914 resultados para Paediatric occupational therapy
A formação em serviço realizada pelo programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde (RMS) é uma estratégia educativa que visa a mudança do perfil dos profissionais da saúde para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Dentre as profissões que compõem as residências, a terapia ocupacional foi eleita como foco deste estudo com o objetivo de conhecer e refletir sobre os desafios e tendências do processo de educação profissional e interprofissional na perspectiva de tutores, preceptores e residentes terapeutas ocupacionais. A metodologia eleita foi a abordagem qualitativa com realização de entrevistas e análise de conteúdo para a elaboração dos resultados e discussão. Foram realizadas 17 entrevistas em três programas de RMS de diferentes municípios do estado de São Paulo com cenários educativos realizados na atenção hospitalar e na atenção básica. Duas categorias empíricas foram identificadas nos resultados: (i) \"Residência multiprofissional de saúde como dispositivo de mudança\" dividida em duas subcategorias: \"Trabalho em equipe\" e \"Trabalho na perspectiva do SUS\" e (ii) \"Singularidades na formação do terapeuta ocupacional em RMS\" agrupada nas subcategorias: \"Particularidades da inserção profissional do terapeuta ocupacional nos cenários educativos\", \"Produção de identidades e a fragmentação da atuação do terapeuta ocupacional nas RMS\" e \"Terapia ocupacional e as práticas colaborativas e interprofissionais no SUS\". A pesquisa permitiu conhecer o potencial de mudanças dos programas de RMS em relação à formação dos residentes e à disseminação de práticas em saúde, colaborativas em equipe e sob a perspectiva do SUS. Os resultados apontaram a singularidade do processo formativo de terapeutas ocupacionais nas RMS que sofrem impactos pela insuficiente contratação de profissionais nos serviços, pelo desconhecimento do papel profissional do terapeuta ocupacional e pela fragmentação da atuação profissional nos cenários de prática; experiências que geram insegurança de residentes e profissionais quanto aos limites da atuação profissional e interprofissional no trabalho em equipe. O foco da terapia ocupacional nas atividades e cotidianos das pessoas no processo do cuidado em saúde e a mediação do cuidado de pessoas com deficiência e transtornos mentais foram identificados como contribuições da terapia ocupacional para as práticas colaborativas e interprofissionais no SUS. Conclui-se que o potencial de mudanças dos programas para a atuação dos residentes como futuros profissionais está diretamente relacionado com as estratégias pedagógicas desenvolvidas nos cenários educativos. A formação de terapeutas ocupacionais nas RMS depende das características dos cenários educativos, no que se refere a sua organização e interação interprofissional pré-existente, à suficiência do número de preceptores, à consolidação de fluxos assistenciais e ao (re)conhecimento da Terapia Ocupacional pelos demais profissionais dos serviços. Por fim, os participantes afirmaram a importância da RMS para a aprendizagem de saberes e práticas - próprios da profissão, comuns aos profissionais de saúde e construídos em equipe de forma colaborativa - com o propósito da qualificação do cuidado em saúde
Objetivo: Identificar competencias y contenidos básicos de salud pública para los programas de grado en fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional, ciencias ambientales, odontología y veterinaria, desde la perspectiva del profesorado de diversas universidades españolas. Método: En el contexto del II taller sobre contenidos de salud pública en los programas de grado (Mahón, 19-20 de septiembre de 2012), se organizaron cinco grupos de trabajo formados por 20 profesores/as de distintas universidades españolas, seleccionados de las guías docentes de salud pública y epidemiología publicadas en la página web de la Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas. Cada grupo trabajó sobre un grado y los resultados se discutieron en sesiones plenarias. Resultados: Para todas las titulaciones se identificaron actividades y competencias para las tres funciones esenciales de la salud pública. La mayoría de las competencias profesionales identificadas en cada uno de los grados correspondieron a la función «Valorar las necesidades de salud de la población». Los grupos de trabajo propusieron contenidos de epidemiología, introducción y conceptos de salud pública, intervención en salud pública, gestión sanitaria y políticas en salud. Las principales coincidencias en los contenidos de las titulaciones se dieron en los tres primeros. Conclusiones: Se han identificado competencias y contenidos de salud pública comunes a los distintos grados estudiados que pueden servir de punto de partida para iniciar una revisión más detallada de los programas de salud pública en los diferentes grados, y alcanzar un consenso sobre los contenidos comunes que debería incluir cada uno de ellos
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This study describes the discharge destination, basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL), community reintegration and generic health status of people after stroke, and explored whether sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were associated with these outcomes. Participants were 51 people, with an initial stroke, admitted to an acute hospital and discharged to the community. Admission and discharge data were obtained by chart review. Follow-up status was determined by telephone interview using the Modified Barthel Index, the Assessment of Living Skills and Resources, the Reintegration to Normal Living Index, and the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). At follow up, 57% of participants were independent in basic ADL, 84% had a low risk of experiencing instrumental ADL difficulties, most had few concerns with community reintegration, and SF-36 physical functioning and vitality scores were lower than normative values. At follow up, poorer discharge basic ADL status was associated with poorer instrumental ADL and community reintegration status, and older participants had poorer instrumental ADL, community reintegration and physical functioning. Occupational therapists need to consider these outcomes when planning inpatient and post-discharge intervention for people after stroke.
We investigated whether allied health assessments carried out via videoconferencing were comparable to assessments carried out face to face. Five allied health therapists (in dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry and speech pathology) conducted an assessment of 12 high-dependency residents both face to face and by videoconferencing. On a five-point Likert scale, the therapists' mean ratings for the efficiency and suitability of videoconferencing for assessment were significantly lower than for face to face. Their mean rating for the adequacy of their care plans was also significantly lower for videoconferencing than for face to face. However, in each case the dietician's assessments did not differ significantly between the two modalities. In 35 cases out of 60, two independent raters agreed that the therapists' care plans after the videoconferencing and face-to-face assessments were the same. However, the level of agreement between raters was only moderate (kappa=0.31). Despite the therapists' (natural) preference for face-to-face working, care plans formulated via videoconferencing were reasonably similar to those formulated in face-to-face assessment. Allied health assessments carried out by videoconferencing would therefore seem to be feasible.
Current trends in mental health services emphasize working in partnership with consumers and other government and non-government community organizations for improvement in quality of life for service users. People with a mental illness experience social exclusion, thereby limiting their ability to participate fully in community life. Occupational therapists have a substantial role to play in helping service users to overcome barriers to their community inclusion. Partnerships need to be formed to increase access to community resources and participation in activities that are enjoyed by other members of the community. Such partnerships have a health promotion emphasis and foster the relationship between mental-health services and the wider community, thus shifting the focus from direct occupational therapy service delivery to community-based rehabilitation interventions.This article describes the development, implementation and evaluation of an Australian healthy lifestyle course devised to meet the identified rehabilitation goals of people with mental illness to lose weight, get fit, commence vocational study and get a job. The course was run in partnership between mental health consumers, occupational therapists from the St George Mental Health Rehabilitation Service and staff and students from the Sutherland College of Technical and Further Education.
This paper outlines a multiprofessional education workshop piloted and subsequently conducted with a cohort of 81 graduate entry students of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology and audiology. The rationale for, and format of, the workshop is outlined, followed by comparisons between students' knowledge about teamwork prior to and after the four-hour workshop. The workshop was based on a real case scenario of a child with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Students completed pre- and post-workshop questionnaires about their knowledge of DCD, teamwork and the roles of various professionals and parents; and a post-workshop questionnaire about their views regarding the utility of the workshop, its strengths, and learning outcomes. The evaluation indicated that the workshop was overwhelmingly successful from the students' perspective in: (1) enhancing their understanding about DCD and its multifaceted impact on school age children; (2) developing a deeper appreciation of the importance of teamwork itself; (3) refining their understanding of their own profession's role and (4) developing an appreciation of the role of other professions and parents in working with children with complex needs, and their families. Limitations of this study and directions for future research are discussed.
Background Accessing services for children with developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) is frequently difficult for parents who have to navigate both health and education systems to find a diagnosis and appropriate interventions. Method A qualitative study design incorporating a phenomenological perspective was utilized to understand the nature of the experiences of these parents in attempting to access support for their children with DCD. Twelve parents, whose children attended the Kids Skills Clinic at the University of Western Ontario and were identified as having DCD, were interviewed by the second author. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using constant comparative method. Member checking, peer checking and code-recoding were carried out to enhance rigour in data analysis. Results A number of themes emerged focusing on the common problems experienced leading to occupational therapy referral. Parents' journeys to seek and access services for their children with DCD were characterized by a sense of maternal knowing, experience of frustration, trivialization of the problem, a sense of 'going it alone', and 'getting the run around'. Conclusions Implications for health and educational professionals working with children, in terms of recognition of DCD and referral for services, are described.
Accurate self-awareness in clients who have had an acquired brain injury (ABI) has been associated with positive outcomes. However, providing intervention that improves clients' self-awareness is a challenging task for occupational therapists. The present paper provides an overview of the literature regarding models to guide intervention, intervention considerations, descriptions of interventions, and research evidence for interventions. Professionals can draw upon cognitive rehabilitation models and specific models of self-awareness. Facilitatory interventions, such as education, feedback, behaviour therapy and psychotherapy have been recommended to a greater extent than compensatory interventions. The development of interventions for improving self-awareness is at an early stage, and research on the effectiveness of interventions is limited. Future research is required into the effectiveness of interventions to improve clients' self-awareness before structured intervention guidelines can be developed.
Rationale and aims 'OTseeker' is an online database of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews relevant to occupational therapy. RCTs are critically appraised and rated for quality using the 'PEDro' scale. We aimed to investigate the inter-rater reliability of the PEDro scale before and after revising rating guidelines. Methods In study 1, five raters scored 100 RCTs using the original PEDro scale guidelines. In study 2, two raters scored 40 different RCTs using revised guidelines. All RCTs were randomly selected from the OTseeker database. Reliability was calculated using Kappa and intraclass correlation coefficients [ICC (model 2,1)]. Results Inter-rater reliability was 'good to excellent' in the first study (Kappas >= 0.53; ICCs >= 0.71). After revising the rating guidelines, the reliability levels were equivalent or higher to those previously obtained (Kappas >= 0.53; ICCs >= 0.89), except for the item, 'groups similar at baseline', which still had moderate reliability (Kappa = 0.53). In study 2, two PEDro scale items, which had their definitions revised, 'less than 15% dropout' and 'point measures and variability', showed higher reliability. In both studies, the PEDro items with the lowest reliability were 'groups similar at baseline' (Kappas = 0.53), 'less than 15% dropout' (Kappas
BACKGROUND. A strategic and prioritized approach to occupational therapy research is needed, particularly given the limited research funding available. Comparing occupational therapists' information needs with the research evidence available can potentially inform research debate within the profession. This study aimed to identify research topics most often sought by users of the OTseeker database and to compare these with the quantity of topics available in the database. METHOD. A random sample of keyword search terms submitted to OTseeker (n = 4,500) was coded according to diagnostic and intervention categories, and compared with the amount of research contained in OTseeker in 2004. RESULTS. Most frequently sought topics were relevant to the diagnostic categories of pediatric conditions (19%), neurology and neuromuscular disorders (17%), and mental health (17%). Most frequently sought intervention topics included modes of service delivery, sensory interventions, and physical modalities. Although many frequently sought topics had a correspondingly high volume of research in OTseeker, a few areas had very little content (e.g., fine motor skill acquisition, autistic spectrum disorder). This information is offered to inform discussions about research priorities and resource allocation for research within occupational therapy.
Background: Our previous work identified deficiencies in stroke care practices at regional hospitals in comparison to standards suggested by published stroke care guidelines. These deficiencies might be improved by the implementation of clinical pathways. The aim of this study was to assess changes in acute stroke care practices following the implementation of stroke care pathways at four regional Queensland hospitals. Methods: The medical records of two cohorts of 120 patients with a discharge diagnosis of stroke or transient ischaemic attack were retrospectively audited before and after implementation of stroke care pathways to identify differences in the use of acute interventions, investigations and secondary prevention strategies. Results: Following pathway implementation there were clinically important, but not statistically significant, increases in the rates of swallow assessment, allied health assessment (significant for occupational therapy, P = 0.04) and use of deep vein thrombosis prevention strategies (also significant, P = 0.006). Fewer patients were discharged on no anti-thrombotic therapy (statistically significant in the subgroup of patients with atrial fibrillation, P = 0.02). Only 37% of the patients audited were actually enrolled on the pathway. Among this subgroup there were significant increases in the rates of swallow assessment (first 24 h, P = 0.01; any time during admission, P = 0.0001), allied health assessments (all P < 0.05), estimation of blood glucose level (P = 0.0015) and the use of deep vein thrombosis prevention strategies (P = 0.0003). Conclusion: Stroke care pathways appear to improve the process of care. Whether this influences outcomes such as mortality, functional and neurological recovery, the incidence of complications, length of stay or the cost of care was beyond the scope of this study and will require further examination.