306 resultados para Patron nanométrique


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Glaubt man dem päpstlichen Nuntius in der Schweiz, so war der Churer Bischof Johann VI. Flugi von Aspermont (1636–1661) alles andere als ein vorbildlicher Bischof: Er erbaue riesige Paläste, häufe für sich und seine Familie ein beträchtliches Vermögen an und betreibe Handel mit den für zukünftige Priester vorgesehenen Studienplätzen. Damit missachte er die Beschlüsse des Konzils von Trient (1545–1563), gemäss denen ein Bischof als geistlicher Oberhirte sein Handeln ausschliesslich in den Dienst der kirchlich-religiösen Erneuerung zu stellen habe. Der Beitrag argumentiert, dass die vom Nuntius kritisierten Praktiken mit einer tridentinischen Gesinnung nicht nur vereinbar waren, sondern paradoxerweise eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung für die katholische Reform im Bistum Chur darstellten. Um dies besser zu verstehen, werden diese Praktiken vor dem Hintergrund der sozialen Handlungslogiken frühneuzeitlicher Individuen beschrieben und beurteilt. Akteure wie der Churer Bischof verdankten ihre soziale Stellung einem einflussreichen Familienverband, dessen Sozial- und Ehrkapital es zu mehren galt. Soziales Prestige wiederum ermöglichte die Etablierung von Loyalitätsbeziehungen (Patron-Klient-Verhältnisse), über die sich letztlich Einfluss auf politische und kulturelle Entwicklungen nehmen liess. Fehlte, wie im Bistum Chur, die institutionelle und materielle Machtgrundlage für eine kompromisslose Durchsetzung von Reformen, so waren solche Mechanismen der gesellschaftlichen Verflechtung auch für kirchliche Akteure umso wertvoller.


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The so-called Dutch Pranketing Room of Alethea Talbot, Countess of Arundel, at Tart Hall was a site of domestic experiments, courtly splendour and global ambition. Lady Arundel, the probable author of a famous recipe book, would have used Tart Hall for cooking and experiments as well as for impressive dinner parties, and she would have used large amounts of sugar to create intricate imitations of meat and vegetables to astonish, entertain and delight her guests. Linking household practice with global trade as well as artistic creation, Lady Arundel’s banquets are situated not only between a national tradition of cooking, as it appears in Markham’s manuals, and the new possibilities the arising global trade provided, but also played with a mismatch between taste and sight. This mediating role could be compared to that played by the artists the Countess employed. Within this context it is worth noting that a series of paintings displayed in the building’s gallery showed still lifes, markets, and a cook. The inventory of Tart Hall gives an insight into the world of the widely travelled collector and patron of Van Dyck and Rubens, but raises also a number of questions. In my talk I would like to explore the Countess’ Pranketing Room as a site of mediation between alimentary and painterly experiments, considering the use of recipes, experience, invention and transformation


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The reference librarian's task is to translate the patron's question into one that can be answered with the library's resources. The first element of that task is to know what the patron wants; the second is to know what resources the library has and how to use them. Reference librarians must learn continuously throughout their careers, both because new resources become available, but also because patrons present questions requiring new resources. This article will focus on how to determine what kind of information the patron needs through the reference interview.


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Page 2 - Users tell us what they think about library service, and library director Brinley Franklin explains why he thinks the library is a good investment. Page 3 - Pulitzer Prize-winning music critic Tim Page, once the beneficiary of the library’s music collections, is now a patron of the Music & Dramatic Arts Library. Page 4 - Donors to the Libraries during FY 2004 Page 5 - Remembering Theora Whetten, long-time Friend of the Libraries; welcoming new Friends, the Class of ‘55. Page 6 - Beach Society members include the Libraries in their estate plans. Stamford honors Estelle Feinstein. Page 7 - Jack & Virginia Stephens donate a collection of Connecticut town histories.


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Este trabajo reflexiona acerca del momento constitutivo del modelo agroindustrial en Mendoza siguiendo las acciones que emprende la elite local de fines del siglo XIX para promoverlo. Basado en el planteo shumpeteriano sobre la importancia de los empresarios con respecto a la innovación para el desarrollo y el análisis de H. Nochteff sobre las carencias de políticas de ciencia y tecnología que caracterizan la economía Argentina como de adaptación tardía, se establecen una serie de diferenciaciones que colaboran a explicar el recorrido específico de la economía mendocina en su deriva pasada y actual frente el dominante patrón de acumulación nacional.


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El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar el efecto del tiempo de maceración sobre la composición tánica, el color y la astringencia de vinos Cabernet Sauvignon y Malbec, provenientes de la Zona Alta del Río Mendoza y saber qué tiempo de maceración permite una mayor expresión del color y del cuerpo del vino. A partir de dos vinificaciones industriales, se realizaron muestreos para determinar las curvas de extracción de los componentes fenólicos y del color. Además, se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos probando un tiempo de maceración corto, de 5 días, uno “clásico" en la región, de 10 días, y uno largo, de 20 días. En los vinos resultantes se determinó el perfil fenólico, discriminando los componentes tánicos y del color, durante el primer año de conservación en vasijas de vidrio. Se utilizaron técnicas de espectrometría VIS y UV y los vinos fueron evaluados por un panel de expertos degustadores. La variedad Cabernet S. siguió un patrón de extracción de antocianos y taninos durante la maceración acorde con lo que indica la bibliografía. La magnitud del color rojo alcanzó un máximo cerca del 10º día y luego sufrió una caída que, en la maceración de 20 días, significó una pérdida de alrededor de un 10%. Los taninos aumentaron rápidamente hasta el 10º día y luego continuaron creciendo muy lentamente. Los vinos Cabernet S. obtenidos con maceración de 10 días y de 20 días resultaron muy superiores en cuanto a los contenidos de antocianos, color polimérico y taninos. También provocaron sensaciones de concentración y untuosidad mayores. Además resultaron más ásperos, astringentes y secantes que los de 5 días, pero estas sensaciones fueron moderadas. Los vinos de 20 días fueron similares a los de 10 días salvo en que alcanzaron un contenido mayor de polifenoles totales y de taninos no astringentes. La variedad Malbec siguió un patrón de extracción de antocianos y taninos similar al Cabernet S. hasta el 10º día, pero luego ambos mostraron una caída pronunciada, como consecuencia de un deterioro oxidativo. La maceración de 10 días resultó óptima y los vinos se destacaron por su mayor contenido en polifenoles totales, antocianos, color polimérico y taninos. Estos atributos provocaron sensaciones de concentración y untuosidad destacadas y similares a las de los Cabernet S. de 10 y 20 días. Las sensaciones de secante, áspero y astringente fueron menores que en los Cabernet. Los Malbec de 5 días resultaron muy pobres en atributos y los de 20 días con característics intermedias entre los de 5 y los de 10 días. En ambas variedades la pérdida en los contenidos de antocianos copigmentados se acompañó de un aumento proporcional en los contenidos de antocianos polimerizados. Durante el estacionamiento todos los vinos Cabernet S. y Malbec sufrieron una degradación de polifenoles totales, antocianos y taninos. El ritmo de degradación de cada compuesto fue similar para los distintos vinos, sin importar las concentraciones iniciales del compuesto. En ambas variedades los polifenoles totales y los taninos se correlacionaron positivamente con la aspereza, la astringencia, lo secante, la untuosidad y la concentración. Lo secante se asoció negativamente con la proporción de taninos no precipitables con gelatina. La espectrometría VIS y UV, como método instrumental de análisis, resultó suficientemente potente como para permitir una la apreciación del perfil fenólico y diferenciar los vinos Cabernet S. de los Malbec, independientemente del tiempo de maceración con que fueron elaborados.


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Encuadernado con: De Panegyrica Oratione disputatio habita Mantuae : in aedibus ven. seminarii tridentini ... / ab Antonio Pinatio ... Mantuae : typis Francisci Agatii ..., 1814. Mss/681(2)


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Sign.: []1, 1-12(2), 13(3)


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Na Vila de Regência Augusta, às margens do Rio Doce no município de Linhares - ES, uma intricada dinâmica sócio-religiosa reveste de atribuições religiosas um herói cujo feito remonta os finais do século XIX. Bernardo José dos Santos, morador da vila, ficaria conhecido em âmbito nacional como o herói Caboclo Bernardo ao ser homenageado por Princesa Isabel, por realizar o salvamento de 128 dos 142 tripulantes do naufrágio do Navio de Guerra Imperial Marinheiro , próximo à foz do Rio Doce. O evento e suas conseqüências tornaram-se um marco na história da vila, inclusive o assassinato do herói nos meados da segunda década do século XX. Na continuidade narrativa, ritual e simbólica do ato heróico do Caboclo Bernardo esta investigação lança suas preocupações. Atualmente acontece na vila, todos os anos, a Festa de Caboclo Bernardo, uma festividade para onde convergem religiosos de diversas etnias tupiniquim, botocudo, negros e caboclos com o intuito de prestar homenagens ao herói na capela que leva seu nome. Neste sentido, esta etnografia pretende analisar o processo de construção da identidade étnico-religiosa na vila, pois, ele acontece concomitantemente e está umbilicalmente relacionado ao processo que eleva o herói ao patamar dos santos padroeiros das bandas de congo na região. Para isso, analisado será o contexto dramático onde a identidade da vila é construída; as confluências históricas, narrativas e simbólicas que contribuem para a atual configuração da identidade; e o contexto político-institucional organizado em torno do Caboclo Bernardo, paradigma central da construção da identidade. O método etnográfico, a antropologia interpretativa e a antropologia visual forneceram os contornos metodológicos desta investigação, que se constituiu como uma descrição densa.(AU)


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Na Vila de Regência Augusta, às margens do Rio Doce no município de Linhares - ES, uma intricada dinâmica sócio-religiosa reveste de atribuições religiosas um herói cujo feito remonta os finais do século XIX. Bernardo José dos Santos, morador da vila, ficaria conhecido em âmbito nacional como o herói Caboclo Bernardo ao ser homenageado por Princesa Isabel, por realizar o salvamento de 128 dos 142 tripulantes do naufrágio do Navio de Guerra Imperial Marinheiro , próximo à foz do Rio Doce. O evento e suas conseqüências tornaram-se um marco na história da vila, inclusive o assassinato do herói nos meados da segunda década do século XX. Na continuidade narrativa, ritual e simbólica do ato heróico do Caboclo Bernardo esta investigação lança suas preocupações. Atualmente acontece na vila, todos os anos, a Festa de Caboclo Bernardo, uma festividade para onde convergem religiosos de diversas etnias tupiniquim, botocudo, negros e caboclos com o intuito de prestar homenagens ao herói na capela que leva seu nome. Neste sentido, esta etnografia pretende analisar o processo de construção da identidade étnico-religiosa na vila, pois, ele acontece concomitantemente e está umbilicalmente relacionado ao processo que eleva o herói ao patamar dos santos padroeiros das bandas de congo na região. Para isso, analisado será o contexto dramático onde a identidade da vila é construída; as confluências históricas, narrativas e simbólicas que contribuem para a atual configuração da identidade; e o contexto político-institucional organizado em torno do Caboclo Bernardo, paradigma central da construção da identidade. O método etnográfico, a antropologia interpretativa e a antropologia visual forneceram os contornos metodológicos desta investigação, que se constituiu como uma descrição densa.(AU)


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In October 1998, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) launched a pilot project to learn about the role of public libraries in providing health information to the public and to generate information that would assist NLM and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) in learning how best to work with public libraries in the future. Three regional medical libraries (RMLs), eight resource libraries, and forty-one public libraries or library systems from nine states and the District of Columbia were selected for participation. The pilot project included an evaluation component that was carried out in parallel with project implementation. The evaluation ran through September 1999. The results of the evaluation indicated that participating public librarians were enthusiastic about the training and information materials provided as part of the project and that many public libraries used the materials and conducted their own outreach to local communities and groups. Most libraries applied the modest funds to purchase additional Internet-accessible computers and/or upgrade their health-reference materials. However, few of the participating public libraries had health information centers (although health information was perceived as a top-ten or top-five topic of interest to patrons). Also, the project generated only minimal usage of NLM's consumer health database, known as MEDLINEplus, from the premises of the monitored libraries (patron usage from home or office locations was not tracked). The evaluation results suggested a balanced follow-up by NLM and the NN/LM, with a few carefully selected national activities, complemented by a package of targeted activities that, as of January 2000, are being planned, developed, or implemented. The results also highlighted the importance of building an evaluation component into projects like this one from the outset, to assure that objectives were met and that evaluative information was available on a timely basis, as was the case here.


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This dissertation aims at integrating two scholarships: state-society relation studies and Chinese foreign policy analysis. I created Two-level Perception Gap Model to analyze different intellectual groups' relations with party-state by confirming Chinese intellectuals play a role in CFP making in general, China's Japan policy in particular. This model is an alternative approach, instead of conventional wisdom patron-client approach, to explain and analyze the pluralized intellectual-state relations in China. This model first analyzed the role of two intellectual groups, namely think tank scholars and popular nationalist, in China's Japan policy making, and then based on these analyses it explains the interactional patterns between these two intellectual groups and party-state. I used three case studies, which represented different types of issue, Chinese attitude toward the U.S.-Japan alliance and the Japanese defense policy, the controversy over the Yasukuni Shrine Visit, and the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, to examine this model. First, I examined think tank scholar groups and the extent they influenced "core interest issue and sensitive issue (Issue 1)," Chinese attitude toward the U.S.-Japan alliance and the Japanese defense policy, and their international patterns with party-state. Chapter 3 compares the responses of Chinese officials to the changes in the defense policy of Japan to the analyses from the think tank scholars. As the model assumes, results show that think tank scholars' analyses are consistent with China's policy position; nevertheless, it is difficult to confirm their analyses have influence on Chinese attitude toward the U.S.-Japan alliance and the Japanese defense policy. Based on the analysis of journal articles, most articles do not provide policy suggestions or simply provide suggestions that do not deviate from the policy. As Gu's theory of pluralist institutionalism and my hypothesis points out, most think tank scholars are establishment intellectuals so they tend to be self-disciplined. Second, this model provide a new concept "patriotic dilemma" for analyzing the challenge and constraints brought by popular nationalist discourses and public mobilization to Chinese foreign policy decision makers. Chapter 4 investigated the cases study of the controversy over the Yasukuni Shrine Visit, defined as "major/minor interest issue/ sensitive issue (Issue 3)," and the discourses from the popular nationalist, mainly focusing on anti-Japanese activists. The chapter also observes their influence on nationalist public opinions and analyzes how the nationalist public opinions constrain the policy choices among decision makers. Results strongly supported the hypothesis of patriotic dilemma that, although the popular nationalist group and public opinions constrained the policy choices of Chinese decision makers in the short term, they were unable to change the fundamental policy direction. Third, chapter 5 also focuses on anti-Japanese activists and examines the model with the case of the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. The result supported that hypothesis that China's policy change was not because of the influence from popular nationalist's discourses or public opinions but because of the change of priority of this issue, from major/minor interest issue to core interest issue. These two chapters also indicate that the patron-client model is unable to describe the popular nationalist. An alternative approach, such as the concept "patriotic dilemma" is needed to describe the relations between the popular nationalist and the government.


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Generating, collecting, and analyzing building usage statistics can greatly increase the ability of an access services unit to meet the changing dynamic of patron needs in an academic library. By analyzing three different data points, the Access Services Unit in Malpass Library at Western Illinois University was able to determine the most effective and efficient way to deploy the student workforce to meet the demonstrated needs of the patron population throughout the day. This article will examine those data points and how they were analyzed in order to improve the services provided by the Access Services Unit.


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In 2014, eight academic libraries in the state of New York collaborated on a group patron driven acquisition (PDA) pilot program with Kanopy, a video streaming service for libraries. The institutions, despite vast differences in size and profile, each launched Kanopy’s streaming solution on their campuses under a program where they would jointly contribute to and acquire films based on group usage. The pilot ran for seven months and led to some fascinating insights into the differences in demand for film across campuses, the possibility of PDA as a model for library acquisition, and the feasibility of a group approach to acquisition. This paper presents the background to, results of, and reflections on the pilot program from the three unique perspectives of the consortium, the vendor, and one of the libraries involved, providing a holistic view of the success of the pilot and the lessons learned.


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Il est admis que la maladie de Crohn (MC) résulte de facteurs immunologiques, environnementaux et génétiques. SIGIRR, un récepteur anti-inflammatoire, n’a jamais été étudié dans le contexte de la MC, et de nombreuses découvertes à son sujet ont mené plusieurs à s’intéresser quant à son utilité dans l’atténuation de maladies inflammatoires. Récemment, l’IL-37 a été identifié comme ligand d’un complexe formé de SIGIRR-IL-18Rα. SIGIRR et l’IL-37 pourraient alors être des acteurs de la dérégulation de l’inflammation retrouvée chez la MC. Nous les avons étudiés dans le contexte de la MC pédiatrique, afin d’y caractériser leurs effets. Nous avons identifié une diminution de l’expression de SIGIRR sur certains types de cellules immunitaires. De plus, les personnes atteintes de la MC ont des concentrations de protéines altérées, soit SIGIRR soluble, l’IL-37, l’IL-18BP, et l’IL-18, et tendent à revenir à la normale lorsque l’inflammation est contrôlée par médication. De plus, la concentration de l’IL-18 libre suit le même patron. Par analyse de régression linéaire de SIGIRR soluble et l’IL-37, de l’IL-18BP et l’IL-18, ainsi que l’IL-37 et l’IL-18, des tendances divergentes ont été identifiées entre les patients non traités aux contrôles et patients traités. Nos résultats suggèrent que le système IL-37-SIGIRR est compromis chez les patients de la MC. Étant donné que ce système est un facteur crucial dans la régulation négative de l’inflammation, il sera intéressant de déterminer si SIGIRR et l’IL-37 peuvent constituer des cibles thérapeutiques importantes dans l’atténuation et la résolution de l’inflammation chez les patients atteints de la MC.