232 resultados para Preprocessing


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Esta tesis versa sobre el an álisis de la forma de objetos 2D. En visión articial existen numerosos aspectos de los que se pueden extraer información. Uno de los más usados es la forma o el contorno de esos objetos. Esta característica visual de los objetos nos permite, mediante el procesamiento adecuado, extraer información de los objetos, analizar escenas, etc. No obstante el contorno o silueta de los objetos contiene información redundante. Este exceso de datos que no aporta nuevo conocimiento debe ser eliminado, con el objeto de agilizar el procesamiento posterior o de minimizar el tamaño de la representación de ese contorno, para su almacenamiento o transmisión. Esta reducción de datos debe realizarse sin que se produzca una pérdida de información importante para representación del contorno original. Se puede obtener una versión reducida de un contorno eliminando puntos intermedios y uniendo los puntos restantes mediante segmentos. Esta representación reducida de un contorno se conoce como aproximación poligonal. Estas aproximaciones poligonales de contornos representan, por tanto, una versión comprimida de la información original. El principal uso de las mismas es la reducción del volumen de información necesario para representar el contorno de un objeto. No obstante, en los últimos años estas aproximaciones han sido usadas para el reconocimiento de objetos. Para ello los algoritmos de aproximaci ón poligonal se han usado directamente para la extracci ón de los vectores de caracter ísticas empleados en la fase de aprendizaje. Las contribuciones realizadas por tanto en esta tesis se han centrado en diversos aspectos de las aproximaciones poligonales. En la primera contribución se han mejorado varios algoritmos de aproximaciones poligonales, mediante el uso de una fase de preprocesado que acelera estos algoritmos permitiendo incluso mejorar la calidad de las soluciones en un menor tiempo. En la segunda contribución se ha propuesto un nuevo algoritmo de aproximaciones poligonales que obtiene soluciones optimas en un menor espacio de tiempo que el resto de métodos que aparecen en la literatura. En la tercera contribución se ha propuesto un algoritmo de aproximaciones que es capaz de obtener la solución óptima en pocas iteraciones en la mayor parte de los casos. Por último, se ha propuesto una versi ón mejorada del algoritmo óptimo para obtener aproximaciones poligonales que soluciona otro problema de optimización alternativo.


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Given a 2manifold triangular mesh \(M \subset {\mathbb {R}}^3\), with border, a parameterization of \(M\) is a FACE or trimmed surface \(F=\{S,L_0,\ldots, L_m\}\) -- \(F\) is a connected subset or region of a parametric surface \(S\), bounded by a set of LOOPs \(L_0,\ldots ,L_m\) such that each \(L_i \subset S\) is a closed 1manifold having no intersection with the other \(L_j\) LOOPs -- The parametric surface \(S\) is a statistical fit of the mesh \(M\) -- \(L_0\) is the outermost LOOP bounding \(F\) and \(L_i\) is the LOOP of the ith hole in \(F\) (if any) -- The problem of parameterizing triangular meshes is relevant for reverse engineering, tool path planning, feature detection, redesign, etc -- Stateofart mesh procedures parameterize a rectangular mesh \(M\) -- To improve such procedures, we report here the implementation of an algorithm which parameterizes meshes \(M\) presenting holes and concavities -- We synthesize a parametric surface \(S \subset {\mathbb {R}}^3\) which approximates a superset of the mesh \(M\) -- Then, we compute a set of LOOPs trimming \(S\), and therefore completing the FACE \(F=\ {S,L_0,\ldots ,L_m\}\) -- Our algorithm gives satisfactory results for \(M\) having low Gaussian curvature (i.e., \(M\) being quasi-developable or developable) -- This assumption is a reasonable one, since \(M\) is the product of manifold segmentation preprocessing -- Our algorithm computes: (1) a manifold learning mapping \(\phi : M \rightarrow U \subset {\mathbb {R}}^2\), (2) an inverse mapping \(S: W \subset {\mathbb {R}}^2 \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}^3\), with \ (W\) being a rectangular grid containing and surpassing \(U\) -- To compute \(\phi\) we test IsoMap, Laplacian Eigenmaps and Hessian local linear embedding (best results with HLLE) -- For the back mapping (NURBS) \(S\) the crucial step is to find a control polyhedron \(P\), which is an extrapolation of \(M\) -- We calculate \(P\) by extrapolating radial basis functions that interpolate points inside \(\phi (M)\) -- We successfully test our implementation with several datasets presenting concavities, holes, and are extremely nondevelopable -- Ongoing work is being devoted to manifold segmentation which facilitates mesh parameterization


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As one of the newest members in the field of articial immune systems (AIS), the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) is based on behavioural models of natural dendritic cells (DCs). Unlike other AIS, the DCA does not rely on training data, instead domain or expert knowledge is required to predetermine the mapping between input signals from a particular instance to the three categories used by the DCA. This data preprocessing phase has received the criticism of having manually over-fitted the data to the algorithm, which is undesirable. Therefore, in this paper we have attempted to ascertain if it is possible to use principal component analysis (PCA) techniques to automatically categorise input data while still generating useful and accurate classication results. The integrated system is tested with a biometrics dataset for the stress recognition of automobile drivers. The experimental results have shown the application of PCA to the DCA for the purpose of automated data preprocessing is successful.


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The use of supervised learning techniques for fitting weights and/or generator functions of weighted quasi-arithmetic means – a special class of idempotent and nondecreasing aggregation functions – to empirical data has already been considered in a number of papers. Nevertheless, there are still some important issues that have not been discussed in the literature yet. In the second part of this two-part contribution we deal with a quite common situation in which we have inputs coming from different sources, describing a similar phenomenon, but which have not been properly normalized. In such a case, idempotent and nondecreasing functions cannot be used to aggregate them unless proper preprocessing is performed. The proposed idempotization method, based on the notion of B-splines, allows for an automatic calibration of independent variables. The introduced technique is applied in an R source code plagiarism detection system.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) polymorphism has been shown to be important in hypertension progression and also in diabetes complications, especially associated with heart disease. Heart rate variability (HRV) is an established measure for classification of autonomic function regulating heart rate, based on the interbeat interval time series derived from a raw ECG recording. Results of this paper show that the length (number of interbeat intervals) and preprocessing of the tachogram affect the HRV analysis outcome. The comparison was based on tachogram lengths of 250, 300, 350, and 400 RR-intervals and five preprocessing approaches. An automated adaptive preprocessing method for the heart rate biosignal and tachogram length of 400 interbeat intervals provided the best classification. HRV results differed for the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) group between the I/I genotype and the I/D and D/D genotypes, whereas for controls there was no significant difference in HRV between genotypes. Selecting an appropriate length of recording and automated preprocessing has confirmed that there is an effect of ACE polymorphism including the I/I genotype and that I/I should not be combined with I/D genotype in determining the extent of autonomic modulation of the heart rate.


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Espécies forrageiras adaptadas às condições semiáridas são uma alternativa para reduzir os impactos negativos na cadeia produtiva de ruminantes da região Nordeste brasileira devido à sazonalidade na oferta de forragem, além de reduzir custo com o fornecimento de alimentos concentrados. Dentre as espécies, a vagem de algaroba (Prosopis juliflora SW D.C.) e palma forrageira (Opuntia e Nopalea) ganham destaque por tolerarem o déficit hídrico e produzirem em períodos onde a oferta de forragem está reduzida, além de apresentam bom valor nutricional e serem bem aceitas pelos animais. Porém, devido à variação na sua composição, seu uso na alimentação animal exige o conhecimento profundo da sua composição para a elaboração de dietas balanceadas. No entanto, devido ao custo e tempo para análise, os produtores não fazem uso da prática de análise da composição químico-bromatológica dos alimentos. Por isto, a espectroscopia de reflectância no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) representa uma importante alternativa aos métodos tradicionais. Objetivou-se com este estudo desenvolver e validar modelos de predição da composição bromatológica de vagem de algaroba e palma forrageira baseados em espectroscopia NIRS, escaneadas em dois modelos de equipamentos e com diferentes processamentos da amostra. Foram coletadas amostras de vagem de algaroba nos estados do Ceará, Bahia, Paraíba e Pernambuco, e amostras de palma forrageira nos estados do Ceará, Paraíba e Pernambuco, frescas (in natura) ou pré-secas e moídas. Para obtenção dos espectros utilizaram-se dois equipamentos NIR, Perten DA 7250 e FOSS 5000. Inicialmente os alimentos foram escaneados in natura em aparelho do modelo Perten, e, com o auxílio do software The Unscrambler 10.2 foi selecionado um grupo de amostras para o banco de calibração. As amostras selecionadas foram secas e moídas, e escaneadas novamente em equipamentos Perten e FOSS. Os valores dos parâmetros de referência foram obtidos por meio de metodologias tradicionalmente aplicadas em laboratório de nutrição animal para matéria seca (MS), matéria mineral (MM), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), estrato etéreo (EE), fibra solúvel em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra solúvel em detergente ácido (FDA), hemicelulose (HEM) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). O desempenho dos modelos foi avaliado de acordo com os erros médios de calibração (RMSEC) e validação (RMSECV), coeficiente de determinação (R2 ) e da relação de desempenho de desvio dos modelos (RPD). A análise exploratória dos dados, por meio de tratamentos espectrais e análise de componentes principais (PCA), demonstraram que os bancos de dados eram similares entre si, dando segurança de desenvolver os modelos com todas as amostras selecionadas em um único modelo para cada alimento, algaroba e palma. Na avaliação dos resultados de referência, observou-se que a variação dos resultados para cada parâmetro corroboraram com os descritos na literatura. No desempenho dos modelos, aqueles desenvolvidos com pré-processamento da amostra (pré-secagem e moagem) se mostraram mais robustos do que aqueles construídos com amostras in natura. O aparelho NIRS Perten apresentou desempenho semelhante ao equipamento FOSS, apesar desse último cobrir uma faixa espectral maior e com intervalos de leituras menores. A técnica NIR, associada ao método de calibração multivariada de regressão por meio de quadrados mínimos (PLS), mostrou-se confiável para prever a composição químico-bromatológica de vagem de algaroba e da palma forrageira. Abstract: Forage species adapted to semi-arid conditions are an alternative to reduce the negative impacts in the feed supply for ruminants in the Brazilian Northeast region, due to seasonality in forage availability, as well as in the reducing of cost by providing concentrated feedstuffs. Among the species, mesquite pods (Prosopis juliflora SW DC) and spineless cactus (Opuntia and Nopalea) are highlighted for tolerating the drought and producion in periods where the forage is scarce, and have high nutritional value and also are well accepted by the animals. However, its use in animal diets requires a knowledge about its composition to prepare balanced diets. However, farmers usually do not use feed composition analysis, because their high cost and time-consuming. Thus, the Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in the (NIRS) is an important alternative to traditional methods. The objective of this study to develop and validate predictive models of the chemical composition of mesquite pods and spineless cactus-based NIRS spectroscopy, scanned in two different spectrometers and sample processing. Mesquite pods samples were collected in the states of Ceará, Bahia, Paraiba and Pernambuco, and samples of forage cactus in the states of Ceará, Paraíba and Pernambuco. In order to obtain the spectra, it was used two NIR equipment: Perten DA 7250 and FOSS 5000. sSpectra of samples were initially obtained fresh (as received) using Perten instrument, and with The Unscrambler software 10.2, a group of subsamples was selected to model development, keeping out redundant ones. The selected samples were dried and ground, and scanned again in both Perten and FOSS instruments. The values of the reference analysis were obtained by methods traditionally applied in animal nutrition laboratory to dry matter (DM), mineral matter (MM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), soluble neutral detergent fiber (NDF), soluble acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicellulose ( HEM) and in vitro digestibility of dry matter (DIVDM). The performance of the models was evaluated according to the Root Mean Square Error of Calibration (RMSEC) and cross-validation (RMSECV), coefficient of determination (R2 ) and the deviation of Ratio of performance Deviation of the models (RPD). Exploratory data analysis through spectral treatments and principal component analysis (PCA), showed that the databases were similar to each other, and may be treated asa single model for each feed - mesquite pods and cactus. Evaluating the reference results, it was observed that the variation were similar to those reported in the literature. Comparing the preprocessing of samples, the performance ofthose developed with preprocessing (dried and ground) of the sample were more robust than those built with fresh samples. The NIRS Perten device performance similar to FOSS equipment, although the latter cover a larger spectral range and with lower readings intervals. NIR technology associate do multivariate techniques is reliable to predict the bromatological composition of mesquite pods and cactus.