890 resultados para Pedagogical praxis
Native-like use of preterit and imperfect morphology in all contexts by English learners of L2 Spanish is the exception rather than the rule, even for successful learners. Nevertheless, recent research has demonstrated that advanced English learners of L2 Spanish attain a native-like morphosyntactic competence for the preterit/imperfect contrast, as evidenced by their native-like knowledge of associated semantic entailments (Goodin-Mayeda and Rothman 2007, Montrul and Slabakova 2003, Slabakova and Montrul 2003, Rothman and Iverson 2007). In addition to an L2 disassociation of morphology and syntax (e.g., Bruhn de Garavito 2003, Lardiere 1998, 2000, 2005, Prévost and White 1999, 2000, Schwartz 2003), I hypothesize that a system of learned pedagogical rules contributes to target-deviant L2 performance in this domain through the most advanced stages of L2 acquisition via its competition with the generative system. I call this hypothesis the Competing Systems Hypothesis. To test its predictions, I compare and contrast the use of the preterit and imperfect in two production tasks by native, tutored (classroom), and naturalistic learners of L2 Spanish.
We report on use of iPads (and other IOS devices) for student fieldwork use and as electronic field notebooks and to promote active. We have used questionnaires and interviews of tutors and students to elicit their views and technology and iPad use for fieldwork. There is some reluctance for academic staff to relinquish paper notebooks for iPad use, whether in the classroom or on fieldwork, as well as use them for observational and measurement purposes. Students too are largely unaware of the potential of iPads for enhancing fieldwork. Apps can be configured for a wide variety of specific uses that make iPads useful for educational as well as social uses. Such abilities should be used to enhance existing practice as well as make new functionality. For example, for disabled students who find it difficult to use conventional note taking. iPads can be used to develop student self-directed learning and for group contributions. The technology becomes part of the students’ personal learning environments as well as at the heart of their knowledge spaces – academic and social. This blurring of boundaries is due to iPads’ usability to cultivate field use, instruction, assessment and feedback processes. iPads can become field microscopes and entries to citizen science and we see the iPad as the main ‘computing’ device for students in the near future. As part of the Bring Your Own Technology/Device (BYOD) the iPad has much to offer although, both staff and students need to be guided in the most effective use for self-directed education via development of Personal Learning Environments. A more student-oriented pedagogy is suggested to correspond to the increasing use of tablet technologies by students
This article explores the fine detail of practice by three teachers, recognised as effective teachers of literacy. All three were observed during nine literacy lessons, working with Year 2 (6/7 year olds) classes of successful inner-city primary schools in the South of England. Data collection took place in 2003, just as their schools were moving away from the early prescription of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS), and follow up visits were made in 2005. My initial interest had been in what these three teachers did with the NLS in order to motivate pupils and ensure high pupil attainment. Following observations, interviews and coding of teacher-pupil interaction, it became clear that The NLS Framework for Teaching (DfES, 2001) was not the driver of their success but a valuable vehicle for subtle and intuitive teacher behaviours that grew from a detailed understanding of how children develop as readers and writers. Implications for training student teachers to marry theoretical understanding with the expectations of a prescribed curriculum for literacy are discussed.
The ubiquity and power of personal digital devices make them attractive tools for STEM instructors who would like to stimulate active learning. These devices offer both abundant pedagogical opportunities and worrisome challenges. We will discuss our two years of experience in using mobile devices to teach biology in a community college setting, as well as our observations on the best ways to organize digital-based activities to facilitate student active learning.
Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning och på vilket sätt lärarens undervisningspraxis styr gymnasieelevers syn på historieämnet. I samband med att vedertagna uppfattningar om kunskap och kunskapsöverföring har utmanats inom pedagogisk forskning, har historieämnet alltmer kommit att definieras som ett instrument för självinsikt och förståelse för omvärlden. Den förändrade historiesynen medför nya typer av undervisningspraxis bland enskilda lärare, där till exempel kronologi och kanon får stå tillbaka för bland annat tematisk fördjupning och flerperspektivism.Undersökningen består av intervjuer med två gymnasieklasser och deras gymnasielärare. I intervjuerna fick lärarna och eleverna var för sig definiera momentet utifrån vad det handlade om, vilka målsättningar man haft, hur undervisningen gått till och vad övningarna syftat till.Resultaten visar att lärarnas respektive historiesyn och undervisningspraxis i mycket stor utsträckning präglar elevers perception av historieämnet. Elevernas normer och målsättningar i relation till historieundervisningen följde respektive lärares undervisningspraxis, utan att andra faktorer, som läromedel, i nämnvärd utsträckning spelade in. Läraren framstår därmed som den klart viktigaste auktoriteten för elevernas förståelse av historieämnet.
The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the research project progress in “the mapping of pedagogical methods in web-based language teaching" by Högskolan Dalarna (Dalarna University). This project will identify the differences in pedagogical methods that are used for online language classes. The pedagogical method defined in this project is what the teachers do to ensure students attain the learning outcomes, for example, planning, designing courses, leading students, knowing students' abilities, implementing activities, etc. So far the members of this project have analyzed the course plans (in the language department at Dalarna University) and categorized the learning outcomes. A questionnaire was constructed based on the learning outcomes and then either sent out remotely to teachers or completed face to face through interviews. The answers provided to the questionnaires enabled the project to identify many differences in how language teachers interact with their students but also, the way of giving feedback, motivating and helping students, types of class activities and materials used. This presentation introduces the progress of the project and identifies the challenges at the language department at Dalarna University. Finally, the advantages and problems of online language proficiency courses will be discussed and suggestions made for future improvement.
Die vorliegende Magisterarbeit ist die direkte Fortsetzung der Studie Die didaktische Umsetzung von Märchen – eine Literaturstudie. Hierbei handelt es sich in beiden Fällen an im Rahmen des Ämneslärarprogrammes an Högskolan Dalarna verfasste Examensarbeiten. Diese hier präsentierte Studie untersucht inwieweit die innerhalb der Forschung gepriesenen Märchentexte tatsächlich von Lehrkräften an den schwedischen Schulen und im Bereich des DaFUnterrichtes didaktisch umgesetzt werden. Mit Hilfe einer Unterrichtseinheit mit dem Thema „Märchen“ auf dem Gymnasium sowie einer unter Lehrkräften durchgeführten Umfrage betreffend deren Verwendung von Märchen im DaF-Unterricht konnte konstatiert werden, dass die im Literaturkanon stiefmütterlich behandelten Märchen mit Hilfe der meisten der befragten Pädagogen einen Weg in die Klassenzimmer gefunden haben. Die am Unterricht teilgenommenen Lernenden konnten gleichzeitig bestätigen, dass eine solche didaktische Umsetzung nicht nur Freude bereiten, sondern ebenfalls die Lernbereitschaft steigern und damit auch das Wissen erweitern kann.
This paper presents a research project that is being conducted at Dalarna University in Sweden. The aim is to study the following: 1) The quality of online language education compared with that of campus education, and 2) Advantages and disadvantages of online language education and how the disadvantages might be overcome. The project consists of two parts: pedagogical methods in online language education from the teachers’ point of view and from the students’ point of view. The first part was conducted in 2012 and various characteristics (benefits and difficulties) of online language education were identified. Flexibility and wider opportunities were general benefits, while lack of physical co-presence, difficulty in having lively debates/discussions, and high dropout rates were among the problems. The second part of the project (being conducted in 2014) aims to investigate how students experience online language learning. The goal is to explore alignments and misalignments between teachers’ perspectives and students’ perspectives, and to develop methods to enhance the quality of online education.
This work proposes an animated pedagogical agent that has the role of providing emotional support to the student: motivating and encouraging him, making him believe in his self-ability, and promoting a positive mood in him, which fosters learning. This careful support of the agent, its affective tactics, is expressed through emotional behaviour and encouragement messages of the lifelike character. Due to human social tendency of anthropomorphising software, we believe that a software agent can accomplish this affective role. In order to choose the adequate affective tactics, the agent should also know the student’s emotions. The proposed agent recognises the student’s emotions: joy/distress, satisfaction/disappointment, anger/gratitude, and shame, from the student’s observable behaviour, i. e. his actions in the interface of the educational system. The inference of emotions is psychologically grounded on the cognitive theory of emotions. More specifically, we use the OCC model which is based on the cognitive approach of emotion and can be computationally implemented. Due to the dynamic nature of the student’s affective information, we adopted a BDI approach to implement the affective user model and the affective diagnosis. Besides, in our work we profit from the reasoning capacity of the BDI approach in order for the agent to deduce the student’s appraisal, which allows it to infer the student’s emotions. As a case study, the proposed agent is implemented as the Mediating Agent of MACES: an educational collaborative environment modelled as a multi-agent system and pedagogically based on the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky.
Esta pesquisa objetivou estudar as representações dos educadores de adultos do Paraguai, com vistas a desmistificar falsas concepções, captar o bom senso que poderá ser desenvolvido e propor alternativas que levem a mudar a realidade. Iniciou-se com uma análise histórica da realidade paraguaia para chegar-se à conjuntura atual, aprofundando a reflexâo sobre a práxis educativa do educador de adultos do pais. No que se refere aos pressupostos metodológicos, considerou-se a educação inserida na sociedade, como totalidade concreta e unidade contraditória, cujo conhecimento, possivel apenas mediante a analise do movimento do concreto real. A orientação da pesquisa foi essencialmente qualitativa, adotando-se a observação participante, além de questionário aberto e entrevistas.
Os museus são organizações que se encontram em crise e a museologia procura redefini-los a partir de sua função social democratizante por meio da cultura. Eles deixam para trás a noção de templos e coleções de objetos para assumirem um papel que modifica a sociedade e a própria estrutura das cidades, sem uma teoria que contemple esse novo papel. Suplantar as contradições existentes é o novo objetivo social dessas organizações e sua forma de ser e agir é a principal motivação deste ensaio que tem como objetivo final analisar como os museus contemporâneos podem se constituir em um local privilegiado para a práxis libertadora por meio de seu caráter pedagógico. Acreditamos que assim os museus contemporâneos podem ser “alguém” com quem a sociedade pode contar em seu processo emancipatório. Para isso o papel dessas organizações deve se transformar, assumindo um viés democrático em lugar de privilegiar questões econômicas e se constituindo em espaço privilegiado para educação libertadora. Para isso faz-se uma adaptação do método pedagógico de Paulo Freire para os museus, destacando quatro momentos principais: desvelamento do conhecimento de si e da sua realidade pelas exposições e pesquisas; crítica acerca do conhecimento desvelado; transformação do objeto em sujeito / práxis; exposição da denúncia ou do anúncio de um mundo melhor. Acredita-se que esse processo, fortemente embasado na crítica e mediado pelo amor possa delimitar o museu em seu novo papel como espaço privilegiado onde acontece parte do processo emancipatório. No entanto, os museus contemporâneos podem se constituir em um local privilegiado para a práxis libertadora por meio de seu potencial pedagógico se essas organizações mais do que aplicarem um método libertador se reformularem completamente.