938 resultados para Other special topics


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Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade analisar as construções sentenciais de tópico-comentário, de tópico marcado e de tópico não marcado, em produções textuais de estudantes do sexto ao nono anos do segundo segmento do ensino fundamental de escola pública localizada em comunidade da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sido analisadas 316 produções de um universo de 1040. O aporte teórico é o Funcionalismo, com ênfase na teoria dos três diferentes tipos de sujeito Sujeito Lógico, Sujeito Psicológico e Sujeito gramatical de Halliday (1994) e na teoria da Estrutura Informacional (Information Structure) de Lambrecht (1994). Partindo de análise quantitativa e qualitativa de corpus, investigou-se, de um lado, o percentual de aparecimento de construções de tópico marcado e não marcado e, de outro, os diferentes tipos de tópico não marcado e as motivações sintáticas e pragmático-discursivas de sua utilização. A análise foi feita em duas etapas. Primeiramente, para a identificação e a quantificação das construções sentenciais de tópico marcado, procedeu-se à investigação das seguintes variáveis: 1) tipo de tópico marcado mais recorrente, segundo categorização específica referente ao tópico e suas relações argumentais com o verbo 2) Posição mais frequente, considerando a estrutura textual e a ambiência sintática de favorecimento do uso do pronome correferente (presença/ausência de sintagma ou oração intercalada entre tópico sentencial e pronome correferente). A fim de investigar os contextos favorecedores de uso dos tópicos não marcados sujeito pronominal pleno de 3 pessoa e sujeito pronominal nulo de 3 pessoa, consideraram-se as seguintes variáveis: 1) tipo de oração e 2) conexão discursiva cf. Paredes Silva (2003). Os resultados obtidos permitem sistematizar as condições de uso das estruturas estudadas. Com relação às construções sentenciais de tópico marcado, verificou-se que se constitui em estratégia de ativar no discurso o elemento sobre o qual informações novas serão transmitidas, marcando-o como o tópico sentencial. Relativamente aos tópicos não marcados, as estratégias de uso estão relacionadas ao tipo de oração e ao grau de conexão discursiva da sentença. O uso do sujeito nulo está diretamente relacionado à conexão discursiva de grau 1, denominado ótimo. Uma breve análise de tais construções em autores consagrados da literatura brasileira e demais autores brasileiros contemporâneos permite afirmar que as construções de tópico, principalmente as que contêm tópico marcado, merecem uma atenção maior no ensino de Língua Portuguesa, uma vez que constituem uma estratégia pragmático-discursiva de uso corrente e de função relevante nos processos interacionais. O estudo das construções de tópico, portanto, merece uma atenção especial, uma vez que refletem a riqueza de nosso idioma, ao representar uma estratégia pragmático-discursiva que, se bem desenvolvida, constituir-se-á em uma ferramenta a mais para o usuário da língua no que concerne ao uso consciente e competente do idioma materno


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A baseline environmental characterization of the inner Kachemak Bay, Alaska was conducted using standardized National Status and Trends Bioeffects Program methods. Three sites near the village of Port Graham were also sampled for comparison. Concentrations of over 120 organic and metallic contaminants were analyzed. Ambient toxicity was assessed using two bioassays. A detailed benthic community condition assessment was performed. Habitat parameters (e.g. depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content) that influence species and contaminant distribution were also measured at each sampling site. The following is the synopsis of findings • Sediments were mostly mixed silt and sand with pockets of muddy zones. Organic compounds (PAHs, DDTs, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides) were detected throughout the bay but at relatively low concentrations. With some exceptions, metals concentrations were relatively low and probably reflect the input of glacial runoff. • Homer Harbor had elevated concentrations of metallic and organic contaminants. Concentrations of organic contaminants measured were five to ten times higher in the harbor sites than in the open bay sites. Tributyltin was elevated in Homer Harbor relative to the other areas. • There was no evidence of residual PAHs attributable to oil spills, outside of local input in the confines of the harbor. • The benthic community is very diverse. Specific community assemblages were distributed based on depth and water clarity. Species richness and diversity was lower in the eastern end of the bay in the vicinity of the Fox River input. Abundance was also generally lower in the eastern portion of the study area, and in the intertidal areas near Homer. The eastern portions of the bay are stressed by the sediment load from glacial meltwater. • Significant toxicity was virtually absent. • The benthic fauna at Port Graham contained a significant number of species not found in Kachemak Bay. • Selected metal concentrations were elevated at Port Graham relative to Kachemak Bay, probably due to local geology. Organic contaminants were elevated at a site south of the village.


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A five years investigation on fish biodiversity in connection with artificial stocking was conducted in three south-western floodplains of Bangladesh from 1992 to 1996. The ten top most available and ten rarest fish species were identified. Puntius sp., Channa punctatus, Mystus sp., Anabus testudinius, Ambasis sp., Colisha sp. and Macrobrachium sp. etc. were the most common available species. On the other hand, Mystus aor, Notopterus chitala, Clupisoma garua, Aplocheilus panchax, Ctenophmyngodon idella etc. were the rarest species. However, the most abundant and the rarest fish species behaved differently in different floodplains in different years. Shannon diversity index was used to assess the extent of diversity in different years. The study revealed that the artificial stocking programme, to some extent, influenced the biodiversity in floodplains.


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In the present study, an attempt was made to explore the benefits of polyphosphate for enhancement of dried prawn (Parapenaeopsis stylifera) quality commercially known as "sode" in Maharashtra coast. Dip treatment in polyphosphate solution at different concentrations (viz., 3, 5, 7 and 10%) was given to pealed and no deveined P. stylifera for different durations (viz., 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 min). Treated prawns were dried and subjected to rehydration capacity test and organoleptic evaluation. Among the different treatments, rehydration capacity was found to increase with the increased duration and concentration of treatment. Tiny prawns treated with sodium tripolyphosphate solution at the rate of 5% concentration for 5 minutes showed an increase in pH from acidic to alkaline, and had better quality with respect to rehydration capacity and textural attributes as compared to other concentrations and durations of polyphosphate treatment.


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An incidence of bopyrid isopod infestation was observed in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) juveniles (40-60 mm/0.9-1.5 g) in a scampi culture farm in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The presence of parasite was observed by conspicuous boil like swelling of the branchial chamber where the parasite was found lodged on the gills. The infested gill was highly compressed and necrosed. Only one branchial chamber was infested by the parasite while the other gill was normal. The infested prawns were thin and emaciated and showed retarded growth. The parasite was identified as Probopyrus bithynis (Richardson, 1904) which caused inhibition of ventilation due to its permanent lodging in the branchial chamber and impaired the gaseous exchange by gills. It was also observed that this parasite caused parasitic castration in the infested prawns.


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The classification and phylogenetic relationships of the Old World monkeys are still controversial. For Asian colobines, from three to nine genera were recognized by different primatologists. In the present study, we have sequenced a 424 bp mitochondrial tRNA(Thr) gene and cytochrome b gene fragment from Macaca mulatta, Mandrillus sphinx, Mandrillus leucophaeus, Semnopithecus entellus, Trachypithecus vetulus, T. johnii, T. phayrei, T. francoisi, Pygathrix nemaeus, Rhinopithecus roxellanae, R. bieti, R. avunculus, Nasalis larvatus, and Colobus polykomos in order to gain independent information on the classification and phylogenetic relationships of those species. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with parsimony analysis by weighting transversions 5 or 10 fold greater than transitions. Our results support the following conclusions: (1) the Old World monkeys are divided into two subfamilies; (2) that among the colobines, Colobus, the African group, diverged first, and Nasalis and Rhinopithecus form a sister clade to Pygathrix; (3) that there are two clades within leaf monkeys, i.e. 1) S. entellus, T. johnii, and T. vetulus, and 2) T, phayrei and T. francoisi; (4) that Rhinopithecus avunculus, R. roxellanae, and R. bieti are closely related to each other, and they should be placed into the same subgenus; (5) that Rhinopithecus is a distinct genus; and (6) that the ancestors of Asian colobines migrated from Africa to Asia during the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene.


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Karyotypes and reproductive isolation were studied in two allopatric populations of Drosophila tsigana, one from Guizhou Province in southern China and the other from Hokkaido in northern Japan, and in one population of a closely related species, D. longi


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Full Paper: The phase, behavior of A-B-random copolymer/C-homopolymer, blends with special interaction was studied by a. Monte, Carlo simulation in two dimensions. The interaction between I segment A and segment C was repulsive, whereas it was attractive between segment B and segment C. The simulation results showed that the blend became two large co-continuous phase domains at lower segment-B component compositions, indicating that the blend showed spinodal decomposition. With an increase of the segment-B component, the miscibility between the copolymer,and the polymer was gradually improved up to being miscible. In addition, it was found that segment B tended to move to the surface of the copolymer phase in the case of a lower component of segment B. On the other hand, if was observed that the average, end-to-end distances ((h) over bar) for both copolymer and polymer changed slowly with increasing segment-B component of the copolymer up to 40%, thereafter they increased considerably with increasing segment B component. Moreover, it was found that the (h) over bar of the copolymer was obviously shorter than that of the homopolymer for the segment-B composition, region from 0% to 80%. Finally, a, phase diagram showing I phase and - II phase regions under the condition of constant-temperature is presented.


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Endohedral dilutetium fullerenes, Lu-2@C-2n(2n = 76 similar to 112), have been extracted from the soot prepared by are-burning method for the first time and different from other lanthanide encapsulated fullerenes, there is no signal corresponding to Lu@C-82 even in mass spectrum of the high-temperature, high-pressure extract.


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Endohedral metallofullerenes Tm@C-2n were synthesized with the carbon-arc discharge method of activating the Tm2O3-containing graphite anode in situ and back-burning technique, Toluene soxhlet extraction, toluene and pyridine high-temperature and high-pressure extraction technique were employed for the effective extraction of Tm@C-2n. The formation of Tm@C-2n was confirmed by LD-TOF and DEIMS characterization. The mass spectrometric results indicate that Tm@C-2n have a better solubility in toluene and worse solubility in pyridine than other metallofullerenes.


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The effect of water temperature on gut mass and digestive enzyme activity in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus, including relative gut mass (RGM), amylase, lipase, pepsin and trypsin activities were studied at temperatures of 7, 14, 21, and 28A degrees C over a period of 40 days. Results show that RGM significantly decreased after 40 days at 21A degrees C and markedly decreased over the whole experiment period at 28A degrees C; however, no significant effect of duration was observed at 7 or 14A degrees C. At 14A degrees C, trypsin activity significantly decreased over 10 and 20 days, then increased; amylase and trypsin activity significantly decreased after 40 days at 28A degrees C. However, no significant effect of duration was found on amylase, pepsin or trypsin activities in the other temperature treatment groups. At 28A degrees C, lipase activity peaked in 20 days and then markedly decreased to a minimum at the end of the experiment. On the other hand, pepsin activity at 28A degrees C continuously increased over the whole experimental period. Principle component analysis showed that sea cucumbers on day 40 in the 21A degrees C group and in the previous 20 days in the 28A degrees C group were in the prophase of aestivation. At 28A degrees C, sea cucumbers aestivated at 30-40 days after the start of the experiment. It is concluded that the effect of temperature on the digestion of A. japonicus is comparatively weak within a specific range of water temperatures and aestivation behavior is accompanied by significant changes in RGM and digestive enzyme activities.


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Norris, G. & Wilson, P., 'Crime Prevention and New Technologies: The Special Case of CCTV', In: Issues in Australian Crime and Criminal Justice, Lexis-Nexis, pp.409-418, 2005. RAE2008


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Thomas, D. (2001). Welsh Water: role model or special case?. Utilities Policy, 10 (2), 99-114. RAE2008


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych


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This thesis will analyse Anglo-Irish relations between 1969 and 1975, when two topics dominated the relationship: Northern Ireland and the entry of Britain and Ireland into the European Economic Community (hereafter EEC). In 1969 entry to the EEC was still only a possibility and awaited political developments, while the Northern Ireland problem had yet to escalate. 1975 on the other hand confirmed that Ireland would remain in the EEC even if Britain left while Direct Rule for Northern Ireland was confirmed as the British policy for the foreseeable future. These dates are significant because they encompass firstly pre and post entry to the EEC and how this transformed Anglo-Irish relations. Secondly they contain the commencement and then deterioration of the Northern Ireland problem and the attempts to resolve it that finally led to direct rule by Westminster. The study will examine the fluctuating nature of the relationship between Britain and Ireland. Special regard will be devoted to the demands of internal British politics and how such demands affected the relationship. Overall, the study will demonstrate how the bilateral relationship evolved under the pressure of events in Northern Ireland and adapted to the multilateral context of the EEC. It will compare the dynamics of the states’ interactions in two extremely different areas. The thesis will demonstrate how entry to the EEC transformed the unequal Anglo-Irish economic relationship and created one of partners within the EEC. It will also analyse how the developing Northern Ireland problem caused changes to British policy. In particular, it will examine how the British Government came to recognise the beneficial role that the Republic of Ireland might play in resolving the Troubles in Northern Ireland.