995 resultados para Portin, Petter: Ne geenit! Ne geenit!


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Contient : Vidimus (1497) des lettres de Marguerite, duchesse de Bourgogne, portant réception de l'hommage de Ferry, comte de Vaudémont, pour une rente sur le tonlieu de Damme (Arras, 22 novembre 1404) ; Affranchissement accordé par Marguerite de Joinville, comtesse de Vaudémont, à Geoffroy Parmentier et à Jeannette, sa femme, demeurant à Vézelise (1415) ; Lettres d'Antoine de Lorraine au duc de Bar, au sujet de déprédations commises dans la terre de Montiers-sur-Saulx (Vézelise, 1430) ; Déclaration de Philippe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne, concernant la mise en liberté de prisonniers faits depuis la trève, conclue sur sa médiation entre le duc de Bar et le comte de Vaudémont (1432) ; Lettres de Charles VII au comte Antoine (1443) ; Lettres du roi René au même (1435-1437) ; Lettres de la duchesse Isabelle au même (1435) ; « Instrument de Joffroi Bouquin, pour un accort fait à Condet-sur-Muselle, le xxije jour d'aoust l'an lxij, entre Pierre de Moncelz et le dit Joffroi pour ma dame, et messire Jehan de Saulmez pour monseigneur le duc de Bar » (28 mars 1363 ; n° 91 de la layette Traités III) ; Lettres du roi René portant don à Ferry II, comte de Vaudémont, du montant de l'imposition de 16 fl. par feu dans les seigneuries possédées par le dit Ferry en Provence (Angers, 27 décembre 1467) ; Vidimus (1477) des lettres du roi René, concédant la seigneurie de Beaufrémont au comte de Vaudémont (Marseille, 13 avril 1470) ; Mandement du roi René pour le paiement des gages de René, comte de Vaudémont, nommé gouverneur d'Anjou (Aix, 7 février 1473) ; Instructions données à Jean de Saint-Amadour et Huyn Roynette, lieutenant de Nancy, pour une mission auprès du roi (XVe siècle)


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Duc des Monts, n os 1-12. — Voy. Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 4882, pp. 3593-3598 ; Bibl. de Nancy, ms. 758, pp. 295-301. — Pièces concernant les prétentions d'Adolphe, duc de Berg, sur le duché de Bar, à cause de son mariage avec Yolande, fille de Robert, duc de Bar.


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Contient : Vidimus (1449) de quatre chartes relatives à Wolkrange (1400-1435) ; Don fait par Guérard de Rodemach à Kustgen von Rutgen, son vassal, de divers revenus en nature (1464) ; Lettres de Gilze von Busleiden, autorisant André d'Haraucourt à racheter, dans les douze ans, une rente qu'il avait constituée à son profit (1487) ; Accord entre Philippe, marquis de Bade, et Jean de Créhange, d'une part, et Marguerite d'Haraucourt, d'autre part, sur certaines contestations (1524) ; Investiture donnée au nom du roi d'Espagne à Georges de Créhange, pour ses fiefs mouvant des duché de Luxembourg et comté de Chiny (1572) ; Mémoire sur le ban de Rixange ; Liste des seigneurs, prélats, officiers, etc., convoqués aux États de Luxembourg


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Tiivistelmä: Emäksisen tuhkalaskeuman vaikutus rahkasammaliin Niinsaarensuolla Koillis-Virossa


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The Baix Empordà-Selva-Gavarres aquifer system is related to the fault set that created the tectonic basins of Empordà and Selva areas (NE Spain) during the Neogene. In this work, we describe groundwater hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopical (3H, δD, δ18O, and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio) characteristics of this system in order to illustrate the relevance of fault zones in groundwater flow-paths and the recharge. In that way, we identify two flow systems, with distinct hydrochemistry and isotopes. A local flow system originates at the Gavarres Range, and it flows towards the basins of the Baix Empordà and Selva, with an approximate residence time of 20 years. Additionally, a regional flow system has only been identified in the Selva basin. This one is related to the main fault zones, as preferential flow paths. Its recharge is located in mountain ranges with higher altitudes, namely the Transversal and Guilleries Ranges, with residence times larger than 50 years. Isotopical data has also shown mixing processes between both flow systems and rainfall recharge while multivariate statistical analysis of principal components has shown the main processes that control hydrochemistry of each flow systems


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The aim of this paper is to quantitatively characterize the climatology of daily precipitation indices in Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula) from 1951 to 2003. This work has been performed analyzing a subset of the ETCCDI (Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices) precipitation indices calculated from a new interpolated dataset of daily precipitation, namely SPAIN02, regular at 0.2° horizontal resolution (around 20 km) and from two high-quality stations: the Ebro and Fabra observatories. Using a jack-knife technique, we have found that the sampling error of the SPAIN02 regional averaged is relatively low. The trend analysis has been implemented using a Circular Block Bootstrap procedure applicable to non-normal distributions and autocorrelated series. A running trend analysis has been applied to analyze the trend persistence. No general trends at a regional scale are observed, considering the annual or the seasonal regional averaged series of all the indices for all the time windows considered. Only the consecutive dry days index (CDD) at annual scale shows a locally coherent spatial trend pattern; around 30% of the Catalonia area has experienced an increase of around 2¿3 days decade¿1. The Ebro and Fabra observatories show a similar CDD trend, mainly due to the summer contribution. Besides this, a significant decrease in total precipitation (around ¿10 mm decade¿1) and in the index "highest precipitation amount in five-day period" (RX5DAY, around ¿5 mm decade¿1), have been found in summer for the Ebro observatory.


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Summary: Comparison of the use of verb derivatives with the suffixes -u- and -ne- in Finnish and Estonian


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The proposed project consists of improving approximately 2.6 miles of Collins Road NE (Highway 100) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The project extends from the intersection of Center Point Road to approximately 750 feet east of its intersection with 1st Avenue.


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The classical Soja nappe, in NE Ticino, actually consists of two distinct tectonic units with verydifferent stratigraphic contents: (1) The smaller one, in the Val Soi (the type-locality), is by definitionthe Soja unit s.str.. It is pinched between Simano and Adula and consists of various Paleozoic gneissesand a dolomitic Triassic cover analogous to the Triassic of other Lower Penninic nappes. (2) The largerone extends along the Lago di Luzzone and continues eastwards through the Piz Terri mountain. Wename it the Luzzone-Terri nappe. It consists of: (a) a paragneiss series that presents striking similaritieswith the Permian of the Zone Houillère in Valais; (b) a Triassic cover typical of the Briançonnaisdomain where one clearly recognizes the St-Triphon Formation and other characteristic units of theBriançonnais Triassic; (c) a thick series of black calcschists and metapelites of Liassic age, similarto the cover of the neighbouring Gotthard massif. This stratigraphic superposition of a Liassic seriesof Helvetic type on a Briançonnais Triassic is unique in the Alps and has important paleogeographicconsequences. It is difficult to reconcile this observation with speculative reconstructions that proposean original position of the Briançonnais domain far from the Helvetic basins. Morover the Briançonnaischaracter of its Triassic series indicates an ultra-Adula origin of the Luzzone-Terri nappe.