694 resultados para Previous experiences


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The thesis examines the impact of collective war victimization on individuals' readiness to accept or assign collective guilt for past war atrocities. As a complement to previous studies, its aim is to articulate an integrated approach to collective victimization, which distinguishes between individual-, communal-, and societal-level consequences of warfare. Building on a social representation approach, it is guided by the assumption that individuals form beliefs about a conflict through their personal experiences of victimization, communal experiences of warfare that occur in their proximal surrounding, and the mass- mediatised narratives that circulate in a society's public sphere. Four empirical studies test the hypothesis that individuals' beliefs about the conflict depend on the level and type of war experiences to which they have been exposed, that is, on informative and normative micro and macro contexts in which they are embedded. The studies have been conducted in the context of the Yugoslav wars that attended the breakup of Yugoslavia, a series of wars fought between 1991 and 2001 during which numerous war atrocities were perpetrated causing a massive victimisation of population. To examine the content and impact of war experiences at each level of analysis, the empirical studies employed various methodological strategies, from quantitative analyses of a representative public opinion survey, to qualitative analyses of media content and political speeches. Study 1 examines the impact of individual- and communal- level war experiences on individuals' acceptance and assignment of collective guilt. It further examines the impact of the type of communal level victimization: exposure to symmetric (i.e., violence that similarly affects members of different ethnic groups, including adversaries) and asymmetric violence. The main goal of Study 2 is to examine the structural and political circumstances that enhance collective guilt assignment. While the previous studies emphasize the role of past victimisation, Study 2 tests the assumption that the political demobilisation strategy employed by elites facing public discontent in the collective system-threatening circumstances can fuel out-group blame. Studies 3 and 4 have been conducted predominantly in the context of Croatia and examine rhetoric construction of the dominant politicized narrative of war in a public sphere (Study 3) and its maintenance through public delegitimization of alternative (critical) representations (Study 4). Study 4 further examines the likelihood that highly identified group members adhere to publicly delegitimized critical stances on war. - Cette thèse étudie l'impact de la victimisation collective de guerre sur la capacité des individus à accepter ou à attribuer une culpabilité collective liée à des atrocités commises en temps de guerre. En compléments aux recherches existantes, le but de ce travail est de définir une approche intégrative de la victimisation collective, qui distingue les conséquences de la guerre aux niveaux individuel, régional et sociétal. En partant de l'approche des représentations sociales, cette thèse repose sur le postulat que les individus forment des croyances sur un conflit au travers de leurs expériences personnelles de victimisation, de leurs expériences de guerre lorsque celle-ci se déroule près d'eux, ainsi qu'au travers des récits relayés par les mass media. Quatre études testent l'hypothèse que les croyances des individus dépendent des niveaux et des types d'expériences de guerre auxquels ils ont été exposés, c'est-à-dire, des contextes informatifs et normatifs, micro et macro dans lesquels ils sont insérés. Ces études ont été réalisées dans le contexte des guerres qui, entre 1991 et 2001, ont suivi la dissolution de la Yougoslavie et durant lesquelles de nombreuses atrocités de guerre ont été commises, causant une victimisation massive de la population. Afin d'étudier le contenu et l'impact des expériences de guerre sur chaque niveau d'analyse, différentes stratégies méthodologiques ont été utilisées, des analyses quantitatives sur une enquête représentative d'opinion publique aux analyses qualitatives de contenu de médias et de discours politiques. L'étude 1 étudie l'impact des expériences de guerre individuelles et régionales sur l'acceptation et l'attribution de la culpabilité collective par les individus. Elle examine aussi l'impact du type de victimisation régionale : exposition à la violence symétrique (i.e., violence qui touche les membres de différents groupes ethniques, y compris les adversaires) et asymétrique. L'étude 2 se penche sur les circonstances structurelles et politiques qui augmentent l'attribution de culpabilité collective. Alors que les recherches précédentes ont mis l'accent sur le rôle de la victimisation passée, l'étude 2 teste l'hypothèse que la stratégie de démobilisation politique utilisée par les élites pour faire face à l'insatisfaction publique peut encourager l'attribution de la culpabilité à l'exogroupe. Les études 3 et 4 étudient, principalement dans le contexte croate, la construction rhétorique du récit de guerre politisé dominant (étude 3) et son entretien à travers la délégitimation publique des représentations alternatives (critiques] (étude 4). L'étude 4 examine aussi la probabilité qu'ont les membres de groupe fortement identifiés d'adhérer à des points de vue sur la guerre critiques et publiquement délégitimés.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To assess whether the combined analysis of all phase III trials of nonvitamin-K-antagonist (non-VKA) oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack shows a significant difference in efficacy or safety compared with warfarin. METHODS: We searched PubMed until May 31, 2012, for randomized clinical trials using the following search items: atrial fibrillation, anticoagulation, warfarin, and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack. Studies had to be phase III trials in atrial fibrillation patients comparing warfarin with a non-VKA currently on the market or with the intention to be brought to the market in North America or Europe. Analysis was performed on intention-to-treat basis. A fixed-effects model was used as more appropriate than a random-effects model when combining a small number of studies. RESULTS: Among 47 potentially eligible articles, 3 were included in the meta-analysis. In 14 527 patients, non-VKAs were associated with a significant reduction of stroke/systemic embolism (odds ratios, 0.85 [95% CI, 074-0.99]; relative risk reduction, 14%; absolute risk reduction, 0.7%; number needed to treat, 134 over 1.8-2.0 years) compared with warfarin. Non-VKAs were also associated with a significant reduction of major bleeding compared with warfarin (odds ratios, 0.86 [95% CI, 075-0.99]; relative risk reduction, 13%; absolute risk reduction, 0.8%; number needed to treat, 125), mainly driven by the significant reduction of hemorrhagic stroke (odds ratios, 0.44 [95% CI, 032-0.62]; relative risk reduction, 57.9%; absolute risk reduction, 0.7%; number needed to treat, 139). CONCLUSIONS: In the context of the significant limitations of combining the results of disparate trials of different agents, non-VKAs seem to be associated with a significant reduction in rates of stroke or systemic embolism, hemorrhagic stroke, and major bleeding when compared with warfarin in patients with previous stroke or transient ischemic attack.


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This dissertation aims at fostering the professional development of the EFL teacher. This document compiles two small scale empirical studies carried out during the practicum periods of the TED's course. The first one is based on the role of the teacher's talk in the EFL classroom and the second one focuses on students’ small group talk, analysing the impact of cooperative learning in the EFL classroom by examining students' conversation. The following section gathers the teacher's personal reflections upon the process of professionalization. The paper concludes with a summary of the major findings and further professional improvement proposals


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El projecte ha tingut com a finalitat cobrir un buit en la formació dels estudiants pel que respecta a les seves limitacions en l’aprenentatge de les diferents estratègies i metodologies de treball. Aquest buit ens ha fet pensar en l’elaboració d’un sistema didàctic que possibiliti una comunicació fluida amb l’alumne i que pugui anar més enllà de l’àmbit específic de les aules. Es per això que la nostra proposta té com a referent un aprofitament més racional del temps de treball de l’estudiant. Per tal d’arribar a aquesta finalitat ens hem plantejat un grup d’objectius concrets ordenats segons els dos nivells d’assoliment següents: Nivell 1: - Definir un material didàctic que pugui transmetre de la manera més objectiva possible les eines necessàries per tal que l’alumne resolgui un conjunt de problemes concrets. - Proporcionar a l’estudiant un procediment didàctic basat en un grup de tasques amb un material de suport on ha de posar a prova l’aplicabilitat dels conceptes donats a les classes teòriques. - Partir d’un sistema que permeti a l’alumne tenir una referència constant de recolzament teòric fora de les aules quan està resolent les pràctiques assignades en el curs. - Definir unes característiques funcionals del material utilitzat en l’activitat pràctica de tal manera que sigui un instrument efectiu per al control del propi estudiant sobre el seu procés d’avaluació. Nivell 2: - Fer servir una metodologia d’activitats pràctiques on es puguin accentuar les capacitats de resposta creativa individual de l’estudiant. - Plantejar l’intercanvi d’experiències i propostes d’estratègies per a la resolució dels temes pràctics mitjançant sessions de seminaris prèvies a les pràctiques. - Promoure unes relacions transversals amb altres àrees de coneixement de tal manera que l’alumne pugui vincular la seva resposta a les activitats pràctiques proposades per altres assignatures, amb els coneixements adquirits a la nostra assignatura.


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L'objectiu del projecte ha estat la millora de la qualitat docent de l'assignatura Estructura de Computadors I, impartida a la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (UPC) dins els estudis d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Sistemes i Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Gestió. S'ha treballat en quatre línies d'actuació: (i) aplicació de tècniques d'aprenentatge actiu a les classes; (ii) aplicació de tècniques d'aprenentage cooperatiu no presencials; (iii) implantació de noves TIC i adaptació de les ja emprades per tal d'habilitar mecanismes d'autoavaluació i de realimentació de la informació referent a l'avaluació; i (iv) difusió de les experiències derivades de les diferents actuacions. Referent a les dues primeres mesures s'avalua l'impacte de metodologies docents que afavoreixen l'aprenentatge actiu tant de forma presencial com no presencial, obtenint-se clares millores en el rendiment respecte a altres metodologies utilitzades anteriorment enfocades a la realització de classes del tipus magistral, en què únicament es posa a l'abast dels alumnes la documentació de l'assignatura per a què puguin treballar de forma responsable. Les noves metodologies fan especial èmfasi en el treball en grup a classe i la compartició de les experiències fora de classe a través de fòrums de participació. La mesura que ha requerit més esforç en aquest projecte és la tercera, amb el desenvolupament d'un entorn d'interfície web orientat a la correcció automàtica de programes escrits en llenguatge assemblador. Aquest entorn permet l'autoavaluació per part dels alumnes dels exercicis realitzats a l'assignatura, amb obtenció d'informació detallada sobre les errades comeses. El treball realitzat dins d'aquest projecte s'ha publicat en congressos rellevants en l'àrea docent tant a nivell estatal com internacional. El codi font de l'entorn esmentat anteriorment es posa a disposició pública a través d'un enllaç a la web.


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This paper analyzes the behavior of the tax revenue to output ratio over the business cycle. In order to replicate the empirical evidence, we develop a simple model combining the standard Ak growth model with the tax evasion phenomenon. When individuals conceal part of their true income from the tax authority, they face the risk of being audited and hence of paying the corresponding fine. Under the empirically plausible assumptions that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution exhibits a sufficiently small value and that productivity shocks are serially correlated, we show that the elasticity of government revenue with respect to output is larger than one, which agrees with the empirical evidence. This result holds even if the tax system displays flat tax rates. We extend the previous setup to generate larger fiscal deficits when the economy experiences a recession.


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INTRODUCTION: The risk that hip preserving surgery may negatively influence the performance and outcome of subsequent total hip replacement (THR) remains a concern. The aim of this study was to identify any negative impact of previous hip arthroscopy on THR. METHODS: Out of 1271 consecutive patients who underwent primary THR between 2005 and 2009, 18 had previously undergone ipsilateral hip arthroscopy. This study group (STG) was compared with two control groups (CG, same approach, identical implants; MCG, paired group matched for age, BMI and Charnley categories). Operative time, blood loss, evidence of heterotopic bone and implant loosening at follow-up were compared between the STG and the MCG. Follow-up WOMAC were compared between the three groups. RESULTS: Blood loss was not found to be significantly different between the STG and MCG. The operative time was significantly less (p < 0.001) in the STG. There was no significant difference in follow-up WOMAC between the groups. No implant related complications were noted in follow-up radiographs. Two minor complications were documented for the STG and three for the MCG. CONCLUSION: We have found no evidence that previous hip arthroscopy negatively influences the performance or short-term clinical outcome of THR.


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Long-term implications of the exposure to traumatizing experiences during childhood or adolescence, such as sexual abuse, or cancer, have been documented, namely the subjects' response to an acute stress in adulthood. Several indicators of the stress response have been considered (e.g. cortisol, heart rate). Oxytocin (OT) response to an acute stress of individuals exposed to trauma has not been documented. Eighty subjects (n=26 women who had experienced episodes of child abuse, n=25 men and women healthy survivors of cancer in childhood or adolescence, and 29 controls) have been submitted to a laboratory session involving an experimental stress challenge, the Trier social stress test. Overall, there was a clear OT response to the psychosocial challenge. Subjects having experienced a childhood/adolescence life-threatening illness had higher mean levels of OT than both abused and control subjects. There was a moderate negative relationship between OT and salivary cortisol. It is suggested that an acute stress stimulates OT secretion, and that the exposure to enduring life-threatening experiences in childhood/adolescence has long-lasting consequences regarding the stress system and connected functions, namely the activation of OT secretion. Better knowledge of such long-term implications is important so that to prevent dysregulations of the stress responses, which have been shown to be associated to the individual's mental health.


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The widespread use of digital imaging devices for surveillance (CCTV) and entertainment (e.g., mobile phones, compact cameras) has increased the number of images recorded and opportunities to consider the images as traces or documentation of criminal activity. The forensic science literature focuses almost exclusively on technical issues and evidence assessment [1]. Earlier steps in the investigation phase have been neglected and must be considered. This article is the first comprehensive description of a methodology to event reconstruction using images. This formal methodology was conceptualised from practical experiences and applied to different contexts and case studies to test and refine it. Based on this practical analysis, we propose a systematic approach that includes a preliminary analysis followed by four main steps. These steps form a sequence for which the results from each step rely on the previous step. However, the methodology is not linear, but it is a cyclic, iterative progression for obtaining knowledge about an event. The preliminary analysis is a pre-evaluation phase, wherein potential relevance of images is assessed. In the first step, images are detected and collected as pertinent trace material; the second step involves organising and assessing their quality and informative potential. The third step includes reconstruction using clues about space, time and actions. Finally, in the fourth step, the images are evaluated and selected as evidence. These steps are described and illustrated using practical examples. The paper outlines how images elicit information about persons, objects, space, time and actions throughout the investigation process to reconstruct an event step by step. We emphasise the hypothetico-deductive reasoning framework, which demonstrates the contribution of images to generating, refining or eliminating propositions or hypotheses. This methodology provides a sound basis for extending image use as evidence and, more generally, as clues in investigation and crime reconstruction processes.


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Nurses’ and Midwives’ Understanding and Experiences of Empowerment in Ireland With the recently launched national health strategy (Department of Health and Children, 2001) and a tightening fiscal policy there is a requirement for a more innovative use of existing resources dedicated to healthcare in Ireland. Nurses and midwives, one of the largest professional groups within the health service, will play a critical role in developing this â?onewâ?Âù health service. Click here to download PDF 745kb


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The present text, based on previous work done by the authors on peace research (Grasa 1990 and 2010) and the disarmament campaigns linked to Human Security (Alcalde 2009 and 2010), has two objectives. First, to present a new agenda for peace research, based on the resolution/transformation of conflicts and the promotion of collective action in furtherance of human security and human development. Second, to focus specifically on collective action and on a positive reading of some of the campaigns that have taken place during the last decades in order to see how the experiences of such will affect the future agenda for peace research and action for peace.


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