928 resultados para Prestressed concrete beams.
According to some estimates, world's population growth is expected about 50% over the next 50 years. Thus, one of the greatest challenges faced by Engineering is to find effective options to food storage and conservation. Some researchers have investigated how to design durable buildings for storing and conserving food. Nowadays, developing concrete with mechanical resistance for room temperatures is a parameter that can be achieved easily. On the other hand, associating it to low temperature of approximately 35 °C negative requires less empiricism, being necessary a suitable dosage method and a careful selection of the material constituents. This ongoing study involves these parameters. The presented concrete was analyzed through non-destructive tests that examines the material properties periodically and verifies its physical integrity. Concrete with and without incorporated air were studied. The results demonstrated that both are resistant to freezing.
In Brazil, the study of pedestrian-induced vibration on footbridges has been undertaken since the early 1990s, for concrete and steel footbridges. However, there are no recorded studies of this kind for timber footbridges. Brazilian code ABNT NBR 7190 (1997) gives design requirements only for static loads in the case of timber footbridges, without considering the serviceability limit state from pedestrian-induced vibrations. The aim of this work is to perform a theoretical dynamic, numerical and experimental analysis on simply-supported timber footbridges, by using a small-scale model developed from a 24 m span and 2 m width timber footbridge, with two main timber beams. Span and width were scaled down (1:4) to 6 m e 0.5 in, respectively. Among the conclusions reached herein, it is emphasized that the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is suitable for calculating the vertical and lateral first natural frequencies in simply-supported timber footbridges; however, special attention should be given to the evaluation of lateral bending stiffness, as it leads to conservative values.
The alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is a chemical reaction that provokes a heterogeneous expansion of concrete and reduces important properties such as Young's modulus, leading to a reduction in the structure's useful life. In this study, a parametric model is employed to determine the spatial distribution of the concrete expansion, combining normalized factors that influence the reaction through an AAR expansion law. Optimization techniques were employed to adjust the numerical results and observations in a real structure. A three-dimensional version of the model has been implemented in a finite element commercial package (ANSYS(C)) and verified in the analysis of an accelerated mortar test. Comparisons were made between two AAR mathematical descriptions for the mechanical phenomenon, using the same methodology, and an expansion curve obtained from experiment. Some parametric studies are also presented. The numerical results compared very well with the experimental data validating the proposed method.
The theory of nonlinear diffraction of intensive light beams propagating through photorefractive media is developed. Diffraction occurs on a reflecting wire embedded in the nonlinear medium at a relatively small angle with respect to the direction of the beam propagation. It is shown that this process is analogous to the generation of waves by a flow of a superfluid past an obstacle. The ""equation of state"" of such a superfluid is determined by the nonlinear properties of the medium. On the basis of this hydrodynamic analogy, the notion of the ""Mach number"" is introduced where the transverse component of the wave vector plays the role of the fluid velocity. It is found that the Mach cone separates two regions of the diffraction pattern: inside the Mach cone oblique dark solitons are generated and outside the Mach cone the region of ""optical ship waves"" (the wave pattern formed by a two-dimensional packet of linear waves) is situated. Analytical theory of the ""optical ship waves"" is developed and two-dimensional dark soliton solutions of the generalized two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing the light beam propagation are found. Stability of dark solitons with respect to their decay into vortices is studied and it is shown that they are stable for large enough values of the Mach number.
We show that scalable multipartite entanglement among light fields may be generated by optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). The tripartite entanglement existent among the three bright beams produced by a single OPO-pump, signal, and idler-is scalable to a system of many OPOs by pumping them in cascade with the same optical field. This latter serves as an entanglement distributor. The special case of two OPOs is studied, as it is shown that the resulting five bright beams share genuine multipartite entanglement. In addition, the structure of entanglement distribution among the fields can be manipulated to some degree by tuning the incident pump power. The scalability to many fields is straightforward, allowing an alternative implementation of a multipartite quantum information network with continuous variables.
In developing countries such as Brazil, the wastes generated in the decanters and filters of water treatment plants are discharged directly into the same rivers and streams that supply water for treatment. Another environmental problem is the unregulated discard of wood wastes. The lumber and wood products industry generates large quantities of this waste, from logging to the manufacture of the end product. Brazil has few biomass plants and therefore only a minor part of these wastes are reused. This paper presents the results of the first study involving a novel scientific and technological approach to evaluate the possibility of combining these two types of wastes in the production of a light-weight composite for concrete. The concrete produced with cement:sand:composite:water mass ratios of 1:2.5:0.67:0.6 displayed an axial compressive strength of 11.1 MPa, a compressive and diametral tensile strength of 1.2 MPa, water absorption of 8.8%, and a specific mass of 1.847 kg/m(3). The mechanical properties obtained with this concrete render it suitable for application in non-structural elements. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential application of a lightweight concrete produced with lightweight coarse aggregate made of the water treatment sludge and sawdust (lightweight composite), by determining the thermal properties and possible environmental impact of future residue of this concrete. Two types of concrete were prepared: concrete produced with the lightweight composite dosed with cement/sand/composite/water in a mass ratio of 1:2.5:0.67:0.6 and conventional concrete dosed with cement/sand/crushed stone/water in a mass ratio of 1:4.8:5.8:0.8. The thermal properties were determined by the hot wire parallel technique. The possible environmental impact was measured using the procedures and guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a 23% lower thermal conductivity than the conventional concrete. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a set of thermal properties suitable for the application of this concrete in non-structural sealing elements. The concentration of aluminum in the solubilized extract of the concrete produced with the lightweight composite was much lower than the concentration of aluminum in the water treatment sludge, confirming the possible reduction of environmental impact of this composite for use in concrete. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work extends a previously presented refined sandwich beam finite element (FE) model to vibration analysis, including dynamic piezoelectric actuation and sensing. The mechanical model is a refinement of the classical sandwich theory (CST), for which the core is modelled with a third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT). The FE model is developed considering, through the beam length, electrically: constant voltage for piezoelectric layers and quadratic third-order variable of the electric potential in the core, while meclianically: linear axial displacement, quadratic bending rotation of the core and cubic transverse displacement of the sandwich beam. Despite the refinement of mechanical and electric behaviours of the piezoelectric core, the model leads to the same number of degrees of freedom as the previous CST one due to a two-step static condensation of the internal dof (bending rotation and core electric potential third-order variable). The results obtained with the proposed FE model are compared to available numerical, analytical and experimental ones. Results confirm that the TSDT and the induced cubic electric potential yield an extra stiffness to the sandwich beam. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents an investigation of design code provisions for steel-concrete composite columns. The study covers the national building codes of United States, Canada and Brazil, and the transnational EUROCODE. The study is based on experimental results of 93 axially loaded concrete-filled tubular steel columns. This includes 36 unpublished, full scale experimental results by the authors and 57 results from the literature. The error of resistance models is determined by comparing experimental results for ultimate loads with code-predicted column resistances. Regression analysis is used to describe the variation of model error with column slenderness and to describe model uncertainty. The paper shows that Canadian and European codes are able to predict mean column resistance, since resistance models of these codes present detailed formulations for concrete confinement by a steel tube. ANSI/AISC and Brazilian codes have limited allowance for concrete confinement, and become very conservative for short columns. Reliability analysis is used to evaluate the safety level of code provisions. Reliability analysis includes model error and other random problem parameters like steel and concrete strengths, and dead and live loads. Design code provisions are evaluated in terms of sufficient and uniform reliability criteria. Results show that the four design codes studied provide uniform reliability, with the Canadian code being best in achieving this goal. This is a result of a well balanced code, both in terms of load combinations and resistance model. The European code is less successful in providing uniform reliability, a consequence of the partial factors used in load combinations. The paper also shows that reliability indexes of columns designed according to European code can be as low as 2.2, which is quite below target reliability levels of EUROCODE. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes a physical non-linear formulation to deal with steel fiber reinforced concrete by the finite element method. The proposed formulation allows the consideration of short or long fibers placed arbitrarily inside a continuum domain (matrix). The most important feature of the formulation is that no additional degree of freedom is introduced in the pre-existent finite element numerical system to consider any distribution or quantity of fiber inclusions. In other words, the size of the system of equations used to solve a non-reinforced medium is the same as the one used to solve the reinforced counterpart. Another important characteristic of the formulation is the reduced work required by the user to introduce reinforcements, avoiding ""rebar"" elements, node by node geometrical definitions or even complex mesh generation. Bounded connection between long fibers and continuum is considered, for short fibers a simplified approach is proposed to consider splitting. Non-associative plasticity is adopted for the continuum and one dimensional plasticity is adopted to model fibers. Examples are presented in order to show the capabilities of the formulation.
This work presents a statistical study on the variability of the mechanical properties of hardened self-compacting concrete, including the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. The comparison of the experimental results with those derived from several codes and recommendations allows evaluating if the hardened behaviour of self-compacting concrete can be appropriately predicted by the existing formulations. The variables analyzed include the maximum size aggregate, paste and gravel content. Results from the analyzed self-compacting concretes presented variability measures in the same range than the expected for conventional vibrated concrete, with all the results within a confidence level of 95%. From several formulations for conventional concrete considered in this study, it was observed that a safe estimation of the modulus of elasticity can be obtained from the value of compressive strength; with lower strength self-compacting concretes presenting higher safety margins. However, most codes overestimate the material tensile strength. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The glued- laminated lumber (glulam) technique is an efficient process for the rational use of wood. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRPs) associated with glulam beams provide significant improvements in strength and stiffness and alter the failure mode of these structural elements. In this context, this paper presents guidance for glulam beam production, an experimental analysis of glulam beams made of Pinus caribea var. hondurensis species without and with externally-bonded FRP and theoretical models to evaluate reinforced glulam beams (bending strength and stiffness). Concerning the bending strength of the beams, this paper aims only to analyze the limit state of ultimate strength in compression and tension. A specific disposal was used in order to avoid lateral buckling, once the tested beams have a higher ratio height-to-width. The results indicate the need of production control so as to guarantee a higher efficiency of the glulam beams. The FRP introduced in the tensile section of glulam beams resulted in improvements on their bending strength and stiffness due to the reinforcement thickness increase. During the beams testing, two failure stages were observed. The first was a tensile failure on the sheet positioned under the reinforcement layer, while the second occurred as a result of a preliminary compression yielding on the upper side of the lumber, followed by both a shear failure on the fiber-lumber interface and a tensile failure in wood. The model shows a good correlation between the experimental and estimated results.
The results of a combined experimental program and numerical modeling program to evaluate the behavior of ungrouted hollow concrete blocks prisms under uniaxial compression are addressed. In the numerical program, three distinct approaches have been considered using a continuum model with a smeared approach, namely plane-stress, plane-strain and three-dimensional conditions. The response of the numerical simulations is compared with experimental data of masonry prisms using concrete blocks specifically designed for this purpose. The elastic and inelastic parameters were acquired from laboratory tests on concrete and mortar samples that constitute the blocks and the bed joint of the prisms. The results from the numerical simulations are discussed with respect to the ability to reproduce the global response of the experimental tests, and with respect to the failure behavior obtained. Good agreement between experimental and numerical results was found for the peak load and for the failure mode using the three-dimensional model, on four different sets of block/mortar types. Less good agreement was found for plain stress and plain strain models.
This paper presents a study of a specific type of beam-to-column connection for precast concrete structures. Furthermore, an analytical model to determine the strength and the stiffness of the connection, based on test results of two prototypes, is proposed. To evaluate the influence of the strength and stiffness of the connection on the behaviour of the structure, the results of numerical simulations of a typical multi-storey building with semi-rigid connections are also presented and compared with the results using pinned and rigid connections. The main conclusions are: (a) the proposed design model can reasonably evaluate the studied connection strength; (b) the evaluation of strength is more accurate than that of stiffness; (c) for a typical structure, it is possible to increase the number of storeys of the structure from two to four with lower horizontal displacement at the top, and only a small increase of the column base bending moment by replacing the pinned connections with semi-rigid ones; and (d) although there is significant uncertainty in the connection stiffness, the results show that the displacements at the top of the structure, and the column base moments present low susceptibility deviations to this parameter.