969 resultados para Oscillation Enso


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The extreme phases of the Southern Oscillation (SO) have been linked to fairly persistent classes of circulation anomalies over the North Pacific and parts of North America. It has been more difficult to uncover correspondingly consistent patterns of surface temperature and precipitation over much of the continent. The few regions that appear to have consistent SO-related patterns of temperature and precipitation anomalies are identified and discussed. Also discussed are regions that appear to have strong SO-related surface anomalies whose sign varies from episode to episode.


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An association between long-term changes in the solar cycle and the frequency of El Niño events has been identified in historical records of El Niño and sunspot number. Although no known mechanism can explain the apparent relationship, the association is strong. A possible coupling between the sun and the ocean's mixed layer, involving ENSO, is worthy of further study.


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Over the last 50 years, much of the variability in ocean climate and herring recruitment has occurred at two dominant periods centered around 5 and 16 years. Herring growth has also exhibited a dominant 5- and 18-year periodicity. A recent analysis of a number of relevant time series suggests that interannual variations in oceanic conditions off the west coast of Vancouver Island affect survival of herring and their principal predator, Pacific hake, which also exhibits a marked 16-year oscillation in abundance. Thus the dynamics of the herring stock are modulated by a combination of climate and predator forcing. Much of the interannual variation in herring growth is centered around the 5-year (moderate ENSO period) and 16-year (strong ENSO period) ocean climate oscillations and the 16-year recruitment oscillation.


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Sediments deposited in late Pleistocene Lake Estancia, central New Mexico, contain a paleoclimatic record that includes the last glacial maximum and deglacial episode. Stratigraphic reconstruction of an interval representing the highstand of the lake that occurred during the last glacial maximum reveals ~2000-, ~600-, and ~200-year oscillations in lake level and climate. Shifting position of the polar jetstream in response to expansion and contraction of the North American ice sheet may be partly responsible for the millenial-scale changes in Lake Estancia but probably does not explain the centennial-scale oscillations.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): In the mountainous western United States, winter weather has consequences for the entire year, especially with respect to the use of water. For most of the past 6-8 years, drought has been a persistent feature of the climate.


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Oscillation processes have been revealed in the course of reversible polarization study in ferroelectric liquid crystals. The oscillation frequency of polarization vector has been found to be from 1 to 30 kHz. The oscillation parameters were studied as functions of temperature. Temperature dependences of the oscillation amplitude and damping decrement have been measured.


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Lean premixed prevaporized (LPP) technology has been widely used in the new generation of gas turbines in which reduced emissions are a priority. However, such combustion systems are susceptible to the damage of self-excited oscillations. Feedback control provide a way of preventing such dynamic stabilities. A flame dynamics assumption is proposed for a recently developed unsteady heat release model, the robust design technique, ℋ ∞ loop-shaping, is applied for the controller design and the performance of the controller is confirmed by simulations of the closed-loop system. The Integral Quadratic Constraints(IQC) method is employed to prove the stability of the closed-loop system. ©2010 IEEE.


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The present paper deals with the influence of El Nino event on the summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan. The correlation between monthly rainfall of summer monsoon season and bi-Monthly Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) has been calculated to see the influence of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall. MEI is bimonthly ENSO Index pertaining to the period from first week of previous month to first week of the month under consideration. While study the correlation's with the ENSO events out side the Pacific Ocean MEI is more appropriate than other indices like Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) as MEI integrates complete information on ENSO viz. six oceanic and meteorological variables over the tropical Pacific. The results of the study show that there is a tendency of reduction in summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan during El Nino years. The deficiency in % rainfall is statistically significant up to 90% level during July and September months. It is interesting to note that Pakistan receives more than normal rainfall during summer monsoon season in the immediate following year after the El Nino event. The correlation analysis is also performed on the summer monsoon months for individual provinces of Pakistan. All provinces receive deficient rainfall during monsoon months. The deficiency in rainfall over Punjab during all monsoon months is significant, whereas the deficiency in rainfall is significant during July and August over NWFP and Sindh respectively. No significant impact of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall over Baluchistan is observed.


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The network oscillation and synaptic plasticity are known to be regulated by GABAergic inhibition, but how they are affected by changes in the GABA transporter activity remains unclear. Here we show that in the CA1 region of mouse hippocampus, pharmacolog


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We study the Aharonov-Bohm effect in the optical phenomena of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCN) and also their chirality dependence. Especially, we consider the natural optical activity as a proper observable and derive its general expression based on a comprehensive symmetry analysis, which reveals the interplay between the enclosed magnetic flux and the tubule chirality for arbitrary chiral SWCN. A quantitative result for this optical property is given by a gauge invariant tight-binding approximation calculation to stimulate experimental measurements.


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We have investigated the pump effect induced by the level oscillation in a quantum dot with asymmetric constrictions. The curve of pumped current versus the frequency of level oscillation undulates at zero temperature. The oscillation of the pumped current can be smeared by increasing the temperature and the coupling strength between the quantum dot and the leads. Either the temperature increase or the coupling strength enhancement can lead to a positive or negative effect on the pumped current, depending on the parameters of the quantum dot system. A larger level-oscillation magnitude results in a larger pumped current, especially in the low-frequency case. An analytical expression of the pumped current is obtained in the regime far from adiabatic. A convenient physical picture based on our analytic result is proposed, with which we can explain all the features of the pumped current curves.


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Fourier transformation (FT) method has been used in the theoretical lineshape analysis of the Franz-Keldysh Oscillation (FKO) in detail by numerical simulation. The FKO of a set of GaAs SIN+ samples was obtained in photoreflectance measurements. The FT spectra of a part of the samples,including of the real part,imaginary part, and mode of the FT,are well consistent with the theoretical lineshapes. The ratio of the square root of the reduced mass of the light hole (LH) to the heavy hole (HH), root mu(1)/root mu(h), obtained in the analysis was in the range of 0.805 to 0.816 for different samples. In addition,the built-in electric field F-1, and the modulation field delta F = F-1 - F-2 induced by photo-modulation were also obtained in the analysis. However,for a few samples great difference was found in the lineshape of the real part and imaginary part of their FT spectra from the theoretical lineshape. In this case the mode of the FT spectra still can be used to obtain useful information.


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A novel AC driving configuration is proposed for biased semiconductor superlattices, in which the THz driving is provided by an intense bichromatic cw laser in the visible light range. The frequency difference between two components of the laser is resonant with the Bloch oscillation. Thus, multi-photon processes mediated by the conduction (valence) band states lead to dynamical delocalization and localization of the valence (conduction) electrons, and to the formation and collapse of quasi-minibands. Thus, driven Bloch oscillators are predicted to generate persistent THz emission and harmonics of the dipole field, which are tolerant of the exciton and the relaxation effects.


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An anomalous behavior of the current self-oscillation frequency is observed in the dynamic de voltage bands, emerging from each sawtoothlike branch of the current-voltage characteristic of a doped GaAs/A1As superlattice in the transition process from static to dynamic electric field domain formations. Varying the applied de voltage at a fixed temperature, we find that the frequency increases while the averaged current decreases. Inside each voltage band, the frequency has a strong voltage dependence in the temperature range where the averaged current changes with the applied de voltage. This dependence can be understood in terms of motion of the system along a limit cycle.