978 resultados para Obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence - Treatment


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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is diagnosed in 20% to 53% of sexually abused children and adolescents. Living with PTSD is associated with a loss of health-related quality of life. Based on the best available evidence, the NICE Guideline for PTSD in children and adolescents recommends cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT) over non-directive counselling as a more efficacious treatment.


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Objective: A new instrument, the Adolescent Depression Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (ADTSQ) was devised to measure the consumer satisfaction of depressed adolescents and their parents. The objectives of the paper were to present the psychometric proper ties ofthe ADTSQ and to investigate the relative consumer satisfaction with cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), sertraline (SRT) and a combined treatment of CBT and SRT (COMBINED) for the treatment of adolescent depression. In addition, participants were asked to rank their most preferred treatment from the following approaches: medication, individual counselling, group program and family therapy.Method: Thirty-eight adolescents with a unipolar depressive disorder and 37 parents who participated in a randomized clinical trial of CBT versus SRT versus COMBINED completed the ADTSQ following the completion of acute treatment.Results: The ADTSQ was found to have high internal consistency and exploratory factor analysis detected three underlying factors. High levels of consumer satisfaction were reported by both adolescents and parents in all three treatments. Those treated with CBT treatments reported higher levels of skill acquisition than those treated with SRT. Of the four treatment approaches, most parents and adolescentsrated individual counsellingas their first preference.Conclusions: The ADTSQ is a useful measure of consumer satisfaction for depressed adolescents and their parents. CBT, SRT and COMBINED were shown to have high consumer satisfaction with CBT's higher skills training content reflected in the participants' reports. Individual counselling was perceived as the most favourable choice of treatment for adolescent depression. Although limitations associated with the measurement of consumer satisfaction and of the study are acknowledged, it is recommended that the inclusion of consumer satisfaction measures be considered in clinical trials that examine treatment efficacy.


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Deep brain stimulation is an effective and safe medical treatment for a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders including Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, dystonia, and treatment resistant obsessive compulsive disorder. A closed loop deep brain stimulation (CLDBS) system automatically adjusts stimulation parameters by the brain response in real time. The CLDBS continues to evolve due to the advancement in the brain stimulation technologies. This paper provides a study on the existing systems developed for CLDBS. It highlights the issues associated with CLDBS systems including feedback signal recording and processing, stimulation parameters setting, control algorithm, wireless telemetry, size, and power consumption. The benefits and limitations of the existing CLDBS systems are also presented. Whilst robust clinical proof of the benefits of the technology remains to be achieved, it has the potential to offer several advantages over open loop DBS. The CLDBS can improve efficiency and efficacy of therapy, eliminate lengthy start-up period for programming and adjustment, provide a personalized treatment, and make parameters setting automatic and adaptive.


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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, Tourette's syndrome (TS), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental disorders thought to involve frontostriatal brain regions. This article outlines how each of these conditions is characterized in terms of gender ratios, prevalence rates, age of onset, and clinical presentation, as well as neuropsychological functioning and treatment. Also discussed are genetic factors and the different brain areas implicated from available neuroimaging data.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A emetofobia ou fobia de vômitos - que inclui o medo excessivo de vomitar ou de ver outras pessoas vomitando e pode ser desencadeado por estímulos internos e externos - é um transtorno mental complexo e pouco conhecido. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo levantar os conhecimentos disponíveis sobre diversos aspectos do quadro. MÉTODO: Revisão convencional da literatura dos últimos 30 anos utilizando como estratégia de busca as seguintes palavras-chave: emetofobia, emetofóbico, medo de vomitar, fobia de vomitar efobia de vômito. Foram incluídos artigos sobre epidemiologia, fenomenologia, diagnóstico diferencial e tratamento da emetofobia, assim como artigos referidos nestes. RESULTADOS: Não há dados de prevalência na população geral e pouco se sabe sobre a etiologia da emetofobia. A maioria dos estudos aponta predominância no sexo feminino, início precoce e curso crônico. Os comportamentos de esquiva podem impactar negativamente a vida ocupacional, social e familiar. Os principais diagnósticos diferenciais são: transtorno de pânico com agorafobia, fobia social, anorexia nervosa e transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo. Estudos de tratamento se resumem a relatos de casos e não há ensaios clínicos controlados, mas intervenções cognitivo-comportamentais parecem ser promissoras. CONCLUSÃO: Mais estudos são necessários para melhor compreensão sobre a epidemiologia, o quadro clínico, a etiologia, a classificação e o tratamento da emetofobia.


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CONTEXTO: O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) foi considerado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como a 10ª causa de anos vividos com incapacidade, mas pesquisas sobre qualidade de vida (QV) nesse transtorno ainda são relativamente raras. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma revisão convencional da literatura a respeito de estudos sobre qualidade de vida no TOC, publicados em português e inglês. MÉTODOS: A busca de artigos foi feita pelos sistemas MEDLINE, PsicoInfo e LILACS, cobrindo o período de 1980 a 2007, utilizando-se como palavras-chave: qualidade de vida, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, prejuízo funcional e incapacidade. RESULTADOS: Estudos populacionais apresentam indicadores indiretos de comprometimento na QV em pessoas com TOC, como mais desemprego, menor renda e menor índice de união conjugal estável, além de taxas relativamente altas de ideação e tentativas de suicídio. Estudos clínicos encontraram mais comprometimento na QV no TOC em comparação com algumas doenças clínicas crônicas, outros transtornos de ansiedade, quadros depressivos e mesmo esquizofrenia, em alguns aspectos. CONCLUSÃO: O impacto negativo do TOC sobre a QV de seus portadores pode ser grande, afetando vários domínios da vida e repercutindo também nos familiares. A reabilitação psicossocial deve ser vista como parte integrante essencial do tratamento e é preciso aumentar a conscientização da população sobre o problema, assim como o acesso a tratamentos adequados, para minimizar tal impacto, por vezes devastador.


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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a very heterogeneous condition, not always easy to be identified. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts, impulses or images that cause anxiety or other emotional discomfort, whereas compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts voluntarily performed to counterbalance or minimize the discomfort, or magically prevent any feared events. The most common symptoms are contamination, aggressive, somatic and sexual obsessions and washing, checking, repeating, counting and ordering compulsions. Patients usually have multiple symptoms simultaneously, which often change over time. Although the insight is typically preserved, it varies among patients and also fluctuates in the same patient in different ocasions. The main features are: exacerbated appraisal of risks, pathological doubts and incompleteness, as well as excessive sense of responsibility and guilt and thought/action fusion. As patients frequently feel ashamed of their symptoms, they can be reticent about them. Consequently, it usually takes time till they get adequate treatment.


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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has clinical features that overlap in various degrees with many other mental disorders. As a result, the differential diagnosis sometimes can be difficult. This review briefly summarizes the phenomenologic similarities and differences between OCD and the following disorders: depression, phobias, hypochondriasis and body dysmorphic disorder, Tourette syndrome and tic disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, impulse control and eating disorders, generalized anxiety, panic and post-traumatic stress disorders, and delusional and schizophrenic disorders. The accurate diagnosis is essential for adequate treatment planning and management.


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OBJETIVO: Relatar dois casos de tricotilomania, um transtorno psiquiátrico ainda subdiagnosticado e que pode estar associado a problemas sociais e clínicos relevantes. Pretende-se destacar as características clínicas, discutindo as implicações do diagnóstico precoce para a evolução dos pacientes. DESCRIÇÃO do CASO: Uma adolescente com diagnóstico de tricotilomania pura e outra menina cujo quadro estava associado ao transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo. Embora com o tratamento, a evolução de ambas tenha sido favorável, houve demora significativa para estabelecer o diagnóstico e encamin-las a um serviço de saúde mental, com prejuízos escolares e sociais. COMENTÁRIOS: A tricotilomania difere dos quadros benignos e transitórios de arrancar cabelos observados nos primeiros anos de vida e ainda é subdiagnosticada. A vergonha dos sintomas observada nos portadores e o desconhecimento por parte dos profissionais de saúde contribuem para essa situação. O quadro pode ser grave, particularmente se acompanhado de tricofagia. Profissionais da saúde precisam identificar o transtorno precocemente e encaminhar as crianças para tratamento especializado antes das possíveis complicações clínicas e repercussões psicossociais


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Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the clinical use of the gallium-aluminum-arsenium (GaAlAs) laser at the maximum and minimum energies recommended by the manufacturer for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity.Background Data: Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a response to a stimulus that would not usually cause pain in a healthy tooth. It is characterized by sharp pain of short duration from the denuded dentin. Its etiology is unknown. The dentin only begins to show sensitivity when exposed to the buccal environment. This exposure can result after removal of the enamel and/or dental cement, or after root denudation. Different treatments are proposed for this disorder.Materials and Methods: In this study, 25 patients, with a total number of 106 cases of DH, were treated with GaAlAs low-level laser therapy (LLLT). 65% of the teeth were premolars; 14% were incisors and molars; 6.6% were canines. The teeth were irradiated with 3 and 5 J/cm(2) for up to six sessions, with an interval of 72 It between each application, and they were evaluated initially, after each application, and at 15 and 60 days follow-up post-treatment.Results: the treatment was effective in 86.53% and 88.88% of the irradiated teeth, respectively, with the minimum and maximum energy recommended by the manufacturer. There was a statistically significant difference between DH and after a follow-up of 60 days for both groups. The difference among the energy maximum and minimum was not significant.Conclusion: the GaAlAs low-level laser was effective in reducing initial DH. A significant difference was found between initial values of hypersensitivity and after 60 days follow-up post-treatment. No significant difference was found between minimum (3 J/cm(2)) and maximum (5 J/cm(2)) applied energy.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The article describes a clinical case of primary delusional parasitosis responsive to clomipramine, that had not previously respond to neuroleptic treatment. Clinical similarities of this disorder with obsessive-compulsive disorder are discussed. In conclusion, the article suggests that serotonergic antidepressants may be usefull in the treatment of patients with somatic delusional disorder.


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This paper describes the most important cognitive models for obsessive-compulsive disorder, i. e., the inference processes (thoughts and believes) underlying the patients'feelings and behaviors. The major models formulated in this area emphasize the following aspects: exacerbated perception of danger (risk evaluation), overimportance of intrusive thoughts, excessive sense of personal responsibility (blame for harm self and others), perfectionism, psychological fusion of thought and action, and illogical inference processes involving confusion between imagination and reality. The knowledge of cognitive aspects brings new perspectives for the psychological treatment of this disorder.


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There are few published papers about group psychotherapy for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and usually restricted psychoeducational, support or cognitive-behavioral approaches. This article describes the experience of group psychotherapy for OCD patients started in 1996 in Botucatu Medical School - Unesp, São Paulo, Brazil. The two-hour sessions occur once a month, with 6 to 10 female patients, and are based on psychodramatic techniques. Psychotropic prescriptions are given after the sessions. In the beginning, aggressive obsessions were more prominent and were reported with much anguish and shame. Gradually, the themes changed from OCD specific issues (symptoms, pharmacological treatment, outcome, need of exposure and response prevention) to deeper and more personal psychodynamic aspects. The psychodramatic approach (techniques of double, mirror, role inversion, search for prymary scenes) has mostly shown: difficulty in accepting their own human mistakes or negative emotions due to excessive personal demands. This seems to generate guilt, low self-esteem, idealization of others, difficulty in enjoying pleasant situations, fear of taking responsibilities and of losing control (madness/aggressiveness). The group has been considered very important by the patients, since sharing experiences helps to diminish feelings of isolation, shame and guilt, stimulates the exposure to feared situations and enhances self-esteem. The fact that all participants have the same disorder favors group cohesion and provides relief, as they see in the others some of their afflictions and are able to share similar feelings and experiences. Many times the burden of the symptoms are dealt with humor. The confidence in such therapeutic setting is helping the identification and resolution of personal conflicts and contributing to the adherence to pharmacological treatment. The group also provides valuable training experiences for resident physicians in psychiatry.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the clinical use of the gallium-aluminum-arsenium (GaAlAs) laser at the maximum and minimum energies recommended by the manufacturer for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Background Data: Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a response to a stimulus that would not usually cause pain in a healthy tooth. It is characterized by sharp pain of short duration from the denuded dentin. Its etiology is unknown. The dentin only begins to show sensitivity when exposed to the buccal environment. This exposure can result after removal of the enamel and/or dental cement, or after root denudation. Different treatments are proposed for this disorder. Materials and Methods: In this study, 25 patients, with a total number of 106 cases of DH, were treated with GaAlAs low-level laser therapy (LLLT). 65% of the teeth were premolars; 14% were incisors and molars; 6.6% were canines. The teeth were irradiated with 3 and 5 J/cm 2 for up to six sessions, with an interval of 72 h between each application, and they were evaluated initially, after each application, and at 15 and 60 days follow-up post-treatment. Results: The treatment was effective in 86.53% and 88.88% of the irradiated teeth, respectively, with the minimum and maximum energy recommended by the manufacturer. There was a statistically significant difference between DH and after a follow-up of 60 days for both groups. The difference among the energy maximum and minimum was not significant. Conclusion: The GaAlAs low-level laser was effective in reducing initial DH. A significant difference was found between initial values of hypersensitivity and after 60 days follow-up post-treatment. No significant difference was found between minimum (3 J/cm 2) and maximum (5 J/cm 2) applied energy.