937 resultados para Ondas atmosféricas


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Ambient seismic noise has traditionally been considered as an unwanted perturbation in seismic data acquisition that "contaminates" the clean recording of earthquakes. Over the last decade, however, it has been demonstrated that consistent information about the subsurface structure can be extracted from cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise. In this context, the rules are reversed: the ambient seismic noise becomes the desired seismic signal, while earthquakes become the unwanted perturbation that needs to be removed. At periods lower than 30 s, the spectrum of ambient seismic noise is dominated by microseism, which originates from distant atmospheric perturbations over the oceans. The microsseism is the most continuous seismic signal and can be classified as primary – when observed in the range 10-20 s – and secondary – when observed in the range 5-10 s. The Green‘s function of the propagating medium between two receivers (seismic stations) can be reconstructed by cross-correlating seismic noise simultaneously recorded at the receivers. The reconstruction of the Green‘s function is generally proportional to the surface-wave portion of the seismic wavefield, as microsseismic energy travels mostly as surface-waves. In this work, 194 Green‘s functions obtained from stacking of one month of daily cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise recorded in the vertical component of several pairs of broadband seismic stations in Northeast Brazil are presented. The daily cross-correlations were stacked using a timefrequency, phase-weighted scheme that enhances weak coherent signals by reducing incoherent noise. The cross-correlations show that, as expected, the emerged signal is dominated by Rayleigh waves, with dispersion velocities being reliably measured for periods ranging between 5 and 20 s. Both permanent stations from a monitoring seismic network and temporary stations from past passive experiments in the region are considered, resulting in a combined network of 33 stations separated by distances between 60 and 1311 km, approximately. The Rayleigh-wave, dispersion velocity measurements are then used to develop tomographic images of group velocity variation for the Borborema Province of Northeast Brazil. The tomographic maps allow to satisfactorily map buried structural features in the region. At short periods (~5 s) the images reflect shallow crustal structure, clearly delineating intra-continental and marginal sedimentary basins, as well as portions of important shear zones traversing the Borborema Province. At longer periods (10 – 20 s) the images are sensitive to deeper structure in the upper crust, and most of the shallower anomalies fade away. Interestingly, some of them do persist. The deep anomalies do not correlate with either the location of Cenozoic volcanism and uplift - which marked the evolution of the Borborema Province in the Cenozoic - or available maps of surface heat-flow, and the origin of the deep anomalies remains enigmatic.


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Considering the fact that, the use of wireless communication systems has grown too fast, investigations concerning absorbers of electromagnetic waves has called closer attention of researchers. It is applicable from indoor systems to military applications. Paralleling with this growth, some extremely relevant investigations through Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) allows its filter property to be applicable in several systems, for example: reflector antennas, band-pass radomes, and absorbers, which are the main objective of this work. Therefore, the main goal of this work concerns to design micro-waves absorbers through FSS. Thus, the methodology consists basically in two steps: the first step concerns a theoretical and numerical analysis of the structures involved in the process of absorption, the second step, the analysis of the cascaded structures. In order to carry out the analysis, the Equivalent Circuit Method will be used. This method provides characteristics of transmission from the structure, for a plane wave incidence and it requires an extremely limited computing resource in relation if compared to full wave analyses method. Hence, it is useful to allow fast predictions of the development of the structures. Furthermore, a spreading matrix will be used in order to cascade the conductive FSS and the resistive FSS achieving absorption characteristics in the designed band. The experimental results used for the analysis are found in the literature due to the difficulty of building soon, given that it is not a simple construction technique. To conclude, a mathematical development through the Equivalent Circuit Method of a FSS modeling with cross-dipole geometry and a resistive FSS will be presented, as well as the cascading involving the two structures. The same setting is used with a square loop geometry. Besides it, the next steps will be discussed in the conclusion.


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The Borborema Province, located in northeastern Brazil, has a basement of Precambrian age and a tectonic framework structured at the Neoproterozoic (740-560 Ma). After separation between South America and Africa during the Mesozoic, a rift system was formed, giving rise to a number of marginal and inland basins in the Province. After continental breakup, episodes of volcanism and uplift characterized the evolution of the Province. Plateau uplift was initially related to magmatic underplating of mafic material at the base of the crust, perhaps related to the generation of young continental plugs (45-7 Ma) along the Macau-Queimadas Alignment (MQA), due to a small-scale convection at the continental edge. The goal of this study is to investigate the causes of intra-plate uplift and its relationship to MQA volcanism, by using broadband seismology and integrating our results with independent geophysical and geological studies in the Borborema Province. The investigation of the deep structure of the Province with broadband seismic data includes receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion tomography. Both the receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion tomography are methods that use teleseismic events and allow to develop estimates of crustal parameters such as crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio, and S-velocity structure. The seismograms used for the receiver function work were obtained from 52 stations in Northeast Brazil: 16 broadband stations from the RSISNE network (Rede Sismográfica do Nordeste do Brasil), and 21 short-period and 6 broadband stations from the INCT-ET network (Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia – Estudos Tectônicos). These results add signifi- cantly to previous datasets collected at individual stations in the Province, which include station RCBR (GSN - Global Seismic Network), stations CAUB and AGBL (Brazilian Lithosphere Seismic Project IAG/USP), and 6 other broadband stations that were part of the Projeto Milênio - Estudos geofísicos e tectônicos na Província Borborema/CNPq. For the surface-wave vii tomography, seismograms recorde at 22 broadband stations were utilized: 16 broadband stations from the RSISNE network and 6 broadband stations from the Milênio project. The new constraints developed in this work include: (i) estimates of crustal thickness and bulk Vp/Vs ratio for each station using receiver functions; (ii) new measurements of surfassewave group velocity, which were integrated to existing measurementes from a continental-scale tomography for South America, and (iii) S-wave velocity models (1D) at various locations in the Borborema Province, developed through the simultaneous inversion of receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion velocities. The results display S-wave velocity structure down to the base of the crust that are consistent with the presence of a 5-7.5 km thick mafic layer. The mafic layer was observed only in the southern portion of the Plateau and absent in its northern portion. Another important observation is that our models divide the plateau into a region of thin crust (northern Plateau) and a region of thick crust (southern Plateau), confirming results from independent refraction surveys and receiver function analyses. Existing models of plateau uplift, nonetheless, cannot explain all the new observations. It is proposed that during the Brazilian orogeny a layer of preexisting mafic material was delaminated, as a whole or in part, from the original Brasiliano crust. Partial delamination would have happened in the southern portion of the plateau, where independent studies found evidence of a more resistant rheology. During Mesozoic rifting, thinning of the crust around the southern Plateau would have formed the marginal basins and the Sertaneja depression, which would have included the northern part of the Plateau. In the Cenozoic, uplift of the northern Plateau would have occurred, resulting in a northern Plateau without mafic material at the base of the crust and a southern Plateau with partially delaminated mafic layer.


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Climate and air pollution, among others, are responsible factors for increase of health vulnerability of the populations that live in urban centers. Climate changes combined with high concentrations of atmospheric pollutants are usually associated with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to model in different ways the climate and health relation, specifically for the children and elderly population which live in São Paulo. Therefore, data of meteorological variables, air pollutants, hospitalizations and deaths from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases a in 11-year period (2000-2010) were used. By using modeling via generalized estimating equations, the relative risk was obtained. By dynamic regression, it was possible to predict the number of deaths through the atmospheric variables and the betabinomial-poisson model was able to estimate the number of deaths and simulate scenarios. The results showed that the risk of hospitalizations due to asthma increases approximately twice for children exposed to high concentrations of particulate matter than children who are not exposed. The risk of death by acute myocardial infarction in elderly increase in 3%, 6%, 4% and 9% due to high concentrations CO, SO2, O3 and PM10, respectively. Regarding the dynamic regression modeling, the results showed that deaths by respiratory diseases can be predicted consistently. The beta-binomial-poisson model was able to reproduce an average number of deaths by heart insufficiency. In the region of Santo Amaro the observed number was 2.462 and the simulated was 2.508, in the Sé region 4.308 were observed and 4.426 simulated, which allowed for the generation of scenarios that may be used as a parameter for decision. Making with these results, it is possible to contribute for methodologies that can improve the understanding of the relation between climate and health and proved support to managers in environmental planning and public health policies.


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Agriculture is an essential activity to the human development, the tendency is that their need to increase according to the increase in world population. It is very important to take the maximum performance that is possible of each land without degrading it, a frequently monitoring is essential for the best performance. The purpose of this work is, nondestructively, to monitor the surface electrical conductivity of the soil in a demarcated area, as on a plantation, using low frequency radio waves. The conductivity is directly linked to the amount of water in the area and nutrients, therefore a periodic or even permanent monitoring increases significantly the efficient of the use of the soil. They will be used long-wave radio transmission or medium whose main characteristic to spread over the surface of the earth. It is possible to choose an AM radio with location, frequency and power of the transmission known or generate the signal. The studied method computes the conductivity of the ground in a straight line between two measured points, so it can be used in smaller or larger size fields. Measurements were carried out using an electromagnetic field strength analyzer. The data obtained in the measurements are processed by a numerical calculation program, in our case Matlab. It is concluded that the recommendations of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) on the conductivity of soil in Brazil is far from reality, on some routes the recommendations indicate the use of the electrical conductivity of the soil 1 mS/m, while the measurements was found 19 mS/m. With the method described a precision farmer, once initial research for about a year, can monitor the humidity and salinity of the land, with the ability to predict the area and the most suitable time for irrigation and fertilization, making management more efficient and less expensive, while optimizing water use, natural resource increasingly precious.


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Está sendo implementado, no Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear-IEN, um projeto de estudos de viabilidade da utilização de técnicas ultra-sônicas para medições de escoamentos bifásicos, ampliando as aplicações do ultra-som na área de pesquisa e na área industrial de medição de fluidos. Na primeira etapa do projeto, foi realizado um estudo preliminar do efeito da velocidade do escoamento em um circuito experimental a água fechado, sobre uma onda ultra-sônica que atravessava o líquido. Foi utilizado um sistema capaz de medir a diferença de tempo de trânsito entre ondas ultra-sônicas da ordem de 1 ns, utilizando técnicas de processamento de sinais. As diferentes velocidades da água obtidas, variando-se a vazão do circuito, foram relacionadas com as velocidades da onda ultra-sônica. Foi observado que a variação da temperatura da água influenciava a velocidade da onda ultra-sônica, de maneira inversa à velocidade do líquido. Pelo experimento realizado, concluiu-se que o dispositivo ultra-sônico montado pode ser adequado para medir a velocidade de escoamento da água no circuito experimental.


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A ação das ondas nas margens de rios provoca o desprendimento de material, tornandoas vulneráveis a erosão. O trabalho apresenta uma descrição de vários experimentos realizados em um modelo reduzido parcial de um vertedouro em degraus com um canal a jusante, instalado no Laboratório de Obras Hidráulicas (IPH/UFRGS). Diferentes condições de vazão e submergência foram consideradas, com o objetivo de estudar as características principais de ondas, tais como, altura e período, que atuam sobre as margens em áreas de influencia de aproveitamento hidrelétrico. Uma analise temporal e espectral foram realizadas com base nos dados medidos e apresentada neste trabalho. Os resultados das análises indicam, em uma primeira abordagem, que as características principais das ondas estão mais relacionadas com a vazão do que com a submergência.


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Tesis (Ingeniera Eléctrica).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Programa de Ingeniería Eléctrica


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Os oceanos representam um dos maiores recursos naturais, possuindo expressivo potencial energético, podendo suprir parte da demanda energética mundial. Nas últimas décadas, alguns dispositivos destinados à conversão da energia das ondas dos oceanos em energia elétrica têm sido estudados. No presente trabalho, o princípio de funcionamento do conversor do tipo Coluna de Água Oscilante, do inglês Oscillating Water Colum, (OWC) foi analisado numericamente. As ondas incidentes na câmara hidro-pneumática da OWC, causam um movimento alternado da coluna de água no interior da câmara, o qual produz um fluxo alternado de ar que passa pela chaminé. O ar passa e aciona uma turbina a qual transmite energia para um gerador elétrico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a influência de diferentes formas geométricas da câmara sobre o fluxo resultante de ar que passa pela turbina, que influencia no desempenho do dispositivo. Para isso, geometrias diferentes para o conversor foram analisadas empregando modelos computacionais 2D e 3D. Um modelo computacional desenvolvido nos softwares GAMBIT e FLUENT foi utilizado, em que o conversor OWC foi acoplado a um tanque de ondas. O método Volume of Fluid (VOF) e a teoria de 2ª ordem Stokes foram utilizados para gerar ondas regulares, permitindo uma interação mais realista entre o conversor, água, ar e OWC. O Método dos Volumes Finitos (MVF) foi utilizado para a discretização das equações governantes. Neste trabalho o Contructal Design (baseado na Teoria Constructal) foi aplicado pela primeira vez em estudos numéricos tridimensionais de OWC para fim de encontrar uma geometria que mais favorece o desempenho do dispositivo. A função objetivo foi a maximização da vazão mássica de ar que passa através da chaminé do dispositivo OWC, analisado através do método mínimos quadrados, do inglês Root Mean Square (RMS). Os resultados indicaram que a forma geométrica da câmara influencia na transformação da energia das ondas em energia elétrica. As geometrias das câmaras analisadas que apresentaram maior área da face de incidência das ondas (sendo altura constante), apresentaram também maior desempenho do conversor OWC. A melhor geometria, entre os casos desse estudo, ofereceu um ganho no desempenho do dispositivo em torno de 30% maior.


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Tese submetida à Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia e aprovada em provas públicas para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica (especialidade de Ciência dos Materiais)


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Aiming to analyze the monitoring of the atmospheric discharges incidence, the concession area of Companhia Forca e Luz do Oeste (CFLO) - Western Power and Light Company, located in the district of Guarapuava, state of Parana was chosen for a study developed in 2003, from January to December. After the air masses dynamics description, it was possible to identify the occurrence of atmospheric discharges and to compare them to the energy interruptions. To that end, atmospheric discharges density maps were created within the CFLO concession area for a later analysis of their influence in the electric energy supply. The monitoring of the atmospheric discharges and the comparison between this phenomenon and the occurrence of interruptions in the electric energy supply enabled this study. Results showed that such events are directly related, and that the rural area of the region under study underwent a major interference.


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A presente dissertação tem como objeto de análise as produções discursivas realizadas em dezasseis emissões do programa Em Nome do Ouvinte, emitido semanalmente na rádio pública portuguesa. As emissões escolhidas debatem o contributo da rádio pública na divulgação da língua e da cultura portuguesas. A investigação incide sobre o processo linguístico de mediação, motivado pelas mensagens dos ouvintes, os modos de receção dialógica e as estratégias de delicadeza presentes no discurso, no qual, de entre várias sequências textuais e marcadores pragmáticos, se destacam as sequências de justificação.


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El análisis tensorial tiene aplicaciones en el campo de la geometría diferencial de curvas y superficies en un espacio ordinario, así como la generalización a espacios de mayor dimensión o regularmente llamada geometría Rimaniana; otra aplicación es en la física matemática, en la cual, el análisis tensorial permite la formulación de las leyes naturales en términos de tensores los cuales son independientes de cualquier sistema coordenado en particular. Como los vectores son uno de los muchos tipos de tensores que hay, se dan conceptos básicos del análisis vectorial tales como: coordenadas cartesianas rectangulares, producto escalar y vectorial, diferenciación con respecto a una variable escalar y diferenciación parcial haciendo un desarrollo suciente del operador nabla. Se dan los principios fundamentales de los tensores los cuales son conceptos matemáticos o físicos que tienen ciertas leyes especícas que están relacionados con los cambios en el sistema coordenado y se llega hasta la ecuación de movimiento escrita en forma tensorial.


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La teoría de Einstein del campo gravitacional conocida como Relatividad General predice la existencia de ondas gravitacionales


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Energias Renováveis e Gestão de Energia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015