942 resultados para Output feedback controls


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This technical report presents a description of the output data files and the tools used to validate and to extract information from the output data files generated by the Repeater-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless Network Simulator and the Bridge-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless Network Simulator.


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In global scientific experiments with collaborative scenarios involving multinational teams there are big challenges related to data access, namely data movements are precluded to other regions or Clouds due to the constraints on latency costs, data privacy and data ownership. Furthermore, each site is processing local data sets using specialized algorithms and producing intermediate results that are helpful as inputs to applications running on remote sites. This paper shows how to model such collaborative scenarios as a scientific workflow implemented with AWARD (Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic), a decentralized framework offering a feasible solution to run the workflow activities on distributed data centers in different regions without the need of large data movements. The AWARD workflow activities are independently monitored and dynamically reconfigured and steering by different users, namely by hot-swapping the algorithms to enhance the computation results or by changing the workflow structure to support feedback dependencies where an activity receives feedback output from a successor activity. A real implementation of one practical scenario and its execution on multiple data centers of the Amazon Cloud is presented including experimental results with steering by multiple users.


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The behavior of tandem pin heterojunctions based on a-SiC: H alloys is investigated under different optical and electrical bias conditions. The devices are optimized to act as optically selective wavelength filters. Depending on the device configuration (optical gaps, thickness, sequence of cells in the stack structure) and on the applied voltage (positive or negative) and optical bias (wavelength, intensity, frequency) it is possible to combine the wavelength discrimination function with the self amplification of the signal. This wavelength nonlinearity allows the amplification or the rejection of a weak signal-impulse. The device works as an active tunable optical filter for wavelength selection and can be used as an add/drop multiplexer (ADM) which enables data to enter and leave an optical network bit stream without having to demultiplex the stream. Results show that, even under weak transient input signals, the background wavelength controls the output signal. This nonlinearity, due to the transient asymmetrical light penetration of the input channels across the device together with the modification on the electrical field profile due to the optical bias, allows tuning an input channel without demultiplexing the stream. This high optical nonlinearity makes the optimized devices attractive for the amplification of all optical signals. Transfer characteristics effects due to changes in steady state light, control d.c. voltage and applied light pulses are presented. Based on the experimental results and device configuration an optoelectronic model is developed. The transfer characteristics effects due to changes in steady state light, dc control voltage or applied light pulses are simulated and compared with the experimental data. A good agreement was achieved.


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IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2258 – 2261, Seattle, EUA


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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The objective was to study the secretory pattern, both basal and stimulated either by histamine (0.1 mg/kg) or pentagastrin (64 ug/kg) in eighteen Cebus apella monkeys chronically infected with different T. cruzi strains (CA1, n=10; Colombian, n=4 and Tulahuen, n=4) and to describe the morphological findings in the gastrointestinal tract in twelve infected (6 sacrificed and 6 spontaneously dead) and four healthy monkeys. All infected monkeys and 35 healthy ones were evaluated by contrast X-ray examination. No differences were observed in basal acid output between control and infected groups. Animals infected with the Tulahuen and Colombian strains showed significant lower values of peak acid output in response to histamine or pentagastrin (p<0.01 and p<0.05 respectively; "t" test) in comparison to the controls. Barium contrast studies showed enlargement and dilatation of the colon in three infected animals. Histopathological lesions were seen in 75% of the autopsied animals either in colon alone (33%) or both, in colon and esophagus (42%). The normal secretion observed in the CA1 infected group could be due to a lower virulence of the strain, a lower esophagic tropism or the necessity of a longer post-infection time to cause lesions.


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Thesis submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer Science


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8th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM2015), Helsinki, Finland.


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In this study, energy production for autonomous underwater vehicles is investigated. This project is part of a bigger project called TURTLE. The autonomous vehicles perform oceanic researches at seabed for which they are intended to be kept operational underwater for several months. In order to ful l a long-term underwater condition, powerful batteries are combined with \micro- scale" energy production on the spot. This work tends to develop a system that generates power up to a maximum of 30 W. Latter energy harvesting structure consists basically of a turbine combined with a generator and low-power electronics to adjust the achieved voltage to a required battery charger voltage. Every component is examined separately hence an optimum can be de ned for all, and subsequently also an overall optimum. Di erent design parameters as e.g. number of blades, solidity ratio and cross-section area are compared for di erent turbines, in order to see what is the most feasible type. Further, a generator is chosen by studying how ux distributions might be adjusted to low velocities, and how cogging torque can be excluded by adapted designs. Low-power electronics are con gured in order to convert and stabilize heavily varying three-phase voltages to a constant, recti ed voltage which is usable for battery storage. Clearly, di erent component parameters as maximum power and torque are matched here to increase the overall power generation. Furthermore an overall maximum power is set up for achieving a maximum power ow at load side. Due to among others typical low velocities of about 0.1 to 0.5 m/s, and constructing limits of the prototype, the vast range of components is restricted to only a few that could be used. Hence, a helical turbine is combined in a direct drive mode to a coreless-stator axial- ux permanent-magnet generator, from which the output voltage is adjusted subsequently by a recti er, impedance matching unit, upconverter circuit and an overall control unit to regulate di erent component parameters. All these electronics are combined in a closed-loop design to involve positive feedback signals. Furthermore a theoretical con guration for the TURTLE vehicle is described in this work and a solution is proposed that might be implemented, for which several design tests are performable in a future study.


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The research on corporate social responsibility has been focused mainly on Anglo-Saxon countries and big companies. Most scholars agree there is a positive relationship between companies social and economic performance, however, this is not unanimous. Moreover,during economic downturns, companies struggle for survival and might consider corporate social responsibility efforts should be postponed. This research investigates if there is a positive relationship between social performance and key business results using a large sample of small and medium Portuguese companies over an extended period of time. The research results support the existence of valid positive relationships between companies’ social performance and key business results, confirming it does pay to invest in corporate social responsibility even in less favorable economic scenarios and for small and medium companies across all business sectors.


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Introdução:O envelhecimento influencia negativamente o controlo postural, diminuindo a capacidade de recuperar o equilíbrio após uma perturbação externa e consequentemente aumento do risco de queda nos adultos mais velhos Objetivo(s):Verificar a influência do treino do passo rápido voluntário nas estratégias de feedforward e feedback em adultos mais velhos aquando o stepping anterior e posterior, bem como o timing e sequência de ativação muscular, ajustes posturais antecipatórios (APA) e compensatórios (APC1,APC2), comprimento, latência, velocidade média (VM) do passo e estratégias de passo lateral Métodos:19 participantes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente por dois grupos, o grupo experimental (n=9) e o grupo controlo (n=10), estudo randomizado controlado. Ambos foram submetidos a um protocolo de exercício físico durante 3 meses, 2 vezes/semana. Adicionalmente o grupo experimental (GE) realizou o treino do passo rápido voluntário bilateral nas várias direções. A resposta a um desequilíbrio postural em vários sentidos e consequente resposta de stepping anterior, posterior ou lateral foram avaliadas por meio de eletromiografia de superfície e por um sistema de imagem 3D Resultados: Na variação entre o momento inicial e final (M0-M1), durante o stepping anterior o GE, comparativamente ao GC, aumentou e diminuiu significativamente o timing do RF ipsilateral e GemM, respetivamente. Na variação do timing dos músculos BF ipsilateral e contralateral e TA contralateral, o GE diminuiu significativamente menos do que o GC. O GE aumentou significativamente o comprimento do stepping posterior do que o GC. Quanto à variação da latência observou-se que o GE aumentou significativamente do que o GC nos dois steppings. Na variação da VM, do stepping anterior, o GE diminuiu significativamente mais do que GC. O GE aumentou e diminuiu significativamente os APAS e os APC1 do que o GC no stepping posterior e anterior, respetivamente. Verificou-se que a estratégia mais frequente nos dois momentos e grupos foi a estratégia de stepping lateral direto Conclusão: A contínua prática do stepping rápido voluntário parece promover um melhor controlo postural sendo um importante exercício específico para prevenção de quedas


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Este é um projeto I&D interno do INEGI, com as unidades DPS e LOME, que tem em vista a utilização de componentes disponíveis no INEGI para o estudo de um equipamento capaz de efetuar soldaduras por Friction Stir Welding. O equipamento já conta com controlo numérico para um sistema de três eixos e os respetivos motores, ficando assim encarregue de tirar o máximo proveito possível destes componentes. Este equipamento terá como finalidade munir o INEGI com um equipamento capaz de dar resposta a eventuais projetos externos/internos bem como para fins de investigação para a melhoria da qualidade do processo de soldadura. A conceção deste equipamento tem a particularidade das condições envolventes do processo nomeadamente os esforços desenvolvidos durante o processo de soldadura, em particular a força vertical (eixo da ferramenta) que é necessária fazer de forma a evitar a ascensão de material da junta de soldadura. A soldadura por Friction Stir Welding, é um processo de soldadura relativamente actual, desenvolvido em 1991 por Wayne Thomas pelo The Welding Institute que se sobrepõe aos métodos de soldadura convencionais, uma vez que não necessita de levar o/os materiais acima da sua temperatura de fusão, sendo um processo de soldadura no estado solido, o material não chega a fundir. Este processo consiste na utilização de uma ferramenta em rotação que que se desloca ao longo da junta de soldadura, que uma vez a fricção gerada entre a ferramenta e o material base gera calor que promove o aquecimento e quase fusão do material base. A ligação do material dá-se aquando a passagem da ferramenta na junta, misturando os materiais. Com o recurso a este método de fabrico é possível efetuar soldaduras com grande qualidade em materiais considerados de difícil soldabilidade pelos métodos convencionais, como por exemplo o Alumínio. Neste projecto foram estudadas varias soluções, contactados vários fornecedores e com o seu feedback foi desenvolvido o equipamento. Este projecto consiste essencialmente na análise estrutural e selecção de equipamentos. O equipamento final resultou de uma série de iterações e ideias de forma a optimizar toda estrutura para a magnitude dos esforços envolvidos, obtendo no final um equipamento capaz de cumprir os requisitos. No final prevêse um equipamento com a capacidade de suportar esforços verticais de 50


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia