742 resultados para Photometric stereo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 361-365, 2013, Barcelona, Spain
This work presents an automatic calibration method for a vision based external underwater ground-truth positioning system. These systems are a relevant tool in benchmarking and assessing the quality of research in underwater robotics applications. A stereo vision system can in suitable environments such as test tanks or in clear water conditions provide accurate position with low cost and flexible operation. In this work we present a two step extrinsic camera parameter calibration procedure in order to reduce the setup time and provide accurate results. The proposed method uses a planar homography decomposition in order to determine the relative camera poses and the determination of vanishing points of detected lines in the image to obtain the global pose of the stereo rig in the reference frame. This method was applied to our external vision based ground-truth at the INESC TEC/Robotics test tank. Results are presented in comparison with an precise calibration performed using points obtained from an accurate 3D LIDAR modelling of the environment.
In this work we propose the development of a stereo SLS system for underwater inspection operations. We demonstrate how to perform a SLS calibration both in dry and underwater environments using two different methods. The proposed methodology is able to achieve quite accurate results, lower than 1 mm in dry environments. We also display a 3D underwater scan of a known object size, a sea scallop, where the system is able to perform a scan with a global error lower than 2% of the object size.
Os sistemas de perceção visual são das principais fontes de informação sensorial utilizadas pelos robôs autónomos, para localização e navegação em diferentes meios de operação. O objetivo passa por obter uma grande quantidade de informação sobre o ambiente que a câmara está a visualizar, processar e extrair informação que permita realizar as tarefas de uma forma e ciente. Uma informação em particular que os sistemas de visão podem fornecer, e a informação tridimensional acerca do meio envolvente. Esta informação pode ser adquirida recorrendo a sistemas de visão monoculares ou com múltiplas câmaras. Nestes sistemas a informação tridimensional pode ser obtida recorrendo a técnica de triangulação, tirando partido do conhecimento da posição relativa entre as câmaras. No entanto, para calcular as coordenadas de um ponto tridimensional no referencial da câmara e necessário existir correspondência entre pontos comuns às imagens adquiridas pelo sistema. No caso de más correspondências a informação 3D e obtida de forma incorreta. O problema associado à correspondência de pontos pode ser agravado no caso das câmaras do sistema terem características intrínsecas diferentes nomeadamente: resolução, abertura da lente, distorção. Outros fatores como as orientações e posições das câmaras também podem condicionar a correspondência de pontos. Este trabalho incide sobre problemática de correspondência de pontos existente no processo de cálculo da informação tridimensional. A presente dissertação visa o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem de correspondência de pontos para sistemas de visão no qual é conhecida a posição relativa entre câmaras.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
The photometric determination of ascorbic acid with the "E. E. L. portable colorimeter" can be carried" out rapid and conveniently using either 3% HPO3 or 0,4% (COOH) 2 as protective agent. The standards would contain from 2 to 20 micrograms of ascorbic acid per ml of metaphosphoric or oxalic acid solutions. We mix 10 ml of these solutions with 3 ml of the adequate citrate buffer solutions, and we pipet 5 ml of the resulting mixture to a matched test tube containing 5 ml of sodium - 2,6 - dichlorobenzenoneindophenol (80 mg per liter); then we shake well and after 15 seconds the extintion is read using green filter. The readings are subtracted from the blank one. Designating the differences by x and the concentrations of ascorbic acid/ml in the standards by y, we get, with the acid of the method of least squares, the following regression equations: for the metaphosphoric acid Y = 0,543x + 0,629 for the oxalic acid Y = 0,516x + 0,422, which permit, by interpolating, the determination of the ascorbic acid content in plant materials.
En este proyecto se muestran las posibilidades de la visión estéreo para la visualización en monitores tanto de objetos simples como de grandes escenarios, así como su aplicación en juegos o en otros ámbitos como el cine, la geología e incluso la medicina. Para el desarrollo se ha usado una tarjeta con soporte 3d como la Nvidia 7600GT y una pantalla con una tasa de frecuencia alta como una ACER 19 pulgadas a 100Hz. Los resultados sobre la visualización han sido extraídos de las opiniones de un grupo de 20 personas, de diversas profesiones, no relacionadas con los gráficos por ordenador.
RESUME : Bien que les propriétés physiques de la structure de l'ADN aient été intensivement étudiées pendant plus de 50 ans il y a encore beaucoup de questions importantes qui attendent des réponses. Par exemple, qu'arrive-t-il à la structure de la double hélice d'ADN nue (sans protéines liées) lorsqu'elle est fortement courbée, de la même manière que dans les nucléosomes? Cet ADN nu est-il facilement plié (il reste dans le régime élastique) ou réduit-il la contrainte de flexion en formant des sites hyperflexibles «kinks» (il sort du régime élastique en cassant l'empilement des paires de bases à certains endroits) ? La microscopie électronique peut fournir une réponse à cette question par visualisation directe des minicercles d'ADN de la longueur d'un tour de nucléosome (environ 90 paires de bases). Pour que la réponse soit scientifiquement valide, on doit observer les molécules d'ADN lorsqu'elles sont en suspension dans la solution d'intérêt et sans que des colorations, produits chimiques ou fixatifs n'aient été ajoutés, étant donné que ceux-ci peuvent changer les propriétés de l'ADN. La technique de la cryo-microscopie électronique (cryo-EM) développée par le groupe de Jacques Dubochet au début des années 80, permet la visualisation directe des molécules d'ADN suspendues dans des couche minces vitrifiées de solutions aqueuses. Toutefois, le faible contraste qui caractérise la cryo-EM combinée avec la très petite taille des minicercles d'ADN rendent nécessaire l'optimisation de plusieurs étapes, aussi bien dans la préparation des échantillons que dans le processus d'acquisition d'images afin d'obtenir deux clichés stéréo qui permettent la reconstruction 3-D des minicercles d'ADN. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, je décris l'optimisation de certains paramètres pour la cryoEM et des processus d'acquisition d'image utilisant comme objets de test des plasmides et d'autres molécules d'ADN. Dans la deuxième partie, je .décris comment j'ai construit les minicercles d'ADN de 94 bp et comment j'ai introduit des modifications structurelles comme des coupures ou des lacunes. Dans la troisième partie, je décris l'analyse des reconstructions des rninicercles d'ADN. Cette analyse, appuyée par des tests biochimiques, indique fortement que des molécules d'ADN sont capables de former de petites molécules circulaires de 94 bp sans dépasser les limites d'élasticité, indiquant que les minicercles adoptent une forme circulaire régulière où la flexion est redistribuée le long la molécule. ABSTRACT : Although physical properties of DNA structure have been intensively studied for over 50 years there are still many important questions that need to be answered. For example, what happens to protein-free double-stranded DNA when it is strongly bent, as in DNA forming nucleosomes? Is such protein-free DNA smoothly bent (i.e. it remains within elastic limits of DNA rigidity) or does it release its bending stress by forming sharp kinks (i.e. it exits the elastic regime and breaks the stacking between neighbouring base-pairs in localized regions)? Electron microscopy can provide an answer to this question by directly visualizing DNA minicircles that have the size of nucleosome gyres (ca 90 bp). For the answer to be scientifically valid, one needs to observe DNA molecules while they are still suspended in the solution of interest and no staining chemicals or fixatives have been added since these can change the properties of the DNA. CryoEM techniques developed by Jacques Dubochet's group beginning in the 1980's permit direct visualization of DNA molecules suspended in cryo-vitrified layers of aqueous solutions. However, a relatively weak contrast of cryo-EM preparations combined with the very small size of the DNA minicircles made it necessary to optimize many of the steps and parameters of the cryo-EM specimen preparation and image acquisition processes in order to obtain stereo-pairs of images that permit the 3-D reconstruction of the observed DNA minicircles. In the first part of my thesis I describe the optimization of the cryo-EM preparation and the image acquisition processes using plasmid size DNA molecules as a test object. In the second part, I describe how I formed the 94 by DNA minicircles and how I introduced structural modifications like nicks or gaps. In the third part, I describe the cryo-EM analysis of the constructed DNA minicircles. That analysis, supported by biochemical tests, strongly indicates that DNA minicircles as small as 94 by remain within the elastic limits of DNA structure, i.e. the minicircles adopt a regular circular shape where bending is redistributed along the molecules.
Detecting changes between images of the same scene taken at different times is of great interest for monitoring and understanding the environment. It is widely used for on-land application but suffers from different constraints. Unfortunately, Change detection algorithms require highly accurate geometric and photometric registration. This requirement has precluded their use in underwater imagery in the past. In this paper, the change detection techniques available nowadays for on-land application were analyzed and a method to automatically detect the changes in sequences of underwater images is proposed. Target application scenarios are habitat restoration sites, or area monitoring after sudden impacts from hurricanes or ship groundings. The method is based on the creation of a 3D terrain model from one image sequence over an area of interest. This model allows for synthesizing textured views that correspond to the same viewpoints of a second image sequence. The generated views are photometrically matched and corrected against the corresponding frames from the second sequence. Standard change detection techniques are then applied to find areas of difference. Additionally, the paper shows that it is possible to detect false positives, resulting from non-rigid objects, by applying the same change detection method to the first sequence exclusively. The developed method was able to correctly find the changes between two challenging sequences of images from a coral reef taken one year apart and acquired with two different cameras
Omnidirectional cameras offer a much wider field of view than the perspective ones and alleviate the problems due to occlusions. However, both types of cameras suffer from the lack of depth perception. A practical method for obtaining depth in computer vision is to project a known structured light pattern on the scene avoiding the problems and costs involved by stereo vision. This paper is focused on the idea of combining omnidirectional vision and structured light with the aim to provide 3D information about the scene. The resulting sensor is formed by a single catadioptric camera and an omnidirectional light projector. It is also discussed how this sensor can be used in robot navigation applications
The absolute necessity of obtaining 3D information of structured and unknown environments in autonomous navigation reduce considerably the set of sensors that can be used. The necessity to know, at each time, the position of the mobile robot with respect to the scene is indispensable. Furthermore, this information must be obtained in the least computing time. Stereo vision is an attractive and widely used method, but, it is rather limited to make fast 3D surface maps, due to the correspondence problem. The spatial and temporal correspondence among images can be alleviated using a method based on structured light. This relationship can be directly found codifying the projected light; then each imaged region of the projected pattern carries the needed information to solve the correspondence problem. We present the most significant techniques, used in recent years, concerning the coded structured light method
RESUME Introduction : Dans le coeur adulte, l'ischémie et la reperfusion entraînent des perturbations électriques, mécaniques, biochimiques et structurales qui peuvent causer des dommages réversibles ou irréversibles selon la sévérité de l'ischémie. Malgré les récents progrès en cardiologie et en chirurgie foetales, la connaissance des mécanismes impliqués dans la réponse du myocarde embryonnaire à un stress hypoxique transitoire demeure lacunaire. Le but de ce travail a donc été de caractériser les effets chrono-, dromo- et inotropes de l'anoxie et de la réoxygénation sur un modèle de coeur embryonnaire isolé. D'autre part, les effets du monoxyde d'azote (NO) et de la modulation des canaux KATP mitochondriaux (mito KATP) sur la récupération fonctionnelle postanoxique ont été étudiés. La production myocardique de radicaux d'oxygène (ROS) et l'activité de MAP Kinases (ERK et JNK) impliquées dans la signalisation cellulaire ont également été déterminées. Méthodes : Des coeurs d'embryons de poulet âgés de 4 jours battant spontanément ont été placés dans une chambre de culture puis soumis à une anoxie de 30 min suivie d'une réoxygénation de 60 min. L'activité électrique (ECG), les contractions de l'oreillette, du ventricule et du conotroncus (détectées par photométrie), la production de ROS (mesure de la fluorescence du DCFH) et l'activité kinase de ERK et JNK dans le ventricule ont été déterminées au cours de l'anoxie et de la réoxygénation. Les coeurs ont été traités avec un bloqueur des NO synthases (L-NAME), un donneur de NO (DETA-NONOate), un activateur (diazoxide) ou un inhibiteur (5-HD) des canaux mitoKATP un inhibiteur non-spécifique des PKC (chélérythrine) ou un piégeur de ROS (MPG). Résultats : L'anoxie et la réoxygénation entraînaient des arythmies (essentiellement d'origine auriculaire) semblables à celles observées chez l'adulte, des troubles de la conduction (blocs auriculo-ventriculaires de 1er, 2ème et 3ème degré) et un ralentissement marqué du couplage excitation-contraction (E-C) ventriculaire. En plus de ces arythmies, la réoxygénation déclenchait le phénomène de Wenckelbach, de rares échappements ventriculaires et une sidération myocardique. Aucune fibrillation, conduction rétrograde ou activité ectopique n'ont été observées. Le NO exogène améliorait la récupération postanoxique du couplage E-C ventriculaire alors que L'inhibition des NOS la ralentissait. L'activation des canaux mito KATP augmentait la production mitochondriale de ROS à la réoxygénation et accélérait la récupération de la conduction (intervalle PR) et du couplage E-C ventriculaire. La protection de ce couplage était abolie par le MPG, la chélérythrine ou le L-NAME. Les fonctions électrique et contractile de tous les coeurs récupéraient après 30-40 min de réoxygénation. L'activité de ERK et de JNK n'était pas modifiée par L'anoxie, mais doublait et quadruplait, respectivement, après 30 min de réoxygénation. Seule l'activité de JNK était diminuée (-60%) par l'activation des canaux mitoKATP. Cet effet inhibiteur était partiellement abolit par le 5-HD. Conclusion: Dans le coeur immature, le couplage E-C ventriculaire semble être un paramètre particulièrement sensible aux conditions d'oxygénation. Sa récupération postanoxique est améliorée par l'ouverture des canaux mitoKATP via une signalisation impliquant les ROS Ies PKC et le NO. Une réduction de l'activité de JNK semble également participer à cette protection. Nos résultats suggèrent que les mitochondries jouent un rôle central dans la modulation des voies de signalisation cellulaire, en particulier lorsque les conditions métaboliques deviennent défavorables. Le coeur embryonnaire isolé représente donc un modèle expérimental utile pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes associés à une hypoxie in utero et pour améliorer les stratégies thérapeutiques en cardiologie et chirurgie foetales. ABSTRACT Physiopathology of the anoxic-reoxygenated embryonic heart: Protective role of NO and KATP channel Aim: In the adult heart, the electrical, mechanical, biochemical and structural disturbances induced by ischemia and reperfusion lead to reversible or irreversible damages depending on the severity and duration of ischemia. In spite of recent advances in fetal cardiology and surgery, little is known regarding the cellular mechanisms involved in hypoxia-induced dysfunction in the developing heart. The aim of this study was to precisely characterize the chrono-, dromo- and inotropic disturbances associated with anoxia-reoxygenation in an embryonic heart model. Furthermore, the roles that nitric oxide (NO), reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial KATP, (mito KATP) channel and MAP Kinases could play in the stressed developing heart have been investigated. Methods: Embryonic chick hearts (4-day-old) were isolated and submitted in vitro to 30 min anoxia followed by 60 min reoxygenation. Electrical (ECG) and contractile activities of atria, ventricle and conotruncus (photometric detection), ROS production (DCFH fluorescence) and ERK and JNK activity were determined in the ventricle throughout anoxia-reoxygenation. Hearts were treated with NO synthase inhibitor (L-NAME), NO donor (DETA-NONOate), mitoKATP channel opener (diazoxide) or blocket (5-HD), PKC inhibitor (chelerythrine) and ROS scavenger (MPG). Results: Anoxia and reoxygenation provoked arrhythxnias (mainly originating from atrial region), troubles of conduction (st, 2nd, and 3rd degree atrio-ventricular blocks) and disturbances of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling. In addition to these types of arrhythmias, reoxygenation triggered Wenckebach phenomenon and rare ventricular escape beats. No fibrillations, no ventricular ectopic beats and no electromechanical dissociation were observed. Myocardial stunning was observed during the first 30 min of reoxygenation. All hearts fully recovered their electrical and mechanical functions after 30-40 min of reoxygenation. Exogenous NO improved while NOS inhibition delayed E-C coupling recovery. Mito KATP, channel opening increased reoxygenation-induced ROS production and improved E-C coupling and conduction (PR) recovery. MPG, chelerythrine or L-NAME reversed this effect. Reoxygenation increased ERK and JNK activities land 4-fold, respectively, while anoxia had no effect. MitoKATP channel opening abolished the reoxygenation-induced activation of JNK but had no effect on ERK activity. This inhibitory effect was partly reversed by mitoKATP channel blocker but not by MPG. Conclusion: In the developing heart, ventricular E-C coupling was found to be specially sensitive to hypoxia-reoxygenation and its postanoxic recovery was improved by mitoKATP channel activation via a ROS-, PKC- and NO-dependent pathway. JNK inhibition appears to be involved in this protection. Thus, mitochondria can play a pivotal role in the cellular signalling pathways, notably under critical metabolic conditions. The model of isolated embryonic heart appears to be useful to better understand the mechanisms underlying the myocardial dysfunction induced by an in utero hypoxia and to improve therapeutic strategies in fetal cardiology and surgery.
Retinoid X Receptors (RXR) were initially identified as nuclear receptors binding with stereo-selectivity the vitamin A derivative 9-cis retinoic acid, although the relevance of this molecule as endogenous activator of RXRs is still elusive. Importantly, within the nuclear receptor superfamily, RXRs occupy a peculiar place, as they are obligatory partners for a number of other nuclear receptors, thus integrating the corresponding signaling pathways. In this chapter, we describe the structural features allowing RXR to form homo- and heterodimers, and the functional consequences of this unique ability. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of studying RXR activity at a genome-wide level in order to comprehensively address the biological implications of their action that is fundamental to understand to what extent RXRs could be exploited as new therapeutic targets.
Observations of the extraordinarily bright optical afterglow (OA) of GRB 991208 started 2.1 d after the event. The flux decay constant of the OA in the R-band is -2.30 +/- 0.07 up to 5 d, which is very likely due to the jet effect, and after that it is followed by a much steeper decay with constant -3.2 +/- 0.2, the fastest one ever seen in a GRB OA. A negative detection in several all-sky films taken simultaneously to the event implies either a previous additional break prior to 2 d after the occurrence of the GRB (as expected from the jet effect). The existence of a second break might indicate a steepening in the electron spectrum or the superposition of two events. Once the afterglow emission vanished, contribution of a bright underlying SN is found, but the light curve is not sufficiently well sampled to rule out a dust echo explanation. Our determination of z = 0.706 indicates that GRB 991208 is at 3.7 Gpc, implying an isotropic energy release of 1.15 x 10E53 erg which may be relaxed by beaming by a factor > 100. Precise astrometry indicates that the GRB coincides within 0.2' with the host galaxy, thus given support to a massive star origin. The absolute magnitude is M_B = -18.2, well below the knee of the galaxy luminosity function and we derive a star-forming rate of 11.5 +/- 7.1 Mo/yr. The quasi-simultaneous broad-band photometric spectral energy distribution of the afterglow is determined 3.5 day after the burst (Dec 12.0) implying a cooling frequency below the optical band, i.e. supporting a jet model with p = -2.30 as the index of the power-law electron distribution.
Johnson CCD photometry was performed in the two subgroups of the association Cepheus OB3, for selected fields each containing at least one star with previous UBV photoelectric photometry. Photometry for about 1000 stars down to visual magnitude 21 is provided, although the completeness tests show that the sample is complete down to V=19mag. Individual errors were assigned to the magnitude and colours for each star. Colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams are shown. Astrometric positions of the stars are also given. Description of the reduction procedure is fully detailed.