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infections in infants. Infection of cells and subsequent formation of syncytia occur through membrane fusion mediated by the RSV fusion protein (RSV-F). A novel in vitro assay of recombinant RSV-F function has been devised and used to characterize a number of escape mutants for three known inhibitors of RSV-F that have been isolated. Homology modeling of the RSV-F structure has been carried out on the basis of a chimera derived from the crystal structures of the RSV-F core and a fragment from the orthologous fusion protein from Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The structure correlates well with the appearance of RSV-F in electron micrographs, and the residues identified as contributing to specific binding sites for several monoclonal antibodies are arranged in appropriate solvent-accessible clusters. The positions of the characterized resistance mutants in the model structure identify two promising regions for the design of fusion inhibitors. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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The radiation chemistry of PCTFE at different temperatures has been studied. The polymer was irradiated under vacuum to absorbed doses of up to 1500 kGy. Three irradiation temperatures were chosen. These included ambient temperature, a temperature well above the T, and a temperature above the crystalline melting temperature. These were 298, 423 and 493 K, respectively. The formation of new structures was identified by solid-state FTIR and F-19 NMR. No branching was observed below the melting temperature, but branches were observed above the melting temperature. G-values for chain-end formation were 1.5 and 2.4 at room temperature and 423 K, respectively and the G-value for the formation of double bonds was found to be < 0.1. For the irradiations at 493 K, the G-values for the formation of chain ends, double bonds and branching points were 3.6, 0.2 and 0.5, respectively. The presence of long-chain branches within the polymer structure could not be proven for radiolysis at 493 K, but scission predominates and network formation does not occur upon irradiation. DSC studies of the polymers irradiated at ambient temperature were consistent with chain scission leading to an increase in the percentage crystallinity, as observed for other fluoropolymers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The radicals formed on gamma-radiolysis of a series of copolymers of methacrylic acid and acrylonitrile have been investigated by ESR spectroscopy. This series of copolymers spanned the full composition range and the study was carried out at 77 K and ambient temperature. The radicals formed in the copolymers at 77 and 303 K were found to be similar to those found in the two homopolymers, but in the intermediate composition range the presence of acrylonitrile propagation radicals was also detected. These radicals were not observed to be formed in significant quantities on the radiolysis of polyacrylonitrile. They are believed to result from a scission of the main chain at methacrylic acid/acrylonitrile diad sequences following loss of the methacrylic acid carboxyl group. At 77 K, the copolymers with high methacrylic acid contents were found to be more sensitive to radical formation than the methacrylic acid homopolymer, but this enhanced sensitivity was not evident at ambient temperature, where the G-values for radical formation for the copolymers were slightly less than the values for the homopolymers. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Iron chelators of the 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone (HPCIH) class show high potential for the treatment of iron overload diseases. In the present study, selected first-row transition metal (from Mn to Zn) complexes with HPCIH and 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde (4'-aminobenzoyl)hydrazone (HPCAH) were synthesised and characterised. Crystallography reveals that HPCAH exclusively forms bis complexes with divalent transition metals, with each ligand coordinating meridionally through its pyridine-N, imine-N and carbonyl-O atoms, forming distorted octahedral cis-MN4O2 complexes. Complexes of HPCIH were more varied and unpredictable, with metal/ligand ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 2:2 and 3:2 obtained with different metal ions. The isonicotinoyl ring N-atom in HPCIH was found to be an effective ligand, and this resulted in the varied metal/ligand ratios observed. The formation constants of divalent metal complexes with HPCIH were determined by potentiometric titrations and the values obtained were consistent with similar tridentate ligands and with the Irving-Williams order. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003).


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José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology (1. : 2012 : Anchieta, ES). Seminário realizado no período de 14 a 19 de outubro de 2012.


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Essa dissertação estuda as características relevantes na formação do preço de venda e aluguel, analisando também as diferenças entre esses atributos para apartamentos na cidade de Vitória/ES, preenchendo uma lacuna ainda não desenvolvida, tendo em vista a possibilidade de comparação entre preços de aluguel e venda. O constructo teórico teve como fundamento abordagem de preços hedônicos, aplicada em estudos de Waugh (1928) e Court (1939), mas formalmente desenvolvida teoricamente por Lancaster (1966) e Rosen (1974), e aplicadas e discutidas por Palmquist (1984) e Sheppard (1999). A revisão de literatura mostra que existe impactos tanto em relação aos aspectos físicos dos imóveis, como características externas, como violência, facilidade de acesso, ou presença de estações de trens ou mercados no entorno, dentre outras. A amostra partiu de uma listagem de oferta de imóveis no site da Netimóveis durante os meses de maio e junho de 2014, contando com um número de 563 observações para venda e 185 para locação. Além dessas duas amostras, foram elaboradas análises com relação a subamostras que possuíam a variável valor do condomínio, buscando ampliar as variáveis explicativas coletadas. A análise dos resultados foi feita com utilização da estatística descritiva, correlação entre variáveis e regressão múltipla, sendo essa última aplicada nos 6 modelos propostos para cada amostra, posteriormente propondo um modelo final para venda e aluguel. No que tange as hipóteses utilizadas e aplicadas nos modelos, parte delas foram utilizadas tendo em base estudos prévios, e outras, como o sol da manhã, por exemplo, foram apresentadas como propostas. Dos resultados encontrados, muitos corroboraram com estudos anteriores, confirmando que variáveis como área, vagas na garagem, varanda, anda e posição de frente da unidade, piscina e localização em bairros nobres impactam positivamente no preço dos imóveis, independente se venda ou aluguel. Como diferenças, foi possível identificar que as variáveis presença de elevador, playground e valor do condomínio participam positivamente da explicação do preço de venda, enquanto, presença de quadra, mobília e sol da manhã explicam positivamente o valor do aluguel na amostra.


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The article is intended to debate two questions regarding the involvement of the Commission in the Troika's action: firstly, considering the nature of financial assistance programs, it aims to discuss the effect of the Commission's participation in Troika negotiations on the balance of power of the EU institutions; and secondly, the article raises the issue of the Commission's liability for the results achieved by the financial assistance program, taking into account the extent of the conditions imposed, as well as the intensity of scrutiny by the Troika.


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The role of middle management is essential when managing integrative and emergent strategy formation processes. We stand out the importance of its role connecting micro and macro organizational level offering a very important contribution when examining the strategy-as-practice perspective and integrative strategy formation process. The main goal of this research is to analyse the relationship between the integrative strategy formation process and the roles of middle management under the strategy-as-practice perspective. To check it out we adopted a qualitative methodology droving a case analysis in a Spanish University. Data was collected by means of personal interviews with members of different levels of the Institution, documents analysis and direct observation. In advance of some results we find out that the University develops an integrative strategy formation process and confers to middle management an important role extended all over the organization.


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This paper analyses the commercial and socio-demographic antecedents of the importance of price in buyers' decisions. The study uses ordinal regression in order to analyze the data obtained from a random sample of consumers of frequently purchased products; these consumers were surveyed in different stores. The results demonstrate that shopping enjoyment and brand loyalty have an influence over the importance of price. However, responsibility for shopping (purchase frequency) does not show a significant relationship. Furthermore, some interesting socio-demographic characteristics were found in the context of the study that can be analyzed in future research.


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The theoretical framework that underpins this research study is based on the Prospect Theory formulated by Kahneman and Tversky, and Thaler's Mental Accounting Theory. The research aims to evaluate the consumers' behavior when different patterns of discount are offered (in percentage and absolute value and for larger and smaller discounts). Two experiments were conducted to explore these patterns of behavior and the results that were obtained supported the view that the framing effect was a common occurrence. The patterns of choice of individuals in a sample were found to be different due to changes in the ways discounts were offered. This can be explained by the various ways of presenting discount rates that had an impact on the influence of purchase intentions, recommendations and quality perception.


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An education promoting scientific literacy (SL) that prepares the citizens to a responsible citizenship has persisted as an argument across discussions on curricula design. The ubiquity of science and technology on contemporary societies and the ideological requirement of informed democratic participation led to the identification of relevant categories that drive curriculum reforms towards a humanistic approach of school science. The category ‘Science as culture’ acquires in the current work a major importance: it enlightens the meaning of scientific literacy. Looking closely to the French term, culture scientifique et tecnologique, turns science simultaneously into a cultural object and product that can be both received and worked at different levels and within several approaches by the individuals and the communities. On the other hand, nonformal and informal education spaces gain greater importance. Together with the formal school environment these spaces allow for an enrichment and diversification of learning experiences. Examples of nonformal spaces where animators can develop their work may be science museums or botanical gardens; television and internet can be regarded as informal education spaces. Due to the above mentioned impossibility of setting apart the individual or community-based experiences from Science and Technology (S&T), the work in nonformal and informal spaces sets an additional challenge to the preparation of socio-cultural animators. Socio-scientific issues take, at times, heavily relevance within the communities. Pollution, high tension lines, spreading of diseases, food contamination or natural resources conservation are among the socio-scientific issues that often call upon arguments and emotions. In the context of qualifying programmes on socio-cultural animation (social education and community development) within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the present study describes the Portuguese framework. The comparison of programmes within Portugal aims to contribute to the discussion on the curriculum design for a socio-cultural animator degree (1st cycle of Bologna process). In particular, this study intends to assess how the formation given complies with enabling animators to work, within multiple scenarios, with communities in situations of socio-scientific relevance. A set of themes, issues and both current and potential fields of action, not described or insufficiently described in literature, is identified and analysed in the perspective of a qualified intervention of animators. One of these examples is thoroughly discussed. Finally, suggestions are made about curriculum reforms in order, if possible, to strongly link the desired qualified intervention with a qualifying formation.


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In a liberalized electricity market, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) plays a crucial role in power system operation. Among many other tasks, TSO detects congestion situations and allocates the payments of electricity transmission. This paper presents a software tool for congestion management and transmission price determination in electricity markets. The congestion management is based on a reformulated Optimal Power Flow (OPF), whose main goal is to obtain a feasible solution for the re-dispatch minimizing the changes in the dispatch proposed by the market operator. The transmission price computation considers the physical impact caused by the market agents in the transmission network. The final tariff includes existing system costs and also costs due to the initial congestion situation and losses costs. The paper includes a case study for the IEEE 30 bus power system.


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Long-term contractual decisions are the basis of an efficient risk management. However those types of decisions have to be supported with a robust price forecast methodology. This paper reports a different approach for long-term price forecast which tries to give answers to that need. Making use of regression models, the proposed methodology has as main objective to find the maximum and a minimum Market Clearing Price (MCP) for a specific programming period, and with a desired confidence level α. Due to the problem complexity, the meta-heuristic Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was used to find the best regression parameters and the results compared with the obtained by using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). To validate these models, results from realistic data are presented and discussed in detail.


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All over the world Distributed Generation is seen as a valuable help to get cleaner and more efficient electricity. To get negotiation power and advantages of scale economy, distributed producers can be aggregated giving place to a new concept: the Virtual Power Producer. Virtual Power Producers are multitechnology and multi-site heterogeneous entities. Virtual Power Producers should adopt organization and management methodologies so that they can make Distributed Generation a really profitable activity, able to participate in the market. In this paper we address the development of a multi-agent market simulator – MASCEM – able to study alternative coalitions of distributed producers in order to identify promising Virtual Power Producers in an electricity market.