986 resultados para Power Series
Brazil’s growing status as a potential world power cannot obscure the characteristics of its other reality: that of a country with vast inequalities and high crime rates. The Comando Vermelho, the most prominent organized crime syndicate in Rio de Janeiro, besieges the beauty and charm that attracts tourists to this city. The CV arose not only as a product of the political dictatorship of the seventies, but also of the disenfranchised urban poor crammed into Rio’s favela slums. Today, the CV presents a powerful challenge to the State’s control of parts of Rio territory. As Brazil’s soft power projection grows, it is seriously challenged by its capacity to eliminate organized crime. Economic growth is not sufficient to destroy a deeply embedded organization like the CV. In fact, Brazil’s success may yet further retrench the CV’s activities. Culpability for organized crime cannot be merely limited to the gangs, but must also be shared among the willing consumers, among whom can be found educated and elite members of society, as well as the impoverished and desperate. The Brazilian government needs a top-down response addressing the schism between rich and poor. However, Brazil’s citizens must also take responsibility and forge a bottom-up response to the drug- and corruption-riddled elements of its most respected members of society. Brazil must target reform across public health, housing, education and above all, law enforcement. Without such changes, Brazil will remain a two-track democracy. Rio’s wealthy will still be able to revel in the city’s beauty albeit from behind armored cars and fortified mansions, while the city’s poor will yield – either as victims or perpetrators – to the desperate measures of organized crime.
Several factors can increase or decrease military-economic involvement in communist regimes. This anomalous form of military behavior, labeled as the Military Business Complex (MBC), emerged in various communist regimes in the 1980s. However, in early 2000s, the communist governments of China and Vietnam began to decrease the number of military-managed industries, while similar industries increased in Cuba. This paper explains why military industries in Cuba have increased over the last two decades, while they decreased in the Chinese and Vietnamese examples. This question is answered by comparatively testing two hypotheses: the Communist Party and the Bureaucratic-Authoritarian (BA) Hypotheses. The Communist Party hypotheses helps explain how the historical and current structures of Party oversight of the military have been lacking in strength and reliability in Cuba, while they traditionally have been more robust in China and Vietnam. The BA hypotheses helps explain how, due to the lack of a strong civilian institutional oversight, the Cuban military has grown into a bureaucratic entity with many political officers holding autonomous positions of power, an outcome that is not prevalent in the Chinese and Vietnamese examples. Thus, with the establishment of a bureaucratic military government and with the absence of a strong party oversight, the Cuban military has been able to protect its economic endeavors while the Chinese and Vietnamese MBC regimes have contracted.
The design, construction and optimization of a low power-high temperature heated ceramic sensor to detect leaking of halogen gases in refrigeration systems are presented. The manufacturing process was done with microelectronic assembly and the Low Temperature Cofire Ceramic (LTCC) technique. Four basic sensor materials were fabricated and tested: Li2SiO3, Na2SiO3, K2SiO3, and CaSiO 3. The evaluation of the sensor material, sensor size, operating temperature, bias voltage, electrodes size, firing temperature, gas flow, and sensor life was done. All sensors responded to the gas showing stability and reproducibility. Before exposing the sensor to the gas, the sensor was modeled like a resistor in series and the calculations obtained were in agreement with the experimental values. The sensor response to the gas was divided in surface diffusion and bulk diffusion; both were analyzed showing agreement between the calculations and the experimental values. The sensor with 51.5%CaSiO3 + 48.5%Li 2SiO3 shows the best results, including a stable current and response to the gas. ^
The design, construction and optimization of a low power-high temperature heated ceramic sensor to detect leaking of halogen gases in refrigeration systems are presented. The manufacturing process was done with microelectronic assembly and the Low Temperature Cofire Ceramic (LTCC) technique. Four basic sensor materials were fabricated and tested: Li2SiO3, Na2SiO3, K2SiO3, and CaSiO3. The evaluation of the sensor material, sensor size, operating temperature, bias voltage, electrodes size, firing temperature, gas flow, and sensor life was done. All sensors responded to the gas showing stability and reproducibility. Before exposing the sensor to the gas, the sensor was modeled like a resistor in series and the calculations obtained were in agreement with the experimental values. The sensor response to the gas was divided in surface diffusion and bulk diffusion; both were analyzed showing agreement between the calculations and the experimental values. The sensor with 51.5%CaSiO3 + 48.5%Li2SiO3 shows the best results, including a stable current and response to the gas.
The first Air Chemistry Observatory at the German Antarctic station Georg von Neumayer (GvN) was operated for 10 years from 1982 to 1991. The focus of the established observational programme was on characterizing the physical properties and chemical composition of the aerosol, as well as on monitoring the changing trace gas composition of the background atmosphere, especially concerning greenhouse gases. The observatory was designed by the Institut für Umweltphysik, University of Heidelberg (UHEIIUP). The experiments were installed inside the bivouac lodge, mounted on a sledge and put upon a snow hill to prevent snow accumulation during blizzards. All experiments were under daily control and daily performance protocols were documented. A ventilated stainless steel inlet stack (total height about 3-4 m above the snow surface) with a 50% aerodynamic cut-off diameter around 7-10 µm at wind velocities between 4-10 m/s supplied all experiments with ambient air. Contamination free sampling was realized by several means: (i) The Air Chemistry Observatory was situated in a clean air area about 1500 m south of GvN. Due to the fact that northern wind directions are very rare, contamination from the base can be excluded for most of the time. (ii) The power supply (20 kW) is provided by a cable from the main station, thus no fuel-driven generator is operated in the very vicinity. (iii) Contamination-free sampling is controlled by the permanently recorded wind velocity, wind direction and by condensation particle concentration. Contamination was indicated if one of the following criteria were given: Wind direction within a 330°-30° sector, wind velocity <2.2 m/s or >17.5 m/s, or condensation particle concentrations >2500/cm**3 during summer, >800/cm**3 during spring/autumn and >400/cm**3 during winter. If one or a definable combination of these criteria were given, high volume aerosol sampling and part of the trace gas sampling were interrupted. Starting at 1982 through 1991-01-14 surface ozone was measured with an electrochemical concentration cell (ECC). Surface ozone mixing ratio are given in ppbv = parts per 10**9 by volume. The averaging time corresponds to the given time intervals in the data sheet. The accuracy of the values are better than ±1 ppbv and the detection limit is around 1.0 ppbv. Aerosols were sampled on two Whatman 541 cellulose filters in series and analyzed by ion chromatography at the UHEI-IUP. Generally, the sampling period was seven days but could be up to two weeks on occasion. The air flow was around 100 m**3/h and typically 10000-20000 m**3 of ambient air was forced through the filters for one sample. Concentration values are given in nanogram (ng) per 1 m**3 air at standard pressure and temperature (1013 mbar, 273.16 K). Uncertainties of the values were approximately ±10% to ±15% for the main components MSA, chloride, nitrate, sulfate and sodium, and between ±20% and ±30% for the minor species bromide, ammonium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
Wind- induced exposure is one of the major forces shaping the geomorphology and biota in coastal areas. The effect of wave exposure on littoral biota is well known in marine environments (Ekebon et al., 2003; Burrows et al., 2008). In the Cabrera Archipelago National Park wave exposure has demostrated to have an effect on the spatial distribution of different stages of E.marginatus (Alvarez et al., 2010). Standarized average wave exposures during 2008 along the Cabrera Archipelago National park coast line were calculated to be applied in studies of littoral species distribution within the archipelago. Average wave exposure (or apparent wave power) was calculated for points located 50 m equidistant on the coastline following the EXA methodology (EXposure estimates for fragmented Archipelagos) (Ekebon et al., 2003). The average wave exposures were standardized from 1 to 100 (minimum and maximum in the area), showing coastal areas with different levels of mea wave exposure during the year. Input wind data (direction and intensity) from 2008 was registered at the Cabrera mooring located north of Cabrera Archipelago. Data were provided by IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB, TMMOS http://www.imedea.uib-csic.es/tmoos/boyas/). This cartography has been developed under the framework of the project EPIMHAR, funded by the National Park's Network (Spanish Ministry of Environment, Maritime and Rural Affairs, reference: 012/2007 ). Part of this work has been developed under the research programs funded by "Fons de Garantia Agrària i Pesquera de les Illes Balears (FOGAIBA)".
Multi-output Gaussian processes provide a convenient framework for multi-task problems. An illustrative and motivating example of a multi-task problem is multi-region electrophysiological time-series data, where experimentalists are interested in both power and phase coherence between channels. Recently, the spectral mixture (SM) kernel was proposed to model the spectral density of a single task in a Gaussian process framework. This work develops a novel covariance kernel for multiple outputs, called the cross-spectral mixture (CSM) kernel. This new, flexible kernel represents both the power and phase relationship between multiple observation channels. The expressive capabilities of the CSM kernel are demonstrated through implementation of 1) a Bayesian hidden Markov model, where the emission distribution is a multi-output Gaussian process with a CSM covariance kernel, and 2) a Gaussian process factor analysis model, where factor scores represent the utilization of cross-spectral neural circuits. Results are presented for measured multi-region electrophysiological data.
Existing studies that question the role of planning as a state institution, whose interests it serves together with those disputing the merits of collaborative planning are all essentially concerned with the broader issue of power in society. Although there have been various attempts to highlight the distorting effects of power, the research emphasis to date has been focused on the operation of power within the formal structures that constitute the planning system. As a result, relatively little attention has been attributed to the informal strategies or tactics that can be utilised by powerful actors to further their own interests. This article seeks to address this gap by identifying the informal strategies used by the holders of power to bypass the formal structures of the planning system and highlight how these procedures are to a large extent systematic and (almost) institutionalised in a shadow planning system. The methodology consists of a series of semi-structured qualitative interviews with 20 urban planners working across four planning authorities within the Greater Dublin Area, Ireland. Empirical findings are offered that highlight the importance of economic power in the emergence of what essentially constitutes a shadow planning system. More broadly, the findings suggest that much more cognisance of the structural relations that govern how power is distributed in society is required and that ‘light touch’ approaches that focus exclusively on participation and deliberation need to be replaced with more radical solutions that look towards the redistribution of economic power between stakeholders.
Land Ownership and Development: Evidence from Postwar Japan This paper analyzes the effect of land ownership on technology adoption and structural transformation. A large-scale land reform in postwar Japan enforced a large number of tenant farmers who were cultivating land to become owners of this land. I find that the municipalities which had many owner farmers after the land reform tended to experience a quick entry of new agricultural machines which became available after the reform. The adoption of the machines reduced the dependence on family labor, and led to a reallocation of labor from agriculture to industries and service sectors in urban centers when these sectors were growing. I also analyze the aggregate impact of labor reallocation on economic growth by using a simple growth model and micro data. I find that it increased GDP by about 12 percent of the GDP in 1974 during 1955-74. I also find a large and positive effect on agricultural productivity. Loyalty and Treason: Theory and Evidence from Japan's Land Reform A historically large-scale land reform in Japan after World War II enforced by the occupation forces redistributed a large area of farmlands to tenant farmers. The reform demolished hierarchical structures by weakening landlords' power in villages and towns. This paper investigates how the change in the social and economic structure of small communities affects electoral outcomes in the presence of clientelism. I find that there was a considerable decrease in the vote share of conservative parties in highly affected areas after the reform. I find the supporting evidence that the effect was driven by the fact that the tenant farmers who had obtained land exited from the long-term tenancy contract and became independent landowners. The effect was relatively persistent. Finally, I also find the surprising result that there was a decrease, rather than an increase, in turnout in these areas after the reform. Geography and State Fragmentation We examine how geography affects the location of borders between sovereign states in Europe and surrounding areas from 1500 until today at the grid-cell level. This is motivated by an observation that the richest places in this region also have the highest historical border presence, suggesting a hitherto unexplored link between geography and modern development, working through state fragmentation. The raw correlations show that borders tend to be located on mountains, by rivers, closer to coasts, and in areas suitable for rainfed, but not irrigated, agriculture. Many of these patterns also hold with rigorous spatial controls. For example, cells with more rivers and more rugged terrain than their neighboring cells have higher border densities. However, the fragmenting effects of suitability for rainfed agriculture are reversed with such neighbor controls. Moreover, we find that borders are less likely to survive over time when they separate large states from small, but this size-difference effect is mitigated by, e.g., rugged terrain.
Mental illness affects a sizable minority of Americans at any given time, yet many people with mental illness (hereafter PWMI) remain unemployed or underemployed relative to the general population. Research has suggested that part of the reason for this is discrimination toward PWMI. This research investigated mechanisms that affect employment discrimination against PWMI. Drawing from theories on stigma and power, three studies assessed 1) the stereotyping of workers with mental illness as unfit for workplace success, 2) the impact of positive information on countering these negative stereotypes, and whether negatively-stereotyped conditions elicited discrimination; and 3) the effects of power on mental illness stigma components. I made a series of predictions related to theories on the Stereotype Content Model, illness attribution, the contact hypothesis, gender and mental health, and power. Studies tested predictions using, 1) an online vignette survey measuring attitudes, 2) an online survey measuring responses to fictitious applications for a middle management position, and 3) a laboratory experiment in which some participants were primed to feel powerful and some were not. Results of Study 1 demonstrated that PWMI were routinely stigmatized as incompetent, dangerous, and lacking valued employment attributes, relative to a control condition. This was especially evident for workers presented as having PTSD from wartime service and workers with schizophrenia, and when the worker was a woman. Study 2 showed that, although both war-related PTSD and schizophrenia evoke negative stereotypes, only schizophrenia evoked hiring discrimination. Finally, Study 3 found no effect of being primed to feel powerful on stigmatizing attitudes toward a person with symptoms of schizophrenia. Taken together, findings suggest that employment discrimination towards PWMI is driven by negative stereotypes; but, stereotypes might not lead to actual hiring discrimination for some labeled individuals.
Current space exploration has transpired through the use of chemical rockets, and they have served us well, but they have their limitations. Exploration of the outer solar system, Jupiter and beyond will most likely require a new generation of propulsion system. One potential technology class to provide spacecraft propulsion and power systems involve thermonuclear fusion plasma systems. In this class it is well accepted that d-He3 fusion is the most promising of the fuel candidates for spacecraft applications as the 14.7 MeV protons carry up to 80% of the total fusion power while ‘s have energies less than 4 MeV. The other minor fusion products from secondary d-d reactions consisting of 3He, n, p, and 3H also have energies less than 4 MeV. Furthermore there are two main fusion subsets namely, Magnetic Confinement Fusion devices and Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (or IEC) Fusion devices. Magnetic Confinement Fusion devices are characterized by complex geometries and prohibitive structural mass compromising spacecraft use at this stage of exploration. While generating energy from a lightweight and reliable fusion source is important, another critical issue is harnessing this energy into usable power and/or propulsion. IEC fusion is a method of fusion plasma confinement that uses a series of biased electrodes that accelerate a uniform spherical beam of ions into a hollow cathode typically comprised of a gridded structure with high transparency. The inertia of the imploding ion beam compresses the ions at the center of the cathode increasing the density to the point where fusion occurs. Since the velocity distributions of fusion particles in an IEC are essentially isotropic and carry no net momentum, a means of redirecting the velocity of the particles is necessary to efficiently extract energy and provide power or create thrust. There are classes of advanced fuel fusion reactions where direct-energy conversion based on electrostatically-biased collector plates is impossible due to potential limits, material structure limitations, and IEC geometry. Thermal conversion systems are also inefficient for this application. A method of converting the isotropic IEC into a collimated flow of fusion products solves these issues and allows direct energy conversion. An efficient traveling wave direct energy converter has been proposed and studied by Momota , Shu and further studied by evaluated with numerical simulations by Ishikawa and others. One of the conventional methods of collimating charged particles is to surround the particle source with an applied magnetic channel. Charged particles are trapped and move along the lines of flux. By introducing expanding lines of force gradually along the magnetic channel, the velocity component perpendicular to the lines of force is transferred to the parallel one. However, efficient operation of the IEC requires a null magnetic field at the core of the device. In order to achieve this, Momota and Miley have proposed a pair of magnetic coils anti-parallel to the magnetic channel creating a null hexapole magnetic field region necessary for the IEC fusion core. Numerically, collimation of 300 eV electrons without a stabilization coil was demonstrated to approach 95% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 20.0V, Ifloating = 2.78A, Isolenoid = 4.05A while collimation of electrons with stabilization coil present was demonstrated to reach 69% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 7.0V, Istab = 1.1A, Ifloating = 1.1A, Isolenoid = 1.45A. Experimentally, collimation of electrons with stabilization coil present was demonstrated experimentally to be 35% at 100 eV and reach a peak of 39.6% at 50eV with a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 7.0V, Istab = 1.1A, Ifloating = 1.1A, Isolenoid = 1.45A and collimation of 300 eV electrons without a stabilization coil was demonstrated to approach 49% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 20.0V, Ifloating = 2.78A, Isolenoid = 4.05A 6.4% of the 300eV electrons’ initial velocity is directed to the collector plates. The remaining electrons are trapped by the collimator’s magnetic field. These particles oscillate around the null field region several hundred times and eventually escape to the collector plates. At a solenoid voltage profile of 7 Volts, 100 eV electrons are collimated with wall and perpendicular component losses of 31%. Increasing the electron energy beyond 100 eV increases the wall losses by 25% at 300 eV. Ultimately it was determined that a field strength deriving from 9.5 MAT/m would be required to collimate 14.7 MeV fusion protons from d-3He fueled IEC fusion core. The concept of the proton collimator has been proven to be effective to transform an isotropic source into a collimated flow of particles ripe for direct energy conversion.
The present work proposes a Hypothesis Test to detect a shift in the variance of a series of independent normal observations using a statistic based on the p-values of the F distribution. Since the probability distribution function of this statistic is intractable, critical values were we estimated numerically through extensive simulation. A regression approach was used to simplify the quantile evaluation and extrapolation. The power of the test was simulated using Monte Carlo simulation, and the results were compared with the Chen test (1997) to prove its efficiency. Time series analysts might find the test useful to address homoscedasticity studies were at most one change might be involved.
We analyze the behavior of spot prices in the Colombian wholesale power market, using a series of models derived from industrial organization theory -- We first create a Cournot-based model that simulates the strategic behavior of the market-leader power generators, which we use to estimate two industrial organization variables, the Index of Residual Demand and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) -- We use these variables to create VAR models that estimate spot prices and power market impulse-response relationships -- The results from these models show that hydroelectric generators can use their water storage capability strategically to affect off-peak prices primarily, while the thermal generators can manage their capacity strategically to affect on-peak prices -- In addition, shocks to the Index of Residual Capacity and to the HHI cause spot price fluctuations, which can be interpreted as the generators´ strategic response to these shocks
Matrix power converters are used for transforming one alternating-current power supply to another, with different peak voltage and frequency. There are three input lines, with sinusoidally varying voltages which are 120◦ out of phase one from another, and the output is to be delivered as a similar three-phase supply. The matrix converter switches rapidly, to connect each output line in sequence to each of the input lines in an attempt to synthesize the prescribed output voltages. The switching is carried out at high frequency and it is of practical importance to know the frequency spectra of the output voltages and of the input and output currents. We determine in this paper these spectra using a new method, which has significant advantages over the prior default method (a multiple Fourier series technique), leading to a considerably more direct calculation. In particular, the determination of the input current spectrum is feasible here, whereas it would be a significantly more daunting procedure using the prior method instead.
The residual forest biomass (RFB) sector has been experiencing strong development at European level and particularly in Portugal mainly due to the increase of energy production from renewable sources. The aim of this study is to assess the environmental impacts of eucalyptus RFB chips production chain in Portugal. The environmental and economic impact comparison of the processes included in the production chain is presented as well. The environmental impacts were calculated by the life cycle assessment approach described in the ISO 14040 series of standards. The production chain assessed included all processes from eucalyptus forest until the delivery of RFB chips at the power plant. The main conclusion of this study is that eucalyptus wood production is the process that presents the greatest environmental impact through the product life cycle.