914 resultados para Platina, Alonso-Correspondència
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This dissertation deals with the nature of the political system in sixteenth-century colonial Spanish America through an analysis of the administration of Viceroy Fernando de Torres y Portugal, Conde del Villar, in Peru (1585–1590). The political conflicts surrounding his government and the accusations of bribery leveled against him and members of his household provide the documentation for a case study in a system in which prestige and authority were defined through a complex network of patronage and personal relationships with the Spanish monarch, the ultimate source of legitimate power. ^ This dissertation is conceptualized using categories presented in Max Weber's theory on the nature of political order and authority in the history of human societies and the definition of the patrimonial system as one in which the power of he king confers legitimacy and authority on the whole political structure. ^ The documentary base for this dissertation is an exceptionally detailed and complete record related to the official administrative review ( visita) ordered by Philip II in 1588 to assess the government of Viceroy Torres y Portugal. Additionally, letters as well as other primary and secondary sources are scattered in repositories on both sides of the Atlantic. ^ The study of this particular case offers an excellent opportunity to gain an understanding of a political order in which jurisdictional boundaries between institutions and authorities were not clearly defined. The legal system operating in the viceroyalty was subordinated to the personal decisions of the king, and order and equilibrium were maintained through the interaction of patronage networks that were reproduced at all levels of the colonial society. ^ The final charges against Viceroy Conde del Villar, as well as their impact on the political career of those involved in the accusations, reveal that situations today understood to constitute bribery had a different meaning in the context of a patrimonial order. ^
Einstein’s equations with negative cosmological constant possess the so-called anti de Sitter space, AdSd+1, as one of its solutions. We will later refer to this space as to the "bulk". The holographic principle states that quantum gravity in the AdSd+1 space can be encoded by a d−dimensional quantum field theory on the boundary of AdSd+1 space, invariant under conformal transformations, a CFTd. In the most famous example, the precise statement is the duality of the type IIB string theory in the space AdS5 × S 5 and the 4−dimensional N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Another example is provided by a relation between Einstein’s equations in the bulk and hydrodynamic equations describing the effective theory on the boundary, the so-called fluid/gravity correspondence. An extension of the "AdS/CFT duality"for the CFT’s with boundary was proposed by Takayanagi, which was dubbed the AdS/BCFT correspondence. The boundary of a CFT extends to the bulk and restricts a region of the AdSd+1. Neumann conditions imposed on the extension of the boundary yield a dynamic equation that determines the shape of the extension. From the perspective of fluid/gravity correspondence, the shape of the Neumann boundary, and the geometry of the bulk is sourced by the energy-momentum tensor Tµν of a fluid residing on this boundary. Clarifying the relation of the Takayanagi’s proposal to the fluid/gravity correspondence, we will study the consistence of the AdS/BCFT with finite temperature CFT’s, or equivalently black hole geometries in the bulk.
This work presents an analysis of the behavior of some algorithms usually available in stereo correspondence literature, with full HD images (1920x1080 pixels) to establish, within the precision dilemma versus runtime applications which these methods can be better used. The images are obtained by a system composed of a stereo camera coupled to a computer via a capture board. The OpenCV library is used for computer vision operations and processing images involved. The algorithms discussed are an overall method of search for matching blocks with the Sum of the Absolute Value of the difference (Sum of Absolute Differences - SAD), a global technique based on cutting energy graph cuts, and a so-called matching technique semi -global. The criteria for analysis are processing time, the consumption of heap memory and the mean absolute error of disparity maps generated.
En el presente trabajo se analiza primeramente el proceso de fundación, a fines del siglo XV, del colegio de San Gregorio de Valladolid por parte del obispo dominico, consejero y confesor real Alonso de Burgos; el colegio, de patronato real y centrado en los estudios de teología, estaba reservado exclusivamente para frailes predicadores observantes. A continuación, y como parte más amplia y fundamental del estudio, se analizan los primeros estatutos que tuvo el colegio, otorgados por su fundador, ofreciéndose finalmente, en apéndice documental, su transcripción completa.
La presente tesis doctoral estudia la vida y obra del vihuelista Alonso Mudarra (c. 1509- Sevilla, 1 de abril de 1580). A pesar de que ya existe un trabajo previo a cargo de Emilio Pujol, creemos necesario revisitar esta música y a su creador a la luz de las investigaciones realizadas en los dos tercios de siglo transcurridos desde la publicación de dicha monografía. El estudio está dividido en tres partes y dos volúmenes. En primer lugar abordamos la biografía de Mudarra, enfocándola desde la perspectiva de las tres ciudades que constituyen su itinerario vital: Valladolid, Guadalajara y Sevilla. En la segunda parte se estudia su obra, los Tres libros de música en cifras para vihuela, tanto en lo referente a aspectos bibliográficos como de su contenido. La tercera parte es la edición crítica de la obra musical contenida en los Tres libros. Los posibles orígenes vallisoletanos de Alonso Mudarra nos han llevado a indagar en la familia Mudarra, miembros del patriciado urbano de Valladolid desde el siglo XIII. Las importantes ramificaciones de la familia en San Martín de Valdeiglesias y en Palencia también son objeto de nuestro estudio. Nuestro propósito ha sido ubicar al Mudarra vihuelista dentro de esta gran familia. Para ello hemos recurrido a diferentes archivos: el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid, el Archivo General de Simancas y el Archivo de Protocolos de Valladolid, bien de forma directa o a través de la plataforma Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES). En otros casos hemos utilizado fuentes indirectas. Hemos podido reconstruir las ramas principales del árbol genealógico para gran parte del siglo XVI y establecer una hipótesis sobre nuestro vihuelista y su familia más cercana, la cual conocemos a través del testamento de Alonso y por la notoriedad de alguno de sus miembros, como es el caso de su hermano Francisco, importante miembro de la curia vaticana...
Ceremonia Religiosa, se observan entre otros a Heriberto García, Alonso García Hernández y Lucía Castrillón. Versalles, C.1960.
Alonso García y Campo Elías Reyes, participando de las actividades religiosas del 1 de noviembre. Versalles, 1960.
Nueuamente corregido y eme[n]dado de muchos vicios y errores que en el auia