980 resultados para PCR-AMPLIFICATION


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Self-incompatibility (SI) systems have evolved in many flowering plants to prevent self-fertilization and thus promote outbreeding. Pear and apple, as many of the species belonging to the Rosaceae, exhibit RNase-mediated gametophytic self-incompatibility, a widespread system carried also by the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae. Pear orchards must for this reason contain at least two different cultivars that pollenize each other; to guarantee an efficient cross-pollination, they should have overlapping flowering periods and must be genetically compatible. This compatibility is determined by the S-locus, containing at least two genes encoding for a female (pistil) and a male (pollen) determinant. The female determinant in the Rosaceae, Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae system is a stylar glycoprotein with ribonuclease activity (S-RNase), that acts as a specific cytotoxin in incompatible pollen tubes degrading cellular RNAs. Since its identification, the S-RNase gene has been intensively studied and the sequences of a large number of alleles are available in online databases. On the contrary, the male determinant has been only recently identified as a pollen-expressed protein containing a F-box motif, called S-Locus F-box (abbreviated SLF or SFB). Since F-box proteins are best known for their participation to the SCF (Skp1 - Cullin - F-box) E3 ubiquitine ligase enzymatic complex, that is involved in protein degradation through the 26S proteasome pathway, the male determinant is supposed to act mediating the ubiquitination of the S-RNases, targeting them for the degradation in compatible pollen tubes. Attempts to clone SLF/SFB genes in the Pyrinae produced no results until very recently; in apple, the use of genomic libraries allowed the detection of two F-box genes linked to each S haplotype, called SFBB (S-locus F-Box Brothers). In Japanese pear, three SFBB genes linked to each haplotype were cloned from pollen cDNA. The SFBB genes exhibit S haplotype-specific sequence divergence and pollen-specific expression; their multiplicity is a feature whose interpretation is unclear: it has been hypothesized that all of them participate in the S-specific interaction with the RNase, but it is also possible that only one of them is involved in this function. Moreover, even if the S locus male and female determinants are the only responsible for the specificity of the pollen-pistil recognition, many other factors are supposed to play a role in GSI; these are not linked to the S locus and act in a S-haplotype independent manner. They can have a function in regulating the expression of S determinants (group 1 factors), modulating their activity (group 2) or acting downstream, in the accomplishment of the reaction of acceptance or rejection of the pollen tube (group 3). This study was aimed to the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of GSI in European pear (Pyrus communis) as well as in the other Pyrinae; it was divided in two parts, the first focusing on the characterization of male determinants, and the second on factors external to the S locus. The research of S locus F-box genes was primarily aimed to the identification of such genes in European pear, for which sequence data are still not available; moreover, it allowed also to investigate about the S locus structure in the Pyrinae. The analysis was carried out on a pool of varieties of the three species Pyrus communis (European pear), Pyrus pyrifolia (Japanese pear), and Malus × domestica (apple); varieties carrying S haplotypes whose RNases are highly similar were chosen, in order to check whether or not the same level of similarity is maintained also between the male determinants. A total of 82 sequences was obtained, 47 of which represent the first S-locus F-box genes sequenced from European pear. The sequence data strongly support the hypothesis that the S locus structure is conserved among the three species, and presumably among all the Pyrinae; at least five genes have homologs in the analysed S haplotypes, but the number of F-box genes surrounding the S-RNase could be even greater. The high level of sequence divergence and the similarity between alleles linked to highly conserved RNases, suggest a shared ancestral polymorphism also for the F-box genes. The F-box genes identified in European pear were mapped on a segregating population of 91 individuals from the cross 'Abbé Fétel' × 'Max Red Bartlett'. All the genes were placed on the linkage group 17, where the S locus has been placed both in pear and apple maps, and resulted strongly associated to the S-RNase gene. The linkage with the RNase was perfect for some of the F-box genes, while for others very rare single recombination events were identified. The second part of this study was focused on the research of other genes involved in the SI response in pear; it was aimed on one side to the identification of genes differentially expressed in compatible and incompatible crosses, and on the other to the cloning and characterization of the transglutaminase (TGase) gene, whose role may be crucial in pollen rejection. For the identification of differentially expressed genes, controlled pollinations were carried out in four combinations (self pollination, incompatible, half-compatible and fully compatible cross-pollination); expression profiles were compared through cDNA-AFLP. 28 fragments displaying an expression pattern related to compatibility or incompatibility were identified, cloned and sequenced; the sequence analysis allowed to assign a putative annotation to a part of them. The identified genes are involved in very different cellular processes or in defense mechanisms, suggesting a very complex change in gene expression following the pollen/pistil recognition. The pool of genes identified with this technique offers a good basis for further study toward a better understanding of how the SI response is carried out. Among the factors involved in SI response, moreover, an important role may be played by transglutaminase (TGase), an enzyme involved both in post-translational protein modification and in protein cross-linking. The TGase activity detected in pear styles was significantly higher when pollinated in incompatible combinations than in compatible ones, suggesting a role of this enzyme in the abnormal cytoskeletal reorganization observed during pollen rejection reaction. The aim of this part of the work was thus to identify and clone the pear TGase gene; the PCR amplification of fragments of this gene was achieved using primers realized on the alignment between the Arabidopsis TGase gene sequence and several apple EST fragments; the full-length coding sequence of the pear TGase gene was then cloned from cDNA, and provided a precious tool for further study of the in vitro and in vivo action of this enzyme.


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Es wurde ein genomischer DNA-Array der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana mit einer 13.800 EST-Klone umfassenden cDNA-Bibliothek entwickelt und in der Genexpressionsanalyse der pflanzlichen Pathogenabwehr eingesetzt. Mittels PCR-Amplifikation sind 13.000 PCR-Produkte der cDNA-Fragmente hergestellt worden, mit denen 66 genomische Arabidopsis-Arrays auf Nylon und Polypropylen als Trägermaterial hergestellt werden konnten. Die Validierung mit Fluoreszenz- und Radiaktivhybridisierung sowie der Vergleich von drei Normalisierungsmethoden führte zu reproduzierbaren Ergebnissen bei hohem Korrelationskoeffizienten. Die etablierte DNA-Array-Technologie wurde zur Genexpressionsanalyse der pathogeninduzierten Abwehrmechanismen der Pflanze Arabidopsis thaliana in den ersten 24 Stunden nach Infektion mit dem avirulenten Bakterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato eingesetzt. In einer Auswahl von 75 Genen der Stoffwechselwege Glycolyse, Citrat-Cyclus, Pentosephosphat-Cyclus und Glyoxylatmetabolismus konnte für 25 % der Gene, im Shikimat-, Tryptophan- und Phenylpropanoidsyntheseweg für 60 % der Gene eine erhöhte Transkriptionsrate nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit stimmen mit experimentellen Daten verschiedener unabhängiger Studien zur pflanzlichen Pathogenantwort überein. Darüberhinaus sind erstmals Transkriptionsprofile von bisher auf Transkriptionsebene nicht untersuchten Genen erstellt worden. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen die transkriptionelle Aktivierung ganzer Stoffwechselwege und gewähren erstmals einen Einblick in die koordinierte differentielle Transkription ganzer Stoffwechselwege während der Pathogenabwehr.


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The objective was to analyse population structure and to determine genetic diversity of Erysiphe necator (syn. Uncinula necator) populations obtained from some vineyards located in the South-East Po valley (Italy). Powdery mildew is one of the most important fungal diseases of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) throughout the world. The causal agent is the haploid, heterothallic ascomycete E. necator. It is an obligate biotrophic fungus and it can be found only on green organs of plants belonging to the family Vitaceae. For this pathogen, two sympatric populations (groups A and B) have been described in Europe and Australia. The two genetic groups differ at multiple genetic loci and previous studies reported a lack of interfertility among isolates of the two groups. There are now several well documented examples of plant pathogen species, such as Leptosphaeria maculans, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe syringae, which are indeed composed of genetically differentiated clades, that have led to the description of new groups or even new species. Several studies have suggested that genetic E. necator group A and B correlated with ecological features of the pathogen; some researchers proposed that group A isolates over-winter as resting mycelium within dormant buds, and in spring originate infected shoots, known as Flag shoots, while group B isolates would survive as ascospores in overwintering cleistothecia. However, the association between genetic groups and mode of over-wintering has been challenged by recent studies reporting that flag-shoot may be originated indifferently by group A or group B isolate. Previous studies observed a strong association between the levels of disease severity at the end of the growing season and the initial compositions of E. necator populations in commercial vineyards. The frequencies of E. necator genetic groups vary considerably among vineyards, and the two groups may coexist in the same vineyard. This finding suggests that we need more information on the genetics and epidemiology of E. necator for optimize the crop management In this study we monitored E. necator populations in different vineyards in Emilia – Romagna region (Italy), where the pathogen overwinters both as flagshoots and as cleistothecia. During the grape growing season, symptomatic leaves were sampled early in the growing season and both leaves and berries later during the epidemic growth of the disease. From each sample, single-conidial isolate was obtained. Each isolates was grown on V. vinifera leaf cv. Primitivo and after harvesting the mycelium, the DNA was purified and used as template for PCR amplification with SCAR primers (Sequences Characterised Amplified Region ), -tubulin, IGS sequences and Microsatellite markers (SSR). Amplified DNA from b-tubulin and IGS loci was digested with AciI and XhoI restriction enzymes, respectively, to show single-nucleotide polymorphisms specific for the two genetic groups. The results obtained indicated that SCAR primers are not useful to study the epidemiology. of E. necator conversely the b-tubulin IGS sequences and SSR. Summarize the results obtained with b-tubulin, IGS sequences, in treated vineyards we have found individuals of group B along all grape growing season, whereas in the untreated vineyard individuals of the two genetic groups A and B coexisted throughout the season, with no significant change of their frequency. DNA amplified from ascospores of single cleistothecia showed the presence of markers diagnostic for either groups A and B and were seldom observed also the coexistence of both groups within a claistothecium. These results indicate that individuals of the two groups mated in nature and were able to produced ascospores. With SSR we showed the possibility of recombination between A and B groups in field isolates. During winter, cleistothecia were collected repeatedly in the same vineyards sampling leaves fallen on ground, exfoliating bark from trunks, and from soil. From each substrate, was assess the percentage of cleistothecia containing viable ascospores. Our results confirmed that cleisthotecia contained viable ascospores, therefore they have the potential to be an additional and important source of primary inoculum in Emilia-Romagna vineyards.


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Schon 1904 beschrieb Schulze den Aufbau von Silikatnadeln des Schwammes Monorhaphis chuni, eines Mitglieds der zweiten Familie von biosilifizierenden Schwämmen, den Hexactinelliden (Glasschwämmen). Weitergehende morphologische Untersuchungen und biochemische Analysen insbesondere mit modernen Methoden wurden an Hexactinelliden bisher kaum durchgeführt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand deshalb darin, Untersuchungen zur Morphologie, der chemischen Zusammensetzung, der Verteilung und Charakterisierung der beteiligten anorganischen und organischen Komponenten sowie einen molekularbiologischer Nachweis der Existenz von Silicatein in Hexactinelliden durchzuführen. Für diese Untersuchungen wurden zwei Spezies verwendet: Monorhaphis chuni und Crateromorpha meyeri. Mittels Elektronen-Mikrosonden-Technik wurde an Querschnitten der Pfahlnadel von M. chuni die Verteilung der Elemente innerhalb der Nadel untersucht. Am äußeren Rand der Nadel (150 µm) traten im Vergleich zur Nadelmitte prägnante Unterschiede in der Konzentration von Kaliumoxid und Natriumoxid auf. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf das Vorhandensein eines ähnlichen Transportsystems zur Anreicherung von Silizium/Silikat bei der Nadelbildung hin, wie es bereits in S. domuncula bekannt ist. Mit elektronen- und lichtmikroskopischen Untersuchungen wurden die organischen Substanzen der Silikatnadel nachgewiesen und deren Verteilung innerhalb dieser Nadeln analysiert. In der lamellaren Zone befindet sich, eine säurelabile organische Netzstruktur, sowie eine, die Silikatschichten durchspannende, säulenähnliche Struktur. Im Axialzylinder zeigt das organische Material eine leicht verzweigte fibrilläre Anordnung. Mit biochemischen Verfahren wurden die organischen Komponenten der Nadeln detaillierter untersucht. Mehrere Proteine mit Molekulargewichten von 17, 24, 27 ,30, 36 und 70 kDa wurden durch gelelektrophoretische Analysen von Material der Pfahlnadel identifiziert. Die Analyse isolierter Anteile der lamellaren Zone zeigte ausschließlich ein 27 kDa Protein. Die restlichen Proteinbanden konnten hier nicht nachgewiesen werden. Das 27 kDa Protein reagierte im Westernblot mit Antikörpern gegen Silicatein aus S. domuncula. Ein weiteres Protein wurde näher charakterisert. Ein positiver Agglutinationsassay wies ein lectinähnliches Molekül innerhalb der Nadeln nach, wie es aus S. domuncula bekannt ist. Nach einer Deglycolysierung der Proteine reduzierte sich das scheinbare Molekulargewicht der 36 kDa Bande auf 30 kDa. Durch molekularbiologische Untersuchungen wurde erstmals in Hexactinelliden die Existenz von Silicatein nachgewiesen. Nach Isolierung der Gesamt-RNA von Crateromorpha meyeri, RT-PCR und Amplifizierung mit silicateinspezifischen Primern wurde eine 549 kBp Nukleotidsequenz gefunden, die auf Aminosäureebene starke Homologien (76% identische Aminosäuren) zu bekannten Silicateinen der Demospongia aufweist. Die Aminosäuren der katalytische Triade des Silicateins, essenziell für die enzymatische Katalyse des Enzyms, sind an den selben Positionen wie bei bekannten Silicateinen vorhanden.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the main cause of human tuberculosis. Infection in companion animals is mainly acquired from close contact to a diseased human patient and hence rarely diagnosed in countries with low tuberculosis incidence rates. Therefore the general awareness of the disease might be low. Here we report the potential risk of infection for veterinary personnel with M. tuberculosis during the clinical and pathological examination of a dog with unexpected disseminated tuberculosis. The dog had presented with symptoms of a central nervous system disease; rapid deterioration prevented a complete clinical workup, however. Post-mortem examination revealed systemic mycobacteriosis, and M. tuberculosis was identified by PCR amplification of DNA extracts from paraffin-embedded tissue sections and spoligotyping. Contact investigations among the owners and veterinary personnel using an IFN-? release assay indicated that the index dog did not infect humans during its lifetime. Serological and IFN-? release assay results of one of two cats in direct contact with the index dog, however, suggested that transmission of M. tuberculosis might have occurred. Importantly, all three pathologists performing the necropsy on the dog tested positive. Accidental infection was most likely due to inhalation of M. tuberculosis containing aerosols created by using an electric saw to open the brain cavity. As a consequence routine necropsy procedures have been adapted and a disease surveillance program, including tuberculosis, has been initiated. Our results highlight the importance of disease awareness and timely diagnosis of zoonotic infectious agents in optimizing work safety for veterinary personnel.


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We examined 89 normal volunteers using Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Genotyping the 102T/C polymorphism of the serotonin 5HT2A receptor gene and the ser9gly polymorphism in exon 1 of the dopamine D3 receptor (DRD3) gene was performed using PCR-RFLP, whereas the dopamine transporter (DAT1) gene variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism was investigated using PCR amplification followed by electrophoresis in an 8% acrylamide gel with a set of size markers. We found a nominally significant association between gender and harm avoidance (P=0.017; women showing higher scores). There was no association of either DAT1, DRD3 or 5HT2A alleles or genotypes with any dimension of the TCI applying Kruskal-Wallis rank-sum tests. Comparing homozygote and heterozygote DAT1 genotypes, we found higher novelty seeking scores in homozygotes (P=0.054). We further found a nominally significant interaction between DAT1 and 5HT2A homo-/heterozygous gene variants (P=0.0071; DAT1 and 5HT2A genotypes P value of 0.05), performing multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Examining the temperamental TCI subscales, this interaction was associated with persistence (genotypes: P=0.004; homo-/heterozygous gene variants: P=0.0004). We conclude that an interaction between DAT1 and 5HT2A genes might influence the temperamental personality trait persistence.


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A survey of starter and probiotic cultures was carried out to determine the current antibiotic resistance situation in microbial food additives in Switzerland. Two hundred isolates from 90 different sources were typed by molecular and other methods to belong to the genera Lactobacillus (74 samples), Staphylococcus (33 samples), Bifidobacterium (6 samples), Pediococcus (5 samples), or were categorized as lactococci or streptococci (82 samples). They were screened for phenotypic resistances to 20 antibiotics by the disk diffusion method. Twenty-seven isolates exhibiting resistances that are not an intrinsic feature of the respective genera were further analyzed by microarray hybridization as a tool to trace back phenotypic resistances to specific genetic determinants. Their presence was finally verified by PCR amplification or Southern hybridization. These studies resulted in the detection of the tetracycline resistance gene tet(K) in 5 Staphylococcus isolates used as meat starter cultures, the tetracycline resistance gene tet(W) in the probiotic cultures Bifidobacterium lactis DSM 10140 and Lactobacillus reuteri SD 2112 (residing on a plasmid), and the lincosamide resistance gene lnu(A) (formerly linA) in L. reuteri SD 2112.


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In order to explore the genetic diversity within Echinococcus multilocularis (E. multilocularis), the cestode responsible for the alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in humans, a microsatellite, composed of (CA) and (GA) repeats and designated EmsB, was isolated and characterized in view of its nature and potential field application. PCR-amplification with specific primers exhibited a high degree of size polymorphism between E. multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus sheep (G1) and camel (G6) strains. Fluorescent-PCR was subsequently performed on a panel of E. multilocularis isolates to assess intra-species polymorphism level. EmsB provided a multi-peak profile, characterized by tandemly repeated microsatellite sequences in the E. multilocularis genome. This "repetition of repeats" feature provided to EmsB a high discriminatory power in that eight clusters, supported by bootstrap p-values larger than 95%, could be defined among the tested E. multilocularis samples. We were able to differentiate not only the Alaskan from the European samples, but also to detect different European isolate clusters. In total, 25 genotypes were defined within 37 E. multilocularis samples. Despite its complexity, this tandem repeated multi-loci microsatellite possesses the three important features for a molecular marker, i.e. sensitivity, repetitiveness and discriminatory power. It will permit assessing the genetic polymorphism of E. multilocularis and to investigate its spatial distribution in detail.


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Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiological agent of enzootic pneumonia in swine. Various reports indicate that different strains are circulating in the swine population. We investigated the variety of M. hyopneumoniae strains by a newly developed genetic typing method based on the polyserine repeat motif of the LppS homolog P146. PCR amplification using M. hyopneumoniae specific, conserved primers flanking the region encoding the repeat motif, followed by sequencing and cluster analysis was carried out. The study included strains isolated from different geographic regions as well as lysates from lung swabs from a series of pig farms in Switzerland. High diversity of M. hyopneumoniae was observed but farms being in close geographic or operative contact generally seemed to be affected by the same strains. Moreover, analysis of multiple samples from single pig farms indicated that these harbored the same, farm-specific strain. The results indicate that multiple strains of M. hyopneumoniae are found in the swine population but that specific strains or clones are responsible for local outbreaks. The method presented is a highly reproducible epidemiologic tool allowing direct typing of M. hyopneumoniae from clinical material without prior isolation and cultivation of strains.


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In this study the regulation of GH-receptor gene (GHR/GHBP) transcription by different concentrations of GH (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 150, 500 ng/ml) with and without variable TSH concentrations (0.5, 2, 20 mU/l) in primary human thyroid cells cultured in serum-free hormonally-defined medium was studied. The incubation time was 6 h and GHR/GHBP mRNA expression was quantitatively assessed by using PCR amplification at hourly intervals. Correlating with the GH-concentrations added a constant and significant increase of GHR/GHBP gene transcription was found. After the addition of 12.5 ng/ml GH, GHR/GHBP mRNA concentration remained constant over the incubation period of 6 h but in comparison with the experiments where no GH was added there was a significant change of GHR/GHBP mRNA expression. Following the addition of 25 ng/ml GH a slight but further increase of GHR/GHBP transcription products was seen which increased even more in the experiments where higher GH concentrations were used. These data focusing on GHR/GHBP gene transcription derived from cDNA synthesis and quantitative PCR amplification were confirmed by run-on experiments. Furthermore, cycloheximide did not affect these changes supporting the notion that GH stimulates GHR/GHBP gene transcription directly. In a second set of experiments, in combination with variable TSH levels, identical GH concentrations were used and no difference in either GHR/GHBP mRNA levels or in transcription rate (run-on experiments) could be found. In conclusion, we report data showing that primary thyroid cells express functional GH-receptors in which GH has a direct and dose dependent effect on the GHR/GHBP gene transcription. Furthermore, TSH does not a have a major impact on GHR/GHBP gene regulation.


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In this study the hypothesis that triiodothyronine (T3) and growth hormone (GH) may have some direct or indirect effect on the regulation of GH-receptor/GH-binding protein (GHR/GHBP) gene transcription was tested. Different concentrations of T3 (0, 0.5, 2, 10 nmol/l) and GH (0, 10, 150 ng/ml) were added to human hepatoma (HuH7) cells cultured in serum-free hormonally-defined medium for 0, 1 and 2 h. Thereafter GHR/GHBP mRNA expression was quantitatively assessed by using PCR amplification. GH at a concentration of 10 ng/ml resulted in a significant increase of GHR/GHBP gene expression whereas a supraphysiological concentration of GH (150 ng/ml) caused a significant decrease of GHR/GHBP mRNA levels. The simultaneous addition of 0.5 nmol/l T3 to the variable concentrations of GH did not modify GHR/GHBP mRNA levels whereas the addition of 2 nmol/l up-regulated GHR/GHBP gene expression already after 1 h, an increase which was even more marked when 10 nmol/l of T3 was added. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between the increase of GHR/GHBP mRNA levels and the T3 concentration used (r: 0.8). In addition, nuclear run-on experiments and GHBP determinations were performed which confirmed the changes in GHR/GHBP mRNA levels. Cycloheximide (10 microg/ml) did not alter transcription rate following GH addition but blocked GHR/GHBP gene transcription in T3 treated cells indicating that up-regulation of GHR/GHBP gene transcription caused by T3 requires new protein synthesis and is, therefore, dependent on indirect mechanisms. In conclusion, we present data showing that T3 on its own has a stimulatory effect on GHR/GHBP gene transcription which is indirect and additive to the GH-induced changes.


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OBJECTIVE: Aim of the study was to compare Connexin 43 (Cx43) in human bladder tissue of urodynamically proven idiopathic detrusor overactivity to those of urodynamically stable bladders. STUDY DESIGN: We compared bladder biopsies of patients with detrusor overactivity and those with stable bladder analysing Cx43 message by RNA extraction and PCR amplification. All patients had multichannel urodynamics prior to the biopsies. RESULTS: We investigated the bladder biopsies of 15 female patients with and 15 patients without detrusor overactivity. Cx43 could be detected in nine patients of the detrusor overactivity group and in eight patients of the control group which was not statistically significant. 42 cycles of PCR were necessary to demonstrate Cx43 presence in the positive specimen. The presence of Cx43 was not consistent in the samples from the bladder dome and the side walls meaning there were Cx43 positive results in the dome and negative ones in the side walls of the same patient and vice versa. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, Cx43 is present in human bladder tissue both of overactive bladders and those of controls. However, it is expressed in very small amounts and is not always detectable. The role of Cx43 for the origin of detrusor overactivity remains unclear.


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Colonization with more than one distinct strain of the same species, also termed cocolonization, is a prerequisite for horizontal gene transfer between pneumococcal strains that may lead to change of the capsular serotype. Capsule switch has become an important issue since the introduction of conjugated pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines. There is, however, a lack of techniques to detect multiple colonization by S. pneumoniae strains directly in nasopharyngeal samples. Two hundred eighty-seven nasopharyngeal swabs collected during the prevaccine era within a nationwide surveillance program were analyzed by a novel technique for the detection of cocolonization, based on PCR amplification of a noncoding region adjacent to the pneumolysin gene (plyNCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The numbers of strains and their relative abundance in cocolonized samples were determined by terminal RFLP. The pneumococcal carriage rate found by PCR was 51.6%, compared to 40.0% found by culture. Cocolonization was present in 9.5% (10/105) of samples, most (9/10) of which contained two strains in a ratio of between 1:1 and 17:1. Five of the 10 cocolonized samples showed combinations of vaccine types only (n = 2) or combinations of nonvaccine types only (n = 3). Carriers of multiple pneumococcal strains had received recent antibiotic treatment more often than those colonized with a single strain (33% versus 9%, P = 0.025). This new technique allows for the rapid and economical study of pneumococcal cocolonization in nasopharyngeal swabs. It will be valuable for the surveillance of S. pneumoniae epidemiology under vaccine selection pressure.


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Based on a former study from our group, one subtype of Staphylococcus aureus was associated with high within-herd prevalence of mastitis, whereas the other subtypes were associated with a low prevalence (sporadic intramammary infection). To confirm this hypothesis, a prospective study was done in 29 Swiss dairy herds. In particular, milk samples were collected from 10 herds with Staph. aureus herd problems (cases) and compared with samples from 19 herds with only sporadic cases of with Staph. aureus intramammary infection (controls). The isolates were tested for their virulence gene pattern and genotyped by PCR amplification of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer. The patterns and genotypes were then associated and compared with epidemiological and clinical data. Confirming the hypothesis, one particular subtype (genotype B) was associated with high within-herd and within-cow prevalence of intramammary infection, whereas the other subtypes were associated with low within-herd prevalence and infected single quarters. The gene patterns and genotypes were highly related, demonstrating the genetic diversity of the genotypes. The somatic cell counts were clearly increased in herds with a genotype B problem compared with herds with infections of other genotypes. Based on the different clinical properties and treatment consequences associated with these different genotypes found in Switzerland, we recommend subtyping Staph. aureus in other countries to determine if this finding is universally applicable.


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Based on our clinical experience on bovine mastitis, we hypothesized that subtypes of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) exist which differ in their contagious and pathogenic properties. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we analyzed strains of S. aureus isolated from spontaneous intramammary infection (IMI) with their virulence gene patterns and genotypes obtained by PCR amplification of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer (RS-PCR). The genotypes were then associated with epidemiological and clinical data including 26 herds. The results demonstrated a high association between genotypes and virulence gene patterns as well as between epidemiological and pathogenic properties of S. aureus. In particular, genotype B was related to high contagiosity and increased pathogenicity whereas the other types (C, OG) were found with infection of single cows. Because of the high clinical relevance, our results indicate the need to subtype the IMI-associated strains of S. aureus in the future.