958 resultados para PowerPlex (R) 16 System
High-speed optical clock recovery, demultiplexing and data regeneration will be integral parts of any future photonic network based on high bit-rate OTDM. Much research has been conducted on devices that perform these functions, however to date each process has been demonstrated independently. A very promising method of all-optical switching is that of a semiconductor optical amplifier-based nonlinear optical loop mirror (SOA-NOLM). This has various advantages compared with the standard fiber NOLM, most notably low switching power, compact size and stability. We use the SOA-NOLM as an all-optical mixer in a classical phase-locked loop arrangement to achieve optical clock recovery, while at the same time achieving data regeneration in a single compact device
This study had two purposes: (a) to develop a theoretical framework integrating and synthesizing findings of prior research regarding stress and burnout among critical care nurses (CCRNs), and (b) to validate the theoretical framework with an empirical study to assure a theory/research based teaching-learning process for graduate courses preparing nursing clinical specialists and administrators.^ The methods used to test the theoretical framework included: (a) adopting instruments with reported validity, (b) conducting a pilot study, (c) revising instruments using results of the pilot study and following concurrence of a panel of experts, and (d) establishing correlations within predetermined parameters. The reliability of the tool was determined through the use of Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient with a resulting range from.68 to.88 for all measures.^ The findings supported all the research hypotheses. Correlations were established at r =.23 for statistically significant alphas at the.01 level and r =.16 for alphas.05. The conclusions indicated three areas of strong correlation among the theoretical variables: (a) work environment stressor antecedents and specific stressor events were correlated significantly with subjective work stress and burnout; (b) subjective work stress (perceived work related stress) was a function of the work environment stressor antecedents and specific stressor events, and (c) emotional exhaustion, the first phase of burnout, was confirmed to be related to stressor antecedents and specific stressor events. This dimension was found to be a function of the work environment stressor antecedents, modified by the individual characteristics of work and non-work related social support, non-work daily stress, and the number of hours worked per week. The implications of the study for nursing graduate curricula, nursing practice and nursing education were discussed. Recommendations for further research were enumerated. ^
Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Grant/Contract No: Federal Aid Project F-123 R-16
Propósito y método del estudio: El propósito del estudio fue identificar la relación de las características de resiliencia, las relaciones intrafamiliares y el consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas en los adolescentes de bachillerato del área metropolitana de Nuevo León. El diseño del estudio fue descriptivo, correlacional. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 561 participantes, la cual fue estimada con una potencia 90%, nivel de confianza de .05, para una hipótesis bilateral, correlación alternativa de r= .16. El muestreo fue irrestricto aleatorio, estratificado por semestre y carrera, con asignación proporcional al tamaño del estrato (12 estratos), dentro de cada estrato se usó el muestreo por conglomerados (grupos) unietápico. Se utilizaron los instrumentos: Escala de Resiliencia (Wagnild & Young 1993), la Escala de Relaciones Intrafamiliares (Rivera-Heredia et al., 2006), Prueba de Identificación de Trastornos por Uso de Alcohol [AUDIT] (De la Fuente & Kershenobich, 1992) y por último el Consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas del Cuestionario de Estudiantes (Villatoro et. al., 2009). Contribución y Conclusión: Respecto al tipo de consumo de alcohol, se reporta que el 38.0% presenta un consumo sensato, 29% dependiente y el 33.0% dañino. De acuerdo a la prevalencia alguna vez en la vida el 46.2% y el 60.1% consumió tabaco y alcohol respectivamente, el 15.9%, el 5.0% y 4.6% consumieron mariguana, inhalables y cocaína respectivamente. En los últimos 12 meses el 28.3% y 43.7% consumieron tabaco y alcohol, 10.9%, 1.6% y el 1.4% consumieron mariguana, inhalables y cocaína. En los últimos 30 días el 18.2% y el 25% consumió alcohol y tabaco, el 8.6% consumió mariguana y el 0.7% inhalables y cocaína respectivamente. Se encontró una relación negativa y significativa de la ecuanimidad (rs=-.108, p=.010), la perseverancia (rs=-.115, p=.006), relaciones intrafamiliares (rs=-.093, p=.027), apoyo y unión (rs=-.110, p=.009), y en la expresión familiar (rs=-.103, p=.015) con la cantidad de de drogas lícitas consumidas alguna vez en la vida. Además existe una relación negativa y significativa de la resiliencia (rs =-.084, p=.047), ecuanimidad (rs=-.115, p=.007), perseverancia (rs=-.126, p=.003), la satisfacción personal (rs=-.086, p=.043), relaciones intrafamiliares (rs=-.177, p=.001), apoyo y unión (rs=-.152, p=.001), expresión (rs=-.189, p=.001) y dificultades intrafamiliares (rs=-.123, p=.003) con la cantidad de drogas ilícitas consumidas alguna vez en la vida. De acuerdo a las relaciones intrafamiliares, se encontró una relación positiva y significativa con la resiliencia (rs =.338, p=.001)
Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de establecer los cambios dentarios y evaluar la influencia de estos en los tejidos blandos comparando pacientes tratados con sistema Damon Q (N=23) y MBT (N=16). Se seleccionó una muestra de estudio conformada por 39 individuos siendo 28 mujeres y 11 varones de edades comprendidas entre 11 y 26 años. Se registraron radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales tomadas antes y después de concluido el tratamiento. Las inclinaciones de los incisivos superiores e inferiores así como las alteraciones del perfil facial fueron medidas mediante el Software de análisis cefalométrico Nemotec Dental. Para determinar los cambios en los tejidos duros y blandos se aplicó la prueba T-Student verificándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05) para los dos sistemas en las variables: ángulo incisivo maxilar, mandibular, posición del labio inferior según el plano estético de Ricketts y el de Burstone. La correlación existente entre los cambios en la inclinación de los incisivos y la posición labial, se evaluó mediante el coeficiente de relación de Pearson encontrando para el sistema Damon una correlación entre la posición del incisivo superior y la del labio superior e inferior, la posición del incisivo inferior tuvo una correlación moderada con el labio inferior, con la técnica MBT se encontró una relación moderada entre la posición del incisivo superior y el labio inferior. Se concluyó que existen cambios postratamiento en la posición de los incisivos, así como protrusión labial inferior hallando relación entre la inclinación vestibular de los incisivos y el movimiento de los labios en ambas técnicas
Este estudio analiza la relación entre la gestión del riesgo y la vulnerabilidad en el barrio Brisas del Volador, ubicado en Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá. Se explicó el cambio en el enfoque de estudio y manejo de los desastres a partir de la consolidación de términos relacionados a procesos sociales, como lo son la vulnerabilidad y el riesgo. Así mismo, se describieron los cambios que se han establecido en la forma de abordar el riesgo en Colombia, tanto a nivel nacional como distrital. La investigación reveló la forma como se ha generado la vulnerabilidad a partir de la intersección de distintos procesos en un asentamiento informal y como se materializan diferentes elementos para conformar la vulnerabilidad global. A partir de esto, se recopilaron las acciones implementadas en la zona de estudio desde la gestión del riesgo, se clasificaron en cada uno de los tres procesos: conocimiento, reducción o manejo del desastre y posteriormente se estudiaron. Con base en esto, se analizaron las medidas que tuvieron una incidencia en la reducción de la vulnerabilidad y los resultados que generaron.
"Serial no. 100-88."
Mode of access: Internet.
A Radio Frequency (RF) based digital data transmission scheme with 8 channel encoder/decoder ICs is proposed for surface electrode switching of a 16-electrode wireless Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) system. A RF based wireless digital data transmission module (WDDTM) is developed and the electrode switching of a EIT system is studied by analyzing the boundary data collected and the resistivity images of practical phantoms. An analog multiplexers based electrode switching module (ESM) is developed with analog multiplexers and switched with parallel digital data transmitted by a wireless transmitter/receiver (T-x/R-x) module working with radio frequency technology. Parallel digital bits are generated using NI USB 6251 card working in LabVIEW platform and sent to transmission module to transmit the digital data to the receiver end. The transmitter/receiver module developed is properly interfaced with the personal computer (PC) and practical phantoms through the ESM and USB based DAQ system respectively. It is observed that the digital bits required for multiplexer operation are sequentially generated by the digital output (D/O) ports of the DAQ card. Parallel to serial and serial to parallel conversion of digital data are suitably done by encoder and decoder ICs. Wireless digital data transmission module successfully transmitted and received the parallel data required for switching the current and voltage electrodes wirelessly. 1 mA, 50 kHz sinusoidal constant current is injected at the phantom boundary using common ground current injection protocol and the boundary potentials developed at the voltage electrodes are measured. Resistivity images of the practical phantoms are reconstructed from boundary data using EIDORS. Boundary data and the resistivity images reconstructed from the surface potentials are studied to assess the wireless digital data transmission system. Boundary data profiles of the practical phantom with different configurations show that the multiplexers are operating in the required sequence for common ground current injection protocol. The voltage peaks obtained at the proper positions in the boundary data profiles proved the sequential operation of multiplexers and successful wireless transmission of digital bits. Reconstructed images and their image parameters proved that the boundary data are successfully acquired by the DAQ system which in turn again indicates a sequential and proper operation of multiplexers as well as the successful wireless transmission of digital bits. Hence the developed RF based wireless digital data transmission module (WDDTM) is found suitable for transmitting digital bits required for electrode switching in wireless EIT data acquisition system. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Considers legislation to extend and improve the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance system, and to add disability protection. Includes H. Rpt. 80-2168, "Social Security Act Amendments, 1948," on H.R. 6777, June 2, 1948 (p. 1096-1158), pt.2.
"September 16, 1983."
Expenditure on R&D in the China construction industry has been relatively low in comparison with many developed countries for a number of years – a situation considered to be a major barrier to the industry’s competitiveness in general and unsatisfactory industry development of the 31 regions involved. A major problem with this is the lack of a sufficiently sophisticated method of objectively evaluating R&D activity in what are quite complex circumstances considering the size and regional differences that exist in this part of the world. A regional construction R&D evaluation system (RCRES) is presented aimed at rectifying the situation. This is based on 12 indicators drawn from the Chinese Government’s R&D Inventory of Resources in consultation with a small group of experts in the field, and further factor analysed into three groups. From this, the required evaluation is obtained by a simple formula. Examination of the results provides a ranking list of the R&D performance of each of the 31 regions, indicating a general disproportion between coastal and inland regions and highlighting regions receiving special emphasis or currently lacking in development. The understanding on this is vital for the future of China’s construction industry.