998 resultados para Pietro, Michele di, cardinal, 1747-1821.


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La tesi si pone come finalità quella di analizzare un comprensorio territoriale dal punto di vista insediativo, cercando di coglierne le peculiarità e i mutamenti nel lungo periodo attraverso un uso incrociato di fonti scritte e archeologiche. La ricerca ha preso avvio dall’analisi del Saltopiano, uno dei distretti di ambito rurale che si ritrova nelle fonti tra IX-XII secolo, in passato già affrontato dalla storiografia specialmente in relazione all’organizzazione istituzionale delle aree rurali tra Longobardia e Romania durante i secoli altomedievali. Attraverso l’esame delle fonti scritte edite si è cercato di ricostruire il quadro dell’organizzazione territoriale, partendo dalla disamina dei centri di potere laici ed ecclesiastici che a questa area avevano rivolto il proprio interesse patrimoniale e politico, ma proponendo in modo analitico i dati che forniscono indicazioni dirette in relazione all’organizzazione insediativa e quindi alla gestione del territorio dal punto di vista socioeconomico. E’ stato posto in risalto il carattere di un insediamento rurale a maglie larghe, secondo la scansione in fundi e la presenza di poli di accentramento importanti come pievi, castra, vici e con una compresenza, per quanto ristretta a pochi esempi significativi, di altre forme di organizzazione come la curtis e la massa. Con la prosecuzione dello studio del territorio in senso diacronico, prima la scomparsa del riferimento al Saltopiano, poi la progressiva conquista del contado da parte del Comune di Bologna ha determinato un vero e proprio mutamento nell’approccio di analisi. E’ stato dato spazio all’analisi di fondi inediti (conservati principalmente all’Archivio di Stato di Bologna) e specificamente legati alla realtà territoriale studiata. In primo luogo, sono stati esaminati gli estimi del contado (Galliera e Massumatico), una fonte già frequentata in passato da altri studiosi, soprattutto con un interesse dal punto di vista demografico e economico. Nel caso specifico, sono stati estrapolati dalle prime rilevazioni fiscali del 1235 e del 1245 e poi da quelle di primo Trecento i dati che restituiscono l’organizzazione del territorio in modo concreto. Partendo dalle riflessioni di studi svolti in passato, che avevano considerato il fondamentale inserimento di importanti famiglie cittadine nella gestione sempre più ampia dei beni agricoli nel contado è stata avviata l’analisi di un altro fondo inedito, quello dei registri del Vicariato di Galliera (in particolare quelli concernenti la denuncia dei “danni dati” sulle proprietà agricole), da cui emerge in modo evidente la presenza di famiglie come i Guastavillani, i Caccianemici, i Lambertini. Tali dati, in associazione a quelli tratti dagli estimi, hanno fornito elementi essenziali per la comprensione del territorio rurale nel suo complesso e nei rapporti di interdipendenza tra le diverse componenti sociali. Una terza parte della tesi è dedicata nella sua totalità all’analisi delle fonti materiali che forniscono dati per lo studio dell’insediamento medievale nel territorio compreso tra gli attuali comuni di S. Pietro in Casale e Galliera. Partendo da alcune ricerche preliminari compiute negli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, è stato impostato un progetto di ricerca archeologica articolatosi in due campagne di ricognizione di superficie e in una prima campagna di scavo tramite sondaggio presso la torre di Galliera, al fine di ricavare dati di prima mano in un’area pressoché inesplorata dal punto di vista archeologico. Nonostante i limiti riscontrati dal punto di vista pratico, a causa del terreno fortemente alluvionato, si sono raccolti dati specifici che aiutano a inquadrare questo comprensorio e a confrontarlo con altre aree della regione e in particolare del comitato bolognese studiate in ricerche analoghe, mettendone in evidenza le specificità e le caratterizzazioni. Inoltre, alcune importanti persistenze materiali (un sistema di torri di cui rimangono alcuni esempi ancora conservati in alzato) hanno permesso di gettare luce sul valore commerciale e quindi strategico dell’area, soprattutto in funzione del passaggio delle merci lungo una via fluviale fondamentale tra XIII-XIV secolo nel collegare Ferrara a Bologna.


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The thesis aims at inquiring into the issue of innovation and organizational and institutional change in the public administration with regard to the increasingly massive adoption of participatory devices and practices in various arenas of public policies. The field of reference regards transformations of the types of public actions and regulation systems, concerning governance. Together with the crisis of the public function and of the role played by the insitutions what is emerging are different levels of governement, both towards an over national and a local direction, and a plurality of social interlocutors, followed by a post-bureaucratic pattern of the public administration that is opening itself in the direction of environment and citizens. The public adminstration is no longer considered an inert object within the bureaucratic paradigm but as a series of communicative processes, choices, cultures and practices that actively builds itself and the environment it interacts with. Therefore, the output of the public administration isn’t the simple service being supplied but the relationship enacted with the citizen, relationship that becomes the constituent basis of adminstrative processes. The intention of thesis is to take into consideration the relation between innovation of the public administration and participatory experimentations and implementations regarded as exchanges in which citizens and the public administration hold talks and debates. The issue of the organizational change of the public administration as output and effect of inclusive deliberative practices has been analysed starting from an institutionalist approach, in other words examining the constituent features of institutions, “rediscovering” them with regard to their public nature, their ability to elaborate collective values and meanings, the social definition of problems and solutions. The participatory device employed by the Forlì city council that involved enterprises and cultural associations of the area in order to build a participatory Table, has been studied through a qualitative methodology (participant observation and semi-strutctured interviews). The analysis inquired into the public nature both of the participatory device and the administrative action itself as well as into elements pertaining the deliberative setting, the regulative reference framework and the actors which took part in the process.


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Two analytical models are proposed to describe two different mechanisms of lava tubes formation. A first model is introduced to describe the development of a solid crust in the central region of the channel, and the formation of a tube when crust widens until it reaches the leve\'es. The Newtonian assumption is considered and the steady state Navier- Stokes equation in a rectangular conduit is solved. A constant heat flux density assigned at the upper flow surface resumes the combined effects of two thermal processes: radiation and convection into the atmosphere. Advective terms are also included, by the introduction of velocity into the expression of temperature. Velocity is calculated as an average value over the channel width, so that lateral variations of temperature are neglected. As long as the upper flow surface cools, a solid layer develops, described as a plastic body, having a resistance to shear deformation. If the applied shear stress exceeds this resistance, crust breaks, otherwise, solid fragments present at the flow surface can weld together forming a continuous roof, as it happens in the sidewall flow regions. Variations of channel width, ground slope and effusion rate are analyzed, as parameters that strongly affect the shear stress values. Crust growing is favored when the channel widens, and tube formation is possible when the ground slope or the effusion rate reduce. A comparison of results is successfully made with data obtained from the analysis of pictures of actual flows. The second model describes the formation of a stable, well defined crust along both channel sides, their growing towards the center and their welding to form the tube roof. The fluid motion is described as in the model above. Thermal budget takes into account conduction into the atmosphere, and advection is included considering the velocity depending both on depth and channel width. The solidified crust has a non uniform thickness along the channel width. Stresses acting on the crust are calculated using the equations of the elastic thin plate, pinned at its ends. The model allows to calculate the distance where crust thickness is able to resist the drag of the underlying fluid and to sustain its weight by itself, and the level of the fluid can lower below the tube roof. Viscosity and thermal conductivity have been experimentally investigated through the use of a rotational viscosimeter. Analyzing samples coming from Mount Etna (2002) the following results have been obtained: the fluid is Newtonian and the thermal conductivity is constant in a range of temperature above the liquidus. For lower temperature, the fluid becomes non homogeneous, and the used experimental techniques are not able to detect any properties, because measurements are not reproducible.


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Herpes simplex virus entry into cells requires a multipartite fusion apparatus made of gD, gB and heterodimer gH/gL. gD serves as receptor-binding glycoprotein and trigger of fusion; its ectodomain is organized in a N-terminal domain carrying the receptor-binding sites, and a C-terminal domain carrying the profusion domain, required for fusion but not receptor-binding. gB and gH/gL execute fusion. To understand how the four glycoproteins cross-talk to each other we searched for biochemical defined complexes in infected and transfected cells, and in virions. We report that gD formed complexes with gB in absence of gH/gL, and with gH/gL in absence of gB. Complexes with similar composition were formed in infected and transfected cells. They were also present in virions prior to entry, and did not increase at virus fusion with cell. A panel of gD mutants enabled the preliminary location of part of the binding site in gD to gB to the aa 240-260 portion and downstream, with T306P307 as critical residues, and of the binding site to gH/gL at aa 260-310 portion, with P291P292 as critical residues. The results indicate that gD carries composite independent binding sites for gB and gH/gL, both of which partly located in the profusion domain. The second part of the project dealt with rational design of peptides inhibiting virus entry has been performed. Considering gB and gD, the crystal structure is known, so we designed peptides that dock in the structure or prevent the adoption of the final conformation of target molecule. Considering the other glycoproteins, of which the structure is not known, peptide libraries were analyzed. Among several peptides, some were identified as active, designed on glycoprotein B. Two of them were further analyzed. We identified peptide residues fundamental for the inhibiting activity, suggesting a possible mechanism of action. Furthermore, changing the flexibility of peptides, an increased activity was observed,with an EC50 under 10μM. New approaches will try to demonstrate the direct interaction between these peptides and the target glycoprotein B.