931 resultados para Non Maternal Language


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OBIETTIVI: Valutazione del rischio di trasmissione verticale e delle conseguenze dell’infezione congenita da cytomegalovirus (CMV) in caso di infezione non primaria versus l’outcome delle gravidanze complicate da infezione primaria. MATERIALI E METODI: Studio retrospettivo di coorte di gravide con infezione recente da CMV diagnosticata c/o il nostro centro negli anni 2000-2013. Le pazienti sono state suddivise in 2 gruppi in base al risultato delle indagini sierologiche (avidità IgG e immunoblot): il primo con profilo sierologico compatibile con infezione non primaria e l'altro compatibile con infezione primaria da CMV. Sono stati confrontati il rischio di trasmissione e di infezione congenita sintomatica nei due gruppi. RISULTATI: Il follow-up è risultato disponibile in 1122 casi di cui 182 con infezione materna non-primaria e 940 con infezione primaria materna. L’infezione congenita è stata diagnosticata in 7 (3.86%) feti/neonati nei casi di infezione non primaria e in 217 (23%) feti/neonati nei casi di infezione primaria (p<0.001). Tra gli infetti, erano sintomatici 43 (19,8%) e 3 (42,8%) rispettivamente nell’infezione primaria e non primaria. COMMENTO: La preesistente immunità materna offre una protezione contro la trasmissione intrauterina nell’infezione da CMV ma non protegge dalla malattia congenita sintomatica.


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Questa tesi presenta i risultati di un case-study condotto presso la scuola primaria G. Marconi e la scuola secondaria di I grado G. Diotti di Casalmaggiore (CR), volto ad indagare sul fenomeno della mediazione linguistica ad opera di bambini che, nel panorama moderno caratterizzato da una presenza straniera in continuo aumento, risulta una delle soluzioni più accessibili ai migranti per garantirsi un supporto linguistico che permetta l’accesso ai servizi pubblici fondamentali. La prima parte del testo costituisce un quadro teorico che consente di comprendere meglio gli obiettivi e i risultati dell’indagine condotta. Il primo capitolo si concentra sul rapporto immigrazione-scuola analizzando la situazione attuale, illustrando le caratteristiche e le esigenze della popolazione scolastica straniera ed esaminando le proposte ministeriali in materia di integrazione e accoglienza. Il secondo capitolo, invece, sposta l’attenzione sulla mediazione linguistica e culturale in Italia. Nello specifico viene dapprima approfondita la mediazione professionale facendo riferimento al quadro normativo e alle competenze specifiche del mediatore linguistico e culturale. In un secondo momento, viene introdotto il fenomeno della mediazione non professionale e viene illustrata la letteratura inerente. Da ultimo viene introdotto il tema del Child Language Brokering (CLB), ovvero il fenomeno della mediazione ad opera di minori. Partendo da una panoramica generale viene studiato lo sviluppo del CLB come oggetto di ricerca e ne vengono valutati aspetti positivi e negativi, soffermandosi in particolare sul contesto scolastico. Gli ultimi due capitoli, invece, sono dedicati alla parte operativa del lavoro di ricerca. Nel terzo capitolo viene presentato in maniera dettagliata il case-study analizzando la metodologia applicata, il campione selezionato e l’elaborazione dei questionari realizzati per la raccolta dei dati. Infine, nel quarto capitolo, sono esaminati i dati raccolti sul campo. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti viene dapprima delineato il profilo del fenomeno in ciascuna delle scuole campione per poi mettere a confronto le tendenze generali emerse.


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Background In the 19th century, eminent French sociologist Emile Durkheim found suicide rates to be higher in the Protestant compared with the Catholic cantons of Switzerland. We examined religious affiliation and suicide in modern Switzerland, where assisted suicide is legal. Methods The 2000 census records of 1 722 456 (46.0%) Catholics, 1 565 452 (41.8%) Protestants and 454 397 (12.2%) individuals with no affiliation were linked to mortality records up to December 2005. The association between religious affiliation and suicide, with the Protestant faith serving as the reference category, was examined in Cox regression models. Hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were adjusted for age, marital status, education, type of household, language and degree of urbanization. Results Suicide rates per 100 000 inhabitants were 19.7 in Catholics (1664 suicides), 28.5 in Protestants (2158 suicides) and 39.0 in those with no affiliation (882 suicides). Associations with religion were modified by age and gender (P < 0.0001). Compared with Protestant men aged 35–64 years, HRs (95% CI) for all suicides were 0.80 (0.73–0.88) in Catholic men and 1.09 (0.98–1.22) in men with no affiliation; and 0.60 (0.53–0.67) and 1.96 (1.69–2.27), respectively, in men aged 65–94 years. Corresponding HRs in women aged 35–64 years were 0.90 (0.80–1.03) and 1.46 (1.25–1.72); and 0.67 (0.59–0.77) and 2.63 (2.22–3.12) in women aged 65–94 years. The association was strongest for suicides by poisoning in the 65–94-year-old age group, the majority of which was assisted: HRs were 0.45 (0.35–0.59) for Catholic men and 3.01 (2.37–3.82) for men with no affiliation; 0.44 (0.36–0.55) for Catholic women and 3.14 (2.51–3.94) for women with no affiliation. Conclusions In Switzerland, the protective effect of a religious affiliation appears to be stronger in Catholics than in Protestants, stronger in older than in younger people, stronger in women than in men, and particularly strong for assisted suicides.


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Small for gestational age neonates (SGA) could be subdivided into two groups according to the underlying causes leading to low birth weight. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a pathologic condition with diminished growth velocity and fetal compromised well-being, while non-growth restricted SGA neonates are constitutionally (genetically determined) small. Antenatal sonographic measurements are used to differentiate these two subgroups. Maternal metabolic changes contribute to the pathogenesis of IUGR. A disturbed lipid metabolism and cholesterol supply might affect the fetus, with consequences for fetal programming of cardiovascular diseases. We evaluated fetal serum lipids and hypothesized a more atherogenic lipoprotein profile in IUGR fetuses.


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Software repositories have been getting a lot of attention from researchers in recent years. In order to analyze software repositories, it is necessary to first extract raw data from the version control and problem tracking systems. This poses two challenges: (1) extraction requires a non-trivial effort, and (2) the results depend on the heuristics used during extraction. These challenges burden researchers that are new to the community and make it difficult to benchmark software repository mining since it is almost impossible to reproduce experiments done by another team. In this paper we present the TA-RE corpus. TA-RE collects extracted data from software repositories in order to build a collection of projects that will simplify extraction process. Additionally the collection can be used for benchmarking. As the first step we propose an exchange language capable of making sharing and reusing data as simple as possible.


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BACKGROUND: Neonates in a neonatal intensive care unit are exposed to a high number of painful procedures. Since repeated and sustained pain can have consequences for the neurological and behaviour-oriented development of the newborn, the greatest attention needs to be paid to systematic pain management in neonatology. Non-pharmacological treatment methods are being increasingly discussed with regard to pain prevention and relief either alone or in combination with pharmacological treatment. AIMS: To identify effective non-pharmacological interventions with regard to procedural pain in neonates. METHODS: A literature search was conducted via the MedLine, CINAHL, Cochrane Library databases and complemented by a handsearch. The literature search covered the period from 1984 to 2004. Data were extracted according to pre-defined criteria by two independent reviewers and methodological quality was assessed. RESULTS: 13 randomised controlled studies and two meta-analyses were taken into consideration with regard to the question of current nursing practice of non-pharmacological pain management methods. The selected interventions were "non-nutritive sucking", "music", "swaddling", "positioning", "olfactory and multisensorial stimulation", "kangaroo care" and "maternal touch". There is evidence that the methods of "non-nutritive sucking", "swaddling" and "facilitated tucking" do have a pain-alleviating effect on neonates. CONCLUSIONS: Some of the non-pharmacological interventions have an evident favourable effect on pulse rate, respiration and oxygen saturation, on the reduction of motor activity, and on the excitation states after invasive measures. However, unambiguous evidence of this still remains to be presented. Further research should emphasise the use of validated pain assessment instruments for the evaluation of the pain-alleviating effect of non-pharmacological interventions.


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The fields of Rhetoric and Communication usually assume a competent speaker who is able to speak well with conscious intent; however, what happens when intent and comprehension are intact but communicative facilities are impaired (e.g., by stroke or traumatic brain injury)? What might a focus on communicative success be able to tell us in those instances? This project considers this question in examining communication disorders through identifying and analyzing patterns of (dis) fluent speech between 10 aphasic and 10 non-aphasic adults. The analysis in this report is centered on a collection of data provided by the Aphasia Bank database. The database’s collection protocol guides aphasic and non-aphasic participants through a series of language assessments, and for my re-analysis of the database’s transcripts I consider communicative success is and how it is demonstrated during a re-telling of the Cinderella narrative. I conducted a thorough examination of a set of participant transcripts to understand the contexts in which speech errors occur, and how (dis) fluencies may follow from aphasic and non-aphasic participant’s speech patterns. An inductive mixed-methods approach, informed by grounded theory, qualitative, and linguistic analyses of the transcripts functioned as a means to balance the classification of data, providing a foundation for all sampling decisions. A close examination of the transcripts and the codes of the Aphasia Bank database suggest that while the coding is abundant and detailed, that further levels of coding and analysis may be needed to reveal underlying similarities and differences in aphasic vs. non-aphasic linguistic behavior. Through four successive levels of increasingly detailed analysis, I found that patterns of repair by aphasics and non-aphasics differed primarily in degree rather than kind. This finding may have therapeutic impact, in reassuring aphasics that they are on the right track to achieving communicative fluency.


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At IDC, students use electronic resources for research and online interactive communication with instructors, usually in English. This paper discusses preliminary research into the overlap between the informality of e-mail communication between students and instructors and the growing use (or misuse) of e-mail-type informal discourse in formal written legal assignments. Four students were given a hypothetical legal case and requested to write: (a) a formal letter that would be sent by e-mail to one of the parties in the case, and (b) an executive memo e-mail to the senior partner in one of the law firms representing the parties. No instruction was given as to constructing a formal legal letter or an executive memo. In the resulting e-mail communications, many examples of typical informal e-mail shorthand were used. The students were interviewed and were able to locate and change most of the errors in their letters. Several students expressed the belief that this type of “shorthand” is or should be acceptable when the formal message is an e-mail communication.


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The political philosophy underpinning the Indian Constitution is socialist economy in a multilingual political landscape. The Constitution grants some fundamental rights to all citizens regarding language and to linguistic and other minorities regarding education. It also obligates states to use many languages in school education. Restructuring the economy with free market as its pivot and the growing dominance of English in the information driven global economy give rise to policy changes in language use in education, which undermine the Constitutional provisions relating to language, though these changes reflect the manufactured consent of the citizens. This is made possible by the way the Constitution is interpreted by courts with regard to the fundamental rights of equality and non-discrimination when they apply to language. The unique property of language that it can be acquired, unlike other primordial attributes such as ethnicity or caste, comes into play in this interpretation. The result is that the law of the market takes over the law of the land.


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Pre-operative assessment and surgical management of patients with non-lesional extratemporal epilepsy remain challenging due to a lack of precise localisation of the epileptic zone. In most cases, invasive recording with depth or subdural electrodes is required. Here, we describe the case of 6.5-year-old girl who underwent comprehensive non-invasive phase I video-EEG investigation for drug-resistant epilepsy, including electric source and nuclear imaging. Left operculo-insular epilepsy was diagnosed. Post-operatively, she developed aphasia which resolved within one year, corroborating the notion of enhanced language plasticity in children. The patient remained seizure-free for more than three years.


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Facebook is a medium of social interaction producing its own style. I study how users from Malaga create this style through phonic features of the local variety and how they reflect on the use of these features. I then analyse the use of non-standard features by users from Malaga and compare them to an oral corpus. Results demonstrate that social factors work differently in real and virtual speech. Facebook communication is seen as a style serving to create social meaning and to express linguistic identity.


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Objectives: The aim of this content analysis study is to characterize the TV advertisements aired to an at-risk child population along the Texas-Mexico border. Methods: We characterized the early Saturday morning TV advertisements aired by three broadcast network categories (U.S. English language, U.S. Spanish language, and Mexican Spanish language) in Spring 2010. The number, type (food related vs. non-food related), target audience, and persuasion tactics used were recorded. Advertised foods, based on nutrition content, were categorized as meeting or not meeting current dietary guidelines. Results: Most commercials were non-food related (82.7%, 397 of 480). The majority of the prepared foods (e.g., cereals, snacks, and drinks) advertised did not meet the current U.S. Dietary Guidelines. Additionally, nutrition content information was not available for many of the foods advertised on the Mexican Spanish language broadcast network category. Conclusions: For U.S. children at risk for obesity along the Texas-Mexico border exposure to TV food advertisements may result in the continuation of sedentary behavior as well as an increased consumption of foods of poor nutritional quality. An international regulatory effort to monitor and enforce the reduction of child-oriented food advertising is needed. Editors' Note: This article was submitted in response to the first issue of the Journal of Applied Research on Children: Latino Children.


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The purposes of this study were to examine (1) the relationship between selected components of the content of prenatal care and spontaneous preterm birth; and (2) the degree of comparability between maternal and caregivers' responses regarding the number of prenatal care visits, selected components of the content of prenatal care, and gestational age, based on analyses of the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Centers for Health Statistics. Spontaneous preterm birth was subcategorized into very preterm and moderately preterm births, with term birth as the controls. The study population was limited to non-Hispanic Anglo- and African-American mothers. The racial differences in terms of birth outcomes were also compared.^ This study concluded that: (1) there was not a high degree of comparability (less than 80%) between maternal and prenatal care provider's responses regarding the number of prenatal care visits and the content of prenatal care; (2) there was a low degree of comparability (less than 50%) between maternal and infant's hospital of delivery responses regarding gestational age at birth; (3) there were differences in selected components of the content of prenatal care between the cases and controls, overall and stratified by ethnicity (i.e., hemoglobin/hematocrit test, weight measurement, and breast-feeding counseling), but they were confounded with missing values and associated preterm delivery bias; (4) there were differences in selected components of the content of prenatal care between Anglo- and African-American cases (i.e., vitamin/mineral supplement advice, weight measurement, smoking cessation and drug abuse counseling), but they, too, were difficult to interpret definitively due to item nonresponse and preterm delivery biases; (5) no significant predictive association between selected components of the content of prenatal care and spontaneous preterm birth was found; and (6) inadequate/intermediate prenatal care and birth out of wedlock were found to be associated with moderately preterm birth.^ Future research is needed to examine the validity of maternal and prenatal care providers' responses and identify the sources of disagreement between their responses. In addition, further studies are needed to examine the relationship between the quality of prenatal care and preterm birth. Finally, the completeness and quality of patient and provider data on the utilization and content of prenatal care needs to be strengthened in subsequent studies. ^


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INTRODUCTION The orthographic depth hypothesis (Katz and Feldman, 1983) posits that different reading routes are engaged depending on the type of grapheme/phoneme correspondence of the language being read. Shallow orthographies with consistent grapheme/phoneme correspondences favor encoding via non-lexical pathways, where each grapheme is sequentially mapped to its corresponding phoneme. In contrast, deep orthographies with inconsistent grapheme/phoneme correspondences favor lexical pathways, where phonemes are retrieved from specialized memory structures. This hypothesis, however, lacks compelling empirical support. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of orthographic depth on reading route selection using a within-subject design. METHOD We presented the same pseudowords (PWs) to highly proficient bilinguals and manipulated the orthographic depth of PW reading by embedding them among two separated German or French language contexts, implicating respectively, shallow or deep orthography. High density electroencephalography was recorded during the task. RESULTS The topography of the ERPs to identical PWs differed 300-360 ms post-stimulus onset when the PWs were read in different orthographic depth context, indicating distinct brain networks engaged in reading during this time window. The brain sources underlying these topographic effects were located within left inferior frontal (German > French), parietal (French > German) and cingular areas (German > French). CONCLUSION Reading in a shallow context favors non-lexical pathways, reflected in a stronger engagement of frontal phonological areas in the shallow versus the deep orthographic context. In contrast, reading PW in a deep orthographic context recruits less routine non-lexical pathways, reflected in a stronger engagement of visuo-attentional parietal areas in the deep versus shallow orthographic context. These collective results support a modulation of reading route by orthographic depth.