993 resultados para Oral inflammatory hyperplasia


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We have previously shown that complement factor 5a(C5a) plays a role in the pathogenesis of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in rats by using the selective, orally active C5a antagonist AcF-[OP(D-Cha) WR]. This study tested the efficacy and potency of a new C5a antagonist, hydrocinnamate (HC)-[OP(D-Cha) WR], which has limited intestinal lumenal metabolism, in this model of colitis. Analogs of AcF-[OP(D-Cha) WR] were examined for their susceptibility to alimentary metabolism in the rat using intestinal mucosal washings. One metabolically stable analog, HC-[OP(D-Cha)WR], was then evaluated pharmacokinetically and investigated at a range of doses (0.03 - 10 mg/kg/ day p.o.) in the 8-day rat TNBS- colitis model, against the comparator drug AcF-[OP(D-Cha) WR]. Using various amino acid substitutions, it was determined that the AcF moiety of AcF-[OP(D-Cha) WR] was responsible for the metabolic instability of the compound in intestinal mucosal washings. The analog HC-[OP( D-Cha) WR], equiactive in vitro to AcF-[OP(D-Cha) WR], was resistant to intestinal metabolism, but it displayed similar oral bioavailability to AcF-[OP(D-Cha) WR]. However, in the rat TNBS- colitis model, HC-[OP(D-Cha) WR] was effective at reducing mortality, colon edema, colon macroscopic scores, and increasing food consumption and body weights, at 10- to 30- fold lower oral doses than AcF-[OP( D-Cha) WR]. These studies suggest that resistance to intestinal metabolism by HC-[OP(D-Cha) WR] may result in increased local concentrations of the drug in the colon, thus affording efficacy with markedly lower oral doses than AcF-[OP(D-Cha) WR] against TNBS-colitis. This large increase in potency and high efficacy of this compound makes it a potential candidate for clinical development against intestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease.


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We have observed that vitamin A levels, deficient in patients with severe disease, returned to normal post lungtransplant independent of oral supplementation or pancreatic sufficiency. We hypothesised that vitamin A is associated with disease severity and the inflammatory marker C-related peptide (CRP). Data from RCH paediatric and TPCH adult CF clinic subjects (ns138 CF, 138 control, aged 5–56 yr), who had participated in a study of bone mineral density (BMD) in which vitamins A, E, D, and CRP, height, weight and lung function had been measured was used. Groups were compared using t- or Wilcoxon-tests, and predictors of vitamin A examined usingmultiple regression. Vitamin A was lower in CF subjects (1.23"0.5 vs. 1.80"0.6 mmolyl, P-0.0001), increasingwith age in paediatric subjects but to a lesser extent in the CF group (Ps0.0007). CRP was correlated with age (rs0.6, P-0.0001). FEV1% predicted (FEV) (57.93"23.0 vs. 70.63"21.8, Ps0.0014), weight z-score (WTZ) (y0.76"0.9 vs. y0.12"1.0, Ps0.0002), lumbar spine BMD z-score (y1.08"1.3 vs. y0.50"1.2, Ps0.009) were lower, and CRP higher (median 7.0, IQR 2–4 vs. median 1.0, IQR 1–3 mgy l, P-0.0001) in vitamin A insufficient CF subjects (61 insufficient vs. 71 sufficient). In all subjects, control status (P-0.0001), WTZ (Ps0.02), vitamin E (Ps 0.0003), CRP (Ps0.001), 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25 vit. D) (Ps0.0007), and child, adolescent or adult grouping (all P-0.0001) were predictive of vitamin A. In the CF group, CRP (Ps0.01), Vitamin E (P-0.0001) and 1.25 vit. D (Ps 0.006), but not FEV, were predictive. The normal increase in vitamin A with age was not observed in CF subjects, who had lower levels at any age. This failure of normal increase in vitamin A had a consistent association with increasingCRP , supportingthe hypothesis that increased inflammation may result in increased vitamin A consumption.


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Lo scopo di questa ricerca di dottorato è stato lo studio di una forma di dosaggio flessibile e personalizzabile, indirizzata alle necessità individuali di ogni paziente, per il trattamento dell’iperplasia prostatica benigna. La terapia proposta prevede l’utilizzo di due farmaci, un alfa bloccante (farmaco A) e un inibitore delle 5- fosfodiesterasi (farmaco B) e, somministrati in una singola forma di dosaggio contenenti differenti dosi e combinazioni dei due farmaci. Lo sviluppo di un sistema di rilascio per la somministrazione orale di farmaco A e farmaco B è stato realizzato grazie alla tecnologia Dome Matrix. La tecnologia si basa sull’assemblaggio di moduli utilizzati come elementi di controllo del rilascio. L’assemblaggio dei moduli può essere ottenuto attraverso diverse configurazioni. Sono stati quindi realizzati sistemi assemblati in grado di galleggiare sul contenuto gastrico; la prolungata permanenza della forma farmaceutica nello stomaco favorisce la solubilizzazione dei due principi attivi che quindi potrebbero raggiungere il sito di assorbimento nel primo tratto intestinale già in dispersione molecolare, condizione ideale per essere assorbiti. La prima parte della ricerca è stata focalizzata sulla realizzazione di un sistema assemblato a rilascio modificato di farmaco A. Moduli contenenti diversi dosaggi di farmaco sono stati assemblati in varie configurazioni e dosi differenti per ottenere una forma di dosaggio flessibile, adattabile alle esigenze terapeutiche del paziente. La seconda parte del lavoro di tesi ha riguardato la realizzazione di un sistema assemblato, contenente entrambi i farmaci in associazione. L’ultima parte della ricerca è stata svolta presso la “University of Texas at Austin” sotto la supervisione del Professor Nicholas Peppas. Il lavoro svolto è stato focalizzato sullo studio delle caratteristiche di rigonfiamento dei singoli moduli di farmaco e dei loro sistemi assemblati; il comportamento di tali sistemi è stato investigato anche grazie all’utilizzo della tecnica di tomografia computerizzata a raggi X.


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Background: There is an inverse relationship between pocket depth and pocket oxygen tension with deep pockets being associated with anaerobic bacteria. However, little is known about how the host tissues respond to bacteria under differing oxygen tensions within the periodontal pocket. Aim: To investigate the effect of different oxygen tensions upon nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-?B) activation and the inflammatory cytokine response of oral epithelial cells when exposed to nine species of oral bacteria. Materials and Methods: H400 oral epithelial cells were equilibrated at 2%, 10% or 21% oxygen. Cells were stimulated with heat-killed oral bacteria at multiplicity of infection 10:1, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (15 µg/ml) or vehicle control. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and NF-?B activation was measured by reporter vector or by immunohistochemical analysis. Results: Tannerella forsythensis, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia elicited the greatest epithelial NF-?B activation and cytokine responses. An oxygen-tension-dependent trend in cytokine production was observed with the highest IL-8 and TNF-a production observed at 2% oxygen and lowest at 21% oxygen. Conclusions: These data demonstrate a greater pro-inflammatory host response and cell signalling response to bacteria present in more anaerobic conditions, and hypersensitivity of epithelial cells to pro-inflammatory stimuli at 2% oxygen, which may have implications for disease pathogenesis and/or therapy.


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O seio maxilar é o seio paranasal mais susceptível a invasões bacterianas, tanto pelo óstio nasal, como pela cavidade oral. As sinusites maxilares têm como causas mais frequentes, as infecções víricas, rinites alérgicas ou não alérgicas, variações anatómicas, diabetes mellitus, fumar, nadar, mergulhar, escalar a altas atitudes, e as infecções e tratamentos dentários. A pesquisa bibliográfica, foi realizada sem quaisquer limitações temporais, com restrição linguística a Português, Espanhol e Inglês, sendo excluídos os artigos de outros idiomas; em vários livros e revistas, assim como artigos científicos obtidos, entre Maio e Julho de 2015, nos motores de busca Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scielo, Elsevier e B-on. A sinusite maxilar odontogénica é uma doença infecto-inflamatória, habitualmente associada à ruptura da membrana de Schneider e a processos infecciosos dentários crónicos. Causa hiperplasia e hipertrofia da mucosa, o que origina sinais e sintomas próprios, assim como mudanças radiográficas perceptíveis. Existem diferentes etiologias de causa odontogénica: cárie, doença periodontal, quistos odontogénicos e iatrogenia – tratamento endodôntico não cirúrgico, cirurgia endodôntica, comunicações oro-antrais, implantes dentários, elevação do seio maxilar, cirurgia pré-protética e cirurgia ortognática – sendo que a iatrogenia é a mais comum (cerca de 56%). Esta patologia afecta com mais frequência indivíduos dos 42,7 aos 51, 7 anos, e preferencialmente a região molar, seguida dos pré-molares e em alguns casos, caninos. Os organismos que dominam na fase aguda e crónica, são sensivelmente os mesmos, mas em número diferente, e existe uma conexão entre a flora comensal periapical e a flora patogénica em caso de sinusite maxilar odontogénica. O diagnóstico é essencialmente clínico, no entanto existem diferentes exames complementares para confirmarem ou formarem o diagnóstico. Pela grande acessibilidade ao método radiográfico, torna-se fundamental que o médico dentista saiba diferencial as diversas patologias que afectam o seio maxilar. O tratamento abrange a eliminação da causa dentária e o tratamento farmacológico, da infecção, essencialmente à base de antibióticos, e da dor se esta existir. E o tratamento cirúrgico, que contempla a punção-lavagem sinusal, antrostomia intranasal, técnica de Caldwell-Luc e cirurgia sinusal endoscópica. Concluindo, o médico dentista deve ter um amplo conhecimento sobre esta patologia para que a possa reconhecer, tratar ou preveni-la.


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Existe uma grande quantidade de fármacos que provocam reacções adversas na mucosa oral. Os efeitos que causam são variados, nomeadamente angioedema, língua pilosa nigra, bruxismo, síndrome da boca ardente, candidose, queilite, xerostomia, eritema multiforme, hiperplasia gengival, glossite, halitose, hiperpigmentação das mucosas, hipersalivação, reações liquenóides, lupóides, penfigóides e tipo pênfigo, osteonecrose, tumefação das glandulas salivares, alterações do paladar, ulcerações, mucosite e lesões potencialmente malignas, entre outras. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se criar uma base de dados que facilite a pesquisa dos diferentes efeitos adversos e relação com a terapêutica prescrita ao paciente, de modo a auxiliar a vida ao Médico Dentista no contexto da prestação de serviços aos seus Utentes.


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Kafirin microparticles have been proposed as an oral nutraceutical and drug delivery system. This study investigates microparticles formed with kafirin extracted from white and raw versus cooked red sorghum grains as an oral delivery system. Targeted delivery to the colon would be beneficial for medication such as prednisolone, which is used in the management of inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore, prednisolone was loaded into microparticles of kafirin from the different sources using phase separation. Differences were observed in the protein content, in vitro protein digestibility, and protein electrophoretic profile of the various sources of sorghum grains, kafirin extracts, and kafirin microparticles. For all of the formulations, the majority of the loaded prednisolone was not released in in vitro conditions simulating the upper gastrointestinal tract, indicating that most of the encapsulated drug could reach the target area of the lower gastrointestinal tract. This suggests that these kafirin microparticles may have potential as a colon-targeted nutraceutical and drug delivery system.


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Suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) is a potent inhibitor of the mitogenic, migratory and pro-inflammatory pathways responsible for the development of neointimal hyperplasia (NIH), a key contributor to the failure of vascular reconstructive procedures. However, the protein levels of SOCS3, and therefore its potential to reduce NIH, is limited by its ubiquitylation and high turnover by the proteasome. I hypothesised that stabilisation of endogenous SOCS3 by inhibiting its ubiquitylation has the potential to limit vascular inflammation and NIH. Consequently, the aim of this PhD was to identify the mechanisms promoting the rapid turnover of SOCS3. Initial experiments involved the identification of residues involved in regulating the turnover of SOCS3 at the proteasome. I assessed the ubiquitylation status of a panel of FLAG tagged SOCS3 truncation mutants and identified a C-terminal 44 amino acid region required for SOCS3 ubiquitylation. This region localised to the SOCS box which is involved in binding Elongin B/C and the formation of a functional E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. However, the single lysine residue at position 173, located within this 44 amino acid region, was not required for ubiquitylation. Moreover, Emetine chase assays revealed that loss of either Lys173 or Lys6 (as documented in the literature) had no significant effect on SOCS3 stability 8 hrs post emetine treatment. As mutagenesis studies failed to identify key sites of ubiquitylation responsible for targeting SOCS3 to the proteasome, LC-MS-MS analysis of a SOCS3 co-immunoprecipitate was employed. These data were searched for the presence of a Gly-Gly doublet (+114 Da mass shift) and revealed 8 distinct sites of ubiquitylation (Lys23, Lys28, Lys40, Lys85, Lys91, Lys173, Lys195, Lys206) on SOCS3 however Lys6 ubiquitylation was not detected. As multiple Lys residues were ubiquitylated, I hypothesised that only a Lys-less SOCS3, in which all 8 Lys residues were mutated to Arg, would be resistant to ubiquitylation. Compared to WT SOCS3, Lys-less SOCS3 was indeed found to be completely resistant to ubiquitylation, and significantly more stable than WT SOCS3. These changes occurred in the absence of any detrimental effect on the ability of Lys-less SOCS3 to interact with the Elongin B/C components required to generate a functional E3 ligase complex. In addition, both WT and Lys-less SOCS3 were equally capable of inhibiting cytokine-stimulated STAT3 phosphorylation upon co-expression with a chimeric EpoR-gp130 receptor. To assess whether SOCS3 auto-ubiquitylates I generated an L189A SOCS3 mutant that could no longer bind the Elongins and therefore form the E3 ligase complex required for ubiquitylation. A denaturing IP to assess the ubiquitylation status of this mutant was performed and revealed that, despite an inability to bind the Elongins, the L189A mutant was poly-ubiquitylated similar to WT SOCS3. Together these data suggested that SOCS3 does not auto-ubiquitylate and that a separate E3 ligase must regulate SOCS3 ubiquitylation. This study sought to identify the E3 ligase and deubiquitylating (DUB) enzymes controlling the ubiquitylation of SOCS3. Our initial strategy was to develop a tool to screen an E3 ligase/DUB library, using an siARRAY, to sequentially knockdown all known E3 ligases in the presence of a SOCS3-luciferase fusion protein or endogenous SOCS3 in a high content imaging screening platform. However, due to a poor assay window (<2) and non-specific immunoreactivity of SOCS3 antibodies available, these methods were deemed unsuitable for screening purposes. In the absence of a suitable tool to screen the si-ARRAY, LC-MS-MS analysis of a SOCS3 co-immunoprecipitate (co-IP) was investigated. I performed a SOCS3 under conditions which preserved protein-protein interactions, with the aim of identifying novel E3 ligase and/or DUBs that could potentially interact with SOCS3. These data were searched for E3 ligase or DUB enzymes that may interact with SOCS3 in HEK293 cells and identified two promising candidates i) an E3 ligase known as HectD1 and ii) a DUB known as USP15. This thesis has demonstrated that in the presence of HectD1 overexpression, a slight increase in K63-linked polyubiquitylation of SOCS3 was observed. Mutagenesis also revealed that an N-terminal region of SOCS3 may act as a repressor of this interaction with HectD1. Additionally, USP15 was shown to reduce SOCS3 polyubiquitylation in a HEK293 overexpression system suggesting this may act as a DUB for SOCS3. The C-terminal region of SOCS3 was also shown to play a major role in the interaction with USP15. The original hypothesis of this thesis was that stabilisation of endogenous SOCS3 by inhibiting its ubiquitylation has the potential to limit vascular inflammation and NIH. Consistent with this hypothesis, immunohistochemistry visualisation of SOCS3, in human saphenous vein tissue derived from CABG patients, revealed that while SOCS3 was present throughout the media of these vessels the levels of SOCS3 within the neointima was reduced. Finally, preliminary data supporting the hypothesis that SOCS3 overexpression may limit the proliferation, but not migration, of human saphenous vein smooth muscle cells (HSVSMCs) is presented. It is expected that multiple E3 ligases and DUBs will contribute to the regulation of SOCS3 turnover. However, the identification of candidate E3 ligases or DUBs that play a significant role in SOCS3 turnover may facilitate the development of peptide disruptors or gene therapy targets to attenuate pathological SMC proliferation. A targeted approach, inhibiting the interaction between SOCS3 and identified E3 ligase, that controls the levels of SOCS3, would be expected to reduce the undesirable effects associated with global inhibition of the E3 ligase involved.


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Behçet's disease (BD) is a multi-systemic vascular disorder characterized by oral and genital ulcers, cutaneous, ocular, arthritic, vascular, central nervous system and gastrointestinal involvement. It usually affects young adults and the etiopathogenesis is unknown. A 21-year-old girl, Caucasian, with diagnostic BD, presented with rheumatoid arthritis, genital lesions and multiple recurrent ulcers inside the mouth, with an erythematous halo, covered by yellowish exudates exacerbated during menstrual periods, and in situations of stress and anxiety. The application of low power laser in ulcers was considered in order to decrease the inflammatory symptoms and pain, beyond getting the healing process accelerated. The proposed therapy was able to promote pain relief, increase local microcirculation and repair ulcerated lesions, eliminating the need for administration of systemic or topical medications, leading to improved quality of life.


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Ethanol consumption damages the prostate, and testosterone is known by anti-inflammatory role. The cytokines were investigated in the plasma and ventral prostate of UChB rats submitted or not to testosterone therapy by ELISA and Western blot, respectively. Additionally, inflammatory foci and mast cells were identified in the ventral prostate slides stained by hematoxylin and eosin and toluidine blue, respectively. Inflammatory foci were found in the ethanol-treated animals and absent after testosterone therapy. Plasma levels of IL-6 and IL-10 were not changed while TNFα and TFG-β1 were increased in the animals submitted testosterone therapy. Regarding to ventral prostate, IL-6 did not alter, while IL-10, TNFα, and TFG-β1 were increased after testosterone therapy. Ethanol increases NFR2 in addition to high number of intact and degranulated mast cell which were reduced after testosterone therapy. So, ethanol and testosterone differentially modulates the cytokines in the plasma and prostate.


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Background. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) pharmacological treatment may promote a decrease in prostate vascularization and bladder neck relaxation with theoretical improvement in prostate biopsy morbidity, though never explored in the literature. Methods. Among 242 consecutive unselected patients who underwent prostate biopsy, after excluding those with history of prostate biopsy/surgery or using medications not for BPH, we studied 190 patients. On the 15th day after procedure patients were questioned about symptoms lasting over a week and classified according to pharmacological BPH treatment. Results. Thirty-three patients (17%) were using alpha-blocker exclusively, five (3%) 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor exclusively, twelve (6%) patients used both medications, and 140 (74%) patients used none. There was no difference in regard to age among groups (P = 0.5). Postbiopsy adverse effects occurred as follows: hematuria 96 (50%), hematospermia 53 (28%), hematochezia 22 (12%), urethrorrhagia 19 (10%), fever 5 (3%), and pain 20 (10%). There was a significant negative correlation between postbiopsy hematuria and BPH pharmacological treatment with stronger correlation for combined use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor and alpha-blocker over 6 months (P = 0.0027). Conclusion. BPH pharmacological treatment, mainly combined for at least 6 months seems to protect against prostate biopsy adverse effects. Future studies are necessary to confirm our novel results.


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To evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of Clearfil SE Protect (CP) and Clearfil SE Bond (CB) after curing and rinsed against five individual oral microorganisms as well as a mixture of bacterial culture prepared from the selected test organisms. Bacterial suspensions were prepared from single species of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus gordonii, Actinomyces viscosus and Lactobacillus lactis, as well as mixed bacterial suspensions from these organisms. Dentin bonding system discs (6 mm×2 mm) were prepared, cured, washed and placed on the bacterial suspension of single species or multispecies bacteria for 15, 30 and 60 min. MTT, Live/Dead bacterial viability (antibacterial effect), and XTT (metabolic activity) assays were used to test the two dentin system's antibacterial effect. All assays were done in triplicates and each experiment repeated at least three times. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Scheffe's f-test (5%). Greater than 40% bacteria killing was seen within 15 min, and the killing progressed with increasing time of incubation with CP discs. However, a longer (60 min) period of incubation was required by CP to achieve similar antimicrobial effect against mixed bacterial suspension. CB had no significant effect on the viability or metabolic activity of the test microorganisms when compared to the control bacterial culture. CP was significantly effective in reducing the viability and metabolic activity of the test organisms. The results demonstrated the antimicrobial efficacy of CP both on single and multispecies bacterial culture. CP may be beneficial in reducing bacterial infections in cavity preparations in clinical dentistry.


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Harmony is one of the main objectives in surgical and orthodontic treatment and this harmony must be present in the smile, as well as in the face. The aim of the present study was to assess the perceptions of professionals and laypersons in relation to the harmony of the smile of patients with or without vertical maxillary alterations. Sixty observers (oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists and laypersons) reported the degree of harmony of six smiles using an objective questionnaire and the participants indicated if there was a need for corrective surgery or not. The classification of observers was recorded on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Mixed regression was used to determine differences between the three groups. Statistically significant differences were found only for the harmony of the smile between the oral and maxillofacial surgeons and laypersons, with laypersons being more critical when assessing the smile. There was no statistical difference between the other groups for the harmony of the smile or the indication of corrective surgery. The patterns of greater or lesser harmony determined by observers during the smile were similar to those found in the literature as the ideal standard in relation to vertical maxillary positioning. Laypersons had a tendency to be more critical in relation to facial harmony than surgeons, although no statistical differences were found in the other groups in relation to the harmony of the smile or indication for the corrective surgery. In addition, the patterns of greater or lesser harmony of the smile determined by the participants were similar to those found in the literature as the ideal standard in relation to vertical maxillary positioning. Overall, the present study demonstrates that adequate interaction between surgeons, orthodontists and laypersons is essential in order to achieve facial harmony with orthodontic and/or surgical treatment. Opinion of specialists and laypersons about the smile in relation to the vertical positioning of the maxilla.


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A comparison of the oral health of elderly people with and without a cognitive handicap was assessed. The cognitive condition, the indices of decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT), decayed, filled roots (DFR), the need for dental treatment, the presence of plaque (P), calculus (C), the community periodontal index (CPI), the rate of periodontal attachment loss (PAL), edentulism, prosthetic use and the need for prosthetics were evaluated in a complex probabilistic sample by conglomerates of the elderly (65-74 years). PASW(r) 17.0 was used for the statistical analyses with correction for the design effect, applying the Mann Whitney and chi-square test with 95% reliability. A total of 736 elderly individuals were interviewed and examined. Those with cognitive impairment had higher average DMFT, DFR and lower average healthy sextant CPI, a lower prevalence of sextants without plaque/calculus, use of prosthetics and higher prevalence of edentulism and need for prosthetics. Elderly individuals with a cognitive handicap had poorer oral health.


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This study sought to evaluate the association between the impact of oral disorders in terms of physical/psychosocial dimensions and quality of life among the elderly. It involved a cross-sectional study conducted among the elderly (65-74 years) in 2008/2009. The social impact was assessed using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP 14) and the quality of life using the SF 12 Short-Form Health Survey. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate (logistic regression) analysis was conducted with correction for the design effect, using SPSS(r)18.0 software. Of the 800 individuals approached, 736 elderly individuals participated (TR = 92%), with a mean age of 67.77 years, the majority of whom showed no impact based on the measurement of the prevalence of OHIP. The functional limitation dimension of the OHIP was associated with the physical domain of the SF12, irrespective of the other variables investigated. However, the seriousness of OHIP and its psychological discomfort and disability dimensions was associated with the mental domain of the SF12. The conclusion reached is that some impacts of oral disorders were associated with unsatisfactory quality of life in the physical and mental domains.