983 resultados para Piper umbellata
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estaquia dessas espécies em função do tipo de substrato e estaca.
A pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) é uma planta trepadeira originária da Índia. Tem grande valor econômico, pois é uma especiaria utilizada mundialmente em grandes escalas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a percentagem de enraizamento, aclimatização e produção de mudas de pimenteira-do-reino. Para o enraizamento in vitro de pimenteira-do-reino, gemas apicais e nodais (explante) foram inoculadas em meio MS (MURASHIGE; SKOOG, 1962) suplementado com 0,05 mg L-1 de ANA. Para a aclimatização, as plantas de pimenteira-do-reino proveniente do cultivo in vitro foram transferidas para substrato vermiculita em bandeja de polipropileno com 24 células, com duas plantas por células. Após 30 dias, houve a transferência do material para substrato (terra+esterco+calcário). A taxa de sobrevivência dessas plantas na fase de aclimatização foi de 97%, relevante desempenho da estratégia adotada. Considerando que esta fase é uma das mais críticas da formação de mudas micropropagadas. Na formação de mudas a taxa de sobrevivência das plantas foi de 100%. A micropropagação é uma alternativa para obter mudas de pimenteira-do-reino com qualidade fitossanitária, sendo que o meio de enraizamento dos brotos é eficiente e promove alta taxa de sobrevivência na aclimatização em substrato vermiculita e todas as plantas desenvolvem para a formação de mudas.
O enraizamento in vitro é uma etapa importante no processo de micropropagação, por permitir a formação de plantas completas para posterior aclimatização às condições ex-vitro. Objetivou-se no trabalho verificar o efeito do ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) no enraizamento in vitro de dois híbridos de pimenteira-do reino, um proveniente do cruzamento entre Bento x Guajarina e o segundo do cruzamento entre Bragantina x Arborium. Foram usados os ápices caulinares e segmentos nodais com gemas laterais como explantes, inoculados em condições assépticas em frascos contendo 40 ml de meio básico de cultura de Murashige e Skoog (MS), sacarose a 3%, vitamina 0,2, phytagel a 0,2% e pH ajustado para 5,8 com dose de 0,05 mg L-1 ANA e o testemunha com ½ MS + 0 ANA para os dois genótipos. Ambos cultivados por seis semanas sob condições de fotoperíodo de 16 h.luz.dia-1, com intensidade luminosa de 3.000 lux e temperatura de 25 ± 3oC. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com 2 tratamentos e 5 repetições, sendo um frasco com cinco brotos por repetição. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: A percentagem de explante enraizados e o comprimento da raiz (mm) comprimento do broto (mm), número de raízes. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância. Pode-se concluir com os resultados que não há diferença significativa no desenvolvimento entre os dois híbridos a partir de brotos em meio 1/2 MS com 0,05 mg L-1 de ANA.
A pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) é uma planta trepadeira originária da Índia, considerada a mais importante especiaria comercializada mundialmente e usada em larga escala como condimento, além das indústrias de carnes e conservas. Os maiores produtores mundiais da pimenta-do-reino são Índia, Vietnã, Indonésia, Malásia e Brasil, sendo que dos estados brasileiros produtores, o Pará é responsável por cerca de 80% da produção do país. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do ?-Mercaptoetanol no controle da oxidação em meristema de pimenteira-do-reino no estabelecimemto de cultura para o processo de micropropagação, segmentos de ramos contendo gemas apicais e laterais foram submetidos à assepsia e para a retirada dos meristemas ficaramimesos na solução de ?-Mercaptoetanol nas concentrações 5 mM , 10 mM e 15mM. Os meristemas inoculados nas concentrações de 5 e 10 mM apresentaram no final de 30 dias alto grau de oxidação, enquanto os meristemas inoculados na concentração de 15 mM, baixa oxidação. O antioxidante ?-mercaptoetanol na concentração de 15mM é eficiente para controlar a oxidação do meristema para o estabelecimento de cultura in vitro no processo de micropropagação.
A pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) é uma importante especiaria usada em diversas industriais e é um dos principais produtos agrícolas da pauta de exportações do estado do Pará. A propagação vegetativa, método comercial de produção de mudas de pimenteira-do-reino, se realizada a partir de plantas matrizes infectadas com vírus, promove à degenerescência da planta e prejuízos na produtividade. A temperatura elevada é uma alternativa para a limpeza clonal via micropropagação. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a termotolerância dos brotos cultivadas in vitro visando a limpeza clonal. Os explantes (gemas apicais e laterais) foram cultivados in vitro em experimentos preliminares de termotolerância. As temperaturas usadas foram: 32 ºC, 33 ºC, 34 ºC, 36 ºC e 38 ºC, com fotoperíodo de 16 h. luz. Foram avaliados: taxa de oxidação e desenvolvimento de novas folhas. Explantes de pimenteira-do-reino permaneceram incubadas em câmaras do tipo BOD com ajuste de temperatura por 30 dias em cada temperatura. À temperatura de 38 ºC ocorreu elevada taxa de oxidação dos explantes e sem desenvolvimento de brotos enquanto à temperatura de 32 ºC, os explantes diferenciaram in vitro com novas brotações e folhas, sem oxidação. A temperatura dos explantes in vitro influencia diretamente da taxa de sobrevivência e desenvolvimento de pimenteira-do-reino micropropagadas, sendo sugerida a temperatura de 32 ºC para auxiliar a limpeza clonal no processo de micropropagação.
Foram analisados os rizomas de Bulbostylis paradoxa Ness, Cyperus giganteus Vahl, C. odoratus L., Fuirena umbellata Rottb. e Hypolytrum schraderianum Ness. O corpo primário é resultante da atividade dos meristemas apicais e do meristema de espessamento primário (MEP). Também ocorre crescimento em espessura, que é decorrente da atividade do meristema de espessamento secundário (MES). O procâmbio e o MEP originam feixes colaterais em H. schraderianum e feixes anfivasais nas demais espécies. Entretanto, todos os feixes que têm protofloema e protoxilema são de origem procambial. O MES produz floema e xilema constituindo um tecido vascular único. Elementos de vaso foram encontrados na maioria dos caules em estrutura primária e secundária, com exceção de H. schraderianum que, na estrutura secundária, contém apenas traqueídes, informação que respalda a ocorrência de crescimento secundário nas Cyperaceae. Os elementos de vaso apresentam grande variação morfológica; em estrutura primária, geralmente são mais alongados, com apêndices. Os elementos de vaso do crescimento secundário são relativamente mais curtos, apresentam apêndices e ramificações.
Cyperaceae are usually perennial, with underground stems mainly rhizomatous, however, other stem types may also occur, such as corms and tubers. The underground stems of five Cyperaceae species were examined. Cyperus rotundus and Fuirena umbellata have plagiotropic rhizomes, while C. esculentus, C. odoratus, Hypolytrum schraderianum and Bulbostylis paradoxa have orthotropic rhizomes. Corms occur in C. rotundus and C. esculentus, and stolons in C. esculentus. The primary body originates from the activity of the apical meristem and later, from the primary thickening meristem (PTM). Secondary growth results from secondary thickening meristem (STM) activity, and occurs in rhizomes of H. schraderianum, B. paradoxa, C. odotarus and F. umbellata. The procambium and the PTM give rise to collateral bundles in H. schraderianum, and amphivasal bundles in the remaining species. The STM gives rise to the vascular system with the associated phloem and xylem. According to our results, the concept of stem type in Cyperaceae depends on external morphology, function, life phase, activity of the thickening meristems and the relative amount of parenchyma.
Piperaceae species have been placed among the basal angiosperm and are adapted to a variety of habitats including moist forests, secondary vegetation and dry high lands. The major anatomical/morphology features are of small trees, vines, and shrubs for Piper species, while the epiphytic and succulent characteristics are predominant forms among Peperomia species. Their secondary chemistry can be mostly represented by amides, phenylpropanoids/lignoids, and chromenes in addition to a phletoria of biosynthetically mixed-origin secondary compounds. Although several amides and lignans are known as insecticides, several phytophagous insects, among which some considered pests of economic importance, have been observed feeding vigorously on Piperaceae species. Herein we describe the feeding preferences of fourteen phytophagous species of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hemiptera over approximately fifty Piperaceae species observed in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in a long-term basis.
Mutualistic networks are crucial to the maintenance of ecosystem services. Unfortunately, what we know about seed dispersal networks is based only on bird-fruit interactions. Therefore, we aimed at filling part of this gap by investigating bat-fruit networks. It is known from population studies that: (i) some bat species depend more on fruits than others, and (ii) that some specialized frugivorous bats prefer particular plant genera. We tested whether those preferences affected the structure and robustness of the whole network and the functional roles of species. Nine bat-fruit datasets from the literature were analyzed and all networks showed lower complementary specialization (H(2)' = 0.3760.10, mean 6 SD) and similar nestedness (NODF = 0.5660.12) than pollination networks. All networks were modular (M=0.32 +/- 0.07), and had on average four cohesive subgroups (modules) of tightly connected bats and plants. The composition of those modules followed the genus-genus associations observed at population level (Artibeus-Ficus, Carollia-Piper, and Sturnira-Solanum), although a few of those plant genera were dispersed also by other bats. Bat-fruit networks showed high robustness to simulated cumulative removals of both bats (R = 0.55 +/- 0.10) and plants (R = 0.68 +/- 0.09). Primary frugivores interacted with a larger proportion of the plants available and also occupied more central positions; furthermore, their extinction caused larger changes in network structure. We conclude that bat-fruit networks are highly cohesive and robust mutualistic systems, in which redundancy is high within modules, although modules are complementary to each other. Dietary specialization seems to be an important structuring factor that affects the topology, the guild structure and functional roles in bat-fruit networks.
Schistosomiasis is a tropical disease caused by Schistosoma and occurs in 54 countries, mainly in South America, the Caribbean region, Africa and the eastern Mediterranean. Currently, 5 to 6 million Brazilian people are infected and 30,000 are under infection risk. Typical of poor regions, this disease is associated with the lack of basic sanitation and very frequently to the use of contaminated water in agriculture, housework and leisure. One of the most efficient methods of controlling the disease is application of molluscicides to eliminate or to reduce the population of the intermediate host snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Studies on molluscicidal activity of plant extracts have been stimulated by issues such as environmental preservation, high cost and recurrent resistance of snails to synthetic molluscicides. The aim of this study was to determine the molluscicide action of extracts from Piperaceae species on adult and embryonic stages of B. glabrata. Fifteen extracts from 13 Piperaceae species were obtained from stems, leaves and roots. Toxicity of extracts was evaluated against snails at two different concentrations (500 and 100 ppm) and those causing 100% mortality at 100 ppm concentration were selected to obtain the LC(90) (lethal concentration of 90% mortality). Piper aduncum, P. crassinervium, P. cuyabanum, P. diospyrifolium and P. hostmannianum gave 100% mortality of adult snails at concentrations ranging from 10 to 60 ppm. These extracts were also assayed on embryonic stages of B. glabrata and those from P. cuyabanum and P. hostmannianum showed 100% ovicidal action at 20 ppm.
Phytochemical studies carried out with Piperaceae species have shown great diversity of secondary metabolites among which are several displayed considerable biological activities. The species Piper tuberculatum has been intensively investigated and a series of amides have been described. For instance, (E)-piplartine showed significant cytotoxic activity against tumor cell lines, especially human leukemia cell lines; antifungal activity against Cladosporium species; trypanocidal activity and others. Considering the popular use of P. tuberculatum and the lack of pharmacological studies regarding this plant species, the mutagenic and antimutagenic effect of (E)-piplartine was evaluated by the Ames test, using the strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102 of Salmonella typhimurium. No mutagenic activity was observed for this compound.
Pothomorphe umbellata, a native Brazilian plant, is popularly known to be effective in the treatment of skin lesions. This benefit is attributed to 4-nerolidylcatechol (4-NC) a compound extracted from P. umbellata. Since melanomas show prominent resistance to apoptosis and exhibit extreme chemoresistance to multiple forms of therapy, novel compounds addressing induction of cell death are worth investigating. Here, we evaluated effects on cell cycle progression and possible cytotoxic activity of 4-NC in melanoma cell lines as well as human dermal fibroblasts. Inhibitory effects on cell invasion and MMP activity were also investigated. 4-NC showed cytotoxic activity for all melanoma cell lilies tested (IC(50) = 20-40 mu M, 24 h for tumoral cell lines: IC(50) = 50 mu M for fibroblast cell line) associated with its capacity to induce apoptosis. Furthermore, this is the first time that 4-NC is described as an inhibitor of cell invasiveness, due mainly to a G I cell cycle arrest and inhibition of MMP-2 activity in melanoma cell lines. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe herein an evaluation of the trypanocidal effect of eight piperamides (1-8) isolated from Piper tuberculatum bearing dihydropyridone, piperidine, and isobutyl moieties against epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas` disease. Based on such results, three hydrogenated and two hydrolyzed derivatives (10-14) were prepared and evaluated as well. The dihydropyridone amides (1-3) displayed higher anti-trypanosomal activity. The (Z)-piplartine (1) showed higher activity with a 50% inhibition concentration (IC(50)) value of 10.5 mu M, almost four times more potent than the positive control, benznidazole (IC(50) = 42.7 mu M), and should be further evaluated as a suitable hit for the design of new antiprotozoal agents.
BACKGROUND: A dichloromethane-methanol extract of the seeds of Piper tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) and two isobutyl amides, 4,5-dihydropiperlonguminine (1) and pellitorine (2), which were isolated by chromatographic methods, were assayed for their lethality against the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). RESULTS: Bioassays were carried out with fourth-instar caterpillars through topical application of test solutions to the dorsal surface of the prothorax, and dose-response correlations were determined. Significant insect mortalities were observed 24, 48 and 72 h after treatment at concentrations of >= 100 mu g insect(-1). The LD(50) and LD(90) values for compound 1 were 92.83 and 176.50 mu g insect(-1), and for compound 2 they were 91.19 and 184.56 mu g insect(-1). CONCLUSION: According to the LD(50) and LD(90) for compounds 1 and 2, it can be inferred that the values reflect an acute lethal response to both compounds, based on interaction(s) of the toxicants with a primary target or series of targets. Thus, the amides were demonstrated to have potential value in the control of the sugarcane borer. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry
The dibenzylbutyrolactolic lignan (-)-cubebin was isolated from dry seeds of Piper cubeba L (Piperaceae). (-)-Cubebin possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial activities. Doxorubicin (DXR) is a topoisomerase-interactive agent that may induce single- and double-strand breaks, intercalate into the DNA and generate oxygen free radicals. Here, we examine the mutagenicity and recombinogenicity of different concentrations of (-)-cubebin alone or in combination with DXR using standard (ST) and high bioactivation (HB) crosses of the wing Somatic Mutation And Recombination Test in Drosophila melanogaster. The results from both crosses were rather similar. (-)-Cubebin alone did not induce mutation or recombination. At lower concentrations, (-)-cubebin statistically reduced the frequencies of DXR-induced mutant spots. At higher concentrations, however, (-)-cubebin was found to potentiate the effects of DXR, leading to either an increase in the production of mutant spots or a reduction, due to toxicity. These results suggest that depending on the concentration, (-)-cubebin may interact with the enzymatic system that catalyzes the metabolic detoxification of DXR, inhibiting the activity of mitochondria! complex 1 and thereby scavenging free radicals. Recombination was found to be the major effect of the treatments with DXR alone. The combined treatments reduced DXR mutagenicity but did not affect DXR recombinogenicity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.