234 resultados para Praise
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Arquitectura de Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
La fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche est un excellent marqueur de la fonction cardiaque. Plusieurs techniques invasives ou non sont utilisées pour son calcul : l’angiographie, l’échocardiographie, la résonnance magnétique nucléaire cardiaque, le scanner cardiaque, la ventriculographie radioisotopique et l’étude de perfusion myocardique en médecine nucléaire. Plus de 40 ans de publications scientifiques encensent la ventriculographie radioisotopique pour sa rapidité d’exécution, sa disponibilité, son faible coût et sa reproductibilité intra-observateur et inter-observateur. La fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche a été calculée chez 47 patients à deux reprises, par deux technologues, sur deux acquisitions distinctes selon trois méthodes : manuelle, automatique et semi-automatique. Les méthodes automatique et semi-automatique montrent dans l’ensemble une meilleure reproductibilité, une plus petite erreur standard de mesure et une plus petite différence minimale détectable. La méthode manuelle quant à elle fournit un résultat systématiquement et significativement inférieur aux deux autres méthodes. C’est la seule technique qui a montré une différence significative lors de l’analyse intra-observateur. Son erreur standard de mesure est de 40 à 50 % plus importante qu’avec les autres techniques, tout comme l’est sa différence minimale détectable. Bien que les trois méthodes soient d’excellentes techniques reproductibles pour l’évaluation de la fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche, les estimations de la fiabilité des méthodes automatique et semi-automatique sont supérieures à celles de la méthode manuelle.
Operant and Respondent Procedures to Establish Social Stimuli as Reinforcers in Children with Autism
According to the DSM-IV- TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), one of the core deficits in autism is in the impairment of social interaction. Some have suggested that underlying these deficits is the reality that individuals with autism do not find social stimuli to be as reinforcing as other types of stimuli (Dawson, 2008). An interesting and growing body of literature supports the notion that symptoms in autism may be caused by a general reduction in social motivation (Chevallier et al., 2012). A review of the literature suggests that social orienting and social motivation are low in individuals with autism, and including social motivation as a target for therapeutic intervention should be pursued (Helt et al., 2008). Through our understanding of learning processes, researchers in behavior analysis and related fields have been able to use conditioning procedures to change the function of neutral or ineffective stimuli, including tokens (Ayllon & Azrin, 1968), facial expressions (Gewirtz & Pelaez-Nogueras, 1992) and praise (Dozier et al., 2012). The current study aimed to use operant and respondent procedures to condition social stimuli that were empirically shown to not be reinforcing prior to conditioning. Further, this study aimed to compare the two procedures in their effectiveness to condition social stimuli to function as reinforcers, and in their maintenance of effects over time. Using a multiple-baseline, multi-element design, one social stimulus was conditioned under each procedure to compare the different response rates following conditioning. Finally, the study sought to determine if conditioning social stimuli to function as reinforcers had any effect on the social functioning of young children with autism. Six children diagnosed with autism between the ages of 18 months and 3 years participated. Results show that the respondent procedure (pairing) resulted in more robust and enduring effects than the operant procedure (Sd procedure). Results of a social communication assessment (ESCS, Mundy et al., 2003) before and after conditioning demonstrate gains in all areas of social communication, particularly in the areas of initiating and responding to joint attention.
La fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche est un excellent marqueur de la fonction cardiaque. Plusieurs techniques invasives ou non sont utilisées pour son calcul : l’angiographie, l’échocardiographie, la résonnance magnétique nucléaire cardiaque, le scanner cardiaque, la ventriculographie radioisotopique et l’étude de perfusion myocardique en médecine nucléaire. Plus de 40 ans de publications scientifiques encensent la ventriculographie radioisotopique pour sa rapidité d’exécution, sa disponibilité, son faible coût et sa reproductibilité intra-observateur et inter-observateur. La fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche a été calculée chez 47 patients à deux reprises, par deux technologues, sur deux acquisitions distinctes selon trois méthodes : manuelle, automatique et semi-automatique. Les méthodes automatique et semi-automatique montrent dans l’ensemble une meilleure reproductibilité, une plus petite erreur standard de mesure et une plus petite différence minimale détectable. La méthode manuelle quant à elle fournit un résultat systématiquement et significativement inférieur aux deux autres méthodes. C’est la seule technique qui a montré une différence significative lors de l’analyse intra-observateur. Son erreur standard de mesure est de 40 à 50 % plus importante qu’avec les autres techniques, tout comme l’est sa différence minimale détectable. Bien que les trois méthodes soient d’excellentes techniques reproductibles pour l’évaluation de la fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche, les estimations de la fiabilité des méthodes automatique et semi-automatique sont supérieures à celles de la méthode manuelle.
In this dissertation I will study the phenomenon of the hipérbole sacroprofana in different Castillian writers of the 15th to the 17th centuries, in order to show in what does this fact consists, and how it has to be sorted out. Thus, I will also show how this tendency unfolds and how the use of either one or another resource leads the hipérbole towards different expressive horizons. Although the hipérbole sacroprofana is usually detected by most of scholars, it has never met proper attention, so that it has turned into a jumble in which the most disparate instances of a lady’s praise. Yet, an accurate analysis of this phenomenon reveals that this is not the case, and that this resource has manifold aspects and varying intentions and expressive ways as well. In this dissertation, where some five thousand hipérboles are analysed, I point out the various kinds of instances, and I classify them according to their expression and their literary-intellectual interweaving. Besides I monitor this fact to explain how hipérbole varies with the passage of times. By so doing a deficiency in the history of literary criticism, which mistook and likened all sorts of hipérboles in poetical texts, is eased. So we can see that, in its origins, hipérbole was confined to using sacred terms in profane poems out of their context (which I call hipérbole léxica o de inserción terminológica). This resource was effectual insofar as the use of words religiously connoted carried along devout attitudes towards poems of earthly love so that the lady and the feeling that the author professed became “adulterated” by Christian attitudes...
As it is well known, the Renaissance in Spain cannot be understood without a deep knowledge of the Italian quattrocento: art and thinking have an important debt with a culture that shaped a new society that can be named Modern Era. So, there are many intellectuals that are the main reference to our writers: Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti, Bartolomeo Facio, Antonio Beccadelli, Poggio Bracciolini, Francesco Filelfo, Flavio Biondo, Lorenzo Valla, Vespasiano da Bisticci, Pier Candido Decembrio, Guarino da Verona, Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, and a big number that includes necessarily the name of Enea Silvio Piccolomini (1405-1464). In effect, the creator that became Pope as Pío II is one outstanding figure of that Humanism that early putted down roots in Spain, a country in construction that produced very important fruits in those years. Under these circumstances, this study has as main objective to analyse the large work of the humanist Pope par excellence, and to establish the relationship between his writings and genres, works and authors in the Iberian peninsula that wrote under his influence. Furthermore, in the following pages can be found a edition of the translation, by Diego López de Cortegana, of one of Picolomini’s works, the Tratado de la miseria de los cortesanos, a work that can be taken as an example of the attention payed to his works by authors like Juan de Lucena, Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo, Cristóbal de Castillejo or fray Antonio de Guevara. After a brief introduction that points that the attention to Enea Silvio Piccolomini is not diminishing, that, on the contrary, is clearly alive if we consider modern editions and translations to different languages, I concentrate on the biography of Pío II. With this purpose I take as base the text that this humanist wrote with the aim of building an adequate imago vitae that related the achievements in the religious sphere (with a failed promotion of a last crusade against the Turk) and also his creative labour. I refer to the Commentarii rerum memorabilium quae temporibus suis contingerunt, an extensive autobiography that did not spare the self-praise and conceals some controversial author’s facts, such as the “reconciling” thesis that undermined the Popes authority and power. In addition, in that chapter can be found a study of the writing process of the titles that includes Piccolomini’s bibliography, since we can think that the author’s commentary is extremely relevant to inform about the moment of writing and its purpose...
Power flow calculations are one of the most important tools for power system planning and operation. The need to account for uncertainties when performing power flow studies led, among others methods, to the development of the fuzzy power flow (FPF). This kind of models is especially interesting when a scarcity of information exists, which is a common situation in liberalized power systems (where generation and commercialization of electricity are market activities). In this framework, the symmetric/constrained fuzzy power flow (SFPF/CFPF) was proposed in order to avoid some of the problems of the original FPF model. The SFPF/CFPF models are suitable to quantify the adequacy of transmission network to satisfy “reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity” as defined, for instance, in the European Directive 2009/72/EC. In this work it is illustrated how the SFPF/CFPF may be used to evaluate the impact on the adequacy of a transmission system originated by specific investments on new network elements
El presente artículo aborda el Elogio de la Estulticia, con motivo del quingentésimo aniversario de su concepción. El artículo se ocupa del humanismo erasmiano, del humanismo de la Biblia y de la filosofía de Cristo (philosophia Christi), tanto como de la indefectible animadversión erasmiana respecto de la filosofía y la teología escolásticas, paladina en el legendario opúsculo erasmiano.