916 resultados para Percepção e interpretação ambiental
This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.
This thesis proposes environmental education as a strategy for the inclusion of sustainability in the academic education of higher level. The dentistry course has been the object of study, which is justified by the recognition of the need for reflection on environmental issues in the dental academia, initially based on professional experience of the author as a dental surgeon. The aim of this study is to investigate the scientific production of dentistry and its content related to environmental issues, in addition to expanding discussions and reflections on the need to insert environmental education as academic content. With the specific purpose of verifying the amount and analyze the content of scientific articles involving issues related to sustainability in dentistry, Chapter 01 presents research in leading journals portals available on the internet. Works were surveyed where sustainability and related issues were present and placed in a theoretical framework that analyzes the dental service inclusion in the dominant economic model. These procedures are intended to prove the hypothesis that the dental profession does not produce significant scientific content that relates the profession to the environment and sustainability. A literature review was conducted with the statement of dentistry changes from its origins to the front position to the dominant development model and exemplification of the deleterious effects of this model on the environment. In addition, there was a scientific research in journals portals available on the internet and investigated the amount and content of scientific articles involving issues related to sustainability in dentistry. Chapter 02 has the specific purpose of providing content to expand discussions and reflections on the need to insert environmental education in undergraduate courses in dentistry, such as insertion strategy into a new development model guided by sustainability. In this, students questionnaires were given the 8th dentistry course of the period the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), to be understood environmental perception of learners and were obtained grants for proof of the thesis that environmental education applied dentistry has the potential to make people aware and willing to act practicing and propagating sustainability in their conduct. The overall results indicate little scientific production, as the research and work that relates to dentistry to sustainability and the issues related to the environment have not significantly been present in the syllabus of the undergraduate courses in dentistry, despite the interest shown by survey respondents When such issues are addressed. In this context, it is proposed fostering actions to environmental education, so that dental professionals are engaged in the construction of a new development model based on sustainability, as despite the environmental theme seems to be little explored in the academic and scientific world of dentistry, there interest from students and great potential multiplier for appropriate environmental behavior. After proving the hypothesis that the environment-related content are poorly explored in the academic and scientific world of dentistry, the main conclusions were recognizing the importance of environmental education as an interdisciplinary tool for environmental thematic approach in undergraduate courses dentistry, in addition to implementing this new pedagogical proposal in the professional practice of dentists, given their potential multiplier for environmental knowledge.
In the social-historical moment we live in, it is each time more evident the necessity of the people to learn to deal with the environment in conscientious way, taking care of themselves properly through it. In this direction, considering the school as a place where children, young and adolescents spend great part of their time, this work had as objective to examine the perception of school environment for students, professors and employees of two schools in João Pessoa city - Centro Estadual Experimental de Ensino-Aprendizagem Sesquicentenário and Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Presidente Emílio Garrastazu Médici (Experimental State Center of Learning-teaching Sesquicentenário and Basic and High State School Education Emilio Garrastazu Médici President). From the presupposed that the environments in which and with which people live reflect their daily practices, the field work searched to identify the social-environmental practices that characterize the relation of these users with the school and, from this understanding, to infer some of their concerns regarding the environment as a whole. To analyze the use of the available physical space in the two institutions it was opted the use of the After-Occupation Evaluation, one of the approaches that feed the process of building production or built set, rescuing aspects related to its use, operation and maintenance. Besides analyzing diverse school environments (such as classroom circulations/accesses, library, pedagogical and sportive spaces) in relation to the environmental comfort and the perceptions of the main users of the schools (pupils, professors and employees), the dissertation tried to inquire the care (ambient education) of these users with the school space. In general, it was verified that the two schools have evaluations and perceptions really different for four reasons: (i) management of the schools; (ii) the users perception; (III) localization of schools and (IV) feeling of place, territoriality and appropriation
The search for a sustainable urban mobility, has recast the public policy of transport and movement for all, in order to contribute to the welfare economic, social and environmental. Within this context, has as its main objective review here in the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande Norte, the deployment of the new road infrastructure of the transport corridor of Bernardo Vieira Avenue and checking at least with regard to urban areas and environmental chosen here, as will indicators to assess sustainable urban mobility, that the theory has been well constructed, but in practice little way to apply the proposed guidelines for sustainability. To achieve this result, is initially a literature review with the principal investigators of the matter, since the concepts of indicators of sustainable urban mobility. And a second time, participating in to the case study, using the methodology of environmental awareness, through analysis photographs, notes and testimony in the study area ace to reach conclusions
This research analyzes the actual Historic-Architectural Heritage of Assú City which is located in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, the study is based on both Assú s residents perception and technician s viewpoint. It looks forward to expose this community s relationship with the existing number of historic buildings, the scale of people s identity to the place and the association of this perception toward the preservation and conservation s scale of the historic settlement. Since the contextualization of the degradation s process of central areas, the study draw nea initially the conceptual aspects, focusing on the debate about heritage and the preservationist practice. The work complements the discussion through an approach on people-environment relationship and environmental perception, considering relevant factors for planning process. The obtained and presented data had diagnosed the condition of the architectural pile and also allowed this work to formulate recommendations for the studied area and architectural set in order to contribute for future urban politics implementation that consider the building, which are not only important to the considered population, but to the Rio Grande do Norte s History, as well
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
O presente trabalho está vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental - PPGEA/FURG e tem como tema a Educação Ambiental, a Educação Física e os Jogos Cooperativos no contexto escolar, com o objetivo de repensar a prática de Educação Física na escola a partir do desenvolvimento dos jogos cooperativos. A Educação Física é uma disciplina inserida no espaço escolar caracterizada pela presença dos esportes competitivos como conteúdo dominante e a Educação Ambiental é uma prática social que considera outros modos de constituição de relações sociais que estejam para além da lógica perspectivada pelo capitalismo e tão presente na prática dos jogos competitivos realizada nas aulas de Educação Física. A pesquisa insere-se numa perspectiva qualitativa tendo como suporte metodológico a pesquisa-ação. Ocorreu na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Mate Amargo, onde a pesquisadora possui vínculo. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os alunos de uma turma da referida escola e a partir do questionamento ?quais os significados atribuídos aos jogos cooperativos pelos estudantes da turma 71 - sétima série (no ano de 2012 e oitava série em 2013) da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Mate Amargo, desenvolveu-se esta pesquisa. A produção dos dados ocorreu por meio da proposição de jogos cooperativos e semi-cooperativos com registros escritos dos sujeitos da pesquisa após as vivências, escrita no diário de campo da pesquisadora e a produção de uma história das aulas de Educação Física realizada pelos referidos alunos. Como instrumento de análise foi utilizado a análise textual discursiva (ATD) proposta por Moraes e Galliazzi (2007) o qual se constitui por diversas etapas num movimento recursivo de compreensão do fenômeno investigado. A partir dos dados analisados emergiram duas categorias de análise: a primeira intitula-se ?Jogos e suas múltiplas faces: o resgate do lúdico? onde foi possível analisar as percepções dos alunos diante de tais jogos, os sentimentos que surgiram, suas opiniões e aprendizados. Evidenciouse ainda o potencial lúdico existente nestes jogos propostos. A segunda denomina-se "Entre a competição e a cooperação", e são expressas suas percepções acerca destes dois elementos no jogo, demonstrando que em alguns momentos a competição se evidencia revelando talvez, as próprias vivências dos alunos em seu cotidiano, e por vezes a cooperação se anuncia confirmando a possibilidade desses jogos em impulsionar e desenvolver sentimentos de coletividade, cooperação e sentido de grupo nos sujeitos da pesquisa permitindo o encaminhamento do significado atribuído por eles aos jogos cooperativos como atividades que propiciaram momentos de diversão e prazer, acompanhados de situações em que possibilitou o exercício da cooperação, percepção do outro e da coletividade. Como aporte teórico, deu-se ênfase a autores como Loureiro (2006; 2009), Guimarães (1995;2007), Bracht (1992;2009), Orlick (1978) Brown (2002) Brotto (2001). A pesquisa mostrou que os jogos cooperativos propiciaram a emergência de atitudes cooperativas e a percepção do outro, como também foi possível apreender pelas análises um clima de diversão e prazer sentido e expressado por eles confirmando o potencial lúdico existente nestes jogos.
A presente dissertação parte do problema sobe a possibilidade de compreender uma racionalidade não instrumental, em relação à dominação técnica e científica da natureza para pensar a Educação Ambiental. A pesquisa teve como principais objetivos compreender e interpretar a Natureza e a Educação Ambiental para alem do sentido historicamente produzido pela ciência sobre a relação homem e natureza em confronto com outras interpretações oriundas de uma visão ampliada de racionalidade. Propõe-se a desconstrução por meio de um exercício hermenêutico da concepção de natureza e forma de agir proposta pela ciência moderna como propósito de desvendar o caráter ideológico da ciência e dos múltiplos usos que carrega o conceito. A investigação permitiu identificar aspectos críticos da racionalidade que se desenvolveu no mundo ocidental e tem causado inúmeros problemas ao meio ambiente e à sobrevivência da natureza e da espécie humana. A presente Dissertação foi pensada na proposta de radicalização da ideia de compreensão como interpretação, de modo a apresentar como método de produção de conhecimento a interpretação narrativo-interpretativa proposta pela hermenêutica.
O presente estudo de caso tem como objetivo relacionar a Educação Ambiental (EA) aos aspectos multidisciplinares de conteúdos das ciências naturais, tendo por base o tema da “horta escolar” e de sua interpretação por estudantes de duas escolas da cidade do Rio Grande/RS, uma delas situada no contexto urbano, e a outra, no meio rural. Para esta análise, consideramos a Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Dr. Pedro Francisco Bertoni em Domingos Petroline e a Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Barão de Cerro Largo no bairro Centro de nossa cidade. Desse modo, realizamos um debate teórico e analítico da escola enquanto possível instrumento de aprendizagem sobre conteúdos científicos relacionados ao meio ambiente, associada a uma abordagem de natureza participativa e lúdica fundada na sensibilização dos atores envolvidos em seus respectivos cenários.Como procedimento metodológico,foi elaborado um questionário discutindo junto às escolas em reuniões agendadas anteriormente e dúvidas pertinentes às questões propostas foram esclarecidas servindo de base para investigação desta pesquisa, feita com aproximadamente vinte e seis alunos entre as duas escolas.Assim,uma parcela de estudantes de ambas as escolas foram envolvidos na coleta de um grupo de questões objetivas e descritivas relacionadas a temas ambientais do cotidiano, realizando-se posteriormente um estudo comparativo entre as respostas de cada escola considerada conforme as faixas etárias nelas existentes.De um modo geral, as manifestações textuais dos educandos foram agrupadas em diferentes eixos tematizados da seguinte forma: Agricultura Orgânica e Interdisciplinaridade/Ensino de Ciências Naturais/Meio Ambiente.Como resultados, podemos compreender que a horta escolar constitui-se numa potencial “laboratório vivo” que transcende até mesmo os domínios da sala de aula, uma vez que se revela como um sistema ecológico em que há interação dinâmica entre todos os seus elementos constitutivos observados de forma direta pelos alunos: o solo, as plantas, a atmosfera e suas relações. Neste sentido, foi possível apreender o potencial ecológico-educativo que a horta proporciona in loco aos interessados em se aprofundar nos complexos mecanismos da natureza, e assim, um melhor entendimento dos conteúdos estudados nas disciplinas de ciências naturais.
One of the biggest environmental problems of the population is the lack of sewage treatment, especially in rural communities and low-income. The development of technologies for efficient, low-cost sanitation need to be developed to meet the disadvantaged people of this basic service. This work was the implementation proposal of a technology called constructed wetlands, also known as Wastewater Treatment Plant for Roots Zone - ETEZR. The objective was to develop a non- formal environmental education proposal for redevelopment, using outreach methods for residents and deployment of this technology ETEZR in the rural community of Cologne Grebe in Sao Jose dos Pinhais - PR. With technical support from the Paranaense Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute -EMATER and the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, 5 ETEZR were deployed in the colony through three theoretical and practical workshops, which involved total 67 people from the community 5 technicians EMATER and 13 of the Municipal Town Hall. Após4 months of implementation were carried out two collections of raw wastewater and treated to analyze physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results evaluated by chemical parameters BOD, COD, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen comparing raw and treated sewage, demonstrate that ETEZR are effective in the treatment of sewage. 5 Seasons minimum and maximum efficiency between the basic parameters analyzed were 52.2 to 95.5% for BOD; 47 to 94.5% for COD; 21.5 to 96% phosphorus; 30-98% for ammonia nitrogen. Oils and greases, and a series of solid also achieved a significant reduction in their values when comparing the raw sewage and treated sewage, and biological parameters evaluated by means of coliforms showed a reduction of 80 to 99%. With the implementation of environmental education process aimed sanitation was possible to evaluate the perception of the population to accept the environmental sanitation technology using the ETEZR, understand the needs and sanitation concepts for the community. This research evaluated the development of the methodology applied by the non-formal environmental education in order to provide subsidies for rural sanitation plan process for the municipality.
A pesquisa trás como estudo, investigar “As Diretrizes curriculares para a Educação Ambiental Escolar na cidade de Rivera-Uruguai”; como uma temática que faz parte de meu quefazer pedagógico como docente na rede pública escolar do município de Rivera. Neste sentido, buscando um maior esclarecimento e compreensão de como vem sendo desenvolvida as ações de Educação Ambiental nas escolas públicas riverenses, faz-se necessário realizar uma analise detalhada sobre as diretrizes curriculares uruguaia, e da Educação Ambiental no currículo de educação escolar do Uruguai. E para verificar como estas diretrizes curriculares, e a Educação Ambiental, materializam-se no âmbito da rede pública de ensino escolar riverense; foi importante conhecer a opinião dos educadores riverenses a cerca dos conteúdos destas diretrizes curriculares e da Educação Ambiental; assim como, as estratégias e metodologias utilizadas por estes educadores para viabilizar a tranversalidade da Educação Ambiental nas ações escolares. E o material coletado, e analisado a partir dos princípios da Educação Ambiental na PNEA brasileira, e de alguns pensadores que vem ao encontro deste eixo temático. Nesse âmbito, para se poder obter um maior esclarecimento acerca das ações de Educação Ambiental realizadas no âmbito escolar riverense, utiliza-se como procedimento metodológico a pesquisa qualitativa, com a entrevista semi-estruturada com questionário aberto, realizada aos coordenadores do Departamento do Meio Ambiente a nível nacional e local, e a quatro educadores da rede pública escolar riverense. A análise e interpretação dos dados coletados nos mostram, que apesar de que Educação Ambiental esteja contemplada no currículo escolar como linha transversal, perpassando todas as áreas e campos disciplinares que constitui o programa de educação escolar, nos parâmetros atuais em que se encontra o sistema de ensino uruguaio, fica claro de que a Educação Ambiental remete-se apenas ao ponto de vista ecológico, totalmente desconexa da realidade objetiva e material dos seus sujeitos.
In the social-historical moment we live in, it is each time more evident the necessity of the people to learn to deal with the environment in conscientious way, taking care of themselves properly through it. In this direction, considering the school as a place where children, young and adolescents spend great part of their time, this work had as objective to examine the perception of school environment for students, professors and employees of two schools in João Pessoa city - Centro Estadual Experimental de Ensino-Aprendizagem Sesquicentenário and Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Presidente Emílio Garrastazu Médici (Experimental State Center of Learning-teaching Sesquicentenário and Basic and High State School Education Emilio Garrastazu Médici President). From the presupposed that the environments in which and with which people live reflect their daily practices, the field work searched to identify the social-environmental practices that characterize the relation of these users with the school and, from this understanding, to infer some of their concerns regarding the environment as a whole. To analyze the use of the available physical space in the two institutions it was opted the use of the After-Occupation Evaluation, one of the approaches that feed the process of building production or built set, rescuing aspects related to its use, operation and maintenance. Besides analyzing diverse school environments (such as classroom circulations/accesses, library, pedagogical and sportive spaces) in relation to the environmental comfort and the perceptions of the main users of the schools (pupils, professors and employees), the dissertation tried to inquire the care (ambient education) of these users with the school space. In general, it was verified that the two schools have evaluations and perceptions really different for four reasons: (i) management of the schools; (ii) the users perception; (III) localization of schools and (IV) feeling of place, territoriality and appropriation
The search for a sustainable urban mobility, has recast the public policy of transport and movement for all, in order to contribute to the welfare economic, social and environmental. Within this context, has as its main objective review here in the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande Norte, the deployment of the new road infrastructure of the transport corridor of Bernardo Vieira Avenue and checking at least with regard to urban areas and environmental chosen here, as will indicators to assess sustainable urban mobility, that the theory has been well constructed, but in practice little way to apply the proposed guidelines for sustainability. To achieve this result, is initially a literature review with the principal investigators of the matter, since the concepts of indicators of sustainable urban mobility. And a second time, participating in to the case study, using the methodology of environmental awareness, through analysis photographs, notes and testimony in the study area ace to reach conclusions
This research analyzes the actual Historic-Architectural Heritage of Assú City which is located in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, the study is based on both Assú s residents perception and technician s viewpoint. It looks forward to expose this community s relationship with the existing number of historic buildings, the scale of people s identity to the place and the association of this perception toward the preservation and conservation s scale of the historic settlement. Since the contextualization of the degradation s process of central areas, the study draw nea initially the conceptual aspects, focusing on the debate about heritage and the preservationist practice. The work complements the discussion through an approach on people-environment relationship and environmental perception, considering relevant factors for planning process. The obtained and presented data had diagnosed the condition of the architectural pile and also allowed this work to formulate recommendations for the studied area and architectural set in order to contribute for future urban politics implementation that consider the building, which are not only important to the considered population, but to the Rio Grande do Norte s History, as well
Desde 2006 a parceria entre Embrapa Meio Ambiente, Prefeitura de Atibaia e a Associação dos produtores de morangos e hortifrutigranjeiros de Atibaia, Jarinu e Região busca a fixação do homem no campo e no mercado por meio de produção integrada de morango (PIMo) a partir da qual gera toda uma rastreabilidade garantindo ganhos de produtividade e redução do custo de produção, sendo que a redução do uso de agrotóxico possibilita menor contaminação do ambiente, do trabalhador e do consumidor, com a produção de alimento mais seguro. Para isso a educação ambiental num processo contínuo de diálogo entre os parceiros, desenvolveu a percepção dos produtores, numa sequencia de Ver, Julgar e Agir a realidade, que culminou na elaboração do planejamento como um processo participativo de decisão e adoção desse sistema de produção. Os documentos referentes aos períodos 2007-2008 e 2009-2010 de planejamentos estratégico, gerencial e operacional desenvolvido durante o projeto consubstanciam decisões, orientam a organização dos produtores, e o realinhamento da ação da Associação aos objetivos propostos. Num processo de melhoria contínua o planejamento das atividades do período de 2009 a 2010 demonstra a mudança de perceptivas desses produtores, agora capazes de conseguir a certificação, de comercializar um produto diferenciado, além de terem conquistado uma relação de parcerias que lhes tem garantido a continuidade do processo de implementação da PIMo na região.