999 resultados para Políticas públicas - Minas Gerais


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Two cross-sectional studies on schistosomiasis mansoni were done in Comercinho, Minas Gerais (Brazil), at an interval of 7 years. In 1974 and 1981 feces examinations (KATO-KATZ method) were done in 89 and 90% of the population (about 1,500 inhabitants) and clinical examinations were done in 78 and 92% of the patients who excreted Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces, respectively. The rate of infection by S. mansoni did not change (69.9% in 1974 and 70.4% in 1981), but the geometrical mean of eggs per gram of feces (431 ± 4 and 334 ± 4, respectively) and the rate of splenomegaly (11 and 7%, respectively) decreased significantly in 1981, when compared to 1974. This reduction was observed only in the central zones of the town (zones 1-2) where the rate of dwellings with piped water increased from 17 to 44%. In the surroundings (zones 3-4), where the proportion of houses with piped water did not change significantly between 1974 (10%) and 1981 (7%), the geometrical mean of S. mansoni eggs and the rate of splenomegaly did not change either.


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Caramujos do gênero Biomphalaria das espécies B. tenagophila e B. straminea, descendentes de exemplares coletados em oito municípios mineiros, foram infectados com Schistosoma, mansoni das cepas LE e SJ. As taxas de infecção experimenta] variaram de 0 a 28% para B. tenagophila e de 0 a 21% para B. straminea. Esses resultados foram confrontados com os obtidos anteriormente por vários autores, mostrando que mais de 70% dentre 32 populações (doze de B. tenagophila e vinte de B. straminea) de Minas Gerais, foram suscetíveis experimentalmente a S. mansoni. Os dados experimentais, aliados a relatos de encontro de B. tenagophila e B. straminea com infecção natural por S. mansoni em quatro localidades a partir de 1982, parecem indicar que nessas regiões existem condições favoráveis de pré-adaptação ao parasitismo, a exemplo do que ocorreu no nordeste brasileiro e em São Paulo, pois, anteriormente moluscos dessas espécies não foram encontrados com infecção natural pelo trematúdeo em Minas Gerais. Estes dados são importantes para o controle da disseminação da esquistossomose em áreas indenes, tendo em vista a vasta distribuição das duas espécies no Brasil.


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O botulismo constitui uma forma rara de intoxicação alimentar, particularmente em nosso meio. A única epidemia comprovada desta doença no Brasil ocorreu na década de 1950, no Rio Grande do Sul, onde nove pessoas a adquiriram, após a ingestão de conserva caseira de peixe. O presente estudo relata um surto de Botulismo tipo A ocorrido em uma família de 8 membros, dos quais 7 contraíram esta toxinfecção após a ingestão de carne suína conservada sob a forma de enlatado caseiro. Duas pessoas evoluíram para o óbito, e os restantes recuperaram-se após variável tempo de evolução. Onze meses após, diagnosticou-se novo caso desta doença, cuja fonte da intoxicação não pôde ser detectada Os autores pretendem com esta publicação, divulgar a segunda epidemia comprovada de Botulismo no Brasil, e chamar atenção para seu quadro clínico, diagnóstico e tratamento, praticamente desconhecidos em nosso meio.


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The interrelation between schistosomiasis and the retinol blood levels was studied in a double blind method, by comparing the serum vitamin A of the infected and non-infected group of an endemic area of Schistosoma mansoni infection. The infected group was characterized by 106 parasitized persons in the intestinal and hepatointestinal forms, who eliminated less than 500 eggs/gram of feces (Modified Kato's method); the non-infected group was characterized by 112 inhabitants of this endemic area without eggs in the stools and presenting negative intradermal reactions, and absence of previous specific treatment. The blood levels of retinol was determinated using trifluoracetic acid method, regarding the normal levels > 20,0mg/100ml. The results of this study point out the absence of correlation between S. mansoni infection and blood levels of vitamin A.


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Na cidade de Uberaba, Estado de Minas Gerais, dos 162 doadores de sangue, 13 (8,0%) apresentaram anticorpos neutralizantes contra o vesiculovirus Piry. Nos indivíduos positivos foi estatisticamente mais freqüente o relato de residência anterior em área rural (p < 0,0001) e em cidades do Estado de São Paulo (p < 0,05).


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A study was undertaken about T. sordida in the natural environment in two different regions of the state of Minas Gerais: Itapagipe (Triângulo), an area of cerrado modified by the formation of fields of pasture and agriculture, and Mato Verde (north) an area of transition between caatinga and cerrado with profound deforestation in the last years due to the expansion of cotton cultivation. In both regions the principal ecotopes identified were hollow trees and the bark of live or dead trees, where the occurrence of a food source is not frequent. In this environment, the triatomines utilize various food sources; opposums appear to represent an important source of infection. In the north of Minas, a greater concentration of reservoirs and vectors was observed than in the Triángulo which could explain the higher level of infection of the triatomines in the north. Close attention to the process of domiciliation of T. sordida in the north of Minas is recommended where an extensive intervention by man in the natural environment has occurred and where a rise in the population of triatomines in the peridomestic environment has been observed in recent years.


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Apresentação realizada no Colóquio "Olhares sobre os Jovens em Portugal: saberes, políticas, acções", a 2 de junho de 2011.


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Apresentação realizada no Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento da Universidade de Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro, em Vila Real a 15 de Julho de 2010


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Comunicação apresentada no XVI Congresso International do Centro Latino Americano para el Desarollo (CLAD), Asunción, Paraguay de 8 a 11 Novembro 2011.


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Apresentação realizada no 6º Congresso Nacional de Administação Pública, em Lisboa de 29 a 30 de Outro de 2008


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Apresentação realizada no curso "A gestão da performance dos profissionais nos cuidados continuados integrados", em Évora, a 18 de Novembro de 2011.


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Comunicação apresentada no 3º Encontro de Conhecimento e Cooperação, INA, Lisboa, 17 de setembro de 2015


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Em estudo malacológico realizado na Bacia Hidrográfica do Lago Soledade, Ouro Branco, MG, no período de setembro de 1986 a março de 1991, foram coletados 46.579 moluscos, representados por 07 espécies de 05 famílias. Foram coletados 39.176 exemplares de Biomphalaria tenagophila, 1.296 de B. glabrata, sete exemplares de Drepanotrema cimex, 2.527 de Physa sp, 417 de Lymnaea sp, 92 de Pomacea haustrum e, a partir de março/1990, 3.064 exemplares de Melanoides tuberculata (Melanniidae = Thiaridae). Dos moluscos que apresentaram positividade para diversas larvas de trematódeos, quatro exemplares de B. tenagophila estavam positivos para S. mansoni.


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The snail density, levels of infection and the monthly production of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae by Biomphalaria glabrata were determined in a focus of Barreiro de Baixo (Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil). During a period of 38 months (1984 to 1987) 5,366 snails were collected of which 324 (6.03%) were infected with S. mansoni. The total number of cercariae shed was 5,667,312. Each snail shed an average of 17,422 cercariae during the time that it was under study in the laboratory. The greatest longevity of infected snails was 218 days. Natural cure was observed in 42 (12.9%) of the infected specimens about 130 days after collection. The average snail density in the focus during the period of study was 16.3 snails per scoop. The shedding of cercariae by snails collected from the field was compared with laboratory bred specimens infected in mass with the LE strain of S. mansoni from Belo Horizonte. The laboratory infected snails shed an average of 6,061 cercariae each, a value 2.8 times less than the field specimens due to a shorter life span. The prevalence of schistosomiasis in the focus was 14.3%.


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A clinical-epidemiologic study of schistosomiasis mansoni was conducted in the population of Ponte do Pasmado, a village in the municipality of Itinga, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Faecal Parasitology by the Kato-Katz method and clinical examination were performed in 93.8% and 82.8% of the local population, respectively. A socioeconomic survey was also made and the signs and symptoms presented by the patients were recorded, as well as their contacts with natural waters. The rate of Schistosoma mansoni infection was 50.3%; the peak of infection occurred during the second decade of life; there was a predominance of low egg counts in faeces (85.89% of positive patients eliminated less than 500 eggs per gram of faeces); the splenomegaly rate was 1.23%. When the risk factors for S. mansoni infection were studied, significant risks were detected in activities such as fetching water, washing dishes, bathing, and crossing streams.