944 resultados para Non-relativistic scattering theory
Contract no. DA-19-020-ORD-3520."
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"Supported in part by a National Science Foundation grant for theoretical physics related to I. G. Y."
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Flows of complex fluids need to be understood at both macroscopic and molecular scales, because it is the macroscopic response that controls the fluid behavior, but the molecular scale that ultimately gives rise to rheological and solid-state properties. Here the flow field of an entangled polymer melt through an extended contraction, typical of many polymer processes, is imaged optically and by small-angle neutron scattering. The dual-probe technique samples both the macroscopic stress field in the flow and the microscopic configuration of the polymer molecules at selected points. The results are compared with a recent tube model molecular theory of entangled melt flow that is able to calculate both the stress and the single-chain structure factor from first principles. The combined action of the three fundamental entangled processes of reptation, contour length fluctuation, and convective constraint release is essential to account quantitatively for the rich rheological behavior. The multiscale approach unearths a new feature: Orientation at the length scale of the entire chain decays considerably more slowly than at the smaller entanglement length.
We present a new approach accounting for the nonadditivity of attractive parts of solid-fluid and fluidfluid potentials to improve the quality of the description of nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms on graphitized carbon black in the framework of non-local density functional theory. We show that the strong solid-fluid interaction in the first monolayer decreases the fluid-fluid interaction, which prevents the twodimensional phase transition to occur. This results in smoother isotherm, which agrees much better with experimental data. In the region of multi-layer coverage the conventional non-local density functional theory and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations are known to over-predict the amount adsorbed against experimental isotherms. Accounting for the non-additivity factor decreases the solid-fluid interaction with the increase of intermolecular interactions in the dense adsorbed fluid, preventing the over-prediction of loading in the region of multi-layer adsorption. Such an improvement of the non-local density functional theory allows us to describe experimental nitrogen and argon isotherms on carbon black quite accurately with mean error of 2.5 to 5.8% instead of 17 to 26% in the conventional technique. With this approach, the local isotherms of model pores can be derived, and consequently a more reliab * le pore size distribution can be obtained. We illustrate this by applying our theory against nitrogen and argon isotherms on a number of activated carbons. The fitting between our model and the data is much better than the conventional NLDFT, suggesting the more reliable PSD obtained with our approach.
The non-semisimple gl(2)k current superalgebra in the standard basis and the corresponding non-unitary conformal field theory are investigated. Infinite families of primary fields corresponding to all finite-dimensional irreducible typical and atypical representations of gl(212) and three (two even and one odd) screening currents of the first kind are constructed explicitly in terms of ten free fields. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Nitrogen adsorption on a surface of a non-porous reference material is widely used in the characterization. Traditionally, the enhancement of solid-fluid potential in a porous solid is accounted for by incorporating the surface curvature into the solid-fluid Potential of the flat reference surface. However, this calculation procedure has not been justified experimentally. In this paper, we derive the solid-fluid potential of mesoporous MCM-41 solid by using solely the adsorption isotherm of that solid. This solid-fluid potential is then compared with that of the non-porous reference surface. In derivation of the solid-fluid potential for both reference surface and mesoporous MCM-41 silica (diameter ranging front 3 to 6.5 nm) we employ the nonlocal density functional theory developed for amorphous solids. It is found that, to out, surprise, the solid-fluid potential of a porous solid is practically the same as that for the reference surface, indicating that there is no enhancement due to Surface curvature. This requires further investigations to explain this unusual departure from our conventional wisdom of curvature-induced enhancement. Accepting the curvature-independent solid-fluid potential derived from the non-porous reference surface, we analyze the hysteresis features of a series of MCM-41 samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper we examine the equilibrium states of finite amplitude flow in a horizontal fluid layer with differential heating between the two rigid boundaries. The solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are obtained by means of a perturbation method for evaluating the Landau constants and through a Newton-Raphson iterative method that results from the Fourier expansion of the solutions that bifurcate above the linear stability threshold of infinitesimal disturbances. The results obtained from these two different methods of evaluating the convective flow are compared in the neighborhood of the critical Rayleigh number. We find that for small Prandtl numbers the discrepancy of the two methods is noticeable. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.
We analyze the stochastic creation of a single bound state (BS) in a random potential with a compact support. We study both the Hermitian Schrödinger equation and non-Hermitian Zakharov-Shabat systems. These problems are of special interest in the inverse scattering method for Korteveg–de-Vries and the nonlinear Schrödinger equations since soliton solutions of these two equations correspond to the BSs of the two aforementioned linear eigenvalue problems. Analytical expressions for the average width of the potential required for the creation of the first BS are given in the approximation of delta-correlated Gaussian potential and additionally different scenarios of eigenvalue creation are discussed for the non-Hermitian case.
In this paper we examine the equilibrium states of periodic finite amplitude flow in a horizontal channel with differential heating between the two rigid boundaries. The solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are obtained by means of a perturbation method for evaluating the Landau coefficients and through a Newton-Raphson iterative method that results from the Fourier expansion of the solutions that bifurcate above the linear stability threshold of infini- tesimal disturbances. The results obtained from these two different methods of evaluating the convective flow are compared in the neighbourhood of the critical Rayleigh number. We find that for small Prandtl numbers the discrepancy of the two methods is noticeable.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 74B20, 74D10, 74L15
Since core-collapse supernova simulations still struggle to produce robust neutrino-driven explosions in 3D, it has been proposed that asphericities caused by convection in the progenitor might facilitate shock revival by boosting the activity of non-radial hydrodynamic instabilities in the post-shock region. We investigate this scenario in depth using 42 relativistic 2D simulations with multigroup neutrino transport to examine the effects of velocity and density perturbations in the progenitor for different perturbation geometries that obey fundamental physical constraints (like the anelastic condition). As a framework for analysing our results, we introduce semi-empirical scaling laws relating neutrino heating, average turbulent velocities in the gain region, and the shock deformation in the saturation limit of non-radial instabilities. The squared turbulent Mach number, 〈Ma2〉, reflects the violence of aspherical motions in the gain layer, and explosive runaway occurs for 〈Ma2〉 ≳ 0.3, corresponding to a reduction of the critical neutrino luminosity by ∼25∼25 per cent compared to 1D. In the light of this theory, progenitor asphericities aid shock revival mainly by creating anisotropic mass flux on to the shock: differential infall efficiently converts velocity perturbations in the progenitor into density perturbations δρ/ρ at the shock of the order of the initial convective Mach number Maprog. The anisotropic mass flux and ram pressure deform the shock and thereby amplify post-shock turbulence. Large-scale (ℓ = 2, ℓ = 1) modes prove most conducive to shock revival, whereas small-scale perturbations require unrealistically high convective Mach numbers. Initial density perturbations in the progenitor are only of the order of Ma2progMaprog2 and therefore play a subdominant role.
R-matrix with time-dependence theory is applied to electron-impact ionisation processes for He in the S-wave model. Cross sections for electron-impact excitation, ionisation and ionisation with excitation for impact energies between 25 and 225 eV are in excellent agreement with benchmark cross sections. Ultra-fast dynamics induced by a scattering event is observed through time-dependent signatures associated with autoionisation from doubly excited states. Further insight into dynamics can be obtained through examination of the spin components of the time-dependent wavefunction.