951 resultados para Police in Boston.


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This bound volume, likely assembled by the Corporation in the 1850s, contains documents related to Harvard buildings which have been pasted onto the pages. The volume consists of correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the construction of Holworthy Hall, 1811-1812; contracts and correspondence relating to the construction of University Hall, 1813-1814; and correspondence regarding repairs to Massachusetts Hall overseen by Loammi Baldwin in 1812. Additional records pertaining to the construction of Gore Hall, 1834-1838; and the repairs to the Medical College on Mason Street in Boston, 1824 are also located in this volume.


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Harvard president John Leverett informs treasurer John White that the Harvard Corporation has voted to allocate funds for repairs to Stoughton College. Also includes a separate receipt for nails purchased in Boston for repairs in Stoughton College dated the same day.


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Document specifies that the books were sent "by Thos. Hollis Esq. in two Boxes by Capt. Bruce who arrived in Boston October 1764."


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of unidentified measurements and interleaved pages with short handwritten entries about Winthrop's daily activities, and astronomical and meteorological observations. The entries include personal notes about travel, the weather, and occasional alcohol consumption. There is an entry listing the population and burials and baptisms in Boston (January).


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of unidentified measurements and interleaved pages with short handwritten entries about Winthrop's daily activities, and astronomical and meteorological observations. The entries include personal notes about travel, the weather, occasional alcohol consumption, and deaths in the community including a Latin note of the death of Winthrop's father (October 2) . There is an entry listing burials and baptisms in Boston, and a note that "Fever & fluxes prevail this month & prove very mortal" (September).


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of unidentified measurements and interleaved pages with short handwritten entries about Winthrop's daily activities, and astronomical and meteorological observations. The entries include personal notes about travel, the weather, deaths in the community, notes of public fasts for the Louisbourg expedition (February 28) and the "Indian war" (September 19), and a note of the surrender of Louisbourg (June 17). There is an entry listing the burials and baptisms in Boston by month, with the deaths subdivided for white and black individuals, and notes of "French prisoners" for July and "Fever & flux" for September.


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of unidentified measurements and interleaved pages with short handwritten entries about Winthrop's daily activities, and astronomical and meteorological observations. The entries include personal notes about travel, the weather, and deaths in the community including hangings for piracy (July 24). There is an entry listing the burials and baptisms in Boston for the year and a chart of deaths according to age ranges.


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of unidentified measurements and interleaved pages with short handwritten entries about Winthrop's daily activities, and astronomical and meteorological observations. The entries include personal notes about travel, the weather, vegetable planting, a Latin entry on the death of Winthrop's eldest sister, and the death of Winthrop's son "my dear little babe Sammy" (July 28). There is an entry listing the burials and baptisms in Boston for 1751.


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of unidentified measurements and interleaved pages with short handwritten entries about Winthrop's daily activities, and astronomical and meteorological observations. The entries include personal notes about travel, the weather, vegetable planting, and the birth of Winthrop's fourth son James (March 28) and taking him to wet nurses (March 31 and August 31). Throughout the volume there are entries about the smallpox epidemic including statistics about the disease's affect in Boston and family inoculations. At the end of the volume, there is a bill of mortality for Charlestown for 1752 with a chart of deaths according to age ranges.


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of measurements and small one-word notes. The only handwritten entries are on the December page: "Buried in Boston 418 W 63 B in all 481 / Baptized 396," and a note on the April page of the birth of Winthrop's fifth son Adam on April 19th.


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of measurements and small one-word notes. There are a few handwritten entries including a note of the Boston and Charlestown's burials and baptisms and the number of whites to blacks in Boston, a list of towns where Winthrop lodged on a trip to Philadelphia (April-May), and structural measurements relating to an inclination of Old Stoughton College (September 20).


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Almanac containing one laid-in leaf and interleaved pages with entries in John Winthrop's hand. The interleaved pages include entries include brief, nearly daily notes of social engagements and travel by Winthrop during the year the Winthrops were forced to evacuate Cambridge because of the Revolutionary War. The short entries include notes of the Battle of Concord (April 19), a fire in Boston (May 17), the Battle of Bunker Hill (June 17), the choosing of councillors at Concord (June 21), and the notable entries "wth Genl Washington (August 12)" and "All day packg up Apparatus & Library" (June 16). The laid-in leaf contains an account of household purchases made while the Winthrops were living with Nehemiah Abbot Andover from May to June and later in Concord. The laid-in leaf is written on a note beginning "Mr. Winthrop presents his most respectful compliments to the Hon'ble Col. Hancock and to the rest of the Gentlemen Select-men..."


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Almanac with one laid-in leaf, and calendar pages with minimal, sporadic annotations. The laid-in leaf contains three entries by John Winthrop noting the firing of the house chimneys, and entries by both Winthrops listing deaths in the community and a bill of mortality. The bill of morality includes the note "In Boston Baptzd 367 a small nr by reesn of y small px."


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Annotated and interleaved almanac in marble-paper covers with minimal annotations to the calendar pages, generally "J" and "S." The interleaved pages contain sporadic handwritten entries including brief notes about deaths in the community, ministers whose sermons Pearson attended, Corporation meetings, and student examinations. There are entries noting the deaths of Harvard undergraduates Isaac Wellington (who drowned) and Francis Brigham (who died of a fever). The almanac is the version printed and sold in Boston by T. & J. Fleet.


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Lovell and Allen accompanied Holyoke to Nathan Prince's lodging in Boston, to personally inform him that the Board of Overseers had voted for his dismissal and that his belongings had been removed from his chamber and were being stored in town until he chose to claim them.