1000 resultados para Periglacial
Palaeoecological investigations in the larch forest-tundra ecotone in northern Siberia have the potential to reveal Holocene environmental variations, which likely have consequences for global climate change because of the strong high-latitude feedback mechanisms. A sediment core, collected from a small lake (radius ~100 m), was used to reconstruct the development of the lake and its catchment as well as vegetation and summer temperatures over the last 7100 calibrated years. A multi-proxy approach was taken including pollen and sedimentological analyses. Our data indicate a gradual replacement of open larch forests by tundra with scattered single trees as found today in the vicinity of the lake. An overall trend of cooling summer temperature from a ~2 °C warmer-than-present mid-Holocene summer temperatures until the establishment of modern conditions around 3000 years ago is reconstructed based on a regional pollen-climate transfer function. The inference of regional vegetation changes was compared to local changes in the lake's catchment. An initial small water depression occurred from 7100 to 6500 cal years BP. Afterwards, a small lake formed and deepened, probably due to thermokarst processes. Although the general trends of local and regional environmental change match, the lake catchment changes show higher variability. Furthermore, changes in the lake catchment slightly precede those in the regional vegetation. Both proxies highlight that marked environmental changes occurred in the Siberian forest-tundra ecotone over the course of the Holocene.
In the neighbourhood of Oobloyah Bay various phenomena ean be eneountered whieh point to a ularge-seale uplift of shorelines, i.e. to an emergence of 200 m. Delta terraces, deltaic fan terraces and glacio-marine sands are regarded by the author as being the most reliable evidence of this. The marine limit documented by glacio-marine sand is to be found at ~170 m a.s.l. Hints of ancient shorelines located at a higher level exist only in the shape of badly preserved raised beaches. They were classified as less reliable records of past sea-levels, due to the lack of marine fossils and/or drift wood, and furthermore because those forms had been strongly influenced by periglacial processes. Deltaic deposits are of more importance in this context. The glacio-marine deltaic sands of several terrace levels contain terrestrial plant remnants which delivered C14dates. Using these dates und the relative elevations of terraces the emergenee of the area investigated could be recorded. This occured in a series of phases (and steps) which were summarized into two periods: an early period of emergenee which took place from at least 25 300 years B.P. to later than 17 340 years B.P. and a later one from at least 12 870 years B.P. up to the present day. The emergence seems to represent a discontinuous but regular sequence of relative sea level movements without intermittent submergence. Since the deltaic fans of the early emergence period were accumulated by sediments through glacio-fluvial channels of an adjacent glacier body the appropriate location of this glacial stage for one of the glaciers delivering meltwater (Nukapingwa Glacier) could be reconstructed. This stage of the glacier appears to belong to a retreating phase of the Mid-Wisconsin (?). The later period of emergence resulted in six rather glacio-marine delta terrace generations at the mouths of the main rivers with glaciofluvial regimen debouching into the Oobloyah Bay. A connection of this emergence with the glacial history of the field area is discussed. If one may rely on the age determinations of land derived plant fossils and their application for the climatic history of the area investigated, it must be concluded that the Heidelberg Valley, to a large extent, was alreaely deglaciated 25 000 years ago. The existence of a "Cockburn"-Phase in the sense of a major readvanee in Late Wisconsin times appears to be doubtful, or has been developed rather weakly.